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When did your babies start to crawl?

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All of my babies were late crawlers, around 8 months. But they all walk before they were a year old. My ds9months, soon to be 10 months, hasn't figured out the crawling thing yet. I'm not really 'pushing' him so to say. I figure he'll crawl when he's ready and I'm a little better off with him not getting into everything anyway. He does roll all over the place and can move around in a circle when he is on his stomach. He did figure out how to army crawl a few days ago but doesn't seem much interested in it. So I'm just curious to know when other peoples babies started crawling.

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All 3 of mine only crawled at 10 months. They all walked at different ages, though. Apparently some babies never crawl. They just roll around or scoot on their bottoms and go straight to walking.


Both my kids started crawling about 7 months. I don't think 8 months is late crawling at all. I know lots of kids that crawled at 10-11 months and started walking shortly thereafter. My kids got really proficient at crawling and never walked until they were almost running (12 and 14 months).

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There's such a huge range of normal. A 10 month old not crawling wouldn't worry me at all.


DD1 was exactly average. She sat at 6 months, crawled at 9 months, and walked at 12 months.


DD2 sat at 3 months, crawled at 6 months, and walked at 7.5 months. She was freaky skinny, and would have been labeled failure to thrive...except she was clearly doing just fine by every measure except the scale. :tongue_smilie:

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my first started crawling at 4 months ( just before 5 months) and walking at 6 months. The health nurse wouldn't believe that he was crawling at 4 months. I put him down on the floor in her office and off he went, on hands and knees.

The rest were around 6 months crawling, and all were walking around 9 months.

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I have two that never crawled. Ds10 and my now ds11 month old. Both scooted around on their bottoms and then started walking early. DS 11 months shows no interest in crawling and is walking all over the house by now.


I had my mind made up. This child will crawl. I put him on his belly most days. He did not like it. Then he started sitting by himself and scooting around on his bottom. I don't know if he'll ever crawl. I decided it's genetic.


FWIW, ds10 is very bright and has no long term negative effects from not crawling. He is ambidextrous. Both left and right handed.

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DD crawled at around 8 months -- but she was walking while holding onto things before she could crawl, and she hardly ever crawled anyway. She was walking on her own at 9 months.


DS1 crawled at around 9 or 10 months, IIRC; he wasn't interested in doing much moving around at all, though, preferring to be on my back/lap. He walked on his own just after 12 months.


DS2 crawled at around 9 months but was happy to do that for a long time; he didn't walk on his own until 14 months.

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I can't even remember when mine crawled. They walked at 14 months, 10 months and 11 months, I think. #1 never rolled as a baby, his first roll over was when he was 2 years old and saw his baby sis do it.


Although lots of kids seem to be either 'early', 'late' or 'average' as a family, I've also seen plenty of families where there's a huge variation between the individual children. I wouldn't worry if your child is rolling, scooting, etc. I'd be checking things out if a child is much past 1 and shows no interest in any kind of moving around.


I have read a theory that the length of time spent crawling is important to prime the brain for reading and writing later. However, my slowest reader/writer is the child who crawled for the longest. Also in cultures that don't encourage crawling (ie, where kids are pretty much in arms until they can walk) there aren't literacy problems caused by that afaik, so I'm somewhat skeptical about that theory.

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All of my babies were late crawlers, around 8 months. But they all walk before they were a year old. My ds9months, soon to be 10 months, hasn't figured out the crawling thing yet. I'm not really 'pushing' him so to say. I figure he'll crawl when he's ready and I'm a little better off with him not getting into everything anyway. He does roll all over the place and can move around in a circle when he is on his stomach. He did figure out how to army crawl a few days ago but doesn't seem much interested in it. So I'm just curious to know when other peoples babies started crawling.



My first crawled around 10 months and was walking at 11 months. My 8 1/2 month old sounds just like yours. He rolls everywhere and doesn't seem too interested in crawling just yet :).

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My kids did not crawl until long after they could walk. DS was walking at 7 months, running like a speed demon at 9 months. All the girls walked at 8 months. I don't think they crawled till several months later. At that point it was just for fun. They never did it for the purpose of traveling.


You can't compare kids. Normal is just a gigantic range.

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My daughter didn't even roll over until she was 8 months old. She never crawled, just sort of rolled to where she wanted to go until she was 16 months old when she finally started walking.


Other daughter is only 5 months old and she rolls over sometimes and changes directions on her belly.

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DS crawled around 8 months but was cruising before then as well as walking while holding our hands. He didn't actually start walking until right about 13 1/2 months and he did so at the hospital in the NICU waiting area.


DD started with the army crawl at about 11 1/2 months and all fours crawl right at 12 months. She didn't walk on her own until 18 months but would walk holding our hand from about 15 months. She was a 29 weeker so that probably played a part in the later walking -- this was with PT from about 12 months. She did have low muscle tone on her left side and had AFO's for a few months as well.

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Ds#1 and Dd learned to crawl around 6 months old. Dd took her first solo step at her 1st Bday party. Ds#1 did it a few weeks later.


Ds#2 started crawling around 5 months, and was walking solo right when he turned 9 months, and was running by 9 1/2 months.... and hasn't slowed down yet at almost age 12.


Ds#4 learned to crawl when he was after 14 months old (he had ear/hearing issues and didn't learn to balance so he didn't even learn to sit without falling over, stand, crawl, or walk until he went through PT at 14 months old). He is 9yrs old now and he is constantly on the move!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and he didn't even start to talk until he was 2, and after a year of intense speech therapy he was nearly caught up. He hasn't stopped talking since!!!

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