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PA stinks!

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Yes, literally! We vacationed in PA this past summer and stayed at 2 different hotels and they STUNK! Smoking is still allowed in bars/restaurants in PA! I will NOT be vacationing in PA again unless I can find a TOTALLY non-smoking hotel. UGH!


Does your state still allow smoking in bars & restaurants?

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Where were you? I only know of one restaurant around here that allows smoking (out of dozens upon dozens of restaurants.) I don't know about bars.


I've stayed in just one hotel and there was no smoking in that, either.


Were you near the bad part of a city or something? Pittsburg or Philly?

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Where were you? I only know of one restaurant around here that allows smoking (out of dozens upon dozens of restaurants.) I don't know about bars.


I've stayed in just one hotel and there was no smoking in that, either.


Were you near the bad part of a city or something? Pittsburg or Philly?


Here's one place we stayed: http://www.poconomanor.com/

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There is a smoking ban in PA in places where food is served, except if it is a private club. If they only serve alcohol and snacks, then smoking is allowed. If they serve meals, then smoking is not allowed. A private club can serve food and allow smoking if they meet certain criteria for a private club, not sure exactly what that is for certain but we do have several in my area with membership fees and that sort of thing. One of my daughters works in one of the private clubs and makes a good amount of money waitressing for the die-hard smoker dinosaurs.

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VA just passed a non-smoking ban. We had been only visiting restaurants that were completely non-smoking prior to the ban, so now we have more variety. I used to get so upset when I would request a very non-smoking table and then be seated right next to the smoking section.


Even when I was a waitress at Lone Star Steakhouse, many more people requested non-smoking. The wait was always so much longer for that section even though there were more non-smoking tables.


Now, I wish people would clear the front doors so I can enter without having to hold my breath. ugh Oh, and drive-throughs. And, did I mention stoplights? I can rarely have my car window down because I'm nearly always behind someone smoking. If smoking is so great, why not keep it all in the car with you? LOL


Seriously, though, I am shocked at how many people still smoke given the fact that we know its effects. My mom has only one lung and will be on oxygen the rest of her life because of it, and my uncle was just diagnosed with lung cancer. My first mental response was, "why does that shock anyone?"

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You are correct.



It does stink around here occasionally. Like today for instance. But it is the stink of cow poop! On a good day, I get the smell of chocolate instead.:tongue_smilie:


Ahhh, if only the wind blew west... BUT I get the romantic red blinking lights of a nuclear power station out my bedroom window.

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There's no smoking in any restaurant near us. We don't go to private clubs or bars.


I keep waiting for smoking to die out, but several teens still pick up the habit every year (I think it's still the rebellious thing to do), so I'm not expecting it in my lifetime. I'm glad my parents didn't smoke. One side of my grandparents did, but they stopped when their kids were young.

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We live in PA and I can't even think of the last time that I encountered a 'smoking' restaurant. Not all of PA stinks. ;)


...had a bar - so there was smoke in the restaurant too. We didn't think too much about it because we are so use to NEVER having to deal with tobacco smoke. We weren't familiar with the area so we ate at restaurants that were convenient (location), not knowing if they had a bar attached or not.

Edited by MIch elle
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I'd say that it was more your choice of where you stayed and dined in PA than it was PA. Sorry you got a bum deal, but you may want to ask specific questions from now on regardless what state you visit.



It's wasn't our choice. We didn't even think to ask because everywhere we vacation doesn't allow smoking at ALL - NY, NJ, Wash.DC, MA, CT, FL, CA, etc..


YES, next time I will be sure to ask! :D

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Ah, at first I thought, "For once, I've noticed an old thread before posting to it." Then I saw that you had just posted it. I couldn't imagine what had triggered the post! I'm impressed that you are already thinking and planning for next year. You go girl!!!

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All the restaurants here are non smoking, bars are still smoking and everyone can still smoke in public. I hate it! I hate being somewhere like a children's park and some one starts smoking! Or going into a store and someone is smoking right there by the door. It stinks! It is gross! Why can they not wait or just finish it in their car then walk to the store? Why make the rest of us have to deal with it also? I have noticed the mall and grocery stores the worst for this. Just really upsets me.


Also our motels are still smoking and non. I hate it. I always request a room that is furthest away from the smoking. The last one we stayed in had smoking rooms right off the pool! So people were standing on the balconies of their rooms smoking right there next to the pool. It was so rude!

Edited by hsmom
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I have found hotels that are ALL nonsmoking. I had to report someone once for smoking in the room down the hall from us, though.


All the restaurants here are non smoking, bars are still smoking and everyone can still smoke in public. I hate it! I hate being somewhere like a children's park and some one starts smoking! Or going into a store and someone is smoking right there by the door. It stinks! It is gross! Why can they not wait or just finish it in their car then walk to the store? Why make the rest of us have to deal with it also? I have noticed the mall and grocery stores the worst for this. Just really upsets me.


Also our motels are still smoking and non. I hate it. I always request a room that is furthest away from the smoking. The last one we stayed in had smoking rooms right off the pool! So people were standing on the balconies of their rooms smoking right there next to the pool. It was so rude!

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Ky still allows smoking in restaurants, the result is we don't like to go out to eat there. Smoke makes me so ill, that I can't eat. We go to TN where smoking is now banned in restaurants.


We were just in TN a few weeks ago and nearly died sitting in a restaurant (granted, we were on the patio) where several people were smoking. They didn't seem to think it was banned and since we don't live in TN I didn't think it was either. So, do you think it's legal to smoke on the patio at a restaurant (it's not here in GA) and not inside?

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