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The more we use CLE, The more I love it!!


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I am just amazed at the thoroughness, simplicity and how a firm foundation is laid and then built upon. This is our 3rd year using this program for Math, Reading and LA.


My 3rd grader wrote a 3 paragraph book report PAINLESSLY. The Lightunit guided him step by step, gently day after day and before we knew it...whoala...a well written book report and a proud little boy!


DD was doing fallacies in her level 700 reading. She is learning the fallacies painlessly, with real examples that speak to her...at her maturity level, but not dumbed down, if you kwim. She has daily copywork that is worthwhile quotes from literature, history, the Bible, and science.


My 7 yo ds is reading fluently..his handwriting is beautiful and he just finished his unit of copywork, which was a simple report about hummingbirds. Now he is doing copywork about children in Norway.


Logic is taught in the math books, again gently....deductive reasoning, matrixes etc.


I think this is going to be a looong relationship. :D


Faithe (who needed to kvell.)

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Was it a light unit that guided him through writing, or did you use the "On Teaching Writing" for that?


ETA: Another question: I started my youngers on their Reading program, which I too love, but was hesitant to start my 7th grader because I wasn't sure if jumping in that "late in the game" would be good. Would you think that a 7th grader w/no prior CLE reading experience could handle the 700 series?

Edited by Mallorie
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AGREEING AND NODDING!!! We are finishing our 3rd year too and still love it!! I wish I had found it sooner for my 'poor' oldest - the guinea pig!


I love that they really like it still too. I love the solid, yet gentleness of it!!

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AGREEING AND NODDING!!! We are finishing our 3rd year too and still love it!! I wish I had found it sooner for my 'poor' oldest - the guinea pig!


I love that they really like it still too. I love the solid, yet gentleness of it!!


That is the most amazing thing too...that my kids love their school work. LOL! They love the stories, are learning math well, and the LA is as CM in a workbook as I can get. LOVE IT>



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ETA: Another question: I started my youngers on their Reading program, which I too love, but was hesitant to start my 7th grader because I wasn't sure if jumping in that "late in the game" would be good. Would you think that a 7th grader w/no prior CLE reading experience could handle the 700 series?


We just discovered CLE this year, and my daughter is in fifth. I wish I had used it from the beginning, but better late than never! I have no experience with the 700 level, so I can't say for sure. But I do feel that it's a great program. And because of the way it's designed you could just buy a Light Unit or two to test it out with a minimum of expense. I just did this with their math -- bought one LU to see it and take it for a test drive. Love it so far!


One thing I would definitely recommend though is to have your student take the placement test. It's available for free on the website. I used it, and I've been very happy with the way the curriculum has "fit" my daughter - comfortably challenging, not overwhelming.

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We've only been using CLE since last summer but I believe it has helped my kids become more self-directed. i've noticed lately that they've started treating all their work like the CLE. I do a quick explanation for the first grader and off she goes to do her work. The 4th grader who has always needed soooo much hand holding takes his books out and gets started. I think CLE has shown him he can do things by himself. Even his outlining from science. I'm sure some of this is just growing more mature but I think it was helped along by the sense they can handle this education thing partly on their own. I'm sticking with it until I or the kids have a need to change.

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These posts are encouraging to read as we've just started our journey with CLE this year. :001_smile: My daughter looks forward to doing speed drills, and her reading skills have taken off. While I don't love CLE Reading, I'm happy with the math and language arts.

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Well, I'm curious! Is there anyone on the boards who has graduated kids using CLE? I'm interested in knowing more about SAT scores and ove erall college prep.with this curr. Thanks!




We haven't graduated anyone yet, but when my 7th grader took the ACT he aced the reading and english sections---all we'd used up to that point is CLE English and Reading 500-700. After the work he'd been doing in English with CLE, he was VERY comfortable with most of the grammar questions on the ACT.

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I have one child that does really, really well with workbook style. I think CLE would fit some of his needs.

I've been considering CLE Reading and CLE Math (as a supplement to MM).


I am in need of a grammar program for him. I'm weighing CLE English versus R&S English. Can anyone recommend one over the other?

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I have used CLE Reading, LA and Bible for the last two years. In researching next year I was getting the itch.. the itch to switch. So I started looking around. Everywhere. I looked at Rod and Staff for grammar, Megawords for spelling, more reading comp/lit analysis than I care to admit. I'll have a 4th and 5th grader next year, so I want more rigor. Honestly, I just can't find anything as easy to implement, thorough and efficient. R&S, FLL and CLE all cover essentially the same grammar at the same rigor level. FLL and CLE are the easier format for me (as opposed to copying everything or resorting to oral work for R&S). I love that FLL covers more memory work - but for me we do that elsewhere and it wasn't worth learning a new system. Since CLE has more grade levels, and because we're hitting the upper grades for FLL, it's easier for me to stay with CLE. I also like that it covers spelling (I feel it does it pretty systematically and phonetically), and penmanship (cursive is taught in grade 2). We do add writing but I would do that with R&S or FLL.


For "reading" CLE rocks. My kids love the stories and they cover so many little "fall into the cracks" items in about 20 minutes a day that it's hard to beat. My kids are voracious readers, so CLE is like "teaching insurance" for me that they learn terms and concepts I might miss. For those who are wondering - after grade 2 (so grades 3 and on) it's not "reading" as in learn to read, it's more reading comprehension,vocabulary, glossary skills, inference, story application, etc. Check out the scope and sequence on the CLE website - it's really SO much more than "reading". It is phonics heavy in grade 2 - but after that it's not at all. FWIW, my oldest finished CLE 4 and then moved into the Reading Detective. In her estimation, the RD was way too easy, super repetitive and really boring. She asked to have CLE back.


Bible - well - the kids love it and it takes about 20 minutes a day. I love that it's a half year (used daily) curriculum so we can use something else for half the year. This year we've done CLE 3 and 4 as well as 2 Kay Arthur Inductive for Kids studies so I get a nice mix of different approaches and parts of the bible. Can I argue with a curriculum where my kids beg to do bible?


So yes, I am a CLE Kool Aid drinker. We'll use Bible, LA and Reading next year. And probably for a long time after that! If anyone has questions - feel free to PM me!

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I agree. The more I use CLE the more I like it. I am using math with both my son and daughter. My daughter switched from Rod and Staff to CLE LA. I wasn't sure if we made the right decision or not with that switch, but CLE is getting done more often than Rod and Staff was so I think we did.


I am thinking about adding CLE reading for both of my kids. I plan to look at both when I go to the homeschool convention this year. I know it would be good for my daughter, but I am not sure about my son. He is 8 and still working on CVC words. He is just now starting to make some progress with reading. I have always wondered if he might be dyslexic. I wonder how CLE Learning to Read would work for him.



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If you are looking, I would also add that in the "reading" - don't judge the level based on the reading level of the text. The workbook questions and application are much more meaty than the reading level of the book reader. If you child reads well it doesn't mean that the grade level will automatically be too easy for them. My kids both read WELL and I've found grade level work to be a good fit - challenging without being too much or too little.

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Ok, back as far as the writing portion, for whomever asked. I just started the 400 LA this year, so we never did the 300. The original post caught me because my ds isn't getting much writing instruction this year at all in LA. After going over his materials again, it says in the beginning of the LU that creative writing exercises are not taught in the LA lightunits, that you have to puchase "On Teaching Writing" for that.


So even though the 300 level DOES include writing, when you hit the 400 level you have to buy the extra book, which really is pretty inexpensive. I just hadn't bought it until I saw whether or not I would even like the CLE LA program. I would love to have someone who has used "On Teaching Writing" chime in if it's good or not? Since I like the other things, I might have to just get it. Looks like i'm in for the 700 Reading too. :)


ETA: Mom28kids: yes, it covers spelling. :)

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We haven't graduated anyone yet, but when my 7th grader took the ACT he aced the reading and english sections---all we'd used up to that point is CLE English and Reading 500-700. After the work he'd been doing in English with CLE, he was VERY comfortable with most of the grammar questions on the ACT.


We haven't done SAT's with CLE yet, but we have done CAT tests yearly, before and after.


DD scored in to 40th percentiles in Reading and Math prior to using CLE which made me look for an effective curriculum. After a year in CLE Math and Reading she scored in the 95%ile for Reading & LA and 91%ile for math.


I was consistent in her teaching both before and after, and I was using mainstream Christian publishers for her Math and Grammar (BJU & R&S). For Reading we were using real books (which we still use, and I had used exclusively with my olders with no issues.) I bought CLE initially, as I said because I needed to do SOMETHING different with DD, but after using their materials for 3 years now, I am constantly amazed with its throroughness, gentleness and rigorous content.


AND, my kids love it too.



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Would it be a big jump for me to go straight into CLE Language Arts 3 with my DS? He's finishing up FLL 1/2 this year and probably working a bit on it over the summer because we started it so late.


No, I don't think there would be. There will be a jump in the amount of written work, so that may be what slows you down but for content, FLL 1/2 is a great prep for CLE.

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We'll be using CLE 100 for LA. The plan was to use real books for reading. What are the advantages of using CLE reading instead?


The comprehension workbooks. It teaches kids to analyze what they've read. And the readers are just good, wholesome stories that the kids like.


I wouldn't replace real books with CLE. We use both.

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So does the LA also cover spelling? I wouldn't need an extra spelling book?


In the 500 Level, the student gets a list of 20 spelling words on Monday. They work with the words throughout the week's lessons, and take a spelling quiz on Friday. That's plenty of spelling for us. Grammar, vocabulary, spelling, diagramming (which my dd discovered she loves!) are all in there.


I do use a separate writing/composition program, though.

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I'm lovin' this post!! I love CLE Math! I've been tempted to switch to their LA b/c their math has been so great and easy to implement. After reading this, I want to take a look at their reading!


Faithe: Can I ask you a question? Does CLE have enough writing? It sounds like your children have done well with it. I would love an all in one LA program (I would stay with my spelling though b/c I love it). And the reading-does it cover vocabulary?

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I switched my oldest this year from R&S to CLE LA for 7th grade and it has worked really well for us. I switched because of its independence and, I like the spelling and copywork included. His writing endurance his increased tremendously this year. We did R&S for 3rd through 6th grade, mostly oral, which was what we needed then.


I am seriously considering using CLE LA for my upcoming 6th grader next year also. He has been doing the 5th grade CLE Math this year and although he doesn't like it, his skills are being sharpened. For these subjects, the tests and quizzes are very handy.


CLE Reading did not work out so well for us. I liked the stories and the morals, but the workbooks just killed the love for my guys (my oldest started it in 6th grade). I like SWB's take on reading programs to just stick to books. My youngest is a great reader but not much into workbooks. He is doing the LTR program from CLE and it is really too easy for him, but we will finish it. I will probably just let him just read the 1st grade book since I have it.

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I'm lovin' this post!! I love CLE Math! I've been tempted to switch to their LA b/c their math has been so great and easy to implement. After reading this, I want to take a look at their reading!


Faithe: Can I ask you a question? Does CLE have enough writing? It sounds like your children have done well with it. I would love an all in one LA program (I would stay with my spelling though b/c I love it). And the reading-does it cover vocabulary?


Reading does cover vocabulary. I don't think CLE has enough writing in the upper grades ( past 5th,) so I add plenty of wring across the curriculum using whatever they are learning at the time. I also use Sentence Composing for Elementary and a mish mash of WTM/ IEW.


My younger boys have plenty of writing answering questions in full sentences, spelling sentences, copy work/ penmanship and a writing assignment per light unit. Instead of just doing the assignment once, we do it twice or even 3 times throughout the unit to solidify the skill.




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I agree! We switched to CLE Math this year, and I wish that I would have "discovered" it a while ago. It is such a great fit for my girls! They are doing so much better with it than our previous mastery-based curriculum. Once I saw how much they liked CLE Math, I ordered CLE LA (older DD was hating FLL). We are thrilled with that as well. Then I ordered CLE Reading. It is my least favorite of the three, particularly for my 2nd grader (a lot of seems overkill and tedious), but my girls enjoy the stories want to do it, so it is a keeper.


CLE has definitely helped to simplify my homeschool, as well as filling in some "holes" that I had found in some of our previous curriculum. Big CLE fans here!

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Is CLE basically PACES like ACE?


ETA: I'm looking, & I don't see any writing. There's marking run-on sentences, spelling, vocab, etc. I've only looked at 401 & 405...maybe the writing is just intermittent?

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Is CLE basically PACES like ACE?


ETA: I'm looking, & I don't see any writing. There's marking run-on sentences, spelling, vocab, etc. I've only looked at 401 & 405...maybe the writing is just intermittent?


NO!!! They are not like PACES or LifePacs (at least not the Sunrise editions. ) Thinking they were like those curricula kept me from even looking at CLE for years. (I thought "Light" meant easy...sigh...)


In the Upper Grammar stage books, there is much less writing instruction, but the LU's have fewer lessons to allow for Writing instruction by the teacher. They have a small book called On Teaching Writing where you are supposed to choose your topics. Instead, I use many different curricula to choose our writing assignments including IEW, WTM ideas, Sentence Composing etc. My dd did have writing instruction in her LU 703 this section where she had to do interviews. One was of the childhood of an older person, and the other was to interview people about an event they attended and write a news article with quotes. She found it to be a really fun assignment.


Otherwise, we write across the curricula.



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ETA: I'm looking, & I don't see any writing. There's marking run-on sentences, spelling, vocab, etc. I've only looked at 401 & 405...maybe the writing is just intermittent?


Yeah, like Faithe said, there isn't any in the 400 series LU's, you have to get their book, that I have no experience with yet. I'm hoping someone will chime in about how good "On Teaching Writing" is??

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Writing in the 400 LUs


403 friendly letter

404 thank you notes

405 unity in paragraphs

friendly letter

406 listening and taking notes (from a sermon in church)

taking notes from written sources

writing from notes

407 choosing a subject

taking notes from several sources

writing the rough draft; revising; editing

*activity: making a report cover

408 [spelling] writing a paragraph, making sure it makes sense

409 clustering (generating ideas)

a how-to paragraph

writing a paragraph from clustering

410 friendly letter; postcard

interview an older person Ă¢â‚¬â€œ report Ă¢â‚¬â€œ rough draft; revise, edit, copy

We do the assignments a couple times each. Ds also outlines his history and science and writes a literature narration each week. I think that is enough for 4th grade.

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Yeah, like Faithe said, there isn't any in the 400 series LU's, you have to get their book, that I have no experience with yet. I'm hoping someone will chime in about how good "On Teaching Writing" is??


My two 5th graders just finished 507, which is fully devoted to teaching writing a research paper. They enjoyed it so much that they wanted to do another one and are now doing their second research paper. It gave great instructions. They hardly needed any help, though I did get involved with revising, and both wrote long, informative papers.


I have On Teaching Writing and I love it! It gives many great writing ideas and assignments. It's very inspiring!

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We started CLE this year as well. I have a 7th grader who uses it for LA, Reading and Bible. She likes it. We had no prior CLE experience and she is doing fine with the reading and LA. I will be supplementing her TTB's next year with CLE Math.


I also have a 3rd and 1st grader both love CLE. My 3rd grader hates to write, so thats been difficult....but my first grader LOVES LOVES LOVES it!!


I just 2 weeks ago started CLE Math for the 1st and 3rd grader. Both love it!!


I am very happy with this curriculum.

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CLE has a yahoo group and a year ago or so, these scores were posted by a representative. I can't find the original post, so I don't know what tests these scores are from. HTH~





I just joined the yahoo group so I could see this. I wonder where the scores are from. They look great.

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Would the LA for grade 3 replace WWE, FLL, ETC, and AAS? Does it teach cursive?


Tonight is the first night I've ever looked at this curriculum and now my wheels are spinning for my soon to be 3rd grader.


Cursive is taught beginning in the 200 level (2nd grade). You can see pretty extensive samples on the website.

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Love this thread!


After hearing so much about it, I checked out the CLE website and really liked what I saw.


SO we're using CLE math and language arts in the fall for my 2nd and 4th grader. I will use the placement tests to see which grade level to start them in though.


I wasn't sure about CLE reading, but it sounds like it feels in the holes - like vocab. So I may consider that too.


I like that I won't need all these huge books to lug around. It also sounds nice and "streamlined" for new homeschoolers like myself who get really confused and stressed when piecing together curriculum. lol

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Uggh! This thread is not helping me decide at all!!! I've been waffling between staying with R&S or switching to CLE language arts. I change my mind every other week. We already use CLE for math and its been great. I've heard some here say it was very weak in conceptual math yet I've watched my 5th grader grow by leaps and bounds in that area while using CLE.


I do have a question about the spelling. Do you all find it to be enough or do you supplement? In the scope and sequence it lists spelling only in section 1 of each lightunit. Is it all the way through? Thanks!

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I like that I won't need all these huge books to lug around. It also sounds nice and "streamlined" for new homeschoolers like myself who get really confused and stressed when piecing together curriculum. lol


This was the draw for me. This is my first year hs'ing, and it just made my life easier. And the kids like it and are learning. :)


I do have a question about the spelling. Do you all find it to be enough or do you supplement? In the scope and sequence it lists spelling only in section 1 of each lightunit. Is it all the way through? Thanks!


I think that would depend on how much help your child needs in this area. The spelling goes all the way through the light unit, there are 18 words per section, three sections, so the kids are getting 54 words per light unit. It's handy that in the back of the light unit are three bookmarks for the kids to cut out and use throughout the lesson, or to take with them and practice.


ETA: As far as the comparison between R&S and CLE, we started out with R&S. I liked a lot of aspects about it, but the format didn't work as well as CLE for us. I found us doing lots of it orally, which had it's merits, but I like that in CLE they have to write it out. Either way, you're getting a good program, but if you're questioning that often, it's worth the few bucks to buy one light unit and give it a whirl. :)

Edited by Mallorie
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