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And now, I have Asthma - Long Vent against Drs

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OK, here comes the rant. . .


For the past week I've been having trouble sleeping at night. I've been having trouble with shortness of breath, and, if I do fall asleep, I wake up at least once in a startled panic gasping for air. My nasal passages are clear, it's all in my chest. I have HORRIBLE allergies, and two days ago (as it was getting worse) I realized I should go in and see if I have allergy induced asthma. I was secretly hoping it was pneumonia or something "curable" with drugs. Alas, it was not.


But, here's the rant. So, I couldn't see my Dr. I had to see another Dr in her practice. I was waiting for an hour (I'm a patient person), and then he literally spent 5 minutes with me. He said, this is what you have, here's a hand out, I send the nurse back in with a script. I'm annoyed because I don't feel like I received a good level of care, but, whatever, so I leave. I only had one script, Flo Vent. I know NOTHING about asthma, I just want relief. I haven't slept in 3 days and was struggling to breathe well in his office. So, I go to the pharmacist and wait 20 min for my prescription, and I ask for a pharmacist to consult with me because I don't know the first thing about using an inhaler. He was very nice, explained how to use it with the spacer or whatever it's called, and then says I won't feel it's effects for 2-4 weeks!!!! So then he asks if I already have a rescue inhaler, or if maybe the Dr forgot to prescribe one. I say, no but this was not my ordinary Dr and I'm not totally happy with the level of care, so would he mind calling the office and I'll call too, to get this resolved.




So, I leave, and end up going back to the office, and speaking with the office manager. I explained that I'm not questioning his diagnosis, I'm questioning what he prescribed. That I came to find relief and I really don't want to go to urgent care tonight after coming to the office only 2 hours ago. She talks with the Dr to "Ask for his input," and see if maybe, "there was a reason he only prescribed the Flo Vent." He asks to speak with me, I go in his office with the office manager, and he proceeds to ask me who the BLEEP I think I am questioning his medical degree?!? He insists that the pharmacist, AND the info on the script are wrong and that if I would try the Flo Vent, I would feel better over time. He continued to berate me and the pharmacist, saying a pharmacist has no right to question his decision unless he goes to medical school too etc, etc. I won't go into all the details (I know, you're thinking "too late"), but suffice it to say twice I said, I'm done with this discussion, I will leave and find a Dr to listen to me at Urgent Care, before I was allowed to leave. After the 2nd time, he said, "If you insist, I'll prescribe you the Albuterol, is that what you want?" I said, "No, I don't want anything from you. I will go get a second opinion." Then, the Office Manager asked if she could consult with my Dr. and see what she said. My Dr told her to ask me to take the Albuterol script from the other Dr and follow up with her in 10 days. She said she would have prescribed Albuterol AND Flo Vent, and she wanted me to take it.



So, I took it. And I'm feeling much better. Yet, I'm so appalled that a man yelled at me for questioning his decision and mocked me for listening to a pharmacist. And now, I don't know what to do. I have to go back on the 1st, and see my Dr, but it's the same office and you never know how things are going to go KWIM? I HATE scenes, and I normally don't stick up for myself in situations like this, but I don't feel good! And, all I asked for was a corrected prescription, or clarification on the one he gave me. That's ALL!


If you made it this far, thanks for listening. I have never cried so hard in a Dr's office in my life.



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That's awful! :grouphug: I would register a complaint with your regular doctor AT LEAST, and would seriously consider leaving the practice.


You may want to consider leaving a review at Angie's List. The attitude that you were unfortunately faced with is exactly the kind of thing that leads to malpractice and medical errors. I'm so sorry you were faced with that!

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HOLY! What?! Your doctor CURSED AT YOU?!!! Ummmm.... I would be contacting someone TOMORROW to report him. That's uncalled for. HE WORKS FOR YOU!!! NOT the other way around. OMG that makes me soooooo ANGRY for you! :mad:


And HUGS about your condition. I have BTDT (just about this time last year) and started Singulair in the spring--the single most effective thing that I've tried and I hardly EVER use my inhaler anymore. Also, ibuprophen can help with the albuterol if you feel like your passages are inflammed. I was on IB800 for MONTHS before I got this under control. I pray you find some relief and SOON!!



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This is ridiculous.

The man is a bully.

I have had asthma for a long time, and you got very bad advice. The guy probably knows it and is ranting to try to keep you from realizing it.


Your good choice right now (based on my years of experience with this, but no MD degree) would be to take antihistimines around the clock, and take the Flovent, and keep close track of when you need the Albuterol--keep a record of that so that when you go back to your PCP you know what the pattern has been. Sometimes even if you don't feel nasel congestion you get some at night. I would also ask your doctor whether you would benefit from an expectorant to clear the mucus out of your chest--I wouldn't take it unless you know that the asthma meds are working or it might clog before it clears IYKWIM. Also, if your need for the Albuterol goes up sharply, go see the doc--don't wait. There are stronger and more effective drugs than Flovent--they have side effects so if you can avoid them it's best, but you do have to breathe!

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How dare he! Really, how dare he! That is what you need to think and repeat. Not so much to get riled up, but to encourage yourself to stand up to him. You know what he is?






A BULLY! That's what. Don't give him the satisfaction of berating you.


Seriously, how dare he.:glare:





FTR, you were right to question it. He should be written up for not giving adequate care. Anytime I have gone in for seasonal allergies that relate to breathing I get, a neb treatment then and there, and at least two scripts. One is for immediate issues and the other for long term.



I am not a doctor and have never played one on tv. :D

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Thanks so much guys :grouphug: I did file a complaint with my insurance, but DH and I are discussing what we should do next. I was just too tired tonight to research it. It took me till now to post my vent :001_smile:.


I will start keeping track of when I need the Albuterol. That's a good idea. I took 3 doses tonight (2 puffs every 4 hours). Felt better after the first, excellent after the 2nd, and really took the 3rd because I wanted to be proactive, and was starting to feel "tight" again. I won't take it in the am unless I need it.


Also, it's interesting that you mentioned the neb treatment Newlifemom because the Office manager asked if he had administered one.


I'm supposed to be taking zyrtec religiously, which I've been doing since August.


Thanks for all the support. It does make me feel better. I'm off now for a good night's sleep, :Dand a Dr search in the morning:glare:


Thanks ladies!



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If you do have asthma, you absolutely will want albuterol on hand (so the pharmacist was right), but the point of asthma control is to not have to rely on that everyday. It's pretty standard to issue a RX for albuterol to someone newly diagnosed with asthma, though, because it takes awhile to get the symptoms under control. My symptoms before diagnosis were similar to yours. Nights were difficult, but many other things set me off during the day, too. My dr. sent me to the outpatient services at the hospital for a breathing study before she would diagnose me. She spent a great deal of time over a few appts with me at first to make sure things were going well, and then a couple of years of monitoring and tweaking prescriptions regularly. Now, I see an acupuncturist rather than use Advair, but I do have the rescue inhaler. I don't have to use it too often, though. The guy you saw sounds like an irresponsible, hotheaded jerk. I would file a complaint against his medical license.

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What???!!! I feel horrible for you! That doctor needs to be fired!


I'd be doing whatever I could do.....report him, send word of mouth that he's not a good doctor....heck, I'd be tempted to stand outside of his office and give handouts to everyone who enters/exits the office with your story printed on them. What he did was SO uncalled for.

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If you like your regular doctor, I would consider keeping the appointment with her and talk it over. While I'm not in any way excusing the doctor's behavior (it's quite possible he could just be a run of the mill arrogant a$$), it is also possible that his wife just left him or something else that's horrible, and doctors are human. He was completely wrong, and nothing should cause him to treat a patient that way, but if there was a reason for his behavior that had nothing to do with me I would consider staying with the practice (as long as they put a BIG note in my chart that I was never to see him again). So if you like your regular doctor and the care you get from her, I would talk the situation over with her rather than automatically switching, because I've had an awful time finding a good general practitioner.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:, and good for you sticking up for yourself. I would've been crying, too. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug: -- the guy is a JERK. He screwed up and he knows it...


Another thing: the pharmacist knows more about the prescription and how it works in your body than the doctor. I'd trust a pharmacist anyday of the week -- if he suggests the two inhalers are normally prescribed together, I'd believe him. ;)


In case the pharmacist/doctor didn't consult with you after getting the Albuterol: the Albuterol is a rescue inhaler -- used when breathing is difficult/labored. (emergency situations)


The Flovent is more of a long-term/maintenance inhaler. As the Flovent gets into your system, you shouldn't need the Albuterol quite as much.

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your story angers me beyond belief. I'm so sorry you were treated so horribly, especially while being SO sick!!! What I've come to realize in situations like this is that it's likely that this situation with this dr. has probably happened before. He sounds like a complete idiot. NO doctor should berate you for questioning his treatment, especially where you're having trouble BREATHING, for Pete's sake!!!


I would definitely go see your doctor. It's likely that she'll never bring up this situation again. Don't let this person bully you out of that office if you're happy there. DO call the office manager and tell her you want it on your file that that doctor is never, ever again to treat you, that you'll see other doctors in the practice but NOT him.


Then I would write a letter to the hospital he practices under.

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Whoa. The pharmacist also has an advanced degree and probably has seen plenty of asthma patients who need relief go through his pharmacy. I would certainly send a formal letter to management and consider finding a new practice. I can almost understand the original mistake. It's possible the doc didn't understand the urgency of the situation to you, had a horrible day, etc. But, it's the complete unprofessional behavior on the follow up that is so horrible. Doctor offices are providing a customer service. It follows if a patient doesn't have a good experience, they won't be back.


I have one pediatrician at my kid's office that I will not ever see. I complain about him every time someone tries to schedule us with him. The schedulers often sympathize because they know this guy personally. So if you otherwise are happy with this clinic, that could be an option. Some people are just to wrapped up in their own ego and narcissism to be a good doctor. Both my husband and I have advanced degrees and it absolutely annoys us to no end when doctors talk down to us.

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OK, here comes the rant. . .


For the past week I've been having trouble sleeping at night. I've been having trouble with shortness of breath, and, if I do fall asleep, I wake up at least once in a startled panic gasping for air. My nasal passages are clear, it's all in my chest. I have HORRIBLE allergies, and two days ago (as it was getting worse) I realized I should go in and see if I have allergy induced asthma. I was secretly hoping it was pneumonia or something "curable" with drugs. Alas, it was not.


But, here's the rant. So, I couldn't see my Dr. I had to see another Dr in her practice. I was waiting for an hour (I'm a patient person), and then he literally spent 5 minutes with me. He said, this is what you have, here's a hand out, I send the nurse back in with a script. I'm annoyed because I don't feel like I received a good level of care, but, whatever, so I leave. I only had one script, Flo Vent. I know NOTHING about asthma, I just want relief. I haven't slept in 3 days and was struggling to breathe well in his office. So, I go to the pharmacist and wait 20 min for my prescription, and I ask for a pharmacist to consult with me because I don't know the first thing about using an inhaler. He was very nice, explained how to use it with the spacer or whatever it's called, and then says I won't feel it's effects for 2-4 weeks!!!! So then he asks if I already have a rescue inhaler, or if maybe the Dr forgot to prescribe one. I say, no but this was not my ordinary Dr and I'm not totally happy with the level of care, so would he mind calling the office and I'll call too, to get this resolved.




So, I leave, and end up going back to the office, and speaking with the office manager. I explained that I'm not questioning his diagnosis, I'm questioning what he prescribed. That I came to find relief and I really don't want to go to urgent care tonight after coming to the office only 2 hours ago. She talks with the Dr to "Ask for his input," and see if maybe, "there was a reason he only prescribed the Flo Vent." He asks to speak with me, I go in his office with the office manager, and he proceeds to ask me who the BLEEP I think I am questioning his medical degree?!? He insists that the pharmacist, AND the info on the script are wrong and that if I would try the Flo Vent, I would feel better over time. He continued to berate me and the pharmacist, saying a pharmacist has no right to question his decision unless he goes to medical school too etc, etc. I won't go into all the details (I know, you're thinking "too late"), but suffice it to say twice I said, I'm done with this discussion, I will leave and find a Dr to listen to me at Urgent Care, before I was allowed to leave. After the 2nd time, he said, "If you insist, I'll prescribe you the Albuterol, is that what you want?" I said, "No, I don't want anything from you. I will go get a second opinion." Then, the Office Manager asked if she could consult with my Dr. and see what she said. My Dr told her to ask me to take the Albuterol script from the other Dr and follow up with her in 10 days. She said she would have prescribed Albuterol AND Flo Vent, and she wanted me to take it.



So, I took it. And I'm feeling much better. Yet, I'm so appalled that a man yelled at me for questioning his decision and mocked me for listening to a pharmacist. And now, I don't know what to do. I have to go back on the 1st, and see my Dr, but it's the same office and you never know how things are going to go KWIM? I HATE scenes, and I normally don't stick up for myself in situations like this, but I don't feel good! And, all I asked for was a corrected prescription, or clarification on the one he gave me. That's ALL!


If you made it this far, thanks for listening. I have never cried so hard in a Dr's office in my life.








I am glad you stood up for yourself! Good for you! That's wonderful!


How dare he treat you that way!!


And you know what, it sounds to me like the office manager was looking out for you. Maybe they know this doc is a jerk?


I hope you feel better and get better care in the future!


Go Lobos!

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That is just horrible!!


Reading between the lines, it sounds as though both your doctor and the office manager know what is going on. You may be dong them a big favor by being a whistle blower on that incompetent bully.


Think of it this way -- you're not the victim any more -- you're the one who is going to help stop this land mine of a caregiver.

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He asks to speak with me, I go in his office with the office manager, and he proceeds to ask me who the BLEEP I think I am questioning his medical degree?!? He insists that the pharmacist, AND the info on the script are wrong and that if I would try the Flo Vent, I would feel better over time. He continued to berate me and the pharmacist, saying a pharmacist has no right to question his decision unless he goes to medical school too etc, etc. I won't go into all the details (I know, you're thinking "too late"), but suffice it to say twice I said, I'm done with this discussion, I will leave and find a Dr to listen to me at Urgent Care, before I was allowed to leave. After the 2nd time, he said, "If you insist, I'll prescribe you the Albuterol, is that what you want?" I said, "No, I don't want anything from you. I will go get a second opinion." Then, the Office Manager asked if she could consult with my Dr. and see what she said. My Dr told her to ask me to take the Albuterol script from the other Dr and follow up with her in 10 days. She said she would have prescribed Albuterol AND Flo Vent, and she wanted me to take it.




This man is a jacka**. I'm glad you have the rescue inhaler but seriously, if you have a local homeschool support group, asks for recommendations and get yourself a new doctor!


When my DH was having "stroke-like" symptoms, I kept asking the drs. if it was the compazine he was on. They all said no. I talked to the pharmacist and he said absolutely, take him off! As soon as my dh stopped taking it the symptoms disappeared.

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Wow. I have asthma and I'm appalled at the level of care you were given. I take Advair as a long term inhaler. But I have always had Albuterol as a rescue inhaler. In fact, the Albuterol was the 1st inhaler that I was given. After I needed the Albuterol too much, the doc prescribed the Advair. I rarely need the Albuterol now. If I have a bad cold it inflames my asthma.

If I can't breathe well the doc prescribes prednisone for a week. I just can't believe that you told him that you were having problems breathing NOW and he gave you a long term med. I assume that the Flovent is like my Advair. It does take a few weeks to be effective.


Did you tell the office manager of the doctor's behavior? I realize that the manager can't really control the doctor. But if enough complain about the same doctor, the practice will have to do something. He sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


When I was 7 months pregnant, I hurt my back badly. I went to my primary doc. I was looking for suggestions that didn't involve painkillers but he prescribed a painkiller. I called the OB and they recommended that I not take it. It was a new drug and untested in pregnant patients. I called my primary doc and asked him if he had any other suggestions. He was offended that I questioned his suggestion. He told me that I would just have to suffer then. I changed primary doctors then and there. But I do wish I had filed a complaint aganist him.


I hope you continue to feel better. With asthma, you now need to be more proactive. Even though I use Advair, when I get a cold/flu I use the rescue inhaler a few times a day. It doesn't matter if I need it. The asthma makes it harder to get a cold out of my lungs. When I don't use the albuterol during a cold, I get really sick and need prednisone for a week. My primary doc and I have an asthma care plan. He knows I'll need prednisone at least once in the cold/flu season.


Take care.

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A couple of other things to ask your "good" doctor about.


Do you have GERD? That can cause those night time wake ups, and if you do, taking the meds for it before you go to bed will make the biggest difference of anything...as I know from personal experience.


Do you have pneumonia or bronchitis? I don't see how your 'bad' doc could tell in 5 minutes without an x-ray. If you have either of these, there is a good chance that you will need and benefit from antibiotics.


I would suggest checking on these right away, starting with an advice nurse if necessary. These are both things that can cause your symptoms and rarely go away by themselves.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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The doctor needs a really big kick in the rump! Totally unprofessional and completely misinformed...he'll never be an expert on the drugs the way the pharmacist is....that's why we have pharmacists and docs don't fill the scripts. If this were not so, we'd have a lot more people dying of drug interactions.


Sheesh.......is this creep always the back-up doc for your doctor? If so, maybe moving to another practice is something to consider.



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:grouphug: Don't worry, the upcoming heartattack is his, not yours.




Whoa. The pharmacist also has an advanced degree and probably has seen plenty of asthma patients who need relief go through his pharmacy. I would certainly send a formal letter to management and consider finding a new practice. I can almost understand the original mistake. It's possible the doc didn't understand the urgency of the situation to you, had a horrible day, etc. But, it's the complete unprofessional behavior on the follow up that is so horrible. Doctor offices are providing a customer service. It follows if a patient doesn't have a good experience, they won't be back.


I have one pediatrician at my kid's office that I will not ever see. I complain about him every time someone tries to schedule us with him. The schedulers often sympathize because they know this guy personally. So if you otherwise are happy with this clinic, that could be an option. Some people are just to wrapped up in their own ego and narcissism to be a good doctor. Both my husband and I have advanced degrees and it absolutely annoys us to no end when doctors talk down to us.


I think that's why the receptionists encouraged me to go straight to the office manager. I realized last night, if he treats patients this way, imagine how he treats the office staff!






I am glad you stood up for yourself! Good for you! That's wonderful!


How dare he treat you that way!!


And you know what, it sounds to me like the office manager was looking out for you. Maybe they know this doc is a jerk?


I hope you feel better and get better care in the future!


Go Lobos!


You mean the basketball team, right? :lol: I think so too. I'm not going to file a complaint about her, but I did get asked if she did anything to stop him and had to say no. I don't think it's her job though (to reign in the Dr). I can't IMAGINE her job is at all pleasant.


A couple of other things to ask your "good" doctor about.


Do you have GERD? That can cause those night time wake ups, and if you do, taking the meds for it before you go to bed will make the biggest difference of anything...as I know from personal experience.


Do you have pneumonia or bronchitis? I don't see how your 'bad' doc could tell in 5 minutes without an x-ray. If you have either of these, there is a good chance that you will need and benefit from antibiotics.


I would suggest checking on these right away, starting with an advice nurse if necessary. These are both things that can cause your symptoms and rarely go away by themselves.


What's GERD again? I don't have bronchitis, but I wondered about pneumonia. Since I feel better today, I don't think I have either, but I'm monitoring my symptoms closely.


Thanks for the support everyone! I just HATE things like this. I did call and leave a message for the person in charge of complaints. I decided to explain briefly on her machine why I was filing a complaint (verbal assault), because I felt like she should have the right to look into it before getting back to me. I stated that I had already filed a complaint with my insurance company, and I wanted to know what their clinic does in situations like this. I said that I hate to leave my Primary Dr, but I need to know how this will be handled before I make any decisions.


FWIW, I only expect an apology (even if it's not directly from him), and a note on my chart that he's NEVER to see me again. But, I need to know if they condone his actions. KWIM? If I get a call back and they say, "We're so sorry, he never should have treated you this way, and he is being dealt with," I'll be satisfied. But if they come back defending him, I'll have to leave the clinic. That would indicate to me that being RIGHT is more important to them than their patients. And, my own Dr has made mistakes, but she has always corrected them and apologized! NEVER has she fought with me. This one time, I did ask her about a medication, or treatment or something for a problem I was having (I don't even remember what it was:lol:), and she said she would not prescribe it and here's why, but she would not be offended if I sought a second opinion. No fight, no tears, and I didn't find a second opinion, because she presented an excellent reason.


The good news is, I slept through the night and I feel so much better.:hurray: Still "tight" and tired, but not wheezy and like I can't catch my breath. I appreciate all the advice! This is definitely a case where information has been key!




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That's INSANE. I hope you make a huge stink about it!


I would also wonder about him diagnosing asthma after a 5-minute visit. I totally get prescribing inhalers to deal with the immediate breathing issues, but here they have to order a full lung-function test before diagnosing a person as an asthmatic...


I have horrible allergies too (but not asthma), and I wanted to suggest you also try controlling allergens as much as possible to help relieve your symptoms. Things like dust mite covers for your pillows and mattress, frequent vacuuming, air filters etc. Not being able to breath is one of the scariest things imaginable. Hope you keep feeling better!

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Oh my! :grouphug: I didn't read all the responses, but my husband and my kids all have asthma and I couldn't imagine a Dr. not prescribing Albuterol or acting that way. Since your having trouble breathing I would take both inhalers as prescribed right now, but I'd also make an appointment with an asthma/allergy Dr. They will do a breathing test to see if you actually have asthma and need the maintance inhaler long term.


Sorry you had to put up with such a jerk..

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How dare he! Really, how dare he! That is what you need to think and repeat. Not so much to get riled up, but to encourage yourself to stand up to him. You know what he is?


A BULLY! That's what. Don't give him the satisfaction of berating you.


Seriously, how dare he.:glare:





FTR, you were right to question it. He should be written up for not giving adequate care. Anytime I have gone in for seasonal allergies that relate to breathing I get, a neb treatment then and there, and at least two scripts. One is for immediate issues and the other for long term.


I am not a doctor and have never played one on tv. :D


Thanks so much guys :grouphug: I did file a complaint with my insurance, but DH and I are discussing what we should do next. I was just too tired tonight to research it. It took me till now to post my vent :001_smile:.


I will start keeping track of when I need the Albuterol. That's a good idea. I took 3 doses tonight (2 puffs every 4 hours). Felt better after the first, excellent after the 2nd, and really took the 3rd because I wanted to be proactive, and was starting to feel "tight" again. I won't take it in the am unless I need it.


Also, it's interesting that you mentioned the neb treatment Newlifemom because the Office manager asked if he had administered one.


I'm supposed to be taking zyrtec religiously, which I've been doing since August.


Thanks for all the support. It does make me feel better. I'm off now for a good night's sleep, :Dand a Dr search in the morning:glare:


Thanks ladies!




Dorinda -- I AM so sorry this happened to you! I've only read this far in the thread, but what jumped out at me immediately, and maybe I missed it, but did they take your pulse ox? You know, the thingy on your finger (like a big clothespin) to measure your oxygen saturation level? That is standard procedure when someone presents the way you've described. As for the doctor........I'd skewer him. Feel better soon.

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That is just..... awful!!!


I feel some of your pain, having had a somewhat similar experience recently with our regular family doctor. I have been back to him three times (twice for the kids and once to refill a prescription) and I desperately want to find a new doctor. But, now I'm leery of all of them and half-afraid they'll all talk to me like that at some point. :( I'm glad, at least, that you won't ever have to see this man again!


Oh - and much of the best medical advice I've received has been from the lips of a pharmacist. Our doctor gives us a flyer and sends us on our way (or worse - one of the doctors in the same practice told my husband what was wrong - and told him to GOOGLE it!!!). Thank goodness for good pharmacists!!!!!

Edited by orangearrow
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GERD is acid reflux that crawls up your esophagus into your throat. If it gets to the point of dripping over into your windpipe it makes you cough and since it's very acidic it also damages the interior of your windpipe, making it hard to stop coughing.


Medicines for it stop acid production in your stomach, so even though the reflux still happens, it's not so caustic and damaging.


It is also important to change your habits to try to prevent it completely, but in the meantime the meds really help prevent/control its contribution to asthma.

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GERD is acid reflux that crawls up your esophagus into your throat. If it gets to the point of dripping over into your windpipe it makes you cough and since it's very acidic it also damages the interior of your windpipe, making it hard to stop coughing.


Medicines for it stop acid production in your stomach, so even though the reflux still happens, it's not so caustic and damaging.


It is also important to change your habits to try to prevent it completely, but in the meantime the meds really help prevent/control its contribution to asthma.


I'm going to ask my Dr about this on the first. I'm also going to ask for further testing. If I don't get it, I'll go find an allergist (my DD's is great) and a new Dr.


The person above the office manager, who sends all complaints to the board of directors spoke with me personally and is having us all write up statements. She apologized profusely and asked me to do it so they can have a peer review and "correct" the problem. They have such a high turnover right now, both Drs and patients. I pulled my girls from the pediatric dept 2 years ago, and was shocked to see that all their regular peds Drs are gone. They are down to 3 total, and they're all new in the last 2 years. So, I guess they have to solve their problems, or continue to lose patients.


Thanks again for all the support guys!


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I think you can report him to the AMA


The AMA is a lobbying and policy-setting organization. They have no authority over individual doctors, except *maybe* to revoke their AMA membership.


1. Report him to your state medical board. If it works like it does here in CA, the doctor will be notified by mail of the complaint and the board will investigate and make a decision. Even if it comes to nothing for you, it stays in his file. I'm also glad you reported him to your insurance company.


2. Please get a more in-depth exam by another physician. A friend of mine had what her doctor claimed was just asthma, but it turned out that she had blood clots in her lungs.

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