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Call back for mammogram

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Please tell me your experience with getting a call back after having a mammogram. They want another mammogram and an ultrasound. DH says since they are waiting until Jan. 5th for the next appt. that it isn't urgent. I do see his point but still, this is a scary prospect. My sister had breast cancer, but it was a lump that had been there for many years that no doctor was concerned with until it actually started to bother her. Last year, she finished her 5-yr. round of Tamoxifen. Mine was just a regular routine scan. It's my second so they have a baseline from 2009.


I'm not happy with this hanging over my head throughout the holidays. Thier 'not to worry' doesn't hold a lot of weight on this topic, kwim?

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I haven't had one yet, but my mother has been called back twice, and both times, all was well. I do know she went back within a week each time. I agree with Wendy about calling back and asking them to get you in earlier. Maybe you can make sure they know that you have a sister who had breast cancer, just to get them to move a little faster. :grouphug: Let us know!

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Yeah, I wish they had given me some kind of indication but it was just a nurse telling me I needed to reschedule. I'm dealing with Kaiser Permanente so I'm skeptical of them finding an earlier appointment but I might call back in the morning and ask.


I'm off to do a final exam in science and then my semester is over. That will be a huge relief. :)

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I've had this twice.

Both times it was nothing. Once it was a mistake in the way that they did it the first time (now why couldn't they have just told me that and saved me from being concerned about it?) and the other time it was a highish density at the edge of what they had imaged, so they needed to use small plates and move inward toward the chest wall a bit.


Try not to worry! If they really thought it was urgent, they would have had you back the same week. I know someone that that happened to. Now THAT was scarey.

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I was called back for a 2nd mammo and u/s. Turns out they found two lumps; one was a cyst, the other was fibrous. I had a needle biopsy and all is fine!


Be glad they're calling you in again to rule out cancer. I'd much rather be called in for more tests to find out I'm fine than to not be called in and find out later that I'm dying.

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I got a call back once. It was a nerve wracking couple weeks. As it turns out, some tissue folded over on itself, making some suspicious shadows on the film. The redid them with smaller paddles and more "creative arranging" and everything came back clear. We don't have a strong BC history in my family (mom had a cancerous lump removed at age 75) but I was still very unnerved.


Praying for good news!

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I can't understand why they're making you wait so long. In our area, if you're called back, you go in the same day or the next day.


Can your doctor arrange something for you, so you can get in more quickly? I would keep calling and asking about it, because I would think that eventually someone will take pity on you and realize that it's hard to have a Merry Christmas when you're worried sick.


Be sure to mention your sister's health history when you call, as that might help you get an earlier appointment, too. Offer to come in at any time, and ask if it's ok to call daily to see if there has been a cancellation.


I'm sure everything will be fine -- LOTS of people get called back in and in the vast majority of patients, it turns out to be nothing -- but I would be scared out of my mind anyway.



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"Creative Rearranging" LOL. I've had a call back. Turned out I also had some skin that got "pinched":rolleyes: on the first one. I think a lot of places automatically schedule for the ultrasound in case they still have questions after the second mammogram. I don't see why they can't read them while you wait in case you need a redo. I personally would be happy to wait and immediately redo it instead of sweating a couple of weeks about what might be. Hope they can squeeze you in so you can enjoy your holidays.

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I remember reading in some book that some vastly high percentage of questionable spots on mammograms are not cancerous. The number was something like 95% are not cancerous or something.


I know how hard it is to wait, though. :grouphug:

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I've been called back, too. All was fine.


When you have a relative, they are more careful to check out any possible changes. My mom has had BC twice.


It is probably nothing, but YOU WANT THEM TO BE THIS CAREFUL. It is a good thing.:grouphug:


This was my experience exactly. It is not cause to worry--try not to! :)

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I've had to go back (but I go somewhere where they read them right away and so you just go back in and get redone.)


I believe this is correct: 80% of the call backs find nothing; of the remaining 20%, 80% of the biopsies are benign.

Since your sister had breast cancer, though, I would call back and nag them about getting in sooner for your peace of mind.

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I believe this is correct: 80% of the call backs find nothing; of the remaining 20%, 80% of the biopsies are benign.

Since your sister had breast cancer, though, I would call back and nag them about getting in sooner for your peace of mind.


Those are the statistics I've heard, as well.



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I've been called back twice, too. First time was the folded-skin thing that made a shadow on the mammogram. Second time was a cyst - had an ultrasound to determine that, and they took care of the cyst the same day. I"m sure yours is probably nothing as well, but I completely understand how nerve-wracking it is to wait. I agree - if they were overly concerned, they would have you in much sooner than Jan.

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I got a call back last February. I went the same day and they did a "diagnostic" mammogram instead of the "screening" one that I'd always had before. They did four shots of that one breast and squeezed it more than ever :crying: It did really hurt, but then I was very emotional at the time. Then they did an ultrasound. The radiologist did the ultrasound herself and gave me the results right after she was finished! Everything was fine, but they want to watch that one breast, so I'm going for "diagnostic" mammos on that breast every six months. The second time didn't hurt at all :001_smile: Maybe just because I was calm at the time! Still no changes, YEAH!


If they let you, I'd go in as soon as you can. It probably isn't anything at all, but who wants to have it hanging over them for a month!




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Yeah, I wish they had given me some kind of indication but it was just a nurse telling me I needed to reschedule.


I've been called back the past two years. The first year was a summation shadow. This year, a "breast health specialist" called me to schedule, and she was able to tell me what the radiologist's comments were. Something like "something's odd, but no definite lumps" (paraphrased). They weren't able to clear it with the next mammo, so I immediately did an ultrasound at the same appointment. Still nothing definite, so I'm going back in 6 months to check for changes. (They consider this precautionary).


Long story to say, call your Dr.'s office to see what the radiologist's comments were. According to my nurse, if there's a mass, the radiologist will say so. If it's just a general sort of change that they want to investigate further, the comments will reflect that, too.


I also agree with your husband that they triage this sort of thing. The Jan. 5 date probably means your call back is just to clear something up, not that they actually see a lump.

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Long story to say, call your Dr.'s office to see what the radiologist's comments were. According to my nurse, if there's a mass, the radiologist will say so. If it's just a general sort of change that they want to investigate further, the comments will reflect that, too.


That is an excellent suggestion!


Did you have any luck getting your appointment changed to a date before Christmas?



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I had my first mammogram last year and got called back. They just did another mammogram and it was decided that I had skin overlap (basically things weren't flat enough the first time).


This year, I have a new Dr. and she felt a lump. And then I felt it too. We did a diagnostic mammy with ultrasound & such. It was all very thorough and I have cysts.


Don't worry too much but go to your appointment. The more pictures and information they have, the better. I guess it was very helpful that they had 2 sets of film to look at & compare this last time.


I wish you the best.:001_smile:

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I've had a call back too, turns out there was a 'fold'. (trust me, it didn't FEEL folded!) But this also makes me glad that I go to a Breast Center. They had me wait in the waiting room (very nice with gowns that wrap around nicely, and it was warm!) and somebody previews it right away.

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That is an excellent suggestion!


Did you have any luck getting your appointment changed to a date before Christmas?




I didn't get a chance to call today. I got 4 hours of sleep last night and had a crazy day, including a 3-hr nap. By the time I thought about it, it was too late. I'm going to write a note for myself to remember to call Monday.

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I've got an update!


They changed my appointment because they didn't want me stressed out over the holidays. My new appt. is Dec. 17th. The nurse said the report said that there were some calcifications and density issues that they wanted to examine more closely. So hopefully all is good.


Thanks ladies! You made me feel so much better about the call back, and the earlier appointment helps too!

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Thank goodness!


I hated the thought of you having to worry on Christmas!


It also sounds like there's an abnormality, but not necessarily anything bad or dangerous, so hopefully everything will be just fine.


And don't forget to remind us to pray for you that day!





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