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S/O of jury duty...

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Anyone else never been called up for jury duty? I'm 40, I've been registered to vote since 18yrs old and voted in many elections over the years, served in the military, had a driver's license since I was 16, and still I've never been summoned. Mind you I'm not complaining, but still I find it strange. Anyone else? :001_huh:

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I was called once, but I had already moved out of state when I got the notice, so I've never actually had to serve. I was just thinking, reading the other thread, that I wouldn't mind if it happened now...I don't have any nursing babies anymore, and DH is a teacher, so I could just postpone until his summer break.

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I was called once while I was in college several hours away so I wasn't able to serve. A couple years ago, I was called to serve on the grand jury but they randomly pick people by drawing numbers and I didn't get picked. There were all of these people there doing their best to not have to serve while I was thinking "pick me, pick me" the whole time. I really want to serve.

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I've been called to jury multiple times. The first few times, I was nursing one child or another, and took the exemption. I've also been called 4 times over these last 8 hsing years; each time I went to the courthouse on my assigned day. When the children were younger, my dh stayed home to watch them, and one time I traded babysitting with a friend. I was last called in OCtober, and my 18 yr old stayed with the youngest and my nephew. I've never had to serve a trial. I've always been dismissed. The longest I've ever been in the courthouse was 3 hours.

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My husband and I have both been asked once, and both asked for a deferment. He was going to be out of state for work, and I had special needs foster child and didn't have a qualified sitter. I was at first denied the deferment (lack of childcare is not a valid dismissal reason here), and had to go before the judge and ask for special permission to be released.


We haven't been asked again.

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Neither dh nor I have been, but I am not saying that because then one of us will get called when it is impossible - like now.:glare: The $12 a day is *not* going to pay for child care for two preschoolers!


I strongly suspect, now that I've started this thread, that I'll receive a summons in the mail next week. :glare:

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I've never been called to serve. In the last 15 years we've been married my husband has been called twice that I recall (could be more..I wouldn't necessarily remember pre-kids calls he received).


Weirdly, though, we're both in the jury pool for this term. My husband got called to serve next week. I assume they can't call both of us for the same trial but I think it's strange that we're even in the pool at the same time particularly since I've never been in it in 15 years! Maybe it's entirely random.

Edited by sbgrace
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I'm 34 and never been called. My mom has twice, but first time was in her 40s; dh has once, I think he was early 30s. Here it's a computer that draws from driver's license numbers, and recycles them every year, so you could conceivably be called annually (or never).

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Nope, never been called - and they wouldn't want me. I'd be an emotional wreck over the entire thing and not able to make a fair judgement. I think that would be pretty evident right off the bat and they'd send me away. Knowing myself as well as I do, I can pretty much guarantee I'd be in tears and panic just arriving at the courthouse. It's just something I can't do. Very anxiety provoking. I don't even really like thinking about it.

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Nope, never been called - and they wouldn't want me. I'd be an emotional wreck over the entire thing and not able to make a fair judgement. I think that would be pretty evident right off the bat and they'd send me away. Knowing myself as well as I do, I can pretty much guarantee I'd be in tears and panic just arriving at the courthouse. It's just something I can't do. Very anxiety provoking. I don't even really like thinking about it.



If you don't mind my asking, what exactly would produce the anxiety? :confused:

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I received a letter in the mail that I had to fill out and return. Then I received a letter telling me to call for service info. I called and they said I was not needed at this time, call tomorrow. OK. I called the next day. Same thing. We played this game for 2 weeks! Then they said thanks and you don't have to call anymore :glare:. I was very disappointed.

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