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Trying to give away, sell, toss STUFF

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Trying to give away, sell, toss STUFF! I have spent YEARS trying to organize it all; hundreds and hundreds of books, mementos, and junk.

Finally, I decided to sell it or give it away - but the process is so tedious and expensive!!

Tedious in that things that are expensive need to be packed, addressed and mailed ... and expensive is the cost of mailing LOL!


I want to have bare minimum, but what I have I want to be nice, high quality that will last years and pay for itself over and over and become heirlooms - like the antique cast iron frying pans. Original art instead of prints ...


Even giving things away is a pain - and throwing away is a pain too since our garbage can is small and pick up is only twice a month.


Anyone else going through this? I wonder if it is a midlife crisis thing LOL! :lol:

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I am ALWAYS going through this :lol: I hear you. I find it very hard to just give things away if I know I could recoup a little bit of money on them, but the packing and mailing is so miserable. As a result, they just sit here, making me crazy! I'm almost to the point where I'm ready to just haul it all down to Goodwill...almost, but not quite. We need the money right now, and I just found out my freelance job may not be continuing next year, so I'm hanging on just a bit longer.


But yes, I fantasize about a neat streamlined home myself. It's so hard when you're a reforming packrat living with a non-packrat who refuses to get involved with other people's stuff, and who went on to breed two more packrats! I bought the girls new robes for Christmas--nice big ones that will last a long time. They refuse to get rid of their old ones, even though they LOVE the new ones :banghead: It's an ongoing uphill battle *sigh*

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You could always meet in a crowded parking lot :)


I have found that even giving stuff away is hard. I tend to just throw it away, I hate doing it, I feel wasteful but at the same time I don't have the time or energy to spend trying to price it, package it and then get someone to purchase it, or even find a place to give it away, easier to use the trash bin.

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Donate. Find a worthy charity-homeless shelter, battered women's shelter, public library, local thrift store, church, etc- pack it all up and drop it off at the appropriate place.

:iagree: We just downsized into a home that is 1/2 the size of our previous home. I had no idea that I had collected and kept so much stuff! At first I tried to sell things, send to people that wanted it, use Freecycle, and so on. But that took too much time and took too long to make any large difference. Finally I did like the hoarding shows - I had a box of trash, a small box to keep, and a large donate box. Each time I filled a box to donate I put it in the back of my vehicle and the next time I went to town, I donated it somewhere. The trash went into my dh's car so he could drop it off somewhere after our trash can was full. Paper and boxes that could burn were burned though weather permitting. Sometimes they items were separated for special places -like books to the library- sometimes not. Finally I called one place that said they would pick up the items. That was in many ways the easiest way to do it. I had lots and lots ready in boxes. They loaded it and took it away.

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I am in the same boat.


Dh and I decided we are doing ONE yard sale two weeks before my friend has her kids consignment sale. Whatever doesnt sell at the yard sale goes to the consignment sale. Whatever comes home from that gets donated or tossed. period. no hanging onto stuff with hopes of making money off it at the "next" sale.


I am seriously sick of "stuff" and I just want it gone!

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We have true hoarders in our family - my great-grandma and my aunt.

I can see that I have the traits - when I buy something - I want ALL of them. Like the cast iron pans - they number from 0 to 14 - and I have nearly all the numbers - except the 'rares', #2, #13 and #14 which cost up to $1K each ... those I am comfortable not collecting LOL!

But I notice when I collect I get uncomfortable and need to purge! Not the pans, which I use - but things like all the Caldecott's and Newbery's and curricula I owned. Or the every FIAR titles I owned ...

Feels a lot like an eating disorder.

I am really surprised others go through the same as I am - I thought I was alone in dealing with this.

When my (hoarder great-grandma died, her son (my grandpa) took a bulldozer and bulldozed her house and took all her her precious hoarded items to the dump.

BTW, I LOVE the hoarder shows and always see myself in one of them.

Edited by 5KidzRUs
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Donate. Find a worthy charity-homeless shelter, battered women's shelter, public library, local thrift store, church, etc- pack it all up and drop it off at the appropriate place.




In some areas, Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and the National Kidney Foundation will come to your door.


Make an itemized list of things in good and excellent condition and take the tax write-off. For items that are not pristine, feel good about giving them to someone who could use them.

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The Vietnam Veterans will pick up too:




I think they take all kinds of small goods, though I'm not sure. We got notices from them all the time here.


ETA: Yes, they take almost anything:




I donate to them a lot. In fact, I need to get some stuff ready for their next pick-up day.

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This is why our garage is unusable. I want to put stuff on Craigslist of freecycle, but neither dh or I are real comfortable with strangers coming to the house to pick things up:tongue_smilie:.


Welcome to my world. :glare:


I'm almost afraid to start sorting through the stuff in the garage. I have no idea what's in there.


DH thinks we should just get (another!) dumpster and just toss every single box without even looking inside. I can't do that. I know there's stuff I'll want to keep, even if I have no clue about what it might be, and also knowing that I haven't seen or missed any of it in months or years. :tongue_smilie:


I hate de-cluttering. I am terrible at it. I am such a sentimental fool, and it makes it so hard to get rid of stuff. Also, I keep thinking that others could use the stuff, so I end up making dozens of trips to thrift shops so I can donate the really nice things, and it's exhausting.



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I make regular donations through the year, but at the year's end we do heavy, deep clutter busting. We've been purging for weeks now, and just today we took our first of many car loads to Goodwill. It was really hard at first to do this major clearing because I love a lot this stuff, but each day it has been easier. I am trying to empty the closets by half...they look great! The extra furniture that has been sitting around had to go. Those country crafts just waiting for years in boxes for a bigger home needed to go, too. The basement is a real pain because it's literally full of stuff from decades of collection. Good stuff, too. :D The ladies at the pick up door always seem so excited when we come, and they were literally throwing price tags on the items in the tops of the boxes and taking them right out to the store! Funny. My dd13 kept reminding me that these things were going to be a blessing to other people, so I released them. I feel better. Tomorrow we'll haul another load.

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I am SO right there with you. I just want it all gone... but after I check to make sure there's not something good in that box first! lol


Selling it off or finding someone who will use it does take time. You have to look at it from the POV of the quality of your life vs. how much the stuff is worth. If your quality of life or loved ones are on the back burner because of STUFF, it just needs to go. (I'm talking to myself here, too).


I've been listing stuff in lots and taking it to consignment shops. Whatever doesn't sell from each batch just has to GO. Dump, Value Village, the local Resource Agency, Salvation Army, etc.

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Selling it off or finding someone who will use it does take time. You have to look at it from the POV of the quality of your life vs. how much the stuff is worth. If your quality of life or loved ones are on the back burner because of STUFF, it just needs to go. (I'm talking to myself here, too).


I've been listing stuff in lots and taking it to consignment shops. Whatever doesn't sell from each batch just has to GO. Dump, Value Village, the local Resource Agency, Salvation Army, etc.

OP, I understand your hoarding tendancies. I told someone when we moved that I had hit my inner hoarding head on. I was appauled to see what I had. There are hoarders in my family, but most manage to control it. I also see lots of myself in those shows sometimes.


As far as sending items to other family members, I would just don't. Unless it is a true treasured heirloom, give it away to someone else. Part of my huge mess in the 2000sqft basement were the boxes of things that family gave me. As they were trying to control their accumulation they sent me anything and everything they didn't want in case I might. My mom was the worst - as their renters would leave items behind she would 'store' them in my garage and tell me I could sell, trade, or whatever. I just couldn't manage it all with 2 special needs children and homeschooling. Some of the stuff sent and passed on was just junk that I didn't need or want. Some of the 'heirlooms' were so badly damaged or fragile that they had no value and were not something that could saved. They didn't have the heart to toss them so they passed that responsibility to me.


When we moved I was embarassed and ashamed of all we had accumulated. I'm still working thru some of it. It is just exhausting and I just want to quit but my house will never be full of stuff again. I want space, I want clean, I want money to spend on other things. Even I had thousands of books. Yes, most were bought at resales and thrift stores for under a dollar, but if you add all that up, it comes to hundreds of dollars spent on books.


I decided to even give away items of value. My large expensive doll collection that had not been unpacked in 10 years was donated to a charity I support for their private fundraising auction. I didn't have time to research value and sell it or ask family members who wanted what and the charity was thrilled. I could even claim it on taxes. One family member did however buy one of the dolls at the auction and we are both happy with that result. I didn't want to save it 'just in case' my dd3 became interested in the future. Part of the thrill of collecting is the search and I decided she could do her own searching.


I also have taken many items to consignment shops. Now I just have them donate what doesn't sell for me if they offer that option. If it doesn't fit my kids I don't need it. I don't need to see what didn't sell. I don't need to bring it back home for future sales because it just takes up space.

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Check to see if there are active consignment shops in your area. I recently sold some furniture at a shop I stumbled across They picked it up and I told them what didn't sell they could keep, donate or trash. A few months later, I received a check for $250; they had sold everything. The money was nice, but more importantly, I got it out of here. I also consign my kids' better clothes. Everything else - housewares, books, toys... donated.

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As far as sending items to other family members, I would just don't. Unless it is a true treasured heirloom, give it away to someone else.



We have all kinds of "stuff" (read: NOT treasured heirlooms) given to us by well-meaning family members, because they either didn't want it, or ran out of room for it. 90+% of it is "stuff" we have no use for, but dh and the dc don't want to part with it because Relative So-and-So gave it to us. But we NEVER use it and it takes up space.


I've started declining things as relatives try to give them to me. The hardest things are those that arrive in the mail.

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Even giving things away is a pain - and throwing away is a pain too since our garbage can is small and pick up is only twice a month.


Anyone else going through this? I wonder if it is a midlife crisis thing LOL!


Yeah, I think this, too. I feel like I'm endlessly getting rid of things. FWIW, I most often talk myself out of selling things in favor of donating them, even if they are "worth" something. I rationalize that I am being a blessing to someone; it's good kharma; I'm paying forward the kindnesses that have come my way and it's so much easier!


Freecycle helps, and they just built a new Goodwill near me that has the most fabulous drive-through donation center I've ever seen! For big objects, I have used Amvets, who will pick up from my porch.

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I've made the habit of declutter during the winter. Really can't say I enjoy the process, but it's worth the peace of mind.


We have very limited garbage collection here, 1 can a week and it makes the process so much more difficult. We can take stuff to the dump, but that costs $5 - $15 depending on the amount and it's a hassle.


A number of charities will pick up big donations free of charge.


St. Vincent's

The Salvation Army


Good luck everyone. Flylady can be a free inspiration and help

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You have gotten so much good advice already. Here's are my rules:


1. Sort items for trash, thrift store, and re-sale. You're right; it's a pain to sell things, so I only do it for curriculum items or toys that have a high sale value. Everything else either goes to the library book sale (books) or Goodwill (everything else). You could just take them all to one place, but I like to support the library, and it's not an extra trip since I'm there all the time anyway.


2. Get it out of the house FAST. I try to put the boxes/bags in my car immediately, so that when I am out & about the next day I can drop them off. Otherwise, I end up going through the stuff again and deciding to keep some of it. (yeah, I have a few items right now that *should* have gone to Goodwill last month but I pulled them out!)


Good luck. :)

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We have all kinds of "stuff" (read: NOT treasured heirlooms) given to us by well-meaning family members, because they either didn't want it, or ran out of room for it. 90+% of it is "stuff" we have no use for, but dh and the dc don't want to part with it because Relative So-and-So gave it to us. But we NEVER use it and it takes up space.


I've started declining things as relatives try to give them to me. The hardest things are those that arrive in the mail.


Oh my, I thought I was the only one. I have a relative who boxes stuff up and sends it to me by priority mail - $$$! I used to try to hold on to that stuff, but my hubby helped me realize it's OK to just take it to Goodwill anyway.

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I donate. I find the entire task of marking the prices and shipping and all that makes me wanna gag, not to mention putting it up on a list to sell. Kudos for those that do.


We live in the boonies, so garage sales and such are not an option. Last two times I had excess, I brought in several containers and gave it to my neighbor. I told her if she sold it she could have the money. She couldn't believe it. I had one box marked free and she just about died...took a bunch out and sold some. Some she kept. I would find that to be hell, and she loved it! The year before I saw a post where someone needed stuff and I just went down and shipped it media mail to them. That feeling far supercedes selling it if I don't "need" the money.


I just figure my time in driving/gas and marking and pricing and emailing is worth more than what I'd actually make on it all.

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Oh my, I thought I was the only one. I have a relative who boxes stuff up and sends it to me by priority mail - $$$!


My dad drove my deceased mother's electric organ from FL to CT because he really wanted my kids to have it. He didn't ask if we wanted it. I've been storing and dragging that thing around for years now. :glare:

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Haven't read the other posts because I'm too excited to write my own response. So, sorry if this has been suggested:


Around here there are little auction houses (NOT Christies!). Just these little auctions houses that will take a bunch of stuff, maybe from estate sales, and sell it all at auction. My friend takes her stuff to them. They sort through it and auction it off for her. They split the profits with her (it's not 50/50, she gets a higher percentage than they do). She's even given them some junky odds and ends (so it's NOT all nice stuff.) The auction house will put the junky stuff in a single box and auction off the entire box.


My friend says that even though the auction house takes part of the profit, she's made more money on her stuff doing it this way than at yard sales. And it's easy for her. Just drop it off, fill out a form, and collect the money a little bit later.

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My dad drove my deceased mother's electric organ from FL to CT because he really wanted my kids to have it. He didn't ask if we wanted it. I've been storing and dragging that thing around for years now. :glare:


In that case I'll be thankful that I didn't get too many things larger than my deceased brother's turkey platter. After dragging it around for 20+ years...and with the encouragement of moms here... I finally took it to the thrift shop to bless someone else with it. :)

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Go to this website and find an absolute in you area. An absolute auction will sell EVERYTHING even if it is wads of trash!!!!! They send you a check and you never see your stuff again!!! My dh and I are downsizing and we are taking a trailer load every other week to an absolute auction that is about an hour away. We have been making around $100 a load.

I love, love, love that I take it, leave it and get paid.

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