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Boy Scout families - how are your boys doing?

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Winter can be interesting for Boy Scouts...the below freezing temps on camp outs, Klondike competitions, merit badge universities(MBU)...


What have your boys been up to?


Ds has attended a couple of MBUs and has earned 5 badges this winter.

With these badges he has completed all of the badges (plus extras) for the Hornaday Award and World Conservation Award. Klondike was fun - DS's patrol won second place. DS missed the Feb campout because it was the same weekend as the ACT.


He is currently looking for a Hornaday/conservation advisor and thinking about what types of projects he can do.


Our troop is getting ready for elections and planning their yearly calendar.

DS is hoping to make the 'front table' this term. Front table positions are the SPL, ASPL, and the Scribe. I am a little nervous since our troop votes on popularity and not merit.


I love the opportunities my DS has with the BSA and I enjoy speaking with other parents about scouts. So, are you willing to talk scouts? Cub Scout families can join in to.:D

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I have a Bear and Webelo that just picked up their respective badges at their Blue and Gold. And I'll be honest and say I have no clue what's happening next even though I was at the parent meeting two weeks ago :lol:. I think they are already talking about summer camp and my Bear is going to start working on his whittling chip.

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My 11yo son (Tenderfoot), has almost completed his 2nd Class. He is currently wrapping up the Communications Merit Badge, and will be starting Personal Fitness.


He has a couple of campouts coming up, and is currently working on selling mulch.


He has served as the troop historian, and is currently the troop librarian.


My younger son (7) has almost completed his Wolf... beyond that we haven't really done much.


Until the house is finished (whether we move into it, or sell it), there will probably be very little done in the way of extra badges here... just too much to do to finish up school, take the SOL tests, and get the house built.

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Older ds is a Star Scout and is close to finishing his Life. He needs to finish his Citizenship in the Nation badge (so close!!!) and do a Service Project. He is currently the Den Chief for the Webelos 1 patrol. His troop does a trip each month, but he had to miss a couple due to wrestling, but he's currently in WV on his troop's annual ski trip. His troop doesn't compete in a Klondike, but it does look like a lot of fun. He will also be attending the National Youth Leadership Training course in April and May. He's currently not much of a leader, but I think this will help him.


Younger ds is a Webelos 1 and has almost earned his Webelos badge. They are getting ready for the Blue and Gold and their patrol is in charge of entertainment - what hoot that will be. He just had his Pinewood Derby last week too.


Both boys participated in Bags In and Bags Out - collecting food for the local food bank.


I love Boy Scouts.

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Ds just got his Bear at Blue and Gold. Congratulations to your DS! And in June he'll been a Webelos, time flies! Yes, it does. Enjoy it while you can! [/QUOTE]


I have a Bear and Webelo that just picked up their respective badges at their Blue and Gold. Congratulations to your boys! And I'll be honest and say I have no clue what's happening next even though I was at the parent meeting two weeks ago :lol:. BTDT!!I think they are already talking about summer camp and my Bear is going to start working on his whittling chip.
How fun! I loved Cub Scout summer camp.


My 11yo son (Tenderfoot), has almost completed his 2nd Class. That is great. Is he working on First Class in the First year?? That is a lot of work but well worth it. He is currently wrapping up the Communications Merit Badge,DS will begin Communications next. That's a tough badge to ear. Kudos to your DS for tackling it early. and will be starting Personal Fitness. This is a fun badge. I enjoyed watching DS progress with the number of sit ups and push ups he cold do each week and watching that running time decrease.


My younger son (7) has almost completed his Wolf... beyond that we haven't really done much. Keep up the work! The wolf badge is a lot of fun.


Until the house is finished (whether we move into it, or sell it), there will probably be very little done in the way of extra badges here... just too much to do to finish up school, take the SOL tests, and get the house built.

Good luck on the house.


Younger DS just got his Tiger badge at Blue and Gold. Congratulations to a brand new Tiger! Older DS gets Arrow of Light on Friday Congratulations to your son on AOL. This is quite an honor. and is super excited to become a Boy Scout. Welcome to the ranks of Boy Scouts!!!!He'll be doing a merit badge day his first day as a scout! Jumping in with both feet. I love it! That will be a lot of fun. Does he know what badges he will be working on?[/QUOTE]


Older ds is a Star Scout and is close to finishing his Life. He needs to finish his Citizenship in the Nation badge (so close!!!) and do a Service Project. Yeah! Give him some encouragement from me, please. He can do it!! He is currently the Den Chief for the Webelos 1 patrol. His troop does a trip each month, but he had to miss a couple due to wrestling, but he's currently in WV on his troop's annual ski tripTotal fun!! . His troop doesn't compete in a Klondike, but it does look like a lot of fun. Fun, but very cold. It was in the -20s this year. Crazy!He will also be attending the National Youth Leadership Training course in April and May. That is wonderful. DS would like to do this next year. Please keep us posted on your DS's experiences. He's currently not much of a leader, but I think this will help him. I have heard that the NYLT does wonders for a boy.


Younger ds is a Webelos 1 and has almost earned his Webelos badge. They are getting ready for the Blue and Gold and their patrol is in charge of entertainment - what hoot that will be. He just had his Pinewood Derby last week too. Blue and Gold banquets are so much fun. I hope you boys do well!


Both boys participated in Bags In and Bags Out - collecting food for the local food bank.


I love Boy Scouts.

Me too!!
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My oldest has definitely cooled on scouts - or at least the achievements. He is 17 and still only a star scout. I don't think he even plans on getting Life, which annoys me because he still goes to meetings. He would just have to work hard for maybe a month. He will turn 18 in 7 months (yikes!!!!). He loves the campouts, but most the outings for the last two months have been snow sports oriented. My son hasn't mastered skiing or snowboarding, so he doesn't think it is worth the expense. He does like camping, biking, canoeing, etc and is looking forward to those.

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Oldest DS was just elected SPL (again - he held the position for a year, about a year and a half ago) and is making progress on getting his Eagle project started. It's the last thing he needs to do and then we'll start the paperwork for Eagle scout, yippee!


Younger son (Life scout) is working on his last two Eagle required badges, lobbying for his brother to appoint him as Quartermaster, and having fun in a newly-formed patrol that is much more active than his previous patrol had been.


They are planning a 100-mile bike trip for this spring, and a joint camping/hiking/kayaking trip with our unit's Venture crew for this summer.


Scouts is a lot of work (says the newly elected CC ;)), but we love it!

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He will also be attending the National Youth Leadership Training course in April and May. He's currently not much of a leader, but I think this will help him.


Another vote for NYLT! If your council does it well, it's a GREAT course. And I am forever indebted to the BSA for teaching everyone in our family the EDGE method. It's helped my boys learn how to teach and lead both in and out of Scouting, and it's helped ME learn how to teach my boys.

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My 13yo Boy Scout didn't accomplish much of anything this year. He had some really bad experiences at summer camp last year and more bad experiences at a troop camp out this past fall. He is one requirement away from 2nd class, and then he only needed a few more to get to 1st class. He just wasn't motivated because he was hating Boy Scouts.


There is a troop at the Catholic Church a couple of miles from our new house. I hope we can have better experiences there. In addition, he is maturing (and getting much bigger.) He is better able to handle bullying and obnoxiousness than he was in the past.


I have one who will get his Wolf before May and another working on his Webelos badge. It's *hard* for my 10yo because of his learning disabilities. Thankfully, you can get Merit Badge books from Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic!

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DSS18 is an Eagle Scout and became an adult in the troop this fall. The troop has definitely cooled after a busy summer/fall. Lately the have been getting together to play board games. Scouting for Food is this month so hopefully that will remind them that they should do some service projects. DH is working with a few boys on their Photography and Pet Care merit badges. Otherwise DH and I stay out of what the troop does now because DSS is the adult there, not us.


Our Venture Crew went snoeshoeing in January, shooting in February, and we are planning a hike for later this month. I'm encouraging them to plan a day to work on skills for Ranger (fire building, shelter building, Dutch oven cooking, etc.).


Our Cub Scout Pack on the other hand is in full swing as usual. Two den meetings, one pack meeting, and one outing/month come rain or shine. In December we went caroling at an Alzheimer's home. January was our Pine Wood Derby. All of the boys earned their rank by February's Blue and Gold and we did a pack outing to a wildlife park. This month is Scouting For Food, a skating party, a fun night at a local church screening a Veggie Tales movie... Fun fun fun!

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My oldest has definitely cooled on scouts - or at least the achievements. He is 17 and still only a star scout. I don't think he even plans on getting Life, which annoys me because he still goes to meetings. He would just have to work hard for maybe a month. He will turn 18 in 7 months (yikes!!!!). He loves the campouts, but most the outings for the last two months have been snow sports oriented. My son hasn't mastered skiing or snowboarding, so he doesn't think it is worth the expense. He does like camping, biking, canoeing, etc and is looking forward to those.


I'm sorry to hear that. He can definitely get to Life, there is still time. He will need to work diligently but it can be done. I hope he can find some inspiration.

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Oldest DS was just elected SPL (again - he held the position for a year, about a year and a half ago) Wow - our troop won't allow a boy to hold the leadership positions for that long. New leadership every six months is the rule with our boys. and is making progress on getting his Eagle project started. Yeah - I hope he can find a good project. It's the last thing he needs to do and then we'll start the paperwork for Eagle scout, yippee! :D


Younger son (Life scout) is working on his last two Eagle required badges,What does he have left? lobbying for his brother to appoint him as Quartermaster:D, and having fun in a newly-formed patrol that is much more active than his previous patrol had been.


They are planning a 100-mile bike trip for this spring, and a joint camping/hiking/kayaking trip with our unit's Venture crew for this summer.


Scouts is a lot of work (says the newly elected CC ;)), but we love it!

I know, it's great isn't it?
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Another vote for NYLT! If your council does it well, it's a GREAT course. And I am forever indebted to the BSA for teaching everyone in our family the EDGE method. It's helped my boys learn how to teach and lead both in and out of Scouting, and it's helped ME learn how to teach my boys.


I have learned so much through Scouting. I wish I could have had some of these resources when my children were younger!


Maybe we should create a Cradle Scout organization.:D

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My 13yo Boy Scout didn't accomplish much of anything this year. He had some really bad experiences at summer camp last year and more bad experiences at a troop camp out this past fall. :sad:He is one requirement away from 2nd class, and then he only needed a few more to get to 1st class. He just wasn't motivated because he was hating Boy Scouts. I do hope he can find it within himself to keep trying.


There is a troop at the Catholic Church a couple of miles from our new house. I hope we can have better experiences there. In addition, he is maturing (and getting much bigger.) He is better able to handle bullying and obnoxiousness than he was in the past. I have found that as my son has grown - he stands about 5-6 inches above the bullies now - he doesn't let the bullying get to him. It also helps that the bullies aren't progressing as quickly as DS and it's the goals of Eagle and Hornaday that keep DS going.


I have one who will get his Wolf before May :Dand another working on his Webelos badge. It's *hard* for my 10yo because of his learning disabilities. Thankfully, you can get Merit Badge books from Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic!

I love how the BSA has materials for boys with challenges. I am a sap, though, and tear up whenever a boy overcomes a challenge and earns a new rank or an award. I love it! Edited by The Dragon Academy
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Ds is at the very end of his Scouting adventures. He will turn 18 on June 1 :eek: and is working on his Eagle project. Members of the troop adult committee have changed over the years and are, ummm, sticklers. He is on the fifth revision of paperwork and is increasingly angry with one particular member of the committee. Apparently voting has to unanimous and this guy is the one pressing for changes each time. Poor ds. But he's sucking it up and dealing with it. I hope the entire process will be completed in time...


Dh and I always swore to never be one of the "pushy" Scout parents common to this area. I told ds that all I wanted was for him to attain First Class so that he could go on High Adventure trips, because I knew he'd enjoy those so much. He did :) Doing well at school was the priority for him and for us.


Now at times it seems our lack of pushing may be harmful. I don't know. But ds is very much committed to Eagle, which is more than I can say for some of the boys who Eagled from his troop :rolleyes:

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DSS18 is an Eagle Scout and became an adult in the troop this fall. :) What a great role model he is. The troop has definitely cooled after a busy summer/fall. Lately the have been getting together to play board games. :001_huh:Scouting for Food is this month so hopefully that will remind them that they should do some service projects. DH is working with a few boys on their Photography and Pet Care merit badges. Otherwise DH and I stay out of what the troop does now because DSS is the adult there, not us.


Our Venture Crew went snoeshoeing in January, shooting in February, and we are planning a hike for later this month. I'm encouraging them to plan a day to work on skills for Ranger (fire building, shelter building, Dutch oven cooking, etc.).Sounds like fun.


Our Cub Scout Pack on the other hand is in full swing as usual. Two den meetings, one pack meeting, and one outing/month come rain or shine. In December we went caroling at an Alzheimer's home. January was our Pine Wood Derby. All of the boys earned their rank by February's Blue and Gold and we did a pack outing to a wildlife park. This month is Scouting For Food, a skating party, a fun night at a local church screening a Veggie Tales movie... Fun fun fun!

Cub Scouts is fun! Enojy!
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re: SPL - it's an odd situation. Our troop has elections every six months, and an SPL can be re-elected once, so that's how he served out his year. In the last year, our troop split and re-formed as two separate troops, so now he has been elected the first SPL of the new troop. I was quite surprised, actually, but the boys (and the Scoutmaster ;)) like him in that role, and he's a quiet, natural leader.


He's got a good project lined up (fingers crossed); he was not remotely interested in doing a hammer-and-nails project, which is what our council tends to favor, so he's been dragging his feet. But he seems to have found a cemetery cleaning and mapping project which he's in the process of getting approved by the township, and then taking to the district approval committee.


Younger son is about halfway through Personal Management and E-Prep, and he needs to finish his project. He's got a fire pit project that both he and the COR would love to have done... but the township fire chief is not entirely on board - he hasn't turned it down flat, but has said that he'll need some convincing. We'll see about that this summer, once his FLL robotics team commitments are done.


Cradle Scouts, lol... I've got a grandson coming in late June/early July, and I'm already plotting out his trail to Eagle. :lol:

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Cub Scouts is fun! Enojy!


We love Scouting. Our whole family is involved. DS started as a Tiger and is now a Bear. DH has been the Cubmaster for the last 3 years and finally found someone to step up to the role so he can spend more time with DS during his Webelo years. (DH will be the Pack Trainer and help the Webelos Den Leader as well in the coming year). I've moved from Family Fun Chair to Pack Secretary and next year I'll be the CC. DSS became an assistant Den Leader this year (he was a Den Chief when he was still a youth in Boy Scouts). And DD... well, next year I'm starting an AHG troop that will meet on the same night as the Cub Scout Pack so the girls have something to do to!

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I have two boys in Cub Scouts, one is a Wolf and the other a Webelo and I'm the Bear Den leader for our troop. We just had our Blue and Gold last month and are planning our Pinewood Derby for next month.


In Den meetings lately we've made spice racks and practiced flag ceremonies. We visited the library last week for a tour and next week we're going for a short hike trying to build up to longer ones over the summer.


I never thought I'd say it but I really like Cub Scouts and hanging out with the boys and trying configure out fun things for them to do together.

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DS15 (and DH) are on track to get their 100-below patch again this year. They have been winter camping at least once a month with the troop all winter.


DS15 has one merit badge and his project to complete to finish off his Eagle rank. He expects to have those done this spring sometime. They are planning to schedule the ceremony once DS19 (also an Eagle) finds out his summer schedule so big brother can attend.

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Our troop is at a low now, untrained Scoutmaster who suspended all elections and appted his son ASPL then SPL;...we're hoping he'll leave as soon as he has his 14 yr old Eagle, otherwise we're leaving.


I've been counseling my Life Scout to just keep his head down and finish up his remaining req'd badges. He went to NYLT just after this fella became Scoutmaster, but ds can't get appointed to a troop leadership position. Ds went to Den Chief training and has just recently been approaching Cubmasters for a job, so we're hoping he'll land one as he needs that 6 months of leadership for Eagle and he'd rather be done with that before junior year of high school and the project. The troop has gone skiing which was fun, but that's been it for older guy stuff. Ds is planning on gathering up his patrol next month and getting them out for the Hiking Merit Badge...the Troop started to offer the badge, but canned it when it became clear that soo many younger scouts are not able to hike ten miles...they did a few easy five milers in good fall weather.


We're looking forward to summer though...usually the troop does a great canoe trip in the Boundary Waters and hopefully we'll have a new Scoutmaster and go back to having a good scout program.


:grouphug: I'm sorry. Is there a good Venturing Crew around that he could join? Any scout who has earned at least First Class rank in a troop can finish their remaining trail to Eagle in a Crew. I don't know if that would be an option for him, but it might something to think about.

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It's so fun to read what all the boys are doing!! Thanks for sharing!!


I'm a bear assistant den leader, son is a Bear. If a dad doesn't step up next year I think I'll be a Den Leader. I'm really enjoying it, as is DS. So far my adult training has been a blast. If your council offers BALOO - do it!! It was so fun!!


As a den we're pretty much finished up all requirements for Bear and we're working toward the Conservation Award. Not sure if we'll be able to pull it off. Our Blue and Gold is not until the middle of April, so we'll just keep working on achievements and electives until then.


This summer has a lot of potential for my scout. We're missing our council camp with family conflicts, but we may go to a much larger camp near my sister's. Since we HS my son is really used to just joining in groups and easily makes new friends, so he's not concerned about it at all. It looks like it has a TON of great activities, and will help him with some of the Webelos advancement stuff. I am also excited about the idea of seeing how other groups work and then importing some of those ideas into our Pack.

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My middle DS earned his Arrow Of Light and crossed over to Boy Scouts a couple of weeks ago. We shopped around and found him a really active, well organized Troop. They do TONS of activities each month. He has received his Scout badge and is working towards his Tenderfoot.


With this new, active Troop, I encouraged my oldest DS to give Scouts another try. He joined the Troop as well and spent last weekend at Winter Camp. He had made Tenderfoot in his previous Troop (he dropped out of Scouts when we lived in Italy because he wasn't having fun; he's been out for a little over a year). He has most of the requirements for 2nd Class, just needs a SM conference and BOR. Hopefully he'll get some of that tomorrow night. He likes all the activities this Troop does, but he doesn't like how strict they are with uniforms. I'm not sure if it will keep his interest long enough to make Eagle or not.


My younger DS received his Bear badge in Cub Scouts a couple of weeks ago. We weren't happy with the Pack he was in, so we just recently changed to a new one (we're moving anyway and wanted one closer to our new house). This one seems small, but more organized than the previous one. I'm hoping they are active and can keep his interest going. He loves being a Scout, but gets bored when they don't do anything. I really want his Webelos years to be awesome. We have been a part of Scouts since my oldest was a Tiger!

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It's great to read about all your adventures! My little guy is SO ready to get into a pack this summer! I have found a couple close by to check out and have had some email communication with the pack leaders. I guess late spring they will do some kind of a round-up for recruiting new scouts so that's when we'll go and find out more. I can see my guy REALLY getting into it and loving it!

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My middle DS earned his Arrow Of Light and crossed over to Boy Scouts a couple of weeks ago. We shopped around and found him a really active, well organized Troop. They do TONS of activities each month. He has received his Scout badge and is working towards his Tenderfoot. Congratulations to your DS!


With this new, active Troop, I encouraged my oldest DS to give Scouts another try. He joined the Troop as well and spent last weekend at Winter Camp. He had made Tenderfoot in his previous Troop (he dropped out of Scouts when we lived in Italy because he wasn't having fun; he's been out for a little over a year). He has most of the requirements for 2nd Class, just needs a SM conference and BOR. Hopefully he'll get some of that tomorrow night. He likes all the activities this Troop does, but he doesn't like how strict they are with uniforms. I'm not sure if it will keep his interest long enough to make Eagle or not. I hope he finds it to his liking and that he stays in Scouts.


My younger DS received his Bear badge in Cub Scouts a couple of weeks ago. We weren't happy with the Pack he was in, so we just recently changed to a new one (we're moving anyway and wanted one closer to our new house). This one seems small, but more organized than the previous one. I'm hoping they are active and can keep his interest going. He loves being a Scout, but gets bored when they don't do anything. I really want his Webelos years to be awesome. We have been a part of Scouts since my oldest was a Tiger!

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What a great way to learn leadership and organizational skills. I have a Boy Scout and a Cub Scout (rising Webelo).


My oldest is working on Eagle. He has 2 merit badges - Family Life and the personal planning one (can't think of the name right now). Then he has to organize his Eagle project. He has several ideas for it, just has to pick one, plan and execute it.


His troop is working on the hiking badge. They are on their way back from a camp-out now. They all had to camp and hike with their frames in one of the few parks here with good sized hills. It stormed last night, of course! But they're Scouts so they did just fine.:)


Oldest ds and dh will go to Philmont this summer. It's expensive but if you can at all swing it, well worth every penny. They've been running and lifting weights since the fall to get in shape for it.


My younger son is fast tracking through Webelos. Dh arranged this so I don't know how it was done. He is looking forward to all the camping, hiking, canoeing w/dad.


The only drawbacks are that my dh is gone a lot and that my dd can't join until 14 (Venture Crew). She loves FamCamp!


Have fun w/Scouts!


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We shopped around and found him a really active, well organized Troop. They do TONS of activities each month.

Janice, how exactly did you shop around? There was a thread not too long ago about this and gave some questions to ask. I emailed a couple of packs and got some emails back. But because a specific tiger den that my son would be in is not yet formed, it's hard to know. Specifically I have had very nice email communication from 2 packs. One has a few homeschoolers, so that's nice. Both have been very friendly and willing to answer all my questions. Should I visit a den or pack meeting? Seems awkward. I guess since we have ZERO experience with scouting, I don't know what I don't know! The only experience with anything like this is Girl Scouts and our big negative with dds troop was that they all were all from the same school, so when we became homeschoolers we were really left out. So one of my big questions for these pack leaders was how a homeschooler would fit it. Already it sounds better as boys are welcome from any school or homeschool. Hope not to derail the thread to a rabbit trail so PM if you want. Thanks!

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Janice, how exactly did you shop around? There was a thread not too long ago about this and gave some questions to ask. I emailed a couple of packs and got some emails back. But because a specific tiger den that my son would be in is not yet formed, it's hard to know. Specifically I have had very nice email communication from 2 packs. One has a few homeschoolers, so that's nice. Both have been very friendly and willing to answer all my questions. Should I visit a den or pack meeting? Seems awkward. I guess since we have ZERO experience with scouting, I don't know what I don't know! The only experience with anything like this is Girl Scouts and our big negative with dds troop was that they all were all from the same school, so when we became homeschoolers we were really left out. So one of my big questions for these pack leaders was how a homeschooler would fit it. Already it sounds better as boys are welcome from any school or homeschool. Hope not to derail the thread to a rabbit trail so PM if you want. Thanks!


Amy, I'm not Janice, but I just wanted to say that we have people visiting our troop/pack all the time, and it's not awkward at all - that's what we expect new or interested families to do. (If they make you feel awkward, that would be a red flag, to be honest.) Take your son. Visit a Tiger Den. Ask questions. Meet the Cubmaster and Committee Chair. Gauge their friendliness/helpfulness. See how your son reacts. No, you can't meet the den that he will be in, since they are not yet formed, but you can get a good idea of how that pack runs their Tiger dens and their pack as a whole. Going to a pack meeting would be a good idea, too. Are they earning lots of belt loops and other advancements? Is everyone included? Are they organized? Are they doing skits and silly songs and showing off their projects and just generally having fun? Are the Webelos respectful of the little guys? These would all be things I would want to see.


Hope that helps...

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First, I called the district and spoke to the district rep. I told him I was looking for a Troop for my older boy and a Pack for my younger son. I explained exactly what I was looking for (we've been in several Packs over the years, so I knew exactly what I wanted). We were looking for a well organized group that was fairly active. I don't currently have the time to be part of any group that is new or struggling and I told him that. He knows the local Packs and Troops well enough that he gave me a list of 3-4 that would possibly fit my criteria.


I contacted each one and found out the meeting times and locations. If they fit with our schedule, I asked when a good time would be for us to come check out their Troop/Pack. Then, we just went to a meeting. I was able to observe how the leaders interacted with the boys and ask any questions I had. They understood we were just there to check them out and had no problem with it. We were invited to one Pack's Blue and Gold and they made a special effort to include my son in their festivities (it was a "Golden Globe" theme and each boy got a small globe trophy; they gave my son a "Just Visiting Award"). It was a little awkward, but with our past experiences, I wanted to make sure we were picking the right group.


Since your son will be a Tiger next year, you won't be able to check out the den meetings because that den hasn't formed. I would ask to check out a Pack meeting. That will give you a feel for how the Pack works and how they are organized. Keep in mind that sometimes Tiger dens start off a little rough at first because a lot of the parents are new to Scouts.

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Youngest got his Tiger

Middle just got his Arrow of Light and his Super Acheiver

Oldest finished his Tenderfoot and was voted in as the scribe for meetings


We pick merit badges for camp this week for the older two.



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Youngest got his Tiger

Middle just got his Arrow of Light and his Super Acheiver

Oldest finished his Tenderfoot and was voted in as the scribe for meetings


We pick merit badges for camp this week for the older two.




My ds just got AoL and Super Achiever too and is excited to be a Boy Scout. He plans to start the Personal Fitness badge and has been doing the Twenty Pull Up Challenge and the hundred push up program. He is a bit nervous about camping without mom!

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We just got back from a mb university--mb #95! Yeah! I was hoping you would have a great progress report! I can't wait until your DS earns them all. We'll have to celebrate. Ds has one more requirement for the other one he worked on this weekend. It was a good weekend, as they offered things we don't have mb counselors for: Pulp & Paper and American Labor--not real common badges! I'm working on setting up MD days for the less popular badges. I'll have to look at those two. He'll finish up Cinematography tomorrow with a small group. He should be able to finish Scouting Heritage in another week.


Ds was elected Chapter Chief for Order of the Arrow, plus Vice Lodge Chief, so his time is being spent more on OA things right now. The older boys in the troop are headed back to Emerald Bay this summer for the second year--ds had a blast with SCUBA there last year. And then they have Philmont treks planned for the next two years. We have our Court of Honor in two weeks, along with another ski trip planned. Unfortunately, I think ds will miss the ski trip unless we leave at o' dark thirty the day after my dad's memorial. He'll already be pulling in really late the night before as he needs to lead the Crossover ceremony with the OA for the Webs crossing into the troop. We've been blessed with TWO free ski trips this year--it helps that our Unit Commish works for one of the ski areas. :)


He got to do NLS at Philmont last fall--that was great--really got him jazzed about OA. We're headed to the desert for the Crossover campout--we got 18" of snow here the last year in May! It's so hard to camp here--it can (and does) snow HARD every month. Ds needs to finish his backpacking mb--one more short 3-day trip and then the 5 day trip. He's done all the shooting mbs--don't miss those; they're a lot of fun! Our boys went to a model railroading show for the mb--ds got them to go as he'd had SO much fun the year before. We stayed at a church, hosted by another troop, and the boys had a great time.


One of our boys has a HUGE Eagle project planned--they'll be building the grandstands for the hockey rink in the ski town north of us. My ds's Eagle project was some work on our local ski hill. We also have to get some birdhouses hung for the BLM from an Eagle project that fell through. The house are made--just need to be hung. The next Eagle project from our troop will probably be building a building out at the gun range. Our last one was some habitat improvement in some local wetlands.


Our boys are busy!

Your boys are busy. Sounds like you are, too. I bet you don't sit around at those MB days.

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My ds just got AoL and Super Achiever too and is excited to be a Boy Scout. He plans to start the Personal Fitness badge and has been doing the Twenty Pull Up Challenge and the hundred push up program. He is a bit nervous about camping without mom!


Congratulations to your DS!


Superachiever is beyond super! An extra congrats to your DS (and the pp's DS) for going above and beyond!

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Our pack/troop is homeschool only....you might call the council and even surrounding councils and ask if there are any homeschooling troops.


We live in one council and travel to the next council over to go to a homeschooling pack/troop.




It's great to read about all your adventures! My little guy is SO ready to get into a pack this summer! I have found a couple close by to check out and have had some email communication with the pack leaders. I guess late spring they will do some kind of a round-up for recruiting new scouts so that's when we'll go and find out more. I can see my guy REALLY getting into it and loving it!
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My oldest has Asperger's and some learning delaying....these acheivements are HUGE for him! It took him 2 years almost to complete Tenderfoot, but he DID it and we are thrilled.




Congratulations to all of your boys!
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My oldest 3 boys are in Scouts.

Ds 15 is a Star, one merit badge and a couple months leadership away from earning Life. He just finished a weekend as a staff member at our local Camporee. He's a den chief this semester. Last semester he was Historian. He's working really hard on his Physical Fitness badge and really getting into it. He's doing P90X. That boy doesn't have an ounce of fat, and his muscles are getting really big!


Ds 14 is about to become 1st class. He's running a little behind.


Ds 12 is Tenderfoot. He broke his arm at the last campout and will get his cast off in a couple of weeks. The campout theme was First Aid, and the boys in the troop had him bandaged and in a splint by the time the adults arrived on the scene. I was really proud of them. They had the perfect opportunity to put their skills to work. It was a clean break of both the radius and ulna, so it was visibly out of whack and had to be reset at the hospital. Looks like everything will be fine.


All 3 participated in Camporee. Also, campouts are really big in their troop. They go on weekend campouts every month. Just got back from Camporee today.


All 3 are going to camp this summer at San Isabel in Colorado. I don't like paying for camp, but they usually earn several merit badges there and get more done than they would at home.


Hubby is also very involved. He's a comittee member, too.


2 of my 3 attended their troop's winter camp for a week over Christmas break. All I can say is, "Brrrr!!!" They had a blast!


My oldest is the only one who's done a High Adventure trip. He did Northern Tier canoeing the summer he turned 14. There's a trek going this summer to Philmont, but neither one of my oldest wants to go. They would much rather canoe than hike. Can't say I blame them ;)


I think that's about it.

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We don't do scouts but we do have all of the cub scouts books and the boy scout one. Soon dh will be getting each of the boys their own books (starting with tiger) and teaching/learning with them and marking off their books for them. They've been having a lot of fun informally, but will start a regular day they do stuff together. Their uniforms are just camo pants and shirts. They'll be doing campouts and all kinds of things. They should be picking a name and mascot and making a flag soon. :D The reason we don't do regular boys scouts is that the kids would be separated so dh couldn't be involved w/everyone's den (?) and also the expense.

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Oh, and our boys will be doing the merit badge books when they're old enough. We've picked up a few used and they are great! We thought we could find them non-boy scout badges online after they finish one. :D


Have you thought about registering them as Lone Scouts? That way their work will be registered and you could buy the badges from the BSA.

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ok, I've taken such a hands-off approach in their Scouting program that I am not really sure what all I've got, lol....


It's Boy Scouts, not Mom Scouts: i drive. They have to sew their own stuff, remind me, check the troop website, print gear lists, mark calendars, and do their own work. I try to stay out as much as possible.... I'll take them to thrift stores so they can look for uniform pieces. :)




16yo is a Life Scout and needs to finish a couple MB before he can commence Eagle stuff. He is also very active in 4-H, and leadership tends to come naturally for him [he found the NYLT to be kinda disappointing as far as new info goes, but fun anyway]. He has attended Philmont and Northern Tier, but will be missing scout camp this summer to attend Arete at UD.


13yo is a First Class and starting to really find his footing in the troop.


It's an incredibly active, very organized troop, and they rotate leadership positions.


16yo was tapped out for OA, but we declined after reading Gospel of the Red Man...way too racist for me. Bought it off the OA shelf. It's available online for anyone to check out. i still need to speak with Council about that....after I've cooled down a few more months.


13yo started his scouting time in the troop out by me keeping him from the first scout summer camp, he did ok the last summer camp, and is ready for High Adventure in CO this year.


The troop does a fundraiser where they raffle off a shotgun/ hunting package and sell tickets at gun shows. My 13yo is a born salesman. :-)


Their MB work doubles as 4-H projects, so i *do* have some inkling to what they are doing as I follow the requirements myself in planning project meetings. I rarely know what the troop is doing though....till Court of Honor, lol.


16yo was called on at the last Ct of Honor to give an impromptu speech about Canada and did an amazing 10 minute job -- funny to boot. had a guy from Toastmasters come by and mention the minimal faults he counted. I fear the kid is gonna be a politician..... ;)


I'd prefer to find a family homeschool scout troop like the one i met Kinsa at in San Antonio.....but i need more than me to help get it going, lol.

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ds 14 has been in a year and a half. He is still tenderfoot, but getting close to 2nd, and has a lot done for 1st as well. He's in a great troop, and has done about 7 merit badges including 2 that are Eagle required. He did the cycling merit badge last summer, which was HUGE for him. He's gifted/SPD, and heavy duty athletics is NOT his forte. Not to mention all the sensory issues that we deal with daily. His dad (an Eagle scout) was sure there was no way he was going to survive all the long rides etc. It was tough, but he finished all the rides including the 50 miler. It has been soooooooo good for him to be able to spend time with dad, and he's been forced to stretch himself in so many ways. I stay out of it as much as possible. I told dh at the outset that this was his baby, not mine. DS is an challenging, frequently exhausting kid to parent, much less homeschool. Totally worth it, especially given his quirks, but hard. He needed a dad thing really bad, and scouts has been perfect, especially since dh was hugely into scouting when he was growing up. Ds was voted chaplains aide, so that's been a great thing for him as well.

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The reason we don't do regular boys scouts is that the kids would be separated so dh couldn't be involved w/everyone's den (?) and also the expense.


in addition to lone scouts, You might want to try setting up a homeschool family scout troop.


barring that, you can always create a Scouting 4-H club that basically follows the procedures but doesn't really give a hoot about the badges. ;) 4-H has big awards too. ;) [and 4-H rarely costs much at all: our county charges a dollar per kid per year].

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ok, I've taken such a hands-off approach in their Scouting program that I am not really sure what all I've got, lol....


It's Boy Scouts, not Mom Scouts: i drive. They have to sew their own stuff, remind me, check the troop website, print gear lists, mark calendars, and do their own work. I try to stay out as much as possible.... I'll take them to thrift stores so they can look for uniform pieces. :) I am the driver, too. The first few merit badge days DS attended were awkward for me. I was usually the only non-leader adult, the only adult not in uniform or registered to take training classes.




16yo is a Life Scout and needs to finish a couple MB before he can commence Eagle stuff. He is also very active in 4-H, and leadership tends to come naturally for him [he found the NYLT to be kinda disappointing as far as new info goes, but fun anyway]. He has attended Philmont and Northern Tier, but will be missing scout camp this summer to attend Arete at UD.


13yo is a First Class and starting to really find his footing in the troop.


It's an incredibly active, very organized troop, and they rotate leadership positions.


16yo was tapped out for OA, but we declined after reading Gospel of the Red Man...way too racist for me. Bought it off the OA shelf. It's available online for anyone to check out. i still need to speak with Council about that....after I've cooled down a few more months.


13yo started his scouting time in the troop out by me keeping him from the first scout summer camp, he did ok the last summer camp, and is ready for High Adventure in CO this year.


The troop does a fundraiser where they raffle off a shotgun/ hunting package and sell tickets at gun shows. My 13yo is a born salesman. :-)


Their MB work doubles as 4-H projects, so i *do* have some inkling to what they are doing as I follow the requirements myself in planning project meetings. We are a 4H family, too. I love to double up 4H projects with scouting merit badges. I rarely know what the troop is doing though....till Court of Honor, lol. I have to stay in the know. Even if I do nothing with the information, I have to know what is going on.


16yo was called on at the last Ct of Honor to give an impromptu speech about Canada and did an amazing 10 minute job -- funny to boot. had a guy from Toastmasters come by and mention the minimal faults he counted. I fear the kid is gonna be a politician..... ;) Kudos to your DS!


I'd prefer to find a family homeschool scout troop like the one i met Kinsa at in San Antonio.....but i need more than me to help get it going, lol.

I bet you could find some volunteers if you approached the council and asked about starting a hs troop. There may be more homeschoolers out there than you know about.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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ds 14 has been in a year and a half. He is still tenderfoot, but getting close to 2nd, and has a lot done for 1st as well. He's in a great troop, and has done about 7 merit badges including 2 that are Eagle required. He did the cycling merit badge last summer, which was HUGE for him. He's gifted/SPD, and heavy duty athletics is NOT his forte. Not to mention all the sensory issues that we deal with daily. His dad (an Eagle scout) was sure there was no way he was going to survive all the long rides etc. It was tough, but he finished all the rides including the 50 miler. It has been soooooooo good for him to be able to spend time with dad, and he's been forced to stretch himself in so many ways. I stay out of it as much as possible. I told dh at the outset that this was his baby, not mine. DS is an challenging, frequently exhausting kid to parent, much less homeschool. Totally worth it, especially given his quirks, but hard. He needed a dad thing really bad, and scouts has been perfect, especially since dh was hugely into scouting when he was growing up. Ds was voted chaplains aide, so that's been a great thing for him as well.

Let us know when he reaches that milestone. We can celebrate with him.

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in addition to lone scouts, You might want to try setting up a homeschool family scout troop.


barring that, you can always create a Scouting 4-H club that basically follows the procedures but doesn't really give a hoot about the badges. ;) 4-H has big awards too. ;) [and 4-H rarely costs much at all: our county charges a dollar per kid per year].

I agree with you about looking into 4H opportunities.

Check out the fees, though. Due to IL's fiscal crisis we now have to pay a $20 registration fee per child and extra fees for certain programs, like Shooting Sports, which are another $20 each. DS costs us $60 to register this year.

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I have to stay in the know. Even if I do nothing with the information, I have to know what is going on.


I'm ok w/ upcoming events, but i'm staying outta planning....it is NOT possible for me to 'do nothing' if i know more than i need to, lol.


I bet you could find some volunteers if you approached the council and asked about starting a hs troop. There may be more homeschoolers out there than you know about.


Thankfully there are plenty of homeschoolers interested, and Council is supportive of the idea, but we have struck out on finding a willing place to meet -- requires a lot of classrooms/ space..... not really something we can do outta the house...still looking though! :)

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I agree with you about looking into 4H opportunities.


Check out the fees, though. Due to IL's fiscal crisis we now have to pay a $20 registration fee per child and extra fees for certain programs, like Shooting Sports, which are another $20 each. DS costs us $60 to register this year.



our horse/shooting sports are an extra dollar right now..... gotta say, even $60 isn't bad: are y'all doing fundraising? Our club collects about a dollar a minute to their club scholarship fund just standing in front of a busy store and handing out informative flyers about 4-H......they are putting together a yard sale for next month. have fun!

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