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Ds or dd? Briefly describe their personality? Birth order? Curriculum using?


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DS or DD? & Age?


Briefly describe their personality?


What is their birth order?


What curriculum are you using?


Which is their favorite curriculum?


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?


Thanks for playing, I have to head to an appointment, but will share my answers when I return.


My ds is 9 - extremely strong-willed and challenging and often contrary (he can also be very sweet and kind). He's very imaginative, creative and devours books. He doesn't like it when things don't come easily to him, and can become easily frustrated (this is an issue we've been working on - how to work through your frustration w/o melting down).


My dd is 6 1/2, also very strong-willed, but not to the extent her brother is, and doesn't have to challenge every little thing. Also very imaginative and creative, and beginning to really get into reading books. She doesn't like when things are difficult for her, either, but is less likely to melt down than her brother.


We are using Ambleside - and I've combined them into one year. They do separate math (Singapore and MEP), and phonics for dd (ETC), grammar for ds (Rod & Staff).


They both love the literature in Ambleside and usually are begging me to read more than is scheduled (even though I never do - they still ask :tongue_smilie:). They both have really enjoyed ETC - they think the drawings and sentences are funny (we've always done all the work orally, and saved the writing for copywork instead). And another favorite has been the "Exploring Creation with" science books.


I don't know about "perfect," but I've really been thrilled with Ambleside - dd isn't as enthused about the history yet, but for the most part, they both have loved the books and it's worked very well for us.

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DS - 8.5yrs - #1. Wants to learn on his terms, doesn't like to fail. "gets" things that are usually difficult for most kids easilly (fractions, decimals, percentages...), still "struggles" with basic math facts (because they are boring). Capable of much more than he's willing to admit. Undue repetition drives him to tears. Works well for him: Singapore Math, Sadlier-Oxford Math, Abeka Grammar Workbook, Abeka Spelling (lower grades) K12 is working extremely well for literature, history, science, and art.


DD -- 6yrs -- #2. Cuddler, artistic, moody. Colorful workbooks are best for her. She likes to see how much she can do. Prefers to teach herself how to read. *really* loves art, she *needs* it too. Art is I Can Do All Things & K12. We've only done Abeka with her thus far, but next year will be venturing into some K12 and FLL. I'm not sure how she'll do with the all auditory, so I guess we'll see. If it doesn't work, Abeka is a quick ship :D


DS -- 4.5 yrs -- #3. Cuddler, funny-man in constant motion. Has enjoyed the Abeka K5 workbooks, so sticking with those for now. Next year he'll be doing some K12 with older sister & FLL.

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DD #1


Age--2nd grade


Briefly describe their personality?


Hyper, visual spatial learner, very logical, developed sense of humor


What is their birth order?


1st but has an older sister


What curriculum are you using?


Singapore Math & Science, Minimus Latin and looking at Galore Park for English


Which is their favorite curriculum?


Singapore Math


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?


Anything Singaporian or British based







imaginative, lives in storyland, sweet, loves God


Birth Order is 2nd or last


Curriculum--Rod and Staff, Singapore


Favorite--Rod and Staff Readers


Perfect fit--Rod and Staff



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I'm so glad you asked about birth order, because ours is all kapooey. My partner had a 16yo and a 6yo, I had a 3yo and a 1yo, when we combined families. We then had a baby together. Right now, birth order is like this


21 -- oldest, but was an only for 10 years

10 -- was the youngest for six years, now is an only at his mom's house and an oldest at my house

7 -- was an oldest for three years, now is a middle when his stepbrothers are home and an oldest when they're not

5 -- middle kid, but towards the bottom since he has three older brothers when they're all home

2 -- clearly and definitely the baby



He's supremely loyal and creative, prefers to remain private and introverted, but will do anything to get a laugh when he's put on stage, including a virtual one. He's using Igniting Your Writing outlining lessons, Teaching Textbooks 6, Life of Fred Fractions, SOTW1, Art of Argument, Lively Latin, and How Your Body Works. Life of Fred is a perfect fit for him: right-brained, self-paced, funny, something he can curl up alone with.



Absent-minded, zero short term memory, and scatter-brained professor with an amazing amount of self-control and patience. He's using Lively Latin, Singapore Math 2, Famous Men of Greece, Forests lapbook from Hands of a Child. Charlotte Mason methods are perfect for him; he needs short lessons, reads voraciously, and likes to narrate.



His name, Bear, really says it all: he is my snuggly warrior, acting with just as much boldness as his deep, intense feelings and ideas warrant whether that means appreciating you better than you've ever been loved or fighting like you never thought you could with a kindergartener. Current curriculum: Singapore Earlybird 2, Getty-Dubay Italic B, Animal Antics (Now I'm Reading!) and Click n Kids, lots of picture books. If there's a perfect fit for him, I haven't found it. He likes doing Kumon workbooks, and likes being read-aloud to, yet he didn't like WinterPromise which combines crafts and read-alouds. Maybe he's just too young yet.

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DS or DD? & Age?Dd age 8 1/2


Briefly describe their personality?

She is a true Libra:



  • Understanding
  • Witty
  • Diplomatic
  • Easy-going
  • Sociable
  • Idealistic
  • Peaceable
  • Romantic and charming
  • Can be flirtatious and self-indulgent
  • Can be indecisive and changeable
  • Sometimes gullible and easily influenced

Not that I put stock in sun signs and the like. I read that somewhere and thought, "Well, that is her to a T."

What is their birth order?

First and only


What curriculum are you using?

WTM is our spine. We are using FLL, SOTW, AAS, MUS, a variety of lapbooks and library books

Which is their favorite curriculum?

Science and history, and anything I can find that is hands-on.


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?

Anything that has crafts, projects, manipulatives or experiments.

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DS or DD? & Age? ds 10 my only


Briefly describe their personality?

wiggly, stubborn, logical, goofy, auditory learner, talker, observant (he is a mix of both dh and myself)


What is their birth order?

only, first and last


What curriculum are you using?

An eclectic mix this year


Which is their favorite curriculum?

Anything we do together. he loves science and history and doing read alouds


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?

Something that challenges him, yet speaks to him at his level. He has a very high comprehension of things. He hates repetition of things he already knows, so mastery approach works best. It also has to have some structure, he likes things with patterns, ie: Easy Grammar, reading one chapter a day.

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DS or DD? & Age?


Briefly describe their personality?


What is their birth order?


What curriculum are you using?


Which is their favorite curriculum?


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?


Thanks for playing, I have to head to an appointment, but will share my answers when I return.


DS 7 1/2; very imaginative and creative and loves to draw. I have trouble keeping him from drawing on his schoolwork. He can turn mere letters into art. He is also very easily frustrated, and if he doesn't get something right away, he gets very frustrated and wants to give up. Sometimes,he loses his cool in that situation. He reads a lot in his spare time, and is very interested in just about everything. He's a very logical, matter of fact kinda guy.


DD 5; very challenging. If you give her a inch, she runs with it before you can blink. She knows right where the line is drawn and she'll dance on it if she's in that mood. She needs very consistent discipline. On the other hand, she is VERY loving and compassionate, and wants to hug and cuddle a lot. We are working on the concept of personal space. She devours learning! Whatever I put in front of her.


DS 3; happy little soul. In fact, thats what his pediatrician said about him upon first meeting him after he was born. He's quick to laugh with you, smile at you, makes great 3 yr old jokes. He has recently been showing a streak of defiance.


For curriculum, see below. Right Start is a good fit for DS7, we tried Math u See and it almost convinced him that math was boring and useless. Right Start had brought in some excitement about numbers. He also loves the REAL Science because its very hands on. Anything history also interests him, as long as its not a long bit of reading. He likes the Usborne book because of its cartoon pictures, and he likes the History Pocket activities that we do.


DD always balks at OPG but she has advanced hugely using it, and once she gets started she's fine. She also likes workbooks, so she has one from Spectrum, and Primary Phonics wbks that she enjoys doing.


I'm still trying to figure out the "perfect" curriculum, but I think we're doing pretty good with what we have. GWG is the only thing we're for sure changing next fall.

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I'm really enjoying reading all of these, so many different families!


Read below for kids and ages. But the 2 I'm still homeschooling we adopted from Guatemala about 8 years ago.

Lydia ( who is really a first born , but 4th in our family)- 11 yrs old , 5th grader; very serious, has to work on being silly. orderly, neat freak, artistic, very compassionate, loves to read and loves animals.

Curriculum; Mathusee, Easy Grammar, God's Great Design Science, Spelling Power, Just Write, I wrote my own Unit study this year on the 2nd half of American History to present w/ Literautre , notebooking, lapbooking, book reports that correspond. Loves to Read , so I keep her in plenty of books, she is really starting to become quite the writer also. She Loves ART, so I try to include some each week. Math is the subject she lets frustrate her.



Lance ( who is really 2nd born, but 5th in our family) 7 yos, 1st grader; funny, witty, constant going, going, going, great imagination, loves babies and Elvis (?) Very outgoing, learns quickly, loves building things, role playing, and anything w/ weapons!

Curriculum; Mathusee, First Language Lessons 1, God's Design Science, Alphabet Island 2, Copy work from WESTVON, easy readers of interest, he sits in on all of our history readings, and Write 1 sentence on his notebooking page, and a lot of coloring pages for corresponding Dover books; Loves Math, learns quickly, can sometimes be a little over confident, very short attention span, but we make him sit and he can play while listening.



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Dd12 First born to two first born :tongue_smilie: (Right brained, very dramatic, outgoing, positive but somewhat unsure of herself. Quick to learn things she likes, and often slow to learn what she does not like. She has used a combination of WTM and SL with lots of extras thrown in. At this point she loves all GP (Latin,Study Skills, and Science). She does best with auditory and visual resources. She loves to read about the time of study and not the "facts".


Dd7 Second born and last :001_huh: (Left brained, artistic, calm, very confident to the point of being cocky at times. Outgoing but often shy with new people. Very quick to learn in all areas. Very auditory, she is like a sponge. I have also used a combo of SL, WTM and other goodies. Kinda kitchen sink around here with the WTM as a frame. Her favs right now are SOTW, My World Science, Singapore Math, GWG, Lively Latin, and RS Spanish.

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DD16. second of 3. Eldest at home.


Personality. artistic, creative, feels things deeply. A perfectionist. Intensely loyal. a performer through and through.


Curriculum. Rosetta Stone (2 languages) Teaching Company courses, Art, self directed, ECW Marine biology, English, does her own thing, writing for competitions and publication mostly. And ballet. 5 hours a day, 5 days a week.


Fav curriculum. Rosetta stone and Teaching Company courses




DS11. Youngest, only boy, 2 much older sisters. Highly intelligent, finds writing things down almost impossible, handwriting dreadful, spelling creative!


Personality. Quiet and gentle, feels things deeply, finds change difficult. has been babied, due to family position and own personality! Wonderful sense of humor.


Curriculum. Igniting your writing, Geography Trails/SL core 5, Maths....agggghhhh....have just blown out of TT, am researching other things. Elementary Greek, ECW general science. Developing Critical thinking through Science 2, Wordly Wise, handwriting.

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Interesting poll, I can't wait to read the replies!


DS 7 (firstborn)

  • Personality - imaginative, artistic, emotional, daydreamer, distractable, loves building things, can be inflexible
  • Favorite curriculum - SOTW, REAL Science, SWO, reading anything and everything (loves mysteries especially)
  • Other curriculum that has worked - RightStart math, some Singapore, Phonics Pathways, FLL
  • Curriculum he dislikes - ETC, any writing (except spelling tests)
  • What works well - hands on stuff (like RS and REAL Science), stories (like SOTW)
  • What doesn't work - things that require writing, most workbooks

DS almost 5 (last born)

  • Personality - cheerful, focused, imaginative, loves building things, goal-oriented, very flexible (ready to negotiate anything)
  • Favorite curriculum - ETC, Singapore, SOTW, reading, any and all workbooks
  • Other curriculum that has worked - Phonics Pathways (but a little bored, wants to skip through), RightStart (again, bored by any repetition)
  • What works well - loves writing and workbooks, anything he can "check off the list"
  • What doesn't work - anything repetitive (he gets it the first time and is insulted by repetition can't see him doing FLL)

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My middle two are the only ones in K-8 range:




Age 7


Briefly describe their personality? Thrives on routine and order, does not like change. Very curious. Remembers everything he hears or reads, if it interests him.


What is their birth order? He is my second child out of four.


What curriculum are you using? SL core K with 2 advanced readers, SL Science K, ETC 6, FLL/SL LA 2(little bits of both, a lot of tweaking of LA this year), MUS Alpha/Horizons 1. Earlier in the year(last summer and through the fall, we school year round) we used Galloping the Globe and he loved it.


Which is their favorite curriculum? Anything geography related.


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them? He enjoys SL because he loves being read to, and he loves having schedules to refer to and follow, he checks to see what read aloud and reader is next. He has a big imagination and tells me stories which I write down for him, and we started that because of SL LA's story starters. He loves that more than anything.





Age 5 (6 in June)


Briefly describe their personality? Highly creative and artsy. Loves imaginative stories- can listen endlessly to fairytales. At the same time, she is a person who just "gets" math.


What is their birth order? She is the third child out of 4 and the only girl.


What curriculum are you using? SL core K with 1 and 2 regular readers, MFW 1st grade phonics and Bible, Miquon, Horizons.


Which is their favorite curriculum? Anything artsy or animal related. She really likes the little bit of WP Animal Worlds we've done and I do intend to work that back in soon. (Its a case of too much great curriculum, too little time).


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them? Have not found a perfect fit for her yet, she is bored with MFW 1st. She does like the SL read-alouds. She needs more creativity in our curriculum, and I think she'll be excited about the composer study and art lessons in MFW Adventures next year.

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Dd, 6 years: extremely verbal, loquacious, bright, stubborn, sometimes defiant, already knows "everything," yet very loving. She is the first born and was an only until ds was born last summer. This year was officially our K year. We have used: BJU Math 1, Primary Phonics, GWG 1/2, MFW 1st Bible with copywork, reading basket and some hodgepodge things for science, music and art.


She is particularly fond of anything she can do independently, so she loves workbooks. She is extremely creative, so in my mind the perfect fit would be a material that included art, creating stories, etc. We loved the drawing aspect included in Bible this year, and picture studies are also a big hit. Because of this, I am going to do more reading about Charlotte Mason this summer and try to implement more of this philosophy next year.

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Ds 12- loves to read, especially science fiction and fantasy. Comes up with ideas for all kinds of machines, but no followup. Tends to look for the negatives. using MUS, SOTW, Grammar with a giggle, Kingfisher science encylopedia w/outlines, Natural SPeller. No favorites.


DD 8-very much do it myself. Most of our battles are when I try to teach her and she doesn't want to do it my way. Loves MUS cause she can watch the vidoe and skip the mom stepmost of the time. SOTW, Comprehensive Curriculum for grammar, Natural speller, library books, HWT.


Ds6- very methodical, wants to do every page, every problem, even when told it's ok to skip it. Thinks very different from the other two, forcing me to discover new ways of doing things. Likes HWT, doesn'tmind Comprehensive Curriculum for Grammar, slowly mastering MUS, also listening in on SOTW(likes coloring pages more than maps), modified Natural speller, library books.


Ds2- another one that is learning on his own way before mom is ready. At 2, he has learned to open doors, help himself to the fridge, count to 3, letters make sounds(but not which ones). No curriculum, but he keeps us hopping.

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Oldest child,dd,age 11.She is typical pre-teen.Halfway between being a tomboy and a young lady.Prickly,stubborn,loves to read and listen to music.She's using a mix of things-Key to Math series,Grammar Ace,Language Lessons for the Secondary Child,LL7,Wordly Wise,SoTW with Usborne Encyclopedia,lots of books related to history studies,Story of Science,currently a science book on biodiversity in our state,takes dance and swims once in a while.Her favorite is Language Lesons for the Secondary Child and just reading.Those and the Key to Math series seem to fit her best.She prefers a list of her daily assignments and then goes off to work mostly independently.


Youngest dd is 6.She is constantly active,asking questions,talking and going off into stories and tangents that have nothing to do with what is currently being studies.She is an unschooler,at heart.I use FLL,SoTW,Pathway readers,a Scott Foresman math book,Language Lessons for the Very Young,ETC,some materials from Oak Meadow, and Sonlight k science for her.She takes dance and swims as often as she can.Her favorite curriculum is anything that isn't curriculum-swimming,books from the library,science and art projects.That is probably her perfect curriculum although I usually insist we get in an hour or 2 of more formal "school work" a day.

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DD - 1st born age 7 1/2 - slow, cautious - a "thinker", down to earth, argumentative. Takes her a long time to do new things (ride a bike, go down the slide, etc.) Reading is coming slowly, math facts come slowly (really needs to "think" about it) - but she catches on to concepts quickly. Loves to learn conversationally. Learning type: tends to need at least 2 learning modalities at once in order to grasp things (visual + hands on, or visual + auditory). She likes her Developmental Math because she can really "think" about it. I am switching her to BJU Math, however, because I have concerns about the completeness. She is just now catching on to spelling & grammar -Evan-Moor's Grammar & Punctuation has been good for her for its short, to the point lessons, and the activity tells a story. She also likes her Spelling Workout B because its short & to the point. She also likes the Sonlight books - loves to be read to. She does not like missionary themed books & she hates Frog & Toad (Arnold Lobel books) because they are "dark".


Dd - 2nd born - age 5 1/2. Tiny, born 11 weeks premature weighing 2lbs. Amazes everyone because she looks 1 year younger & "sounds" brilliant. She's a "dreamer", loves to doodle, loves mythical beasts, loves to color - everytime she plays it always has a monster that you find out is misunderstood, LOL. When she's angry, she pouts. Hates when a project goes unfinished. She understood our Sonlight books from a young age, but likes pictures (very visual). She likes to just jump in and do the work, even if the answers are all wrong (she's not afraid of a wrong answer, unlike her sis). BJU K Math worked well, but didn't like having teacher's guide activities and workbook together; just wanted to jump into the workbook & get it done. Likes Explode the Code with its funny nonsensical sentences. Its hard to get her to slow down and write nice; she speeds through. We also like BJU's K readers (but we didn't use the rest of the K program with her, just the readers). She seems good at anything she tries (music, art, sports). She's still tiny (at 5 1/2 weighs 35lbs).


Both kids like crafts, but are very picky about it. Dd(7) likes to build things, paint things. DD(5) likes to color things.

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My oldest dd (14): she is very sweet and laid back. She loves music and to read. her favorite curriculum is anything that involves reading books, but not requiring any work to go with it.:001_smile:. This year she has liked Lial's BCM and Omnibus II. She works best with a well laid out, structured curriculum. Rod and Staff has worked well for her (she used it for math until this year, and she uses it for English.) She hates writing.


2nd girl (10): She is my sensitive girl. She also loves music and reading, but when she reads a book she either memorizes every word, or just reads the ending. (skimming the good parts). I think she will be strong in math and science. She needs things well laid out, with no clutter. She is easily flustered. She does better learning little bits at a time, with lots of practice. For math, Rod and Staff works best. I have not found the perfect curriculum for her. She is a hands on person, and I am not, which makes it hard. She hates when I rush through a lesson, it only confuses her.


oldest boy, 3rd child (8). He is very sweet and musical, and when it comes to school work, he is methodical. He likes to know that he is doing it right. He needs to be taught things part by part, and it takes him awhile to see the whole picture. Rod and Staff is perfect for him. He also likes anything on the computer. SOS science is also great for him. He hates anything to take a long time, because he would rather be in his room building with his K'Nex.


ds (6) This child never stops moving or talking. Right now his goal in life seems to be to outdo his older brother. He can not sit still at all. Very short lessons work best for him. I use SWR with all of my kids (works great for every type!) For him I keep it short; write some phonograms, read a list, write a few new words, copy a sentence. Then he reads a short story to me. He uses Rod and Staff for math, but he could use anything and do well; he is strong in math.


My ds (3) doesn't do school. He is a mostly happy little guy, who enjoys playing all day long. (which ds 6 does).

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DS or DD? & Age?


Briefly describe their personality?


What is their birth order?


What curriculum are you using?


Which is their favorite curriculum?


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?


Thanks for playing, I have to head to an appointment, but will share my answers when I return.


DS, 20 (in college now)

Pretty laid back, logical, funny

first born

used mostly WTM suggestions

he loved MP's logic materials

pretty much anything MP put out was great for him.


DD, 10

High maintenance, funny, tender-hearted, inquisitive to a fault

second born, but since there are 10 years between them, she's really a first born, according to the Lehman books.

more of a CM kind of girl with some classical mixed in

she loves to do activities, so anything with an accompanying activity is her first choice

MOH, MUS have been great for her.

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dd9/firstborn(hs): creative- loves art & music, bright- "gets" things easily & detests repetition, right-brained/visual-spacial learner, logical/deep thinker- questions everything, stubborn as all else/persistent/sometimes contrary, very loving good kid, mostly serious but does have a wacky sense of humor side, thrives on praise, loves cats.


dd6/middle (ps): vivacious/loves life/smell the roses kind of kid, compassionate & caring, smidgen mischievous, "Curious George", silly, natural entertainer, loves all things horses and princesses, social butterfly, loves art & music, wants to be an actress (can make herself cry on demand- no kidding!) or a vet, and is determined that yes....a horse would be completely content in our postage-stamp size back yard :)


ds3/last(preschool): loving, easy-going, ALL boy, loves trains & trucks- obsessed with moving parts, adores his sisters but also thrives on tormenting them incessantly, loves to be outside, loves music & books.


Curriculum for dd9 is in signature....

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Taz: first born, male, 12th grade

Perceptive, rational, logical, visual-spatial learner, ADHD w/o hyperactivity, right-brained, introverted/introspective, great sense of humor, needs the big picture first, futuristic in outlook—always needs to know why & how something will affect him, hates boring details unless applicable to what he wants to learn, spiritual, stubborn, INTP- on Myers-Briggs

Taz’s education was & is driven by his questions about how or why. He loves physics, and by default, mathematics. He hates composition that required him to tell how he feels, but thrived once he began progymnasmata lessons. He disliked grammar, but did it kicking and screaming because I made him do the exercises. He’s a voracious reader stuck in ancient writings and anything dealing with physics or astronomy. His favorite subjects/topics: world mythology, religion, philosophy, physics, ancient through renaissance history, ancient through renaissance literature, and Hebrew. He hates workbook type programs and despises repetitious work. Once he knew something, that is it, do not present or ask again, UNLESS he wanted to discuss or review.

I had to write a majority of Taz’s courses of study as he was too picky to use most of the programs on the market. Most of our materials were not in the 1st edition of TWTM, and a few showed up in the 2nd edition.


Storm: second born, 11yo female-- 7.4 years younger than oldest & was the “baby†until 19 months ago when we adopted our youngest

Inquisitive, kind-hearted, spirited, outspoken, snuggly, artistically inclined, right-brained, hates dealing with details, sees beauty in everything, voracious reader, needs variety, bores easily, complains, hates schedules, likes independence, needs hands-on experiences, loves to talk and even hums if no one is talking, global , wants to become a dancer or doctor of some sort. Storm loves, loves, loves all forms of art. She doesn’t do well with tons of workbooks or drill. She dislikes redundancy. LCC/Waldorf/CM works well for her.

Materials we’re using this year:

Dolciani’s Mathematics Structure & Method: Book II & Livingmath.net

CW:Homer A & portions of Elementary Grammar Lessons by Reed & Kellogg

Latin Prep I & sits in on her younger brother's LL lessons

Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish

Oak Meadow 6 History Syllabus: lessons 1-12 & other resources

Oak Meadow 6 Life Science Syllabus as written

Waldorf Art Class

Classical Guitar @ McPhail

Ballet, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, and modern dance

Blaze: 10.5, male--only child of biological parents for 8 years, and my youngest for almost 2.

I hs’d him last year, but he now attends a part-time Pre-IB charter school 2-3x a week that gives us control over the majority of Blazes subjects within reason.

Blaze needs structure in every aspect of life. He’s a boybarian at heart and is what Cathy Duffy termed a “Wiggly Willy.†He’s an extrovert & needs for interaction with people & why he’s back in school. He’s in constant motion from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed. He likes to know exactly what’s coming next. He needs details first, then the conceptual, whole picture second. He’s vocal in a respectful manner if he’s not content.

What works for Blaze:

Oak Meadow Mathematics & Mastering Essential Math Skills


SOTW I on tape & activity guide with a few Enrichment4you.com units

CW:Aesop & portions of Elementary English Lessons

Lively Latin

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]DS or DD? & Age?


DS, 11


Briefly describe their personality?


Extrovert, analytical, compassionate


What is their birth order?


3rd, but the older 2 are half sibs that have been in and out of our since since ds was 3


What curriculum are you using?


Ecclectic, see sig. line


Which is their favorite curriculum?

Exploring Creation with Astronomy by Apologia


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?

SOTW, Winston Grammar

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DS or DD? & Age?

11yo dd Hannah

4(almost5)yo ds David


Briefly describe their personality?

dd- strong-willed, quieter, firm in who she is (doesn't change to please anyone) (A little more desire to please parents would be nice, but will take it if it means not pleasing the crowd!)

ds- shy, but energetic, has always been quicker to obey and try to please, a little mischievious


What is their birth order?

daughter first, son second

(I'm not sure how the 6 years apart differs from children closer in age)


What curriculum are you using?

I am new to this and haven't done a classical approach thus far, but planning on heading that way next year in history, bible, and vocabulary.


Bible- devotionals and books (dd and I reading Battlefield of the Mind for Kids right now), Keys for Kids devotional online

Math- BJU both a grade level ahead

Science- dd SOS (someone gave it to us for free and she has really liked it), ds- just reading books from the library, a few experiments here or there with dd, nature, etc.

History-dd-BJU (Dad is a public school history teacher, so he supplements lots); ds listens in, read books from the library, etc.

English/Reading-dd- BJU and lots of books; ds A Beka K4 phonics (it was the most age appropriate I could find, and he is reading well for his age)


Which is their favorite curriculum?



What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?

ds LOVES workbooks. I though he's a boy so no way, but he can't get enough. I go to the local thrift store, just to find things that might be usable. (Weekly special of 26 books for $7)

dd LOVES reading, so anytime I can bring a fiction book into the subject it is a hit for her. We discovered the "Dear America" series this year (journals of people actually there when something happened in history) and most recently "We Were There, Too! about young people in US History.

Amy of GA

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Son, age 8


Briefly describe their personality? What is their birth order?

He's an "only" child but does have a half-sister who is 23. He is very bright, strong-willed, and somewhat of a loner. He lives and breathes animals, particularly dinosaurs.


What curriculum are you using?


Latina Christiana with Harvey's Grammar to integrate English grammar,

Spelling Power,

Christian Kids Explore Chemistry,

SmithHand cursive,

Texas history that I have put together myself,

and about to begin Lamp & Quill Bible.


Which is their favorite curriculum?

Mystery of History - We've completed Vols. 1 & 2 and he's anxiously awaiting the release of Vol. 3 in a few weeks.


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?

He loves MoH and Christian Kids Explore... I think they both offer a nice balance of factual information and hands-on activities.

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DS or DD? & Age?

I have 3 sons. My oldest is 9, my middle one will be 5 in May, and the youngest is 3 1/2.


Briefly describe their personality?

My oldest is shy, does better by himself than in a group, but loves to be involved with whatever is going on. Easily upset but also easily excited.

My middle one just goes and goes and goes, has to be active at all times, and has a funny, quirky personality.

My youngest is a cheese-head, always wants to be the center of attention, thinks he's cute (he is LOL), and is very lovey-dovey with family though he's very shy of strangers (and even extended family that he doesn't see often).


What is their birth order?

Well... LOL Not sure how to answer this since I'm doing it all at once! Maybe I'm confused! LOL


What curriculum are you using?

For my younger two, they'll mostly be using the same things for a while until they have more of a span of difference in their learning and levels. We're in MUS Primer right now, and have an animals alphabet theme book from Monday Morning Books as well as some Kumon workbooks, and are obtaining several things including Little Hands to Heaven, BFIAR, Bob Books (and other primer readers), and handwriting copywork materials.


With my oldest, we use a different curriculum for each subject -

Math - Math-U-See (and Key to Measurement series)

English - Rod & Staff, plus Remedia Publications Outlining (and maybe more of these soon)

Vocab - Words Are Wonderful

Reading - literature unit studies and a local book club

Bible - Christian Liberty Press (Bk E)

History - MOH v1, and lots of living book supplements plus KGF and UBAW

Science - Considering God's Creation with Media Angels unit studies, plus an experiments co-op locally, PLUS cub scouts

Foreign Language - Using the "Beginning Sign Language" series starting with "Signing at School," in addition to just having started Linney's "Getting Started With Latin."

Logic - Dr. Dooriddles, followed by Critical Thinking Press books

Handwriting - Italics copywork using Bible verses

Typing - BBC online, as well as lots of computer assignments in other subjects

Music - a free online theory workbook I found, soon to start Alfred piano, and a lot of my own material (I'm a musician, was my college major)

Art - mostly scout projects for now, nothing formal. Probably start an art history with MOH v2 next year.

(He's not doing spelling right now because he's 9 and can spell at a 9th grade level! So, we'll pick that back up after Christmas, when the two little ones begin spelling for the first time, with Spelling Power.)


Which is their favorite curriculum?

I just asked, and apparently - though this is only his second time using it - he really likes the Getting Started with Latin book. LOL!


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?

The MOH is a godsend for all of them. The MUS has been perfect for the littles, and R&S English is a perfect fit for my oldest.



I'll be back later to read everyone else's responses! I'm a true eclectic in that I love to hear everyone's opinions! ;) (And on a classical board, it couldn't be more perfect! LOL)

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DD 9yo, oldest of three girls

Personality: Cooperative, compassionate, people-pleaser, creative, pack-rat.


Curricula: (next year) TOG Y2, Apologia Science, Shurley English 6, Latina Christiana, SWR, MUS Delta (just started two weeks ago), still considering writing programs...between WT and IEW


Favorite curriculum: Reading, Science


Perfect Fit: ALL of the above


DD 6YO, middle of three girls

Personality: Fast-paced, loving, cuddly, strong-willed, BUSY BUSY, a mixture of neat-freak and pack-rat, MATH mind, extremely tactile.


Curricula: TOG Y2 (next year) + Currently: Apologia Science, SWR, PP, FLL, Cursive First, copy work from various texts, various read-alouds


Favorite: Writing her spelling words in cursive, science


Perfect Fit: All of the above


DD almost 4yo, baby of three girls

Personality: Strong-willed, happy, helper, loves to learn with older sisters


Curricula: Learning phonograms from SWR, bible memory work, learning by listening to older sister's work, read-alouds


Favorite: Saying her memory verses, drilling phonograms

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DS or DD? & Age? DD 6 (will turn 7 in July)


Briefly describe their personality? Choleric-sanguine

What is their birth order? One and only!


What curriculum are you using? See sig below :)


Which is their favorite curriculum? She really liked the Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners math workbook. She's also enjoying Lingua Latina as a change of pace.


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them? Anything colorful and humorous that allows her to draw.

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DS or DD? & Age? DS 7 1/2


Briefly describe their personality? sensitive, very talkative (except when first meeting people), strong willed, funny, likes to be in charge


What is their birth order? First (but has older half-brother who is 20, never lived with us)


What curriculum are you using? ETC, OPGTR, SOTW 1, Apologia Astronomy, GWG, Horizons Math, Getty-Dubay C


Which is their favorite curriculum? He has always enjoyed ETC and the workbooks have helped his reading skills tremendously. He also really enjoys SOTW.


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them? Anything with some type of activity that goes along with it (SOTW, science stuff, using base 10 blocks to help with math ideas, etc.)





DS or DD? & Age? DD 5


Briefly describe their personality? quiet, shy, enjoys being involved but sometimes needs a nudge to help her along, bull-headed and doesn't back down easily from something once it is in her mind, nurturing


What is their birth order? middle (2nd, not including oldest brother)


What curriculum are you using? ETC, OPGTR, SOTW 1, Apologia Astronomy, Horizons Math, Getty-Dubay A


Which is their favorite curriculum? She is an eager learner and says she likes everything, but ETC and nature walks are her favorites.


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them? Anything where she can write or draw...she loves workbooks, and coloring pages in SOTW. And she is so proud of herself when she writes things correctly.

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My oldest- age 12

grade 6 and homeschool from the get go!

dry, witty sense of humor very much like his dad

longs for the simpler days...he wishes he was born in the 40s-50s...loves Mayberry,Real McCoys,Elvis,Hank Williams Sr.

hates Math but does well in it. Loves history and science and reading. He uses Horizons math,Easy Grammar, Spelling Workout and various science and history books.

never moves in "fast mode" on ANYTHING and we butt heads on this at times when I need for him to push himself on time restrictions and limits. He has an excellent memory on facts and details(those that are of interest to him, that is!)

2nd son- age 11

grade 5 and also always homeschooled

my compliant one

when I say we need to do something...he's the one to "get er done!" without another mention. He is the one to plan,pack or prepare for whatever is at hand for us to do!

loves art,science,history. AND reading which is a complete turn-around in the last year or so since I changed my way of finding books for him to read!

Horizons Math,Easy grammar,Spelling Workout and various science and history books.

Very competitive and loves a challenge. Kind,sensitive and always on the move.

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DS - 8.5yrs - #1. Wants to learn on his terms, doesn't like to fail. "gets" things that are usually difficult for most kids easilly (fractions, decimals, percentages...), still "struggles" with basic math facts (because they are boring). Capable of much more than he's willing to admit. Undue repetition drives him to tears. Works well for him: Singapore Math, Sadlier-Oxford Math, Abeka Grammar Workbook, Abeka Spelling (lower grades) K12 is working extremely well for literature, history, science, and art.


You described my 8 year old son perfectly. :) He is also very affectionate, very friendly and generally happy unless he is crossed. He will melt down over minor things, which cause ME to melt down whereby I then think, 'hmmm the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.' Then I tell myself to grow up and be the parent. Sigh.


Anyway, we are also using K12---for everything now, as we are in a Charter Virtual school. We went through Singapore 1 and 2 (pre-K12) by the time he was 6.


Oh, he is an only, born 16 1/2 years after dh and I married.

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Ds 12 1/2

Creative, loves to draw and read, loves science. Very knowledgable of the Bible (more than me). Doesn't care much for math. Literal, corrects you if you're not exact with the facts, unless the facts could get him in trouble. Easily frustrated, somewhat of a perfectionist in some areas like drawing, but not in other areas as brushing teeth and showering. :huh: Talks quietly, unless he's excited about something.


Curr using: My Father's World, Mystery of History, Teaching Textbooks math, Abeka grammar, Calvert spelling


Fave: MFW and MOH (and he said art if we'd start doing it more...)



Dd 7

You can tell she's a girly girl with brothers. Loves being a girl, and the ONLY girl :) but also has fun digging in the dirt, sword fighting, and other thing the boys are playing. Very sweet (we were once on a mom/daughter outing and she told me, "I want to do this when I'm older, shop and talk about things with you, just the girls." :001_wub:) Is great with numbers and likes math. Loves to draw and can draw people and horses VERY well!! She's a talker! Prefers colorful workbooks, doesn't care for read-aloud science...


Curr using: MFW 1st, Abeka phonics and math


Fave: math



Ds 5 1/2

Strong-willed. Loud unless he's being sneaky. Hands-on definately... takes things apart, has fun tearing a piece of paper into little pieces, has fun teasing, tries our patience! BUT can be 'THE SWEETEST' guy!!! He's my teddy bear. Loves to snuggle; tells me, "I love you mom, you're really pretty, etc" And will put my hair behind my ears! :D Loves to listen to Bible studies and worship music on the radio.


Curr using: Mind Building math, Explode the Code (will be moving to something else in the fall)


Fave: right now learning to read using Alpha Phonics like sissy



DS 3 1/2

Such a happy guy! My big boy! (he and my 5yo share clothes-very handy!) He's funny, has a great sense of humor! He laughs at Pink Panther, Tom and Jerry, more than the other kids or us adults. :lol: He is just so fun! Soft-hearted. He's quick to laugh with you, smile at you, makes great 3 yr old jokes. He has recently been showing a streak of defiance. Loves to play spiderman/superman dress up, and sometimes sissy gets him to play princess with her. :svengo:)


Curr using: fun little workbooks


Fave: rods and blocks (very creative, quick duplicating the picture in bk)




Perfect curr for them? ...their favorites.

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DS or DD? & Age?

all girls - 15yo, 12.5yo, 10yo (in 4 weeks)


Briefly describe their personality?

15yo - very ADD, extremely immature, impulsive

12yo - Asperger's, mature, worries all the time about everything, very schedule-oriented

10yo - social butterfly, very mature


What curriculum are you using?

Sonlight works well for all of them, but that's because they all enjoy listening to me read and listening to audios. The 15yo is now doing all of her reading for history, science, and literature. I read history, science, and readalouds for the 12yo and 10yo.


Miquon followed by Singapore worked beautifully for my 15yo and 12yo. They are both visual learners. The 15yo is not math-intuitive, but is very good at math. She is definitely an out-of-the-box thinker. Trying to follow her geometry proofs can be challenging. My 12yo is math-intuitive and is a straight-line thinker.


My 10yo is an auditory learner. She has visual processing issues that make finding a good math program for her challenging. She is math-intuitive. Miquon didn't work for her at all. Singapore worked great for her at first, but then we had to leave it for a year to try other things. Now she's back to Singapore again, but she can't understand the box diagrams that Singapore uses for word problems, so I'm pretty sure we'll have to switch again. I'm thinking of MEP for her. She has to have programs that have black print on white paper, plenty of white space, and don't rely on visual aids.


Which is their favorite curriculum?

Sonlight for all, with Prentice Hall Science Explorer tied with it for my 12yo


What materials do you feel are the "perfect" fit for them?

Miquon and Singapore were perfect for my two older girls.

Prentice Hall Science Explorer is perfect for my 12yo.

I have never found a perfect fit for my 10yo.

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