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I hate costco

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I hate paying for the privilege of being treated like a number, the lack of eye contact, cashiers talking to everyone but the actual customers (and no, I don't really care that you're annoyed with your boss, what you did this weekend or how tired you are or whatever else it is you're chatting about.), being rushed through the line with barely a greeting, no one ever asking some variation of, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" Not to mention the constant feeling of being on a conveyor belt as they take my money and get me out of there.


And to think I pay for this so-called privilege of being a member. That's what really ticks me off. I can (and do) put up with lousy customer service in other places sometimes, but I don't pay a fee to shop at those places. And, fwiw, regular grocery stores almost never treat me as poorly as the Costco people.


In an effort at fairness, here's what's particularly good about Costco: their electronics return policy, gas prices and samples :)


Still, at the end of the day, I'm just not sure it's worth it anymore. We had a nightmare visit last night that triggered this. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm neither shiny nor happy at the moment :tongue_smilie:


(edited for typos)

Edited by shinyhappypeople
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:grouphug: It sounds like your Costco is awful, I would hate it too!


FWIW, our closest Costco in Oregon was not like that at all. The cashiers were always very friendly, and usually talked to my girls too. I've only been to the one here in TX twice. I don't remember anything about the people, so I guess they were neither awful nor excellent.

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It doesn't say where you live, but at the Costco north of me (outside of the urban center), the cashiers are always very pleasant and even the people who check your receipt to make sure you didn't steal anything always ask me about my day. So YMMV (your manager may vary). Heh. I've even noticed a difference between the folks who give out samples: at some Costcos, they just wordlessly give you the sample (and tell you which aisle you can buy it at), whereas at others they are very friendly and chatty.



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I'm sorry you had such a negative experience. :grouphug: That stinks and I would not want to pay to be treated that way either.


I wonder if it is something to do with your Costco location? I've been to ones all over the place- it's the one stop we do make when we travel- and I've always been very pleased with their cashiers and the level of customer service I get from all their staff. In fact, I shop at Costco more than any other store because their cashiers are so great- they're friendly and get you through FAST- plus they load up your cart for you. :)


Again, I'm sorry your experience was so negative. I had the same with my local Apple store. I posted about it here and everyone said they had the exact opposite experience. It wasn't until we did some traveling and talked to someone from Apple corporate office that we were told that there was in fact a big problem with my local store.:glare: It wasn't just me. ;) Maybe your local Costco is the same? :confused:

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I'm sure it has *everything* to do with our location. Unfortunately, my location can't change so I will. The thing is, years ago they weren't like this. It's really just been in the last couple of years that they've gone *way* downhill in terms of customer service. So, maybe it's the management. Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm done paying for the privilege of being a nameless, faceless entity to them. I know my leaving won't affect them one way or the other, but at least I won't have to deal with their garbage anymore.

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I, too, love their return policy... and selections most times. Once I asked the door greeter if a nonmember is ever allowed in the door to browse the warehouse as a potential paying customer? Her reply was that "company policy states that a nonmember MUST accomany a member to be allowed in the store"... and she actually glared at me for even asking the question! I was a member already, but I did have to become a member on a friend's recommendation ... because I wasn't allowed to browse!!?? The customer service is sadly lacking...

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I'm sure it has *everything* to do with our location. Unfortunately, my location can't change so I will. The thing is, years ago they weren't like this. It's really just been in the last couple of years that they've gone *way* downhill in terms of customer service. So, maybe it's the management. Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm done paying for the privilege of being a nameless, faceless entity to them. I know my leaving won't affect them one way or the other, but at least I won't have to deal with their garbage anymore.


I felt the same way about our Apple store and have never gone back. If I need Apple service I deal with them online or buy their products through Best Buy. I've even told the online people I refuse to go to that store. :glare: I will say the whole experience *REALLY* turned me off Macs for a very long time.


Ugh. I completely get where you're coming from.

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If there's a lot of time left on your membership, you should go to customer service and request a refund. Costco used to have a policy where they would refund your entire membership fee if, at any time, you were dissatisfied -- even at the very end of your membership year.


Sorry they're such pains to deal with!



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That's Albertsons for me. There has to be a REALLY good deal to get me in that store. Their layout makes no sense so I can never find what I'm looking for, nor can I find an employee to help. Then when I check out with coupons, I'm treated like I'm attempting to commit coupon fraud as they remove each item from the bag to make sure it is the right brand, flavor, size, etc. I've had it take 30 minutes to check out, and that's not waiting in line; that just scanning my items and double checking my coupons. I had them all correct, btw. And I've seen similar horrible service in more than one Albertsons.


I've not had a problem with Costco. Not all of the checkers are the friendliest of people but it doesn't usually bother me. Most of the time the person boxing teases my kids, and the person checking the receipt will draw a quick picture for my child (really makes him happy).

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I've had horrible/rude service at one time or another at all the chain stores; I've also had excellent/friendly service at all of them. Some of the nicest, friendliest checkers have been at Walmart, believe it or not. The lines are long, you wait, but I usually receive pleasant service. I can't say I've ever felt like a number at Costco. The store is extremely crowded, especially during the holiday season, with lines stretching on forever, but still the checkers are mostly pleasant. If I had horrible service every single time I went in a particular store, I would no longer shop at that particular store.

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I, too, love their return policy... and selections most times. Once I asked the door greeter if a nonmember is ever allowed in the door to browse the warehouse as a potential paying customer? Her reply was that "company policy states that a nonmember MUST accomany a member to be allowed in the store"... and she actually glared at me for even asking the question! I was a member already, but I did have to become a member on a friend's recommendation ... because I wasn't allowed to browse!!?? The customer service is sadly lacking...


Our local Costco let me in to browse when I was debating between them and Sam's Club! Weird.


I definitely wouldn't pay to be treated like that!

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I'm sure it has *everything* to do with our location. Unfortunately, my location can't change so I will. The thing is, years ago they weren't like this. It's really just been in the last couple of years that they've gone *way* downhill in terms of customer service. So, maybe it's the management. Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm done paying for the privilege of being a nameless, faceless entity to them. I know my leaving won't affect them one way or the other, but at least I won't have to deal with their garbage anymore.


Get your membership fee back, or at the very least speak to the manager and tell why your leaving and where you're going.


Do you have a WINCO in the area? They are wonderful. It's employee-owned and I get the bargain prices without having to pay a membership fee.

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Our local Costco let me in to browse when I was debating between them and Sam's Club! Weird.



Ours let us in, too -- and I was upfront about saying that I was going to join if they had a computer I wanted, so they knew I was price-shopping. (They had it and we joined that day.)


Our Costco membership expired, but we still belong to BJ's and Sam's. Costco isn't as convenient for us, but we'll probably renew again eventually!


I guess we've been lucky, because most of the employees at the warehouse clubs have been pretty helpful, but if we were being treated poorly, I wouldn't renew my membership. As the OP said, who wants to pay to be mistreated?



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Funny you should mention that because that was one of the first things that I noticed when we moved to Texas. The employees that work at our local Texas Costco are so nice. It was a stark contrast to where we used to live.


I also noticed a big difference in the Auto Club employees. In CA when I went in to the Auto Club to get a map or trip ticket the employees were so rude. The first time I went into a Texas AAA office I was taken aback. The man behind the counter was so nice and spent almost 1/2 hour helping me plan our road trip. I didn't even have to take a number or wait in line.


Sorry you have to deal with that, but I think it is worth it to go there because of their great return policy. My dh just returned some camping chairs that we used for 4 years. They broke in an odd spot and were obviously defective. However, I still couldn't believe Costco gave him a full refund after 4 years.

Edited by Ferdie
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Get your membership fee back, or at the very least speak to the manager and tell why your leaving and where you're going.


Do you have a WINCO in the area? They are wonderful. It's employee-owned and I get the bargain prices without having to pay a membership fee.


I forgot about the membership fee refund! Sounds like a plan. I'll talk to my DH about it and hopefully he'll go along with my plan to ditch them.


There is a WINCO close by. And the cashiers are friendly and make eye contact. (wow!) Thanks for reminding me about them :)

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Our Costco employees are generally friendly. The cashiers usually chat with my kids, joke with, and tease them. When we are leaving the store, the person checking receipts always draws a smiley face or stick-figure person on the back for my kids. The sample people are, for the most part, friendly and encourage the kids to try things - although we did have one today who snapped at nus and wanted to know why my kids weren't in school. Maybe you need to talk to the management at your store. My beef with Costco is that I go there to pick up a couple gallons of milk and a few odds and ends, and I rarely leave without paying over $100!!

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We have 2 Costco stores nearby and they are both great. I've been in several others in various states and I've never had a bad experience. Our local Costco also let us in to browse while deciding whether to become members. Sounds like your local management is the problem? I would definitely contact your local management and their higher-ups. It's pretty easy these days with the internet.

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OK, I'm kind of regretting starting this thread (except for the reminder that I can get a refund on my 'membership').


Yes, I get. YOUR Costco rocks and it sucks to be me. Can we let this die now? PLEASE?


When we were stationed at Ft. Bragg the first time there was a period when they had a terrible manager. The produce section was often empty and/or full of spoiled produce. It was not neat and clean, it was dirty and yucky. I wrote the manager, got not response. So, I emailed the head of the Defense Commissary Agency, explained the problems and said that it was getting to the point that it was not worth me going to the commissary. The next time I went in? It looked like a different store. It was AMAZING. I wrote everyone back to tell them what a huge difference I had seen.


Complaining to the correct person in the correct manner can do wonders.

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I hate paying for the privilege of being treated like a number, the lack of eye contact, cashiers talking to everyone but the actual customers (and no, I don't really care that you're annoyed with your boss, what you did this weekend or how tired you are or whatever else it is you're chatting about.), being rushed through the line with barely a greeting, no one ever asking some variation of, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" Not to mention the constant feeling of being on a conveyor belt as they take my money and get me out of there.


And to think I pay for this so-called privilege of being a member. That's what really ticks me off. I can (and do) put up with lousy customer service in other places sometimes, but I don't pay a fee to shop at those places. And, fwiw, regular grocery stores almost never treat me as poorly as the Costco people.


In an effort at fairness, here's what's particularly good about Costco: their electronics return policy, gas prices and samples :)


Still, at the end of the day, I'm just not sure it's worth it anymore. We had a nightmare visit last night that triggered this. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm neither shiny nor happy at the moment :tongue_smilie:


(edited for typos)


I think it is time to file a complaint with your Costco!!!


I've been a regular customer at 7 different Costco stores in 6 different states, plus an additional one here in Japan.... but.... for this purpose it doesn't count.


I have had a few bad experiences, but the MINUTE I say a verbal complaint the management goes out of their way to Fix. It. Now. I have _always_ had a good overall experience with Costco.


So, were I you... I would file a formal complain with ALL of the issues you have had AND I would NOT file it at a local level. I would file it at a District level and at the corporate level at the same time, including CC'ing the store specific manager.


How? Call another Costco in the area and ask for the regional office number. If you are asked if "we can help you" or something of the sort, gently inform the person you have had a serious problem with another store in the area. When you have the Regional office number, ask the receptionist for the name, snail mail, and email addresses for the district manager of XYZ area (you might want the store number) AND for this person's regional supervisor.

You might even ask if they have a specific process for filing a complaint regarding a specific store "at the regional level"; you are not filing a complaint at the store level.


Good luck,


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I think it is time to file a complaint with your Costco!!!


I've been a regular customer at 7 different Costco stores in 6 different states, plus an additional one here in Japan.... but.... for this purpose it doesn't count.


I have had a few bad experiences, but the MINUTE I say a verbal complaint the management goes out of their way to Fix. It. Now. I have _always_ had a good overall experience with Costco.


So, were I you... I would file a formal complain with ALL of the issues you have had AND I would NOT file it at a local level. I would file it at a District level and at the corporate level at the same time, including CC'ing the store specific manager.


How? Call another Costco in the area and ask for the regional office number. If you are asked if "we can help you" or something of the sort, gently inform the person you have had a serious problem with another store in the area. When you have the Regional office number, ask the receptionist for the name, snail mail, and email addresses for the district manager of XYZ area (you might want the store number) AND for this person's regional supervisor.

You might even ask if they have a specific process for filing a complaint regarding a specific store "at the regional level"; you are not filing a complaint at the store level.


Good luck,



This is great advice. There were a couple stores that I had problems with and made formal complaints about. One was Walmart in Hawaii. In the end, it didn't make me want to go back and shop there, but I at least felt like my complaint had been taken seriously, the problem had probably been corrected and some of the people involved had been taken notice of.


So even if the OP is determined not to shop at Costco again, I would still suggest that it's worth making a formal feedback about the store.


It could be that poor management is not only making customers unhappy but making the workers unhappy. But you have to get someone's attention about the problem to get change.

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OK, I'm kind of regretting starting this thread (except for the reminder that I can get a refund on my 'membership').


Yes, I get. YOUR Costco rocks and it sucks to be me. Can we let this die now? PLEASE?


:confused: Really!???!

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I agree--write some letters. I'd send them to the local general manager and corporate headquarters.


I too have patronized several Costco's and had almost exclusively positive experiences. The one time I can recall having a bad experience (a box boy gave my cart a hard push and sent it spinning out into the aisle--with my kids in it) the manager on duty took the time to listen to my complaint, apologize, and promise to address the problem.


On another board I visit, a poster visited a Costco and her special needs child was insulted by an author who was there doing a book signing. She complained--and the store apologized and informed her that they would not have the author back.

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We stopped going to our Walmart because of the cashiers. Plus this store was filthy. It smelled bad to even walk in the door. I figured I was too old to put up with the stuff. I pay more at the local grocery but my produce does not rot in a day and I do not feel like taking a bath once I leave.



This is how we feel about Walmart. I feel like their stores have really gone downhill.

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I hate paying for the privilege of being treated like a number, the lack of eye contact, cashiers talking to everyone but the actual customers (and no, I don't really care that you're annoyed with your boss, what you did this weekend or how tired you are or whatever else it is you're chatting about.), being rushed through the line with barely a greeting, no one ever asking some variation of, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" Not to mention the constant feeling of being on a conveyor belt as they take my money and get me out of there.


And to think I pay for this so-called privilege of being a member. That's what really ticks me off. I can (and do) put up with lousy customer service in other places sometimes, but I don't pay a fee to shop at those places. And, fwiw, regular grocery stores almost never treat me as poorly as the Costco people.


In an effort at fairness, here's what's particularly good about Costco: their electronics return policy, gas prices and samples :)


Still, at the end of the day, I'm just not sure it's worth it anymore. We had a nightmare visit last night that triggered this. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm neither shiny nor happy at the moment :tongue_smilie:


(edited for typos)


I was just at Costco yesterday and I found the workers there incredibly friendly and helpful.

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