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Do you ever worry about people you haven't seen on the boards for a while?

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For instance, I haven't seen anything posted by Gothic Gyrl lately, or Beth in Central TX. So, I "worry" about them---are they OK? Sick? Hurt? Just on vacation?


Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks this way. :)


Gothic Gyrl and Beth in Central TX, if you're out there, can you check in with us and let us know you're OK? Thanks!

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Yes. But sometimes I forget who I am worried about.

I will remember a story - what they're going through - but can't remember who it is.

Then I have to search my posts to find them and see if they've updated.


One was recently having stroke like symptoms - had a history of them - couldn't for the life of me remember who she was....had to search. She was OK.


Then there was the possible misscarriage recently -in Ga somewhere I think - she really hit home because I too am pregnant. Was it Sue in Ga? Pa?

I still worry about her and send love and good thoughts - but I can't remember her name for sure!


Sometimes it's a good thing though - because I can't remember who I'm "mad" at either! ;-)

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Who was it that had been treated for breast cancer (in Maryland) in the past and was having testing done to see if her counts were good or bad? I awoke in the middle of the night and her situation popped into my head.


If anyone remembers who it was (Kathy, Karen?) and hopefully can share some good news, I'd appreciate it.




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Who was it that had been treated for breast cancer (in Maryland) in the past and was having testing done to see if her counts were good or bad? I awoke in the middle of the night and her situation popped into my head.


If anyone remembers who it was (Kathy' date=' Karen?) and hopefully can share some good news, I'd appreciate it.





It was not me.

I too remember someone in Maryland having been treated for breast cancer though. There is also another Karen from Maryland. Just to make things really confusing my name on the old boards was Karen in Maryland.

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and read Camille Paglia's columns (since that seemed to me who GG was channeling). I'll miss her.




GG had *demanded* (on these boards, the old ones, her blog) that she be banned from these boards, calling SWB a "coward" both for and for not "banning" her. She took the opportunity to insult those who post here on other forums around the net (over a period of years), often in the cruelest and foulest language possible. I'm sure she continues to do it now, but at least she isn't gloating about it here.


I'm all for dissenting opinions aired with respect for others. I grew very tired of her dissent-for-the-sake-of-dissent. It was annoying to have a shrill and violent argument with someone who had clearly not even read the book / article / court case / law she was arguing about. Paglia, on the other hand, vitriolic as she might be, tends to have researched what she's talking about.


She asked to be "banned". Eventually she got what she asked for, and now she has the pleasure of wailing loudly about it -- elsewhere on the net.


If you'd like to be linked to her own message board, I'm sure there are those here who would be content to link you.

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She asked to be "banned". Eventually she got what she asked for, and now she has the pleasure of wailing loudly about it -- elsewhere on the net.


Actually, she's not wailing at all. That implies she's unhappy with the banning, which she isn't.

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I did once. A mom who used to post all the time just vanished. I searched found her and found out that her life had fallen to pieces in a horrid nightmare that looked like a made for TV movie. I still check her blog from time to time as she rebuilds her life. She was a former WTM'er that I always just really liked.

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GG had *demanded* (on these boards, the old ones, her blog) that she be banned from these boards, calling SWB a "coward" both for and for not "banning" her. She took the opportunity to insult those who post here on other forums around the net (over a period of years), often in the cruelest and foulest language possible. I'm sure she continues to do it now, but at least she isn't gloating about it here.


I'm all for dissenting opinions aired with respect for others. I grew very tired of her dissent-for-the-sake-of-dissent. It was annoying to have a shrill and violent argument with someone who had clearly not even read the book / article / court case / law she was arguing about. Paglia, on the other hand, vitriolic as she might be, tends to have researched what she's talking about.


She asked to be "banned". Eventually she got what she asked for, and now she has the pleasure of wailing loudly about it -- elsewhere on the net.


If you'd like to be linked to her own message board, I'm sure there are those here who would be content to link you.


Well said.

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I'm all for dissenting opinions aired with respect for others. I grew very tired of her dissent-for-the-sake-of-dissent. It was annoying to have a shrill and violent argument with someone who had clearly not even read the book / article / court case / law she was arguing about.



Let's just say that I was thrilled when I realized this board has an ignore feature. ;)

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GG had *demanded* (on these boards, the old ones, her blog) that she be banned from these boards, calling SWB a "coward" both for and for not "banning" her. She took the opportunity to insult those who post here on other forums around the net (over a period of years), often in the cruelest and foulest language possible. I'm sure she continues to do it now, but at least she isn't gloating about it here.


I'm all for dissenting opinions aired with respect for others. I grew very tired of her dissent-for-the-sake-of-dissent.


Thank you, Abbey.

We don't all have to agree, but we can treat one another with common courtesy. I think that every person has to eventually look at their life and ask "Am I adding to the beauty or not?" Even in our dissension we can purpose to be positive and uplifting and encouraging. We can look for the good in others. There are several people on this board whose worldview, spirituality, and politics differ from mine. And some of these are among my very favorite people here. How can that be? They don't see God the same way that I do. They won't vote for the same person who I'll vote for. Their beliefs are different from mine. How can they hold a dear place in my heart?


Because they treat people decently.

They are respectful and kind even in heated conversations.

They choose graciousness and tact over rudeness and one-upmanship.

They are willing to be corrected, to be challenged, and to occasionally admit wrong doing. If they believe that they have hurt someone they apologize.

They understand that there is a difference between being blunt or sometimes saying hard things and just being outright disrespectful.


One more thing that I'll admit here:

Awhile ago someone here said something about my religion that was hurtful to me. It wasn't directed at me, but it was in general. I mean, it was a slap in the face kind of thing. I sat back and thought about it. I thought about what she had said and who she is (as a poster) and I'm over it now. I still disagree with her completely and I believe that her comment was based upon a fundamental misunderstanding of my religion, but considering her background I believe that her comment was consistent with her own religion. And I also believe that it was very brave of her to say such a thing considering the demographic of this board. And guess what else? She continues to be one of my most favorite people here, because she is overall a kind, encouraging, and gracious poster.


That's all I have to say.

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No, I figure they're busy people who needed to set other priorities:D I miss Ree and OKCyndi and Bethinny being here from time to time, but I know they are busy. I don't think I could manage having such a professional blog with so many faithful readers (and comments!) as Ree and just do my day to day, much less visit here. OKCyndi is doing her radio and podcast thing. I've heard from Bethinny and she's busy, busy, busy. Different schedules, different priorities. You can't do it all, so ya gotta draw the line somewhere. I've seen the same thing with people dropping off on their blog writing.

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We don't all have to agree, but we can treat one another with common courtesy.


I agree, I think that's why I have held back and not posted as much for the last year or so. Someone had a question once (a long while back) about the mennonite faith. Having been raised in a mennonite family I posted a response. I do not remember what branch of the faith we were but we lived around the Lancaster Co. PA Amish area so we were probably pretty conservative. I posted what I knew to be our beliefs and way of life, and got blasted for really no reason in particular. Not in my beliefs so to speak but b/c what I said didn't agree with what someone elses picture of a "practicing mennonite" should be. Even in our community there were two different mennonite branches. I am really not a confrontational person, so I just completely stopped posting on that thread even though someone out there had a few more questions.


I apologize if I seemed to be blasting anyone. . .I just have been holding that vent in for quite awhile and had to get it out.


What I'm trying to say is that I agree we need to treat each other with respect. I hope I have and am sorry if I have not.

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Because they treat people decently.

They are respectful and kind even in heated conversations.

They choose graciousness and tact over rudeness and one-upmanship.

They are willing to be corrected, to be challenged, and to occasionally admit wrong doing. If they believe that they have hurt someone they apologize.

They understand that there is a difference between being blunt or sometimes saying hard things and just being outright disrespectful.



So well said, Anj!!!!

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Because they treat people decently.

They are respectful and kind even in heated conversations.

They choose graciousness and tact over rudeness and one-upmanship.

They are willing to be corrected, to be challenged, and to occasionally admit wrong doing. If they believe that they have hurt someone they apologize.

They understand that there is a difference between being blunt or sometimes saying hard things and just being outright disrespectful.




You said that so well.


We may be our own separate islands in terms of our beliefs and personalities, but we all need to float together in the same pool here at the boards. If everyone plays nice nobody drowns :D


Respect. It's all about respect. You can easily see who respects their fellow posters, whether they share their opinions or not. Volatility and lack of self control do not foster an environment of respect.

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Hi Michelle,


Yes, I'm still here, but I have been ill the past week or so. I spent Saturday on the couch trying to watch the Masters. Luckily, I woke up every now and then to catch the highlights. Thanks for thinking of me!


I won't be around as much now that I have all of our books for next year because I need to start planning and getting our schedule ready for next August. Once I log on, I usually spend too much time here; I also found myself not letting things go once I logged off.


I will be around though, and I'm always available through e-mail.


Take care,


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Because they treat people decently.

They are respectful and kind even in heated conversations.

They choose graciousness and tact over rudeness and one-upmanship.

They are willing to be corrected, to be challenged, and to occasionally admit wrong doing. If they believe that they have hurt someone they apologize.

They understand that there is a difference between being blunt or sometimes saying hard things and just being outright disrespectful.




Yes ma'am. That is the truth.

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You said that so well.


We may be our own separate islands in terms of our beliefs and personalities, but we all need to float together in the same pool here at the boards. If everyone plays nice nobody drowns :D


Respect. It's all about respect. You can easily see who respects their fellow posters, whether they share their opinions or not. Volatility and lack of self control do not foster an environment of respect.



Great post.

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I am not the best with names either but I often think of people's situations and keep them in my mind. And then there are some people who's stories so touch my own life that I can't help but remember them by name and I think of them often.


There are some people who's voice is so distinctive that you can't help but remember them by name and notice when they are missing even if for only a short while. And finally, there are some people that I like so much that my heart would ache if they ever went missing.

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I have not been on here posting long enough to know habits well enough to *miss* people. I do think over time I couldn't help but to wonder. Of frequent posters, I had been wondering about Beth in Ctr TX, glad to see all is well. I was also wondering about Mrs. Mungo, as I haven't seen many of her posts lately.


Along the same note, I find if someone changes their avatar I have no idea who they are. Several times I've not recognized frequent posters, I'm really bad w/names.

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I was wondering about GothicGyrl too so I did some sleuthing and found she had been banned from the board. It is too bad as I enjoyed some of her posts.


Same here. Under her user name it says Banned. I was wondering if it was a joke or something. I know she upset some people, but I think she gave good advice on a lot of topics and was encouraging to many. I personally miss her, but then I never did see her cause trouble, so I'm probably ignorant.

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I was wondering about GothicGyrl too so I did some sleuthing and found she had been banned from the board. It is too bad as I enjoyed some of her posts.


WHAT?! What do you mean? How do you sleuth?

Who do you know?


Ummm....if we get barred from the board - we at least need a vote!

I could see she was opinionated -aren't we all here because we somehow in some way believe in a different scenario for children around the world?

You can't do that and not be opinionated.


Some of her posts could appear PMS'y (sounds like "p.m. s. e.") but who here doesn't get that (or deal with it - for all the dads on this board).


Maybe I missed something horrific.

I will continue to scroll down for answers of today's most interesting gossip.

She did kind of remind me of a younger sweeter version of Butch.


I do feel that you need to at least say gooddbye to your friends if you get banned here.

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Thank you, Abbey.

We don't all have to agree, but we can treat one another with common courtesy. I think that every person has to eventually look at their life and ask "Am I adding to the beauty or not?" Even in our dissension we can purpose to be positive and uplifting and encouraging. We can look for the good in others. There are several people on this board whose worldview, spirituality, and politics differ from mine. And some of these are among my very favorite people here. How can that be? They don't see God the same way that I do. They won't vote for the same person who I'll vote for. Their beliefs are different from mine. How can they hold a dear place in my heart?


Because they treat people decently.

They are respectful and kind even in heated conversations.

They choose graciousness and tact over rudeness and one-upmanship.

They are willing to be corrected, to be challenged, and to occasionally admit wrong doing. If they believe that they have hurt someone they apologize.

They understand that there is a difference between being blunt or sometimes saying hard things and just being outright disrespectful.


One more thing that I'll admit here:

Awhile ago someone here said something about my religion that was hurtful to me. It wasn't directed at me, but it was in general. I mean, it was a slap in the face kind of thing. I sat back and thought about it. I thought about what she had said and who she is (as a poster) and I'm over it now. I still disagree with her completely and I believe that her comment was based upon a fundamental misunderstanding of my religion, but considering her background I believe that her comment was consistent with her own religion. And I also believe that it was very brave of her to say such a thing considering the demographic of this board. And guess what else? She continues to be one of my most favorite people here, because she is overall a kind, encouraging, and gracious poster.


That's all I have to say.


I like this.

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There are some people who's voice is so distinctive that you can't help but remember them by name and notice when they are missing even if for only a short while. And finally, there are some people that I like so much that my heart would ache if they ever went missing.


I know what you mean!

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About GG and the banning,


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong,


I was under the impression that the banning of GG was a result of repeatedly referring to a certain system of rating, which we have been asked repeatedly not to do, especially in the form of a complaint. The consequence for which, is being banned.

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About GG and the banning,


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong,


I was under the impression that the banning of GG was a result of repeatedly referring to a certain system of rating, which we have been asked repeatedly not to do, especially in the form of a complaint. The consequence for which, is being banned.



But she asked to be banned. She requested that the admins ban her. When they banned her they said that it was per her request.

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Did I miss this, Kelli?


Somebody sent me a PM where it said something to the effect of "reason for ban-your request". It looked like it had been taken off her profile or something like that. Of course the PM is long gone because if we don't empty our PM boxes frequently they fill up.

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GG had *demanded* (on these boards, the old ones, her blog) that she be banned from these boards, calling SWB a "coward" both for and for not "banning" her. She took the opportunity to insult those who post here on other forums around the net (over a period of years), often in the cruelest and foulest language possible. I'm sure she continues to do it now, but at least she isn't gloating about it here.


I'm all for dissenting opinions aired with respect for others. I grew very tired of her dissent-for-the-sake-of-dissent. It was annoying to have a shrill and violent argument with someone who had clearly not even read the book / article / court case / law she was arguing about. Paglia, on the other hand, vitriolic as she might be, tends to have researched what she's talking about.


She asked to be "banned". Eventually she got what she asked for, and now she has the pleasure of wailing loudly about it -- elsewhere on the net.


If you'd like to be linked to her own message board, I'm sure there are those here who would be content to link you.



I think it's a bit presumptious to accuse her of "dissent-for-the-sake-of-dissent", and to accuse her of "clearly not even read the bookk/article/court case/law she was arguing about". It's quite possible to read things and come to entirely different conclusions, or to have different information and come to a conclusion about an "argument". Yes, she asked to be banned- yes she was banned because she asked to be- yes she was tired of having her posts and seeing other posts deleted because they questioned "the system" in place here. She is not wailing loudly about being banned, she has wailed loudly about having things she's posted be deleted, she has wailed about the inadequate system of which we may not speak/ that which may not be named/ "You-Know-What" (ala Harry Potter's You-Know-Who").

She did complain about someone on her blog, which she has every right to do, and which no one is forced to read.

No one was forced to argue with her here, either.

I just felt the need to speak up, since GG isn't here, and isn't even able to read what is posted here.

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I am not surprised that GG got banned. She was posting on her own site and other sites that we were a bunch of mindless, bible thumping bi*ches. I was personally offend, especially since I appreciate the diversity of religion and opinion on this board. I am not a christian and I feel welcome here.


I always wondered if she hated this site so much, why she hung out here. This whole incident makes me sad for her.

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I am not surprised that GG got banned. She was posting on her own site and other sites that we were a bunch of mindless, bible thumping bi*ches. I was personally offend, especially since I appreciate the diversity of religion and opinion on this board. I am not a christian and I feel welcome here.


I always wondered if she hated this site so much, why she hung out here. This whole incident makes me sad for her.


She hung out here because she genuinely liked and respected most of the people here, and enjoyed discussing and debating the myriad of topics that arise. The "we" was most definitely not all-inclusive. I think many of us would agree that there are a few holier-than-thous here who might think about rereading Matt. 7:3 and applying it once in awhile.


If folks would look back over GG's old posts as I did, they would realize that she had a lot of interesting things to say, often spoke out about respecting the differing views of others, and was only ornery when cornered, like most of us are. :)


She was invited to go elsewhere on more than one occasion (and you know who you are), and was constantly being anonymously criticized, and *this* is what aggravated her, NOT the board itself or the honest people on it. I think most folks would agree that the last altercation was provoked and nothing but downright nasty; can you say 'witch-hunt'? I wonder how it feels to have driven an "undesirable" off the boards. Not very christian in my book... or then again, maybe it is.

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