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My boys just went through Mike Snavely's "Evolution or Creation" book, which teaches that the earth is about 6,000 years old. Today we were looking at Story of the World (Ancient Times) and it says that the nomads were around about 7,000 years ago. I find both authors reasonably trust-worthy, and I'm not very well-read on the subject to know what the right answer is. Anyone have input?

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My boys just went through Mike Snavely's "Evolution or Creation" book, which teaches that the earth is about 6,000 years old. Today we were looking at Story of the World (Ancient Times) and it says that the nomads were around about 7,000 years ago. I find both authors reasonably trust-worthy, and I'm not very well-read on the subject to know what the right answer is. Anyone have input?

It depends on whether you're interested in scientific evidence, or faith.


Based on science, it's about 4.5 billion years old.

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My boys just went through Mike Snavely's "Evolution or Creation" book, which teaches that the earth is about 6,000 years old. Today we were looking at Story of the World (Ancient Times) and it says that the nomads were around about 7,000 years ago. I find both authors reasonably trust-worthy, and I'm not very well-read on the subject to know what the right answer is. Anyone have input?


You aren't going to find agreement on this. I'm an Old-Earth Creationist, but I know many people who are Young-Earth Creationists.

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Story of the World sidesteps the issue by never commenting on how old the world is. I believe that the world is about 4.5 billion years old. If your religious tradition suggests the world is much younger than this, then you might want to ask your minister for his or her views.

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Somewhere between 6,000 and 4.5 billion years old. ;)


LOL! :lol: I like that.


I believe in Creation which puts the earth at around 6,000 years old. This is what I teach my kids...but I also tell them that scientists have other theories and they believe the world is much older. We used a book called "Dinosaurs of Eden" and really got some great biblical insight on how the earth could be much younger than Scientists speculate.

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My boys just went through Mike Snavely's "Evolution or Creation" book, which teaches that the earth is about 6,000 years old. Today we were looking at Story of the World (Ancient Times) and it says that the nomads were around about 7,000 years ago. I find both authors reasonably trust-worthy, and I'm not very well-read on the subject to know what the right answer is. Anyone have input?


Billions of years old. No reputable scientist believes otherwise.

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visit Answers in Genesis. Their site is a gold mine of support for Biblical creationism. They have free online videos at their site. They also offer a free audio or video download each week.


I believe it's around 6000 years old. I'm fairly sure that SWB believes some form of evolution (theistic evolution or progressive creationism), although she believes that God ultimately is responsible. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. :001_smile:

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Somewhere between 6,000 and 4.5 billion years old. ;)




My boys have learned theories from each side supporting their side. I don't care much which they believe, I just care that they know the science behind each. (Both sides are supported by reputable scientists... but each side will tell you differently! :D )

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That's kind of a "can of worms" question...


The truth is, we don't know.


Young-earth creation (of which there is evidence, but no solid proof) sets it at about 6,000 years old; neo-Darwinian evolution (of which there is evidence, some of which contradicts itself since the theory itself sort of evolves when new evidence is found, but no solid proof) sets it at about 4.5 billion years. Old-earth creation places it somewhere in-between.


To say that science solidly places it at x number of years, just isn't science - at least not the science that makes microwave ovens and chemical reactions. There's a difference between practical science and origin science. Both sides of origin science are based on both scientific evidence and worldview, and both sides interpret the facts differently. Since neither evolution nor creation is something that can be observed, tested, or proven, we just don't know.


Both sides will say the other is skewed by their worldview. To a point, they're both probably right. I've heard scientists from both sides (and those who are somewhere in the middle) admit that their interpretation of the facts is at least somewhat based on the context of what they think is true. I don't know too many evolutionists that are willing to consider young-earth creation as an option, and I don't know too many creationists that look for evidence to support macro-evolution. So, the debate goes on.


And I know there are folks that will blast me for saying so, but it's what any honest scientist would say - this is what I believe based on ________, but the truth is we don't know for sure. We can only make our best guess and go from there.

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All the "scientific evidence" doesn't really convince me on the age of the earth. How many times throughout history have scientists been proven to be way off on their thinking? In the 25 years that I've been a mom, they can't even decide something as simple as whether a baby should sleep on his back, stomach or side! LOL No one was there when the earth was formed. A lot of dating techniques are questionable. It's all speculation as far as I'm concerned.


That said, i believe God's account in Genesis. His Word is all I know to be true.

I'm hoping when we get to heaven, we'll find out all the details. :)

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Story of the World sidesteps the issue by never commenting on how old the world is. I believe that the world is about 4.5 billion years old. If your religious tradition suggests the world is much younger than this, then you might want to ask your minister for his or her views.



Can someone please clone this answer for every time this debate begins. Short, simple and to the point.

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just don't post it on facebook. ;)




As old as dirt.


Hence the debate. :tongue_smilie::D


I'm popping open a bottled B&J margarita, which is not old.




...Since we like to use primary documents for study...if you believe the bible you can use the creation story. However, as someone (Pamela?) pointed out how long is a "day" in Genesis. Then you can debate whether the creation story is true or not. then....oh, never mind, I'm not articulate enough to debate it. Bottom line is, even as a person of faith, it doesn't interfere with my relationship with God (the Christian one) if I believe the earth is 6k years or billions of years. But that also can be a sticking point....oh, never mind....off to get that margarita.

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....oh, never mind....off to get that margarita.

I'll join you in the kitchen. I really don't want or need to get sucked into this one.



Hey someone should set up a poll. Will this thread:

reach 10 pages

reach 10-20 pages

reach over 20 pages

get locked

get deleted

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If they think the earth is young, they're not reputable now, are they. ;)



While you and I may agree, to be fair that is simply an opinion. I have heard the same thing about scientists who believe/do not believe in global warming/cooling.

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