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I can't find any "What's your 2nd grader doing?" threads.

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WWE2 doubling up days, doing 2 weeks per week.

PR2 spelling and grammar (reading MCT too)

MM3 (with bit and pieces for drill etc)

VP online history middle ages with SOTW and other reading

VP Literature comprehension

Started IEW level A intensive

Latin-just started GSWL

Memory work-poetry memorisation

Handwriting, cursive

Outside classes include French, Fencing,Art

Lots of things I'm meant to be doing but I just don't get round to them. Trying to concentrate on the basic skills at this time.


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Reading chapter books. I have her read at least an hour. 1 or 2 chapters of something I pick ( Something schoolish. Right now, a nature reader and a historical fiction.) the rest of the time is her choice. Usually Flat Stanley, Geronimo Stilton , etc...


Math: Singapore 2, CWP 1, a review page ( Saxon or an Evan Moor review book) and lots of work to get addition/subtraction facts down.


Evan-moor grammar/punctuation book.

Reason for Writing or Draw Write Now for handwriting

All About Spelling 2

WWE sometimes

Lots of read-alouds (Roade Dahl, Kate DiCamillo, etc...)

Violin, drawing class, and soccer

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Primary Language Lessons for writing when I need something out of a book, otherwise daily writing is either a paragraph about science, history, or a letter to someone she knows.



R&S 2 for spelling- we've almost finished this.


R&S 2 English- we've almost finished this, as well.


For math right now we are working on double digit addition and subtraction, money, and clocks. And multiplication and division.


For reading she is reading, "The Silver Chair" from the Chronicles of Narnia and we discuss the chapters together after she reads them.


Science is currently arthropods. She's a big fan and really enjoying this.


History- we are going through the ancient world and almost finished.


French- vocab and grammar.


Bible/Catechism- she's memorized the 10 Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, and the Apostle's Creed. We're going through the Old Testament this year.


I think that's it. Except art, I guess. :tongue_smilie:

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Math - Rod & Staff math, grade 2 (5 days a week)

Writing - WWE 2 (4 days a week)

Grammar - FLL 2 (3 days a week)

Spelling - Rod & Staff spelling, grade 2 (3 days a week)

Reading - 30 min. weekday afternoons & 30 min. each evening before bed

Penmanship - Handwriting Skills Simplified, book B (1 day a week)

History - SOTW2 (3 days a week)

Science - God's Design for Heaven & Earth (3 days a week)

Religion - My First Catechism & workbook (3 days a week)

Music - Rod & Staff Music book 2 (2 days a week) & Pianimals Book B (4 days a week)

Art - Drawing with Children (1 day a week)


Seems like a lot when I write it out, but Tuesdays we do only math & reading (and in the car) because it is our errand day, Thursdays we are done by about 11, Mondays & Wednesdays we are done by 2, and Fridays we are done by 1.

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R&S English 2

R&S Spelling 2 (3 days)

Abeka Math 2

Cursive hw practice (getting going again)

Reading chapter books 1/2 hour each day

Bible story read aloud with younger dd

Poetry memorization

Read alouds with mommy each day...finished Pollyana this week.

Piano lessons

Homeschool music class

Homeschool p.e. class


Taking a small break on science and history at the moment, but picking up soon with Apologia and SOTW1 with younger dd.


Various notebooking and narration of current reading.

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Horizons math

Pathway readers (and wkbk)


just started AAS


SOTW 1 (w/ activity guide and many read alouds from library)

ETC book 5

Daily Grammar (not super fond of this, we'll change next year, good review/reminders though)

BFSU- usually once a week



Daily reading time

He also has outside classes (earth school and zoo school)


This looks like a lot all typed out, but we still only spend about 2-2.5 hours a day on school. Only math and reading are done every day.

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My 2nd grader:


History...Early 19th Century...using the Times Traveler cd as a spine and adding in more hands on (not doing much of the paper craft things they suggest, but creating a full Native American out fit and lots of cooking)


Science...RSO Earth and Space (LOVE this!)




Writing...WWE Level 1 and soon moving to 2


Reading...I See Sam books and others




Math...Math Mammoth Blue Series and TT 3 and lots of math games


Picture Study and Composer Study

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It looks good for everything but grammar...but you might have that covered through your foreign languages, depending on how you are teaching them.


Last year, we did a bit of FLL but mainly mad libs and a light read through of MCT Grammar Island. This year, we are doing all of MCT.


We love MCT!

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Here's what I am planning. What do you think?


Lingua Latina

Elementary Greek

NJOP Hebrew


Math Mammoth

Writing With Ease or Classical Writing

memory work





assigned reading in the content areas

notebooking in the content areas

Sounds great! I'd definitely think you'll hit the grammar highlights between Latin and WWE. Do you do spelling formally? That and science are the holes I see, though I'm thinking you cover science through reading and notebooking, right?


Would you share how you're planning to do Lingua? Have you done it before? I've used it for myself, and my good friend, a classics major, is planning to start it with her 2nd grader next year. I was planning a parts-to-whole (and no, I'm not trying to start that whole debate), but she's willing to bring my daughter in with hers, which makes it very tempting.


Here's what we have on deck for 2nd grade:

WWE alternated with ZB cursive practice (4 WWE lessons per week over 2 days)

GWG/SWO (I have a workbook lover)

lots of reading on her own

Elemental Science Earth Science and Astronomy



Artistic Pursuits, probably unless we do a class or two

piano lessons

possibly Latin, either Lingua or Prima Latina (see above debate :D)

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My 2nd grader isn't a strong reader yet so here is what we are doing:


Language Arts-CLP grade 1 Language Arts and WWE 1

Math- MUS Beta and EvanMoor Daily Word Problems

Reading-He has a reading tutor and we also are working through easy readers and Explode the Code Books.

Tons of read alouds for Literature, Natural History, and History

History-we do some lapbooking, notebooking, watch some videos We are currently on the civil war.

Science-Exploring Creation through Botany and Nature Study

Bible-One story from Old Testament and one from the New Testament each week.

Music-Hymns, composer study, and folk songs from AO schedule

Art-Just whatever I come up with. Usually study one artist a month by watching a video and reading books about the artist and then doing a couple projects based on their art work and picture study.

PE we swim 2 times a week.

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McRuffy gr. 1 -- She'll be done in about 6 wks and starting on gr. 2! yea!


Funnix 2 -- advanced phonics and reading fluency


Remediating her printing with free handwriting printables, because it's gotten pretty sloppy.


Ambleside Yr. 1 for History, Literature and Nature Study. We just started this a few weeks ago and it's true love :001_wub:


That's pretty much it.

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Sonlight LA 2 Advanced

either Apples and Pears or Spelling Plus

Pictures in Cursive Primer (maybe - I have to order it and look at it first)

Grammar with a Giggle 2

IEW Poetry

maybe Writeshop Primary A or B - I was just looking at the samples for the first time the other day and really liking it

McRuffy Color Math 2

Math Mammoth as needed

The Complete Book of Time and Money (continued from this year)

History Odyssey Ancients 1

The Complete Book of Maps and Geography

Little Passports

Noeo Physics 1

music, art, and gym outside classes

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Complaining a lot about how much her friends are in school and how UNFAIR it is that she didn't get to play outside once they were home today because I had an appointment and had to take her with.


Oh, did you mean curriculum-wise?


FLL 1-2, Word Mastery Phonics (almost done!), Practical Arithemetics (she's about ready to start with borrowing in subtraction), Evan-Moor Beginning Geography, 2nd workbook, daily read-alouds and lots of library books.

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Math: Singapore 2A, supplementing with Math Mammoth 2A/B Addition/Subtraction

Penmanship: Pentime book 2 transitioning to cursive

Latin: Prima Latina


All About Spelling level 1 (just started a few weeks ago)

Memory Work: poetry and scriptures

Piano lessons


Everything else is together with older brother:

Lang. Arts: MCT Island level (but does not do Practice Island)

History: SOTW 4 and Time traveler cds

Science: Elemental Science Chemistry

BF Geography through Literature

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I have a 2nd grader. He struggles on anything LA-related.


Sonlight Core 2

Sonlight Core 2 Readers Intermediate


CLE LA 200s dropped for GWG 2 (he was crying during LA) :glare:

BJU Spelling 2



HWOT cursive (he actually loves this)


CLE Math 200s

Singapore Math 2a/2b (his favorite)


Snap Circuits (loves this)


Map Skills 3 (another favorite)


Developing Critical Thinking through Science (ENTIRELY hands-on, had a blast)

Apologia's Land Animals of the Sixth Day

science topics from the Core Knowledge Sequence


some art, music, stories, poetry from the Core Knowledge Sequence


co-op classes: Texas History, Pioneers, Science through Literature, A Child's Geography (all BIG hits for him)



A big challenge I had this year with him is handwriting (he's left-handed). I was watching him form his letters and he's writing them all from the bottom. So, I started sitting next to him and reminding him at every letter: "Start from the top." Also, I'm having him use the thick Kindergarten pencils and his handwriting is just dramatically different. A BIG improvement.

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Don't have a secong grader, but just had to say, "Your back!!!!"


I was just thinking I hadn't seen you on here in forever!!! ;)


Hijack over...


:001_smile: Thanks. It took me forever to figure out how to resolve the health issues and child care issues and whatnot, but now, yep, I have a kid sitting at the table doing Greek as I type. It's way happy.

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It looks good for everything but grammar...but you might have that covered through your foreign languages, depending on how you are teaching them.


Last year, we did a bit of FLL but mainly mad libs and a light read through of MCT Grammar Island. This year, we are doing all of MCT.


We love MCT!



Yep, grammar is coming in partly via composition, partly in Latin.

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Sounds great! I'd definitely think you'll hit the grammar highlights between Latin and WWE. Do you do spelling formally? That and science are the holes I see, though I'm thinking you cover science through reading and notebooking, right?


Would you share how you're planning to do Lingua? Have you done it before? /QUOTE]


I do spelling using the approach recommended in How to Teach Any Child to Spell. When the kid has an error (which is rare) in his writing, I teach him the rule associated with that error and give him practice words that follow the same rule.


Science we'll do under notebooking, nature study and read-alouds.


I just read Lingua aloud to him, watching his face for comprehension or confusion. When he's confused, I make up more sentences. When he's really confused, I make up sentences that mix English and Latin. I've done Latin before but never used Lingua as our primary Latin program. I'm also pulling in pages from Lively Latin, Latin Prep, and Getting Started with Latin when we hit a concept in Lingua that I want him to cover in English grammar.

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We are doing


WWE 1 and 2 (last half of 1, first half of 2)

FLL 1/2

Prima Latina

Horizons 2 and parts of MM 2

SOTW 2 and AG

D'Aulaire's Greek Myths and Norse Myths

Vos Story Bible and Kids of Integrity Character studies

Earth and Space science with Usborne books and library card

Geography ala The Core (blobbing, etc.)

Spelling (homemade)

Independant reading 20 miin per day (books I choose)

Family read alouds

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Would you share how you're planning to do Lingua? Have you done it before? /QUOTE]


I just read Lingua aloud to him, watching his face for comprehension or confusion. When he's confused, I make up more sentences. When he's really confused, I make up sentences that mix English and Latin. I've done Latin before but never used Lingua as our primary Latin program. I'm also pulling in pages from Lively Latin, Latin Prep, and Getting Started with Latin when we hit a concept in Lingua that I want him to cover in English grammar.

Thanks, Rose! Definitely food for thought.


And again, it sounds to me like you've more than hit the highlights of 2nd grade. :001_smile:

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Bible - Awana

Phonics/Reading - Discovering Intensive Phonics

Reading - We read to him, have him read to us and have him read silently

Spelling - All About Spelling 2

Grammar - First Language Lessons 1/2

Writing - Writing With Ease 1

Math - Math Mammoth 2 and some Bob Jones 2

History - Story of the World & Usborne Internet linked World History Encyclopedia

Science - Apologia Astronomy, Classical Conversations & Usborne Internet linked Science Encyclopedia

Memory Work - Classical Conversations (we base a good bit of our work on what we are learning there)

Geography - Classical Conversations and Puzzles

Art - Classical Conversations and Art Class

Music - Tin Whistle at Classical Conversations

Cursive Handwriting

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Here's mine son's:


Bible: BJU 2nd


History: American history in year with plans by me


Science: Real Science Odyssey Life


LA: CLE 2nd, BJU 2nd Reading, Spectrum Writing, but about to use Zaner-Bloser, have been using ACSI spelling workbook, just the puzzles


Math: CLE 2, but almost done with 2nd, will continue CLE 3rd, but add BJU 3rd


Critical Thinking: Perplexors, Analogies for Beginners, Primarily Logic


Geography: Evan Moore Daily Geography 2


Piano: teaching him a little here at home


Outside activities:

Enrichment Co-Op

Arete performing musical group

Cub Scouts

Upward Basketball

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My 2nd grader is using:


CLE Math 2

R&S English 2

R&S Phonics 2

R&S Spelling 2

R&S Reading 2 (just the reader, not the workbooks)

HOD Emerging Reader schedule (read aloud to me each day and answer questions)

R&S Science 2

Thinking Skills 2

Artpac 2


With everyone:

Apologia Astronomy (almost done; starting Botany next)

Leading Little Ones to God

Eggleston's A First Book of American History

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