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Spill of thread, how many toys do your dc have?

How many toys do your dc have?  

  1. 1. How many toys do your dc have?

    • 0-20
    • 20-40
    • 40-60
    • 60-80
    • 80 plus

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ETA: Ah, it become a poll. I have no idea how to answer in "numbers". ... Ds' toy categories: Playmobil, Lego, Nerf guns, a handheld video camera... Dd has: American Girl dolls (three -- overindulgent Daddy, lol -- and clothes), costumes... Both kids have a couple of stuffed animals. The kids share some toy kitchen stuff, Kapla blocks, several swords/light sabers, and various board games. They each have a scooter, a bike, a tennis racket, and a soccer ball. Also art supplies and lots and lots of books.

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This is difficult. We have all building/imagination toys.



Lincoln Logs

Train set

Matchbox cars

Kapla blocks

Imaginext Space

Imaginext Rainforest

Playmobile Vet

Playmobile Pirate

American Doll & clothes

2 or 3 Transformers


That's the total, but seriously I have no idea how I'd count that.

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For ds we sort most things in to canvas bins (6 of them, which fit perfectly on a 2 shelf book shelf in his room - they are about 12"x12"x12") and rubbermaid tubs (4 under his bed and 1 in his closet) in our house.


  • 2 big tubs of Legos (plus a work in progress box to hold whatever project he is currently building)
  • 2 big tubs & a tackle box full of GIJoe figures and the matching vehicals (he also has a big base that doesn't fit into the tubs)
  • 1 big tub full of dress up stuff, nerf guns, play swords ... ect.
  • 1 bin hotwheels
  • 1 bin micromachines
  • 1 bin action figures
  • 1 bin of animals (small plastic ones)
  • 1 bin with misc. stuff that doesn't sort well
  • 1 bin with play tools and musical instruments
  • a couple remote control cars
  • a shelf with stuffed animals
  • a tub of outdoor toys (kept in the garage)
  • a bike, a scooter, and a skateboard

Dd has about the same amount of toys, just more girly ones like Polly's and dolls.


This doesn't count all the kids' books we have in their rooms or on a large book shelf in the hall by the kids' rooms. Plus we have a ton of crafty items that they are welcome to play with at anytime. We also have a Wii.


If something does not fit into our organization system, we either don't get it or ds has to make room by getting rid of something. I do NOT like clutter or cheap junk. Anything that is broken either immediately gets fixed or thrown out. Plus we don't keep happy meal type toys for longer than a few days. And we donate all the cheap dollar store items dmil insists on sending to them. :glare: Plus I go through the kids' rooms about 4 times a year and we clear out anything that is not played with any longer to donate.

Edited by BramFam
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We (well, I) went through a major culling of personal possessions in the last year or so. This goes for everyone in the house, not just the toys. :001_smile:


We fall in the 0-20 for all the kids. (If we're counting by kind of toy and not, say, each Duplo.:tongue_smilie:) The kids' rooms are pretty small and the house not that large, either, so cutting back on the amount of "stuff" we have has been important to me lately. It's a sanity thing...

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Well just thinking in Major categories (as in a tote of ....)


Barbies-rec as gifts and only saved to play with when certain friends come over

Baby Dolls (life like) and acc

Baby Dolls (stuffed, mainly Madeline)

Lego's and Bionicles



Wooden train

Wooden sorting/stacking/beads

Wooden doll house x2 plus

Electronic toys (ABC toys, games etc)

Mind Storms

Snap Circuits

Littlest Pet Shop

Build A Bear/Webkinz/Stuffed animals

1000s of craft supplies

Schlecht/plastic animals


Wooden puzzles, wooden dolls etc

Kitchen w table and chairs, accessories

Wooden food

Play Dough

Cardboard games/puzzles

Wood logic puzzles/games

Tactile toys

Music toys

Easel/chalk board/dry erase

Books galore

.....okay I will stop there, I could go on and on. These are just the major categories and not the things that we just a few of...lol We have a lot but we have very, very little cross over between the kids.


We have a floor to ceiling book case just full of games, another of math/logic, another of science, another of art supplies and another of wood toys for dd3.



But with 3 kids, spread out in ages, I have everything from 16yo to 3yo in my house. We tend to buy more specialty toys (hence the abundance of wood toys). Rarely plastic Fisher Price style. We do much more shopping at mom and pop toy stores than Toys R Us. Pretty much the only thing that dd11 got into that was really mainstream was Littlest Pet Shop and ds Legos. Our wood train was bought when ds was a little kid and it was very hard to find back then and is all orginal Brio/Thomas.


I will say 80+ but that is probably a low figure

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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As long as Legos count as one toy we are in the 0-20 category. It is practically the only toy my ds6 plays with. He will do light sabers or nerf outside but that is about it. He lives for Legos.


My ds9 plays with his magic cards and sometimes with the Legos. He does have a light saber and nerf and plays with them outside. He would play video games all day if he could. Since he can't he reads books.


My dd11 reads books and does art. I can't remember the last time she played with a toy. Maybe something with the group at the park. She just isn't a toy kid.

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I went with 20-40. Dd has two cubby cubes with 9 cubbies each. Each cubbie holds a toy or accessories.



Baby doll accessories

Fashion dolls

Fashion doll accesssories

The unnamed junk cubby

Build-a-Bear clothes

Sweet Street accessories


Lincoln Logs

Tinker toys

Polly Pocket

The cash register sits alone in a cubby

coloring books and the tub of markers/crayons are in one cubby


I can not think of what is in the other 5 cubbies. More of the same, but different. So that is 18. The collection of stuffed animals in the stuffed animal net is large. But sine they are in the net gathering dust I counted the group as one. The stuffies that she plays with constantly number roughly 10. That puts us up to 29. The Wii is a family game so I'm not counting that. Nor the board games we play as a family.


I can add the doll cradle and about 5 dolls. Along with the collection of Sweet Street houses and buildings. That gives her 35 with room for a few that I have forgotten.

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Um... All together, or each?


There's no option for a ridiculously embarrassing amount in that poll!


:iagree: It really is ridiculous. I rarely buy my kids toys, but they have oodles of great hand-me-downs and gifts. I really think the stuffed animals reproduce like tribbles. I pretty much only purchase additional Legos/K'nex/Playmobil.

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I keep my dds toys in boxes grouped by toy sets. Some sets have a lot of pieces and some have very few. This is what we have:


American girl dolls (2 dolls and 1 large box each)

littest pet shop (1 large box plus a house)

polly pockets (1 large box plus the cruise ship and 2 small bags)

Ponyville (1 large box plus the teapot house)

My little pony (1 extra large box, 1 large box, 1 small box and a castle)

dress-up clothes (l med box, ready to purge & pass on)

horses (1 small box plus barn)

webkinz (2 nets full plus more on the bed)

hello kitty (small box)

barbies (2 extra large boxes, 4 cars, a train and 2 houses)

kittens from China (1 shoebox)

bunnies with houses (1 shoebox)

puppets (1 small box)

paper dolls (1 small box)

legos (1 small box)


Plus there are other sets. Last summer, I purged about 50% of the toys and 20% of the books. This year I purged another 10% of toys and 30% of the books.


We have a lot because I taught them to take care of things and so very rarely do we have broken toys. When they break we are able to super glue them. My mom bought most of the toys.


I really, really wanted to do Waldorf style natural toys but no one else was into it.:001_smile:

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The beautiful thought of fewer than 80 toys? Oh my, just the thought of it makes me green with envy. I can hardly fathom the beautiful empty space on the shelves. The lack of rubbermaid bins in the corners. The clarity of mind permitted by such a tidiness.


Must. Declutter. ASAP. (when the kids are not in the house to moan and cry!)

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We have very little by the standards of most people I know, but a lot by my own personal standards. Our list includes:


-Lego (big kid and some Duplo)

-wooden blocks

-wooden vehicles

-dinky cars


-Mighty Beans

-Thomas train set

-wooden food

-musical instruments

-puppets/figures for imaginative play

-wooden castle

-plastic animals/dinosaurs

-shelf full of board games and puzzles (I just decluttered about half of these)

-craft supplies (also undergone a major declutter)

-misc. drawer of toys that usually float around until I can get rid of them

-small bin of stuffed animals

-wooden rocking horse

-balls, bats, hockey sticks

-bicycles, scooters and skate boards

-small bin of baby toys (which the baby could care less about)


We are planning a move across country so I've gotten rid of a lot of things lately, and hope to cut the list above back by about half as well.


I find it helps to have guidelines for what is allowed in the house to begin with. For example, we do not have toys that blink or make noise, and generally stay away from most anything that takes batteries.

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Well I dare not count. I would say easily 1000's. They have 6 large toy boxes of misc toys, a shed outside full of trucks and outside toys, 2 large rubbermaid tubs full of hotwheels, then a tub full of track for the hotwheels, then they have slot cars and tracks, a cedar chest and tons of tubs full of legos, plus all their toys they display on their shelves, there is also a couple large tubs of nerf guns and the stuff that goes with them, also the boys and dh collect and play with RC cars the gas and electric ones, then to top if off are those horrible stuffed animals that start off as one and multiply daily!!! That is all I can think of right now, but I feel as if I am missing some.


Oh, I forgot about all those ones that I just put up in garage because there is just too much in the house.


Wow, once it is all typed out I really need to get rid of some of these.


I remember Bakugan, blocks the wooden ones and the foam ones.


Oh, and then there is my daughters stuff. Barbies, bratz, dolls , polly pockets, my little ponies, littlest pet shops and the list goes on.

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Regular Blocks


HotWheels/Matchbox type vehicles

Track for the above vehicles

Train track



Marble Run

Balls (1 each of large, medium, small)

Rocking Horse (that's a car, rocket ship, etc...lots of play value out of that old thing which I never dreamed we'd still be using at six years old)

Cash Register

Lots of books

some puzzles

Some games (board, card, dice, etc.)

Rubbermaid shelves my kids use as ships with oars, forts and homes, caves, shields and swords, vehicles, spacecraft, mountains for cars etc. I meant those to organize some supplies but they turned into the absolute best play pretend toys we've found in a while.


And the following my kids rarely play with anymore: Left over people/cars/animals from Little People sets, Imaginext Castle, Imaginext Pirate Ship, dress up clothes, stuffed animals, play kitchen dishes/pans/play food. I could probably pack them away without a sniffle out of them but they don't take up too much space and are used occasionally so I keep them around.

Edited by sbgrace
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Our kids are ages 3-7. We pretty much just have K'nex, trains, blocks, stuffed animals, a box of cars and trucks, and a box of dress-up clothes. We use a LOT of art supplies, rescue things from the recycling for projects, and play with various learning materials, plus we get a lot of use out of our cabinet of board games. We used to have more, but we moved cross-country 9 months ago and really decluttered. It's been great!!!!!

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I've got all girls, 12 and 9. Our toy categories are:


Playmobil (#1 toy hit of all time)

American Girl dolls

Goetz dolls (actually get more play than the AG dolls)

Only Hearts Club dolls

Far too many clothes for all above dolls




Wooden trains still hanging around but hardly get play these days

Stuffed animals - way too many, also hardly get played with anymore

Dress up - used to get played with constantly, now only sometimes when younger dd's friends come over

Board and card games


I try not to get toys that don't fit into these categories. Many of their younger toys, like the play kitchen and puppet theater have been put away. The basket of play silks is still hanging around too - I think I'm having a hard time putting some of this stuff away!

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I'm guessing less than 20, I've had a massive cull, but I must count:



Littlest Pet Shop



Mr Potato Head


Toy animals

Stuffed animals

Dress Ups




Dress Ups







Games, playmobil, art supplies


Hey, that's less than 20 combined :)

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I voted over 80 - my dc have *way* too many. . .Ds collects Legos and dd has tons of My Little Ponies and Littlest Pet Shop (and other stuff). I've gone as far as having dd put a bunch of her toys in bins in the basement because she was having too much trouble keeping her room picked up and in some semblance of neat (and that's used very loosely). I'd love for ds to do the same (I think he has put a couple bins downstairs). And I would love to downsize, but I don't think I could convince either one of them to do that at this point.

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I voted 40-60 BUT I have lots of toys my kids don't always play with. I keep toys in the toy closets because my house it the gather place for lots of homeschool activities. For instance, my dd no longer plays with dolls, but I have dolls and clothes for all the little girls that come to play. I no longer have babies, but 3 of my friends have babies - so I have baby toys readily available. So, we have lots of toys!

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