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What Bible version do your dc use?

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We all use ESV. Our family tradition is that when you can read you get your own Bible. I look for Bibles with very few extras; I've found that pew Bibles are great: generally good sized text, slightly heavier pages, no pictures (important to us), and inexpensive. Plus, we can color-code (M-girl has a red Bible, N-boy has blue, and R-girl will probably get a green one sometime in the next year and a half or so).

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We all use ESV. Our family tradition is that when you can read you get your own Bible. I look for Bibles with very few extras; I've found that pew Bibles are great: generally good sized text, slightly heavier pages, no pictures (important to us), and inexpensive. Plus, we can color-code (M-girl has a red Bible, N-boy has blue, and R-girl will probably get a green one sometime in the next year and a half or so).


Same here! LOL. I bought 4 ESV pew Bibles. That is what we use for school work and family devotions.


At church we bring NKJV because that is what our pastor uses and it makes it easier for the kids to follow along.

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