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For those who cloth diaper...

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What are your recommendations for the best value, and/or best overall products for the task?


Dd really wants to do cloth, and I am planning to purchase what she will need in a couple of months, so I'm doing the research...


Thanks for any input y'all may have to offer!

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I agree with prefolds and covers. PUL is a laminated poly material that is waterproof. My favorite are Green Mountain Diapers prefolds (orange edged work great for newborns) and Thirsties Duo wraps size 1 for newborns. The Thirsties snap down and fit well under the umbilical cord, but the rise (length) of them can unsnap and get bigger so they last for a while. MotherEase Sandies diapers in XS are also great for little ones and make night time changes easier, at least for us. Imse Vimse Soft covers (the ones without a print) are also very easy covers and fit for a long time (though they were a little too high in the rise for my dd until her umbilical cord fell off). We also love the Imse Vimse covers with the organic cotton prints on the outside, but some kiddos will leak through them and get the cotton damp. If you (she) goes with prefolds, then a couple Snappi fasteners are really good to have. Some people like to fold a prefold in thirds and lay it in the cover; personally I like to secure it with a Snappi (I'm trying to learn how to get a snug fit with pins, but there's a learning curve there it seems!). Hope that helps. :D

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First of all I absolutely love cloth diapering! This is the first baby I have done it with and I wish I had used them with all 3. But anyway, gosh I researched this topic forever before selecting. There is so much lingo and so many opinions. It was tough, as I am indecisive.


Anyway, I found the greenmountaindiapers.com website really helpful. I ordered the organic prefolds from here with both styles of wool covers. The wool covers are awesome. But I only use these things for back up when I am washing my others. The 16 or 18 page packet they send out with every order is awesome for figuring out how to care for all of your diapers and make the various decisions. I bought my cloth wipes from them as well.


But the diapers I use everyday are the BumGenius 3.0 organic all-in-ones. I choose the organic because I wanted snaps not velcro. But I think the new ones that just came out come in either style. I LOOOVE them! My in-laws bought me the package that came with 12 diapers and this has worked perfectly. It was expensive but so worth it in my opinion. You just keep adjusting the snaps to fit the baby, so you really get your mileage out of them. I do not have to fumble in the night, I can just snap them on like a regular diaper. They wash well and take a little over an hour to dry because of the thick 3 layer insert inside. I go about two full days before I wash.


Anyway, good luck in deciding between all the options. Any questions about what I mentioned let me know. As you can tell I am loving cloth diapers!

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I did cloth diapers for a while with my first (about 6 months) -- pocket diapers with various inserts. Then they started having stinky problems and I went online and researched, changed soaps, washed a gazillion times... and finally gave up.


With our new babe, due in August, I am planning to cloth diaper again. but this time, I'm going really simple to avoid those problems: Prefolds and Thirsties covers. Maybe some fitteds. MAYBE.


Here's a site I've found really useful:


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http://www.diaperswappers.com - the Marketplace :thumbup1:



There are quite a few new products since I cd'd my babies. My favorite was the prefold + cover and FuzziBunz. The prefolds worked great until they were mobile. lol Then as baby pulled up, crawled, etc. they would come a bit loose. The FuzziBunz were nice b/c they snap and stay in place!


FuzziBunz also fit for quite a while!! I think one of mine was in mediums for about eight months! You don't have to buy special inserts for them. Those microfiber kitchen towels make great inserts and they are inexpensive!!


Have fun shopping! I'm jealous! lol

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I bought MotherEase diapers with my first daughter, have used them her and with my second and third daughter and am going to use them with my fourth daughter. I have always been pleased with them and they are obviously durable. I have however been very carefull not to dry them in the dryer.


Nowadays there are even more choices than there were back then, makes your head spin :lol:, I don't know anything about the newer brands of cloth diapers.


ETA: I just checked the MotherEase site. Oh my.....they now have a gazilion choices of material and lots of cute colours. Now I'm a bit less enthousiastic about their durability...I would have loved to go shopping...LOL.

Edited by Tress
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Just another vote for prefolds with covers. I'm not too crazy about wool, I like pul covers.

I spent a small fortune on bumgenius pockets and really did like them, but ended up with stink problems no matter what I did. I tried everything. Also, the bumgenius were really starting to show wear after 1 and a half kids (The elastic was wearing out, etc)

Good luck


I also wanted to mention that either trimming and stitching the prefolds or buying the shorter sizes from green mountain diapers made it a lot easier for me. I cut a good 3 inches off my premium prefolds and it made the fit much better and made them quicker to put on. Also, infant size fit my little guys up until close to a year, so I wouldn't skip those! Oh, and I love snappis.

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Heavy duty Chinese prefolds and covers of some sort. I have used both PUL and cheapie Gerber vinyl covers (the ones that come 6 to a pack at Walmart). I liked both just fine. I actually prefer diaper pins for some reason but I know a lot of people love those Snappi clips instead.


You're not alone. The diaper stores sell the pins because of people wanting them -- evidently they extend the use of a size of prefolds without having to move up.

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I purchased a fairly big variety when my middle dd was a newborn (12 1/2 years ago!!) and by far my favorites were the Snuggle bottoms fitted diapers. The Bummis whisper covers were my favorite covers. I did not like the Mother-ease particularly because my babies were tiny (they were all not quite 20# at a year old) and the Mother-ease diapers (yes, I had both types) seemed huge on them.

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Another vote for prefolds and thirsties covers! I love the duo covers, which are two sizes fits all. Easy easy easy, and prefolds work the best. Lots of absorbancy and you can wash them in any kind of water with no issues. The fancy pocket diapers everyone loves tend to start repelling when you wash them in hard water. There are all sorts of horror stories of people having to boil them, rinse them 10 times, etc. I don't have that kind of time.


Oh, and if you have the finances the Green Mountain Diaper brand is the BEST for prefolds, because they come in more sizes. You start with the orange edge ones, then move up. You don't need ALL the sizes, but having the right fit REALLY helps make it less bulky on the little babies. Such an improvement since I diapered my last kid.


Oh, and I don't use snappis until they are mobile, at the very earliest. I just lay it in there.

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For economical that lasts, I would say prefolds and PUL (polyurethane laminate) covers also. I cloth diapered my two who are 19 mos apart, at the same time with prefolds and Bummis Super Whisper Wraps for day, Fuzzi Bunz (pocket diapers) with Joey Bunz (inserts) for nights, and those lasted a long, long time. I also had some All In One diapers for outings, since it was faster to change them when out and about with those.


Right now, fitteds and wool longies or pants are my favorite with my newborn, though that's a more expensive system. His pants double as a diaper cover too, since wool is water resistant, so it saves money in that way.


There are a lot of one size products on the market right now, and that might save money, as far as not having to keep sizing up. I never liked one size in the past- Motherease one size was so bulky and wide in the crotch. But I have Bumgenius 4.0 pocket diapers for my 4 week old, and they fit amazing well, even on a little one, and should last him for a long time. I do have a big baby though, he is 11 lbs at 4 weeks, so I don't know how they fit on smaller babies. My baby also fits well in the one size Bumgenius organic all in ones, called Elementals. There is a "buy 5, get 1 free" deal going on for Bumgenius products right now.


For prefolds, Green Mountain prefolds have a huge following, so I guess those are nice, I haven't tried them. I hear good things about Imagine prefolds at Nickie's Diapers too, and I find the customer service to be good there, shipping is prompt. Nickie's has free shipping on diaper covers and pockets.


eta: There can be stinky diaper issues with synthetics. I have a few Bumgenius sized All in Ones that have microfiber soakers, and those tend to hold on to smell. I prefer natural fibers when possible, and like Very Baby All In Ones with the birdseye soakers. Prefolds can be easy that way- they are cotton and wash up well.

Edited by Annie Laurie
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I used UltraKooshies. It's been a long time though. I'm sure there are a lot more products around now.


review sites:





I was happy with them. I used the regular kooshies for my first dd, but used the ultras for my other two.

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If you want inexpensive - prefolds and thirsties covers (though the XS size of the Proraps w/the umbilical dip are nice when they still have the cord attached). Covers in the XS and S size aren't worth buying new. I have used both regular chinese pfs and the ones by green mountain - green mountain is more absorbant, has a better resale value, and b/c its dimensions are a bit different, fit much better.


That being said:


I used almost exclusively pfs and covers until my girls were ab 9 wks old.


Then I switched to BumGenius one size diapers. ODD wore them from 9 wks until she was PT'd at 2.5 yrs old. Expensive up front, but given the longevity of the dipes, worth it. Extra stuffing can turn them into a nighttime diaper.


diaperswappers.com is a wonderful place for info and buying used dipes. I have bought/sold many a diaper there.

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I loved prefolds and covers with my three and that is going to be the staple of our "stash" with the new baby too. You just can't go wrong with them. They can be folded differently to how you need the most absorbency. Speaking of absorbency, it can't be beat (that I've found anyways). Oh and they wash really well too!


My favorite covers are proraps or thirsties. Green Mountain Diapers also sells something that they call a workhorse fitted. It's a fitted diaper made of prefolds. I just ordered a dozen orange edge to use with the newbie.


I second diaperswappers.com! I love that place. It's really easy to sell the diapers once you're (or your dd) are through with them. Warn her...they can be addicting. Seriously. I've vowed not to have the addiction with them this time around. Thus, I'm going simple from the start!

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Okay, I might be the lone dissenter but I think prefolds and covers are annoying. And my DH won't use them, so out they go:)


We have used Fuzzi Bunz for 3 DC over 4 years. They fit great (Mediums have lasted from about 6months-potty training). I have NEVER had a blowout and they are easy to use and wash. I use tide, no problems.


Plus, if you watch for sales, they can be quite economical. I just got them for $10.95 a piece free shipping.


Like others have said look at diaperswappers.com, lots of info(maybe too much:)

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@StaceyinLA I'd be glad to answer any of your questions through my experience with my sisters (6 kiddos who have gone through/ are in CD) and my own daughter I have done lots of research on the matter! I also have written various reviews on my blog too if those might help.


Easily for expenses/value and effort I say my first choice are Prefolds and Covers. More specifically I say Diaper Rite Prefolds (from Diaper Junction) are the best size, quality and material. Next I like Bummis PFs because they are Organic. After that I would say Green Mountain Diapers (GMD). With covers I had the best experience with Bummis Super Whisper Wraps, Super Snaps and Super Brites, until my daughter was able to undo the velcro. Since then I have gone to Bummis Super Snaps, Kissaluvs Marvels covers and I'm going to try out a Flip cover this week (waiting on the mail). For nighttime, no contest Disana Wool. The best price I have found is from an online store based in Athens, GA - A Small Green Footprint.


After prefolds I love two other types of diapers if the funds are available. FuzziBunz One Size Pockets (and their new hemp!) and bumGenius AIO Elemental Organic One Size Diapers (AIO - All in One).


I could go on, but I'd love to answer any specific questions you might have and not bore you with the rest. I do have specific stores I'd suggest too.

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I really like prefolds sometimes. My favorite covers after the newborn stage were Dappi NYLON pull-on covers. You can get them new for something like $2-3 each, and they are amazing! Not cute, but they can't be beat for function. (BTW, Dappi vinyl covers are not durable, and I do not recommend them!) For something cute and easy, I really like Nana's Bottoms All-in-one's. She has great prices, and they are my absolute favorite (I tried lots and lots of fitteds and all-in-ones before I found hers.)

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Since I got most of my stuff between 8-10 years ago, much has changed in the details (providers come and go rather quickly).


I've made my own (eh).

Used fitted diapers with PUL, wool, and microfleece covers.

Used prefolds with PUL covers.

Tried FuzziBunz.

Tried all-in-ones.


In my opinion, little babies do best with prefolds (Chinese cotton or hemp are considered the most absorbant but I've also made my own preemie ones from standard flannel) and PUL covers like ProWrap or Bummis. These are also the cheapest way to diaper. With litteuns there are dozens of changes and there's no need to pin. If money is an object, 6-7 years ago Prowrap also sold seconds..working but with some stitch or other cosmetic problem..for cheap.


Once they graduate to movers (crawling, etc) I prefer a fitted diaper with a doubler inside. I don't want to worry about the diaper moving around inside the cover (and I hate pins). I liked Motherease one-size. They covered a large size range (but not the little ones under 12lb) and they come with a doubler which snaps in.


Hopefully this will be helpful. There are quite a few forums and YahooGroups which sell, trade, and talk cloth diapers.

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Going to ditto prefolds and wrap covers. Snappis are a must.


When they get bigger (young toddlers), and they wet less often and could at least theoretically sleep through the night, pocket diapers are awesome, esp. for at night. You can use inexpensive things for added absorbency that you wouldn't put next to skin, such as microfiber towels (sold cheap for washing cars), or continue with the same prefolds, just stuffed in the pockets.

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I highly recommend natural fiber fitted diapers with wool covers. Synthetic fibers hold onto smells. We used FuzziBunz, BumGenius, and other dipes with PUL covers for a long time and dealt with all sorts of stench, until my SIL turned me onto wool and fitteds. Having some Bummis covers on hand for the leaky-poop newborn stage is a good idea, though.


I also want to pass on a warning to be very careful if you visit the DiaperSwappers website. It is notorious for viruses!

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Prefolds all the way, CANNOT beat the absorbancy, cost, durability. I use just cheapo pullon covers- they are 2/$5- not the vinyl- the material is poly I think. I have some flats as well which I like, the absorbancy isn't as much though and there is more of a learning curve to folding them. However, on the plus they are faster to dry and cheaper.



3-4doz green stitch CPFs

3 doz dark blue stitch CPFs

10 covers each in sm, med, and large

4 snappis


That lasts me until potty-training.

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I really like prefolds sometimes. My favorite covers after the newborn stage were Dappi NYLON pull-on covers. You can get them new for something like $2-3 each, and they are amazing! Not cute, but they can't be beat for function. (BTW, Dappi vinyl covers are not durable, and I do not recommend them!)

Yep, those are what I use- NYLON not vinyl. They are so cheap and they work well and they seem to fit a range of sizes easily with the elastic legs and waist.

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Okay, I might be the lone dissenter but I think prefolds and covers are annoying. And my DH won't use them, so out they go:)


We have used Fuzzi Bunz for 3 DC over 4 years. They fit great (Mediums have lasted from about 6months-potty training). I have NEVER had a blowout and they are easy to use and wash. I use tide, no problems.


Plus, if you watch for sales, they can be quite economical. I just got them for $10.95 a piece free shipping.


Like others have said look at diaperswappers.com, lots of info(maybe too much:)

Not the lone dissenter, I also much prefer pockets over prefolds and covers. I had both, but my prefolds/covers were my "every other nappy is dirty" choice.


Stacy, my opinion is that in the cloth community, everyone has their own preference. I would buy your DD a combo of:

PUL covers: I prefered Bummis Super Whisper Pants but others prefer wraps

Fitted nappies (diapers): which are like a disposable but need a cover

Prefolds: also use the same covers as the fitteds

Pockets: These are an all-in one type thing with removable/adjustable absorbency.


Then let your DD try them all out and choose what she prefers. The 2nd hand market is strong, so anything your daughter decides doesn't suit her will get a very good price to put towards her preferred choice.

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I'm currently cloth diapering 2 babies, and I will have to vote for Prefolds and Thirsties Duo covers and Snappis. Really prefolds are the most versatile, the cheapest, and will last the longest (hardly any seams to come out). I do like having a few pocket diapers (4 or 5) for those times when prefolds are inconvenient, like when Grandma is babysitting or something. My favorite pockets are BumGenius onesize, but I haven't tried any others so I can't say for sure if they are the best. I can say that they work well on my chubby infant, and they work equally as well on my skinny toddler (and when she was a skinny infant, too!).


What a great present, I hope you find what you need!

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