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Any tips for morning sickness?

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100 mg or so of B6 a day and/or ginger tea (not the stuff sold in tea bags, legitimate "boil the ginger and mix it with honey and a little cinnamon" ginger tea) helped me with my first pregnancy. I haven't had morning sickness with the second, but I was taking B6 before I got pregnant so that might have something to do with it. This is the advice I normally give to other moms in my church/apartment quad and most have reported it working.

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100 mg or so of B6 a day and/or ginger tea (not the stuff sold in tea bags, legitimate "boil the ginger and mix it with honey and a little cinnamon" ginger tea) helps most people.


:iagree: with the B6. I took it during the early months of my twin pregnancy. The trick is to take it consistently. It has to build to a certain level to work. If you decide you're feeling better and stop taking it, once your levels drop down, you'll feel worse.

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I nibbled on plain Cheerios to keep something in my stomach. Eating one Cheerio at a time was easier than saltines.


I have a friend who used to carry a lemon around with her because the smell of it would ward off nausea--she just dug her thumbnail into the rind and put it to her nose.


But no way could I dissect a pig with a pregnant nose!



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One thing that worked wonders for me (and I see people have already mentioned) was to up my protein. If I had pancakes or muffins with fruit for breakfast, I be gagging, but if I had bacon and eggs with cheese, I didn't.


The ginger seems to work well, too. I bought a fresh ginger root, grated it, and made tea. Be careful with this, though!! If you drink more than 1 cup a day, it will act as a laxative. :blink:


I hope you get to feeling better soon. It makes it so hard to take care of everyone else when you yourself feel gross.


Oh, and I am 23 weeks pregnant and still want to gag at the thought of the pig. Can you push it off a couple months?! :ack2:

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The ginger seems to work well, too. I bought a fresh ginger root, grated it, and made tea. Be careful with this, though!! If you drink more than 1 cup a day, it will act as a laxative. :blink:


That might prove helpful later in the pregnancy, once the iron in those prenatals kicks in!


Can you push it off a couple months?! :ack2:


I wish! We actually began dissecting the pigs about a month ago, and I am the elected cutter in my group because a few of the girls are squeamish about the whole thing. There is no way I will be able to cut that thing again tomorrow, though. No. Way.

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OK, this really truly works. Miracle style, in my case.


10mg vit B6

10 mg doxylamine


take them together twice a day am/pm


If you can't get the doxylamine by itself, you can use slightly less than half a tablet of regular unisom. You will be a little extra sleepy at first, but your body will adjust.


My naturopath prescribed this to me for my 4th and 5th pregnancies. The difference between these and the first 3 was like night and day.





Also, eating a lot of protein sometimes made the difference between throwing up or not. (before I was on the medication)

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1/2 Unisom tab at bedtime and then good protein for breakfast (I liked a hard boiled egg and slice of turkey breast). This got me through the first trimester and several weeks into the 2nd trimester.


I am a registered nurse, I've been through the A&P classes and I can tell you, I wouldn't have been able to handle it while dealing with morning sickness. Let someone else be the "cutter" of the pig.

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I'm 2 months along and constantly nauseated and tired. It happens with every pregnancy. However, I just ordered a multi-vitamin called SuperMom from a natural food store (I don't sell it) and my morning sickness is GONE and I have energy (hallelujah!!). I don't know what part of the vitamin that is helping, but I LOVE it. Except now I have no excuse to lay on the couch all day.

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:iagree: with the B6. I took it during the early months of my twin pregnancy. The trick is to take it consistently. It has to build to a certain level to work. If you decide you're feeling better and stop taking it, once your levels drop down, you'll feel worse.

:iagree:Yep. My recommendation, too. This time, I was taking 3-25 mg tablets per day, one with each meal. My prenatal had B6 in it as well, and I've read that some people have numbness and ill-effects with more than 100 mg per day. I drank lots and lots of ginger tea. The candied-but-not-crystallized ginger helped a bit, too.


Others mentioned protein--that combined with dry carbs like saltines and toast was helpful.


Hang in there! :grouphug:

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Sucking on a lemon helped me immensely. I'd slice up a fresh lemon, keep the slices in a baggie and suck on 'em when need be. I had tried the preggo pops you can get at motherhood but they did nothing for the extreme nausea with my oldest, though they worked perfectly with the mild nausea I had with dd2. A hazelwood necklace may also help :)


Feel better and good luck with the pig!

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Prescription Zofran was the only thing that worked for me.


:iagree: OF course I didn't discover it until the last pregnancy but it does wonders.


check out this site. Not every medical person has a clue that throwing up can go too far.




I suffered endlessly through 3 pregnancies because of the attitude that pregnant women throw up and it will stop. It stopped 9 months later when the baby came out. Please read the site and if you see yourself in it, get help form somewhere. I not only had to take Zofran (and then daily enemas to relieve the medical constipation it caused ) but regular ivs to keep the dehydration at bay - which only causes you to throw up more! don't get dehydrated. I gained more weight breastfeeding than I did in the pregnancy. It didn't help me to eat but it kept me from puking every few minutes. I had esophagus tears and everything from the continual pukes. '


And as for that pig..... I wouldn't be able to walk in the room. Take a trash can and tell everyone to get over the fact that you are going to puke. The squeamy girls need to learn now if they are going to be nurses. :001_smile:

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OK, this really truly works. Miracle style, in my case.


10mg vit B6

10 mg doxylamine


take them together twice a day am/pm


If you can't get the doxylamine by itself, you can use slightly less than half a tablet of regular unisom. You will be a little extra sleepy at first, but your body will adjust.


My naturopath prescribed this to me for my 4th and 5th pregnancies. The difference between these and the first 3 was like night and day.





Also, eating a lot of protein sometimes made the difference between throwing up or not. (before I was on the medication)



This is what I did. Unisom was a lifesaver. I was so glad to learn about that one. Only wish I had known for my earlier pregnancies.

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I haven't had it this badly since my first pregnancy. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I have A&P lab tomorrow afternoon and I'm supposed to be dissecting a pig...:001_huh:


The only thing that worked for me was these thin ginger cookies that they sell in the cookie section at our CVS. I ate them until I was sick of them, but they helped my stomach stay calm and at least partially full. And making sure my stomach was never empty was another big thing, because getting hungry seemed to put me back at square 1 of morning sickness.

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Okay. Today I am armed with hard lemon candies, Altoids and a ziploc bag of Cheerios for while I'm out and about.


I started the day with an english muffin with one egg and a slice of turkey. I'll do more protein before I leave for lab.


The Unisom/B6 combo is interesting though. I may try this next if this doesn't seem to help enough.

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