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Clothes: Sell or Donate?

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We are embarking on a new journey as Semi-Minimalists :). Let's face it, there's no way my family can live a minimalist lifestyle, right now (we might be on our way :D).

After watching countless Peter Walsh episodes and Hoarders episodes - something clicked. We need to unload. We are getting rid of tons of stuff. We are deciding whether to sell clothes at garage sale (pricing all clothes for $0.25) or just donate? What are your experiences with clothes at garage sales?



*my hubby started our blog semi-minimimalists and the benefits have been great! Less clutter = Less stress

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Donate. Then it's all *out* and you're finished with it.


A yard sale will require time and effort, and the stuff will still be around your house until you figure things out, not to mention trying to figure out what to do with the left-over stuff (answer: take it to a donation center as soon as the yard sale is finished) (but donating it is better).

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Donate. Then it's all *out* and you're finished with it.


A yard sale will require time and effort, and the stuff will still be around your house until you figure things out, not to mention trying to figure out what to do with the left-over stuff (answer: take it to a donation center as soon as the yard sale is finished) (but donating it is better).


I know! It's all in my living room - I wish I could upload a picture - it's like an episode from Hoarders! :lol: I just want it outta here.

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If you don't need the money, I'd donate the clothes.


If you do need the money, I'd sell at consignment sales. Much better prices than yard sale. Usually 1/4 to 1/2 retail. I make enough to buy (from the sale) my kids clothes for the next season, nice toys, books and movies for Christmas or birthdays. Totally worth the time investment for our tight budget.

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We are embarking on a new journey as Semi-Minimalists :). Let's face it, there's no way my family can live a minimalist lifestyle, right now (we might be on our way :D).

After watching countless Peter Walsh episodes and Hoarders episodes - something clicked. We need to unload. We are getting rid of tons of stuff. We are deciding whether to sell clothes at garage sale (pricing all clothes for $0.25) or just donate? What are your experiences with clothes at garage sales?



*my hubby started our blog semi-minimimalists and the benefits have been great! Less clutter = Less stress


I have not found yard sales to be worth the effort. If you have clothing purchased within the last year or so that is in excellent condition, you could try a consignment or resale shop. Otherwise, donate and take the tax deduction.

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We donate everything. I tried a yardsale once and we're just not the "yard-sale types". I can't stand people coming around and poking through my stuff. We didn't make much money and people would try to bargain with me and I had no idea what to do. So, I just load it all up and give it to Goodwill.

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Hmmmm.... sounds like you guys are saying to donate it? :D

We don't really like having yard sales either but we are getting rid of so much stuff that we thought it might be a good idea. I think it was easier to get rid of stuff initially thinking we could sell it. It's all over my living room and it's driving me crazy looking at it.

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I donate anything that can't be sold at a consignment store. I no longer do yard sales. The advantage of the consignment stores is that I earn about what I would for a yard sale but with none of the hassle. I also earn a bit of money that I can put back into new clothes for the kids. The big disadvantage here though is that none of the shops accept men's clothing. I also tell the consignment store to just donate what does not sell. That way it never comes back home.

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For me personally, I'd rather give things away to someone who needs it rather than try to sell. But that's just me. :)

Keep in mind that this only applies if you give it directly to an individual or a charity that you know will *give* the clothing to it's beneficiaries.


If you donate to goodwill, for example, they're going to turn around and sell it at their thrift store for several dollars an item. In that case, a yard sale with $0.25 per item prices is likely to be a lot more of a deal to the recipient, though possibly not worth the effort for the OP :)

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Keep in mind that this only applies if you give it directly to an individual or a charity that you know will *give* the clothing to it's beneficiaries.


If you donate to goodwill, for example, they're going to turn around and sell it at their thrift store for several dollars an item. In that case, a yard sale with $0.25 per item prices is likely to be a lot more of a deal to the recipient, though possibly not worth the effort for the OP :)


When we had our first son, I had quit my job to stay home with the baby and DH was still looking for permanent employment. We didn't have a baby shower, so we had to buy virtually everything, including clothes. Children's clothes are $2.00 a piece at Goodwill, between $3.00-$5.00 at Once Upon a Child, and everything from $1.00-$5.00 on clearance at stores like JCPenney and Old Navy. We were very grateful for moms of growing baby boys that sold their kids' clothes for $0.25 at yard sales (especially the twin mom and quad mom!).


That being said, since I started watching Hoarders, I am more likely to just throw stuff out (unless I know someone could really, really use it) than take it to the Goodwill. It pains me to think that the stuff I'm donating is being bought by those who suffer from compulsive hoarding/shopping, who don't need it and can't afford it and are only buying it because I donated it.

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Not only would I donate it, I would call a place like the ARC who will come pick it all up for free! If you have that much, it will be lovely to get rid of it all in one big swoop.


Sometimes, I struggle with the 'I could sell it' ideas too. Then I remember, that if I donate it, it isn't getting thrown away, it is going to an organization that helps others in need. They will sell it and help someone else with the $$.


I take my nicer things to a consignment store here, that donates the items they don't want to a womens shelter. Other items that I know won't sell, I donate at will.

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I just got one of those Samaritan bags on my doorknob today! Coincidence? I think not. I told my hubby what y'all said and he's okay with donating our clothes. I'm going to bag everything up tomorrow while kids are practicing piano. :001_smile: Thank you everyone :auto: - on the road to becoming semi-minimalists.


Not only would I donate it, I would call a place like the ARC who will come pick it all up for free! If you have that much, it will be lovely to get rid of it all in one big swoop.


Sometimes, I struggle with the 'I could sell it' ideas too. Then I remember, that if I donate it, it isn't getting thrown away, it is going to an organization that helps others in need. They will sell it and help someone else with the $$.


I take my nicer things to a consignment store here, that donates the items they don't want to a womens shelter. Other items that I know won't sell, I donate at will.

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Keep in mind that this only applies if you give it directly to an individual or a charity that you know will *give* the clothing to it's beneficiaries.


If you donate to goodwill, for example, they're going to turn around and sell it at their thrift store for several dollars an item. In that case, a yard sale with $0.25 per item prices is likely to be a lot more of a deal to the recipient, though possibly not worth the effort for the OP :)


My church has a thrift store and if there is not a specific person in mind that I know could use the items, I give it to them. I like my church's thrift store because if someone has applied for help with the benevolence ministry and they are really in need, they can go and get items they need from the thrift store for free. :)

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In order to unload a large amount of "stuff" I have tended to donate.


As money has become tight around here, I have started hoarding a pile of stuff to sell, which is feeling like it is defeating the purpose of living lighlty but I did make few $100 a while back selling at swap meet and its hard to let it all go when it could be enough to do something with.


If you really don't need the money- donate it. If its not worth much- donate it. I really couldnt be bothered selling things worth 25 c each. I might sell a good winter coat for $10, even some dresses for $5, but not 25c.

I am getting down to books I could easily get $5 for, and ornaments I could collect a few $ on. Easily another swapmeet. But meanwhile, its sitting in storage in the garage and a cupboard and if its not gone in 6 months I really will have to bite the bullet and donate it all.

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There are three or four regular homeschooling events a month on our schedule where I can take a give-away box and put it out for folks to look through. I keep the box in my car, so I don't forget it. Once an item has been in the box for a month, it gets donated to Goodwill. It's good to have an ongoing system for getting rid of things - I just put outgrown stuff in the box as we come across it and out it goes. Most of what we have was second-hand to us, so I like giving it away when I'm done with it.

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We are embarking on a new journey as Semi-Minimalists :). Let's face it, there's no way my family can live a minimalist lifestyle, right now (we might be on our way :D).

After watching countless Peter Walsh episodes and Hoarders episodes - something clicked. We need to unload. We are getting rid of tons of stuff. We are deciding whether to sell clothes at garage sale (pricing all clothes for $0.25) or just donate? What are your experiences with clothes at garage sales?



*my hubby started our blog semi-minimimalists and the benefits have been great! Less clutter = Less stress



If money is tight, I would sell them or look at a consignment shop. If you don't really need the few bucks they might bring, then donate and bless someone else with them.

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Keep in mind that when you donate, it is up to you to declare the value of the donation. If you estimate it at $200 retail value and you are in the 15% tax bracket, that works out to $30 at tax time! If you donate more than $250 at a time, you have to break it down a little more. Usually we have at least 4 $200 donations each year, it really does make a difference!

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Donate. I tried the sell thing, to help bring in some extra cash and the effort to get it all together, photograph it, post on eBay, monitor the auctions, ship it if it EVEN sold, just wasn't worth the time while trying to take care of my family, do school, etc...


Tried Craig's List, too. Didn't even try consignment shops after the pennies on the dollar they offered for nice, nice clothing.


I would much rather give it away to someone I know who needs it. Sometimes it's not about the money...

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My boys' things (and sometimes household goods, Christmas stuff, etc) get sold at our twice yearly multiples group yard sale. That is great and I usually make a lot of money. The rest just gets donated. I don't even take the deduction because I find if I have to list everything, take pictures, put it in It's deductible, etc, it won't get done. That takes my time and energy and not worth the little bit we'll get in benefit.


It feels so good when it is out of the house though!

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I agree with everyone who said donate with one caveat---if you have some really nice condition name brand items (e.g. Gymboree, Gap, etc.), especially complete outfits with accessories, you may try selling them on eBay.


I once sold a Gymboree outfit of my daughter's that I bought secondhand for $25 on eBay! Granted, it was a jumper, shirt, hat and tights, but I couldn't believe that someone would pay that much for a secondhand outfit.


Good luck on your path to minimalism!

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I put it all in a bag. My winter coats (I've had for 8-10) were hard to part with but I put it in there. I already have 4 in the closet that I'm keeping. I can't wait for them to pick it up on Thursday.


I'm going through my daughter's closet later this week and then I'm going to try to sell books here. I already took pictures and will post it on hubby's blog.


Thanks ladies!

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Yard sales are really not that much work if you are not pricing each item. If you are going to sell all your clothes for the same price, just put them on a table and hang a sign. I guess it depends on if you need the money or not, though. We started having yard sales out of necessity. The $$ we make from our yard sales have kept my kids clothed & helped out when things get tight (I also enjoy watching other people get excited about hauling our unneeded things away. They get a good deal, and so do we). So I guess it comes down to do you have the time, and do you need the $$?

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We have a Plato's Closet here. Do you have one of those? We take our cute clothes, but no longer wearing, there and see what they'll buy them for. Everything else goes to Goodwill. I do sort through and throw away items that are stained, torn, overly worn, etc.


If you do have a yard sale, I wouldn't price everything. I'd just put it out, let people buy it by the bag, and then pack it up and take it straight to Goodwill, the dump, or wherever.


I understand not wanting to promote someone else's hoarding tendencies, but if you are giving away good stuff, then it will truly be a blessing to someone. Our Goodwill is amazing. I regularly find good quality stuff that has helped us to ride through some pretty tight times.

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