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Help! Anyone else felt like this?

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Here's the info:


I'm pregnant with #9. (don't know if that is relevant)

Lately, for the past few months I am A LOT more tired than normal and have hardly any energy past 1:00pm. I get frequent headaches, seem to have a constant but very slight nasal drip, and have reoccurring bouts of muscle/body aches. I'll have days (usually at least once a week) where my body aches and I feel completely run down (i.e. no energy, motivation etc.) kind of like I'm coming down with the flu. Only I don't get the flu. I have to go to bed very early because I feel so tired and weak. I mentioned this to my OB, (oh no wait, I haven't seen her yet, I get to see the PA :thumbdown:), and she said "Well, your blood work all came back fine." So, I left there feeling very discouraged and like I must be crazy and this is all in my head. I'm so frustrated b/c I really don't think it is normal to have such a low energy level. I know I have a lot of kids etc. but still.....I should not feel this worn out at 39. My children help a lot, so I am getting help from them with daily chores etc. Has anyone else felt like this? What did you do to help yourself? I'm feeling like I won't get any help from the Dr. so I'm trying to research and get some answers on my own.


Thanks for listening.......

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It kind of sounds like allergies to me. I don't think it has anything to do with pregnancy.....well, for me it didnt. I felt like this off and on for a year or more. It ended about a year ago. I would feel like I absolutely had zero energy. I'd feel achy, have a stuffy nose, feel flu-ish (yet never get a fever, although I'd take my temp about a zillion times during the day). I have LOTS of allergies. We finally got rid of our cats and I've felt progressively better since then. I'm wondering if that wasn't it. My allergies actually came on during my last pregnancy. Do you have any allergies that you know of?

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I agree...wheat and sugar do the same to me. :grouphug: If you can, try a rotation diet and see if you can clear it up on your own by isolating any food triggers.


My other suggestion would be to have your thyroid levels checked...I have Graves Disease and it was amazing to learn about all the wacky things that your thyroid levels effect.


Hang in there...it will get better! :)

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I'm another one who always feels like this when pregnant (all 4 of them).


However I would definitely get your iron level checked (I assume this is normal because they always check this) and your vitamin D. They won't check vitamin D routinely, but I'm willing to bet yours is low after 9 babies in the womb and then (I'm assuming!) breastfeeding. You've been sharing your vitamin D for years! Low vit D can cause that heavy, achy feeling without a doubt.


Lastly make sure you are drinking LOADS of water. Much more than you think you need. We tend to underestimate the effect of dehydration.


Hope you feel better soon.

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Salads...all veggies, all fruit except citrus and dried fruit, meat (just watch the ingredeant list of any seasoning, most have gluten added), eggs, nuts (not peanuts), smoothies with soy milk...

Avoid milk products, gluten, peanuts...all those things that are common allergens.

Once your symptoms subside (usually within 2 weeks) you can add something back in...one item only on day 1 (cheese for breakfast, Milk with lunch) then something else on day 3 (toast for breakfast, pasta for dinner) and so forth. If you find you have a reaction within 48 hours of eating something you added in, don't eat it again. If you notice no problems, you can add it back into your diet!

It works, but since you are pregnant, I would tell your Dr that this is what you are planning to do. It may show your PA or Dr that you are serious about this being a problem.


I also agree with EmmaNZ drink way more water than you think you need. It can make a huge difference!




Edited by LoisLane
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I feel that way when my iron is low. I also feel that way with allergies. And (to complicate things), I felt that way when I had gestational diabetes with my last baby.


If you feel very confident that your bloodwork is fine, as well as your blood pressue, pursue the allergy angle. I have heard of women developing new allergies during pregnancy.


Not sure where you are, but here in the midwest it's been a record year for ragweed pollen. Everyone in town seems affected by it.


Sorry you are feeling bad. Be persistent with your caregivers. After all, you have a LOT of experience being pregnant! If something feels very off to you, don't let them brush it off.


Hope it passes and you are feeling better soon.

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I'm feeling the same way, and I'm pg w/#5.

I always feel this way while pg, but usually to a much lesser extent. This time, the degree has taken me by surprise.


I'm doing my best to watch my nutrition and fluids, along with getting as much rest (if not actual sleep, which seems to be a bit illusive this time!) as possible. It's been helping, but not nearly as much as I'd like.

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Low iron

Low blood pressure

Low thyroid

Low protein diet


All of these have contributed to that for me. I found bits of protein every 2 hours, a cup of coffee (not a whole pot! But it boosts BP a bit, which when low is nice), thyroid typically bounces back a few months postpartum, but keep a check on it in case you need meeds to regulate it. I didn't, but I know some women do.


Other helps.


Sunlight. Just sitting in a sunny window for extended times a day helps. Really.


Go for a walk, even if you don't want to. Don't push your body hard, just a walk around the block.


B6 and B12 supplements.


Eat a banana before bed or with breakfast daily. Potassium. Combined with protein and coffee, this seemed the perfect mix to lefting the worst of the mental fatigue fog for me.


A nap. Yeah I know. Probably the least likely to happen.

:grouphug: I hope something helps. I remember how frustrating it felt to suddenly feel brainless (bc things just aren't moving too fast...) and

exhausted. I'd misspeak, forget things, combine words, and generally drive my type A hyper self batty with frustration.

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The nasal drip thing could be rhinitis of pregnancy (a tidbit I caught recently from my pg week-by-week book). Apparently the hormone changes give some women runny noses. As for the rest, I'd get your iron and thyroid levels checked, and make sure you're taking plenty of folic acid, B vitamins, and Vit D. A prenatal plus a Calcium/D chew, probably. Evaluating food tolerances might be the thing to do next if you don't seem to have any nutritional deficiencies.

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I always test 'ok' on iron (not high, by any means, but not deficient), but I start showing severe signs of anemia in pregnancy. Iron supplements make them go away. Even though, of course, I am not technically anemic at all.


I'd get a bottle of Floradix, take it regularly, and see if it improves.

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I don't have anything new to add, I'll just second what a few others have said.


Underactive thyroid (might not show up unless they did the full panel) You can also feel bad for quite a while before you are actually in the "underactive range", especially if you have something like Hashimoto's.


Overactive thyroid or overmedicated thyroid (believe it or not :))


Allergies I developed allergies out of nowhere when we moved to a new house in the same town (cats and mold) When we moved, I felt like a new person. I had a sore throat, headaches, congestion, runny nose, and EXHAUSTION. I was really surprised by the exhaustion.


Any chance of multiples?

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I second this question! I felt fine with my first pregnancy...but I felt like I had been run over by a truck with my second. It turned out to be twins.


Oh yeah...this.


At 6 weeks, I told my doc something was different than with my first.

"You'll feel better in a few weeks".

At 10 weeks, I said again that something was different.

"Everything's fine, you'll feel better by your next check up."

At 14 weeks - doc, what is UP with my belly???

"Er...um... I think we should maybe do an ultrasound."

Voila - twins.


Have you had a sonogram yet? The more kids you have had, the higher your risk for multiples. You are definitely a candidate.

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I second this question! I felt fine with my first pregnancy...but I felt like I had been run over by a truck with my second. It turned out to be twins.


I didn't want to say anything, but that was exactly my experience too!


Someone else mentioned gestational diabetes and it turned out I had gestatonal diabetes during my second pregnancy with the twins also.

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I always felt like that when I was pregnant.


:iagree: Though wheat will make my nose drip too.


Having the baby was the only cure I could find, though the chiropractor helped with some aches and pains. The relief didn't last long though, since the relaxin let everything fall back out again.




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I have allergy/sinus issues, and during my last pregnancy my sinus condition really flared up. My doctor told me that sinus problems can get worse in pregnancy because...... OK, it was something to do with pregnancy related fluid production etc (sorry, can't remember exactly what he explained). I had also read the same thing online somewhere. Maybe google 'sinus problems in pregnancy' and see if anything matches up with your symptoms. It feels rotten, I know.


All the best.

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Here's the info:


I'm pregnant with #9. (don't know if that is relevant)

Lately, for the past few months I am A LOT more tired than normal and have hardly any energy past 1:00pm. I get frequent headaches, seem to have a constant but very slight nasal drip, and have reoccurring bouts of muscle/body aches. I'll have days (usually at least once a week) where my body aches and I feel completely run down (i.e. no energy, motivation etc.) kind of like I'm coming down with the flu. Only I don't get the flu. I have to go to bed very early because I feel so tired and weak. I mentioned this to my OB, (oh no wait, I haven't seen her yet, I get to see the PA :thumbdown:), and she said "Well, your blood work all came back fine." So, I left there feeling very discouraged and like I must be crazy and this is all in my head. I'm so frustrated b/c I really don't think it is normal to have such a low energy level. I know I have a lot of kids etc. but still.....I should not feel this worn out at 39. My children help a lot, so I am getting help from them with daily chores etc. Has anyone else felt like this? What did you do to help yourself? I'm feeling like I won't get any help from the Dr. so I'm trying to research and get some answers on my own.


Thanks for listening.......


I always got nasal drip when pregnant.


I was run over by the twins truck, too, with my 5th & 6th. There truly is a difference in the way you feel. I would shuffle up the stairs (we have a split level - 6 or 7 stairs), then lie on the floor and take a nap! You are a prime candidate for twins because you are older (mine were born when I was 38) and have had several children already.


Another thing you might want to do is get checked for Lyme disease. It can cause some of your symptoms.




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I addition to the suggestions for getting your thyroid checked and taking out gluten and sugar, I would suggest taking olive leaf extract. You may have a virus that's not being detected in the blood tests and the olive leaf extract will help remove it. I would do that before I spent a lot of time and money trying to figure it out. I'm an alternative health practitioner and I'm always surprised at how many people get random viruses when they are pregnant, perhaps due to changes in the immune system.


Good luck, and congratulations.

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Here's the info:


I'm pregnant with #9. (don't know if that is relevant)

Lately, for the past few months I am A LOT more tired than normal and have hardly any energy past 1:00pm. I get frequent headaches, seem to have a constant but very slight nasal drip, and have reoccurring bouts of muscle/body aches. I'll have days (usually at least once a week) where my body aches and I feel completely run down (i.e. no energy, motivation etc.) kind of like I'm coming down with the flu. Only I don't get the flu. I have to go to bed very early because I feel so tired and weak. I mentioned this to my OB, (oh no wait, I haven't seen her yet, I get to see the PA :thumbdown:), and she said "Well, your blood work all came back fine." So, I left there feeling very discouraged and like I must be crazy and this is all in my head. I'm so frustrated b/c I really don't think it is normal to have such a low energy level. I know I have a lot of kids etc. but still.....I should not feel this worn out at 39. My children help a lot, so I am getting help from them with daily chores etc. Has anyone else felt like this? What did you do to help yourself? I'm feeling like I won't get any help from the Dr. so I'm trying to research and get some answers on my own.


Thanks for listening.......


That sounds 100% like environmental/seasonal allergies.


A few years back, after feeling like this for 6 months (and having normal thyroid, negative for mono), I had allergy testing done. I knew based on respitory symptoms (headaches, stuffiness, post-nasal drip, mild runny nose) that I had allergies, but never connected the loss of energy/constant run-down feeling as an aspect of allergies.


Turns out I'm allergic to dust mites, molds, pine, pollen, various grass (the list goes on- suffice to say, a lot) adult-onset & year round- essentially my system was constantly in a fight w/ some allergen. Hence the 'run-down' feeling.


Whatever it is, I'm sorry. :grouphug:

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Here's the info:


I'm pregnant with #9. (don't know if that is relevant)

Lately, for the past few months I am A LOT more tired than normal and have hardly any energy past 1:00pm. I get frequent headaches, seem to have a constant but very slight nasal drip, and have reoccurring bouts of muscle/body aches. I'll have days (usually at least once a week) where my body aches and I feel completely run down (i.e. no energy, motivation etc.) kind of like I'm coming down with the flu. Only I don't get the flu. I have to go to bed very early because I feel so tired and weak.


I felt pretty much like you describe when I was pg with #3 at age 29! That you are 39 and pg with #9, well for me I'd pretty much expect it.


OK, that's the pg answer. Now for the non-pg answer. I am 40 and a lot more tired than I used to be. A lot of memories of how it was growing up keeping coming to me and I remember my mom napping nearly every afternoon -"have daddy wake me up when he gets home" was commonly heard in the afternoons. I nap a lot more this year than I ever had in the past. The kids think I nap every day. I will say it's almost every day some weeks. But it's also a 1/2-1 hour nap. Then I'm up and ready to go but not completely recharged.


I haven't read anyone else's answers. This is just what's going on with me.

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