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Did I get gyped?

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Large beef transaction --> Political correctness --> Daydreaming about being in a romance novel --> :confused:


Where to now, ladies?


Beef, anyone?


ETA: Actually, I'm surprised there hasn't been a discussion about the SPELLING of the politically-incorrect word...

Edited by RegGuheert
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Large beef transaction --> Political correctness --> Daydreaming about being in a romance novel --> :confused:


Where to now, ladies?


Beef, anyone?


Where's the beef?


You're the one who walked into the thread.


Just sayin'... :driving:




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Only here can an innocent query about "how much meat actually makes it to the freezer when slaughtering a cow/steer" turn into a story line (and background music!) for a soft p0rn movie...






I was okay with being taken at the butcher's. That sounds innocent and romantic.


But you've turned it into a p()rn shoot! Sheesh!




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Large beef transaction --> Political correctness --> Daydreaming about being in a romance novel --> :confused:


Where to now, ladies?


Beef, anyone?


ETA: Actually, I'm surprised there hasn't been a discussion about the SPELLING of the politically-incorrect word...

Alright, Mister Man. Don't get them started.

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Uh, no. I've been posting on topic since page one. The thread, OP, everyone, has wandered off since then. There seems to be no possibility of striking up any semblance of a conversation about beef anymore...

One could conceivable say we've been talking about beef all along. But we've gone from beef to "beef" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), if you know what I mean. :lol::lol::lol:

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I have no answer for you. I just wanted to participate in a thread about half a cow.


I learn so much stuff on this forum. I can honestly tell you that I have never known anyone who bought a dead cow. Or half of one, either, for that matter. Do you get to pick your own cow, or is it more of an honor system thing?


Please don't think I'm criticizing this -- I actually think it's interesting! I'm just one of those people who goes to the store and the meat is just... well... there. If I bought half a cow, I would have no clue as to what to do with most of it. I guess I would just hope that they would label the packages for me so I could look up recipes online.


I would also hope there was no package marked, "Eyes." :ack2:


Also, you must have a huge freezer! How many bodies can you fit in that thing? (Sorry, but where I come from, if you're buying a new car and look in the trunk, someone always comments that, "It's about a 5-body trunk; that's plenty of room, even if one of them was a fat guy." I would assume the conversation is similar in the world of big freezers...) ;)




LOL, this whole post had me giggling. I ALMOST woke up the two kids sleeping in my room! Shame on you!


(I can fit almost a whole body in my freezer FWIW.)


You say you need 1/2 a cow, they take in the whole cow, sell to two buyers or keep 1/2 for themselves. Generally you can order a whole, a half, or a quarter.


You'll get less after hanging weight on a grass fed cow generally than one that's been finished with grain or on a feedlot. They have, usually a slower growth pattern and a higher bone density is my understanding. 'Course, my dad was a pig farmer, so take my .02 for exactly what it's worth. :D

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I have no answer for you. I just wanted to participate in a thread about half a cow.


I learn so much stuff on this forum. I can honestly tell you that I have never known anyone who bought a dead cow. Or half of one, either, for that matter. Do you get to pick your own cow, or is it more of an honor system thing?


Please don't think I'm criticizing this -- I actually think it's interesting! I'm just one of those people who goes to the store and the meat is just... well... there. If I bought half a cow, I would have no clue as to what to do with most of it. I guess I would just hope that they would label the packages for me so I could look up recipes online.


I would also hope there was no package marked, "Eyes." :ack2:


Also, you must have a huge freezer! How many bodies can you fit in that thing? (Sorry, but where I come from, if you're buying a new car and look in the trunk, someone always comments that, "It's about a 5-body trunk; that's plenty of room, even if one of them was a fat guy." I would assume the conversation is similar in the world of big freezers...) ;)



:lol: This completely made my day.

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C'mon! You're all homeschooling moms after all! Misspellings and grammar mistakes, particularly in thread titles, really hit you ladies like a ton of bricks! Admit it! :D


Okay, fine, I admit it. *BUT* I really didn't know it was a derogatory term.




And I'm STILL waiting for someone to go a little more in-depth into the "irish twins" term because we use that term ALL the time to describe our two sets who were born within a year. I've just heard it growing up in the Catholic religion... But never knew it was a BAD thing... Um just the symbol of a happy marriage. ;)

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And I'm STILL waiting for someone to go a little more in-depth into the "irish twins" term because we use that term ALL the time to describe our two sets who were born within a year. I've just heard it growing up in the Catholic religion... But never knew it was a BAD thing... Um just the symbol of a happy marriage. ;)


I think it was originally a derogatory term that poked fun of Irish immigrants for having so many kids, so close together, but as I understand it, now it's just a term that means having 2 kids from separate pregnancies in the same calendar year. I have never heard it used in a mean-spirited way.


No big deal, as far as I'm concerned. And the "paddy wagon" thing isn't either, at least not to the Irish part of my family. Maybe others feel differently, but I look at a person's intent before I decide whether or not to get offended.



Edited by Catwoman
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C'mon! You're all homeschooling moms after all! Misspellings and grammar mistakes, particularly in thread titles, really hit you ladies like a ton of bricks! Admit it! :D


It was the first thing I noticed, but I try really hard not to correct people's spelling. You're egging me on however. :D

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Oooo... that sounds so "bodice ripper"!


<insert Scarlett O'Hara accent & hunky cover model here>










Only here can we just from cultural sensitivity to soft p()rn in just a few pages. :lol::lol:


We could make WTM mad-libs!! Wouldn't that be fun?


First page "Chucki buys a cow" :lol::lol:

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One could conceivable say we've been talking about beef all along. But we've gone from beef to "beef" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), if you know what I mean. :lol::lol::lol:


Hey, your the one questioning the 'hanging weight' vs what he really gave you! LOLOLOLOL

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C'mon! You're all homeschooling moms after all! Misspellings and grammar mistakes, particularly in thread titles, really hit you ladies like a ton of bricks! Admit it! :D



Yeah, that, and folks who think there will be a package of Eyes in HALF a cow :tongue_smilie:

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Also, you must have a huge freezer! How many bodies can you fit in that thing? (Sorry, but where I come from, if you're buying a new car and look in the trunk, someone always comments that, "It's about a 5-body trunk; that's plenty of room, even if one of them was a fat guy." I would assume the conversation is similar in the world of big freezers...) ;)




OT- when I was a kid we moved to a new town and about a month later a kid found his mom in the freezer. I don't remember all the details, but the husband killed her and she had been in there a few year. My aunt worked odd shifts and missed most family events. So after tbat it became a family joke that my uncle was hiding her in the freezer.

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OT- when I was a kid we moved to a new town and about a month later a kid found his mom in the freezer. I don't remember all the details, but the husband killed her and she had been in there a few year. My aunt worked odd shifts and missed most family events. So after tbat it became a family joke that my uncle was hiding her in the freezer.


Just when the thread was getting back on track :001_huh:

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Hey, your the one questioning the 'hanging weight' vs what he really gave you! LOLOLOLOL




Yes, I believe that it WAS code!


He liked my booKs

I liked his teA

He gave wrong weight

Of beef to me!




I really shouldn't be laughing this loud, it's almost my bedtime. :lol::lol:

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