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I'm curious... Do you know who Andy Irons and Kelly Slater are?

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Okay, so for those of you who know Andy Irons, did you first hear of him this week after his death?


We live in a surfing home, so Kelly is an icon around here. I'm personally not into surfing, so I could take him or leave him. But I do realize that he is an incredible surfer and has had a huge impact on the sport of surfing. He's just won his tenth world title at the age of 38. I recently read an article about him and how there is no other sportsman who had dominated his sport for so long, 20 years. And yet he's not well known among the general population. Interesting.

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:iagree:Sad to hear of his premature death, though. I didn't know folks still died from Dengue Fever in this day & age.


I knew Kelly Slater too, but only heard of Andy Irons this week. His wife is 8 months pregnant :( The news report I heard said that he was supposedly suffering from dengue fever, but that his body didn't actually show any signs of it, so it was considered suspicious/mysterious or something. Has there been an update?

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