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Today would have been my son's 22nd birthday...

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Oh, Kari. I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling today.


My brother died just a couple of months before his 22nd birthday. That very first year was so difficult, and though I still find myself waking up to tears on his birthday each year, we have been able to find ways to celebrate his day.


I hope you have found reasons to celebrate today, even through the tears.



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Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your kind words. We survived the day and made the best of it. My husband was having a pretty tough time in the morning. When we were getting ready to leave, he was standing outside the van waiting on the kids. He looked down in the mondo grass and saw something shining. It was a coin like pendant. On one side it has footprints. On the other it said, "My precious child, I love you and would never leave you. When you see only one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that I carried you." He got in the van and handed it to me. He said he was just standing there asking for God to give him a sign that Timmy was okay. At first he thought it was the tulip that bloomed - the first of the season, but Savannah told him it had bloomed a few days before. Then he saw the pendant. When he handed it to me at first I just saw the footprints. Then I turned it over and read the words. I just sobbed. I lost all control and I just cried and cried. He came over and pulled me out of the van and hugged me. I believe in signs from our loved ones. I worry all the time that he is okay. I worry because people say things like you must be "saved" etc. My son believed in God, but he was confused about all the details. So, I ask for signs that he is okay and sometimes I see them clearly. This was the first time my husband had a sign and it was what we all needed.


We took my mom to lunch and we went to a movie because it was raining. Then we took her for ice cream and a bit of shopping. It was hard. I held back tears much of the day. I sat in a chair in Kohls rolling that pendant around in my fingers why my dd tried on clothes. I just sat and tried to breathe.


My son's friends in Florida decorated his headstone. They sent me messages and pictures telling me they will never let him be forgotten. My son's best friend called me. I missed his call and he left a message. His voice does not sound like my son, but his mannerisms do. It took me awhile to pull it together to call him back, but I did. These are all good and decent young men that don't have to do what they did, but they did.


Somebody said their mom said it is harder on birthdays than the other holidays. I would have to agree with that. I actually did pretty well through all of the other holidays. I was a mess yesterday. It took everything in me to not just cry all day.


Thank you again for everything. I loved the firework writing! He would have said was freaking awesome!


I know I am blessed. I see it and feel it every day. I just miss my son.



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Your story is precious. I am so happy that you found the "sign" - straight from heaven! The poem, footprints, is so very beautiful and one of my all time favorites. My heart breaks for the loss you have suffered. I continue to pray for peace and healing for your family.


I am very moved and humbled by what his friends did for him. What wonderful friends he must have had!

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