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Prayer please

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I'm sorry! Our hospital has a program where uninsured, low income people (and their guidelines for "low income" are pretty generous) can have their bill written off -- maybe yours does, too?

:lol: not likely. They said they will reduce the bill by 40% if I can pay it in full within a week and pay $150 of it today. otherwise to make payment plans for the full amount. We paid the $150, but there's no way we'll have the 60% remainder by the end of the week.

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Sitting in the flippin ER without flippin insurance bc the flippin dog tripped me with his flippin ball and I broke my flippin left ankle. Flippin!!



I knew someone who tripped over their flippin dog and poked their flippin right eye out on the pencil they were carrying. Blinded in it. So, flip away!

(Or was it a fork?)

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