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Buffy fans: Please tell me

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She is not a regular but she does make occassional appearances throughout the series as well as showing up in Angel. You have to admit though, she does crazy very well.
And as far as the character goes, she certainly has cause.
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I was about to post that I liked Drusilla, but then I realize that's not actually true--what I really love is the Spike-Drusilla dynamic. On her own... not so much.
A little Spike could make *anything* tolerable. But I do like Dru.
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Very true! ... Unless he's singing. :D


Hey! I LIKE his singing. He had the best voice in the whole musical--it's my favorite track on the soundtrack.


And now you know how geek a Buffy fan I am, lol!


Dru is definitely not best in large doses, but I liked her dynamic with Spike. She'll be out of it soon enough, hardly shows up again until, oh, season 6 (or maybe it's 5, been a while since I watched) when she's in some flashbacks, and 7 when all sorts of dead people are making cameos.

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Very true! ... Unless he's singing. :D


Bite your tongue, missy! I loved Spike's singing and agree with pp that his song was the best one on the soundtrack. We own the CD, all know it by heart and almost always sing along. That is our favorite episode.


My hubby, brother and dd all like Dru. They is different and definitely adds interest.

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I just recently started watching Buffy (TY, insomnia!) and was SO GLAD when Dru was gone. Into Season 3 now.

Now Angel is starting to annoy me. I am so NOT a romantic - I just want to tell him to man up and deal. Quit with the kicked puppy dog eyes, already. LOL. Like him much better as Seeley Booth.

I'm totally shocked by how much I like this show - I didn't expect it to be so engaging.

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WHAT!?!?! I LOVE Xander. My Dh said he reminds him of Chandler from Friends. LOL
No. I still haven't forgiven Xander for his actions (or lack thereof) at the end of Season 2. I wanted Buffy to kick his butt in Season 7 (did you see her reaction in the house party scene... she figured it out), but she chose to leave it.


I hope I'm not being too vague... trying to stay spoiler free.

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No. I still haven't forgiven Xander for his actions (or lack thereof) at the end of Season 2. I wanted Buffy to kick his butt in Season 7 (did you see her reaction in the house party scene... she figured it out), but she chose to leave it.


I hope I'm not being too vague... trying to stay spoiler free.



No, I don't remember. I guess I will just have to go and watch it all over again. *Sigh* :)

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WHAT!?!?! I LOVE Xander. My Dh said he reminds him of Chandler from Friends. LOL


Well - that probably accounts for some of my Xander non-love. I couldn't stand Chandler either. :D


No. I still haven't forgiven Xander for his actions (or lack thereof) at the end of Season 2. I wanted Buffy to kick his butt in Season 7 (did you see her reaction in the house party scene... she figured it out), but she chose to leave it.


I hope I'm not being too vague... trying to stay spoiler free.


:iagree: He's been mean, tacky, rude, judgmental, petty, hypocritical... I just don't care for him one little iota. Zero redeeming qualities, imesho. Every time Cordelia says something reallyreally mean to him, I cheer a little bit inside. :lol:

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:iagree: He's been mean, tacky, rude, judgmental, petty, hypocritical... I just don't care for him one little iota. Zero redeeming qualities, imesho. Every time Cordelia says something reallyreally mean to him, I cheer a little bit inside. :lol:

Glad I'm not the only one. Of the souled creatures featured through more than one season, Xander is the only one who remains hollow. Thought, I love Joss for doing it... for not redeeming him.

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LOL My apologies, Kidshappen and Ravin! Don't get me wrong, his voice is great. It was just SO bizarre to see Spike singing. I think it made my brain seize up in a does.not.compute sorta way.:lol:


You know that James Marsters is actually a musician, well even before the musical hit.

Anthony Stewart Head is a good singer as well, I had hoped there was more for him to sing but it made sense with the few songs that they did.

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No. I still haven't forgiven Xander for his actions (or lack thereof) at the end of Season 2. I wanted Buffy to kick his butt in Season 7 (did you see her reaction in the house party scene... she figured it out), but she chose to leave it.


I hope I'm not being too vague... trying to stay spoiler free.


I am not sure I know exactly what you are talking about but now it's driving me crazy. Would you mind sending me a PM to refresh my memory?

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I am not sure I know exactly what you are talking about but now it's driving me crazy. Would you mind sending me a PM to refresh my memory?


Done, though I may have misremembered it being at a party... the episode in Season 7 is Selfless, and the relevant scene starts about 23:30 in. There's something else niggling at me though.


ETA: I think I was conflating this bit from Selfless with Dead Man's Party in Season 3 (Xander was particularly annoying in that episode). He had his chance in Selfless and he still didn't make amends... even with the obvious parallels.

Edited by nmoira
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  • 3 weeks later...

That's bizarre as coincidence, seeing as Buffy was off the air long before Lost came along. Maybe someone named all the Lost characters after Buffy gravestones?


I like Xander. No, he's not perfect, but he's probably the most human of all the characters. He messes up a lot, stumbles along, has no superpowers, magic, etc., but manages to save the world at least once.


Riley's the character I dislike the most.

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Riley's the character I dislike the most.
Yup, more so than even Dawn... though not nearly so much as Connor on Angel. Dawn and Connor... at least there was no crossover story arc between them. DH and I are polar opposites on Faith -- he can't stand her, while I greatly enjoy watching Eliza Dushku eat up the scenery.
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Riley and Tara just never clicked with me. Love Xander -I thought his character shows the most growth throughout the series, really the only one who gets on with the job of living life. Oh and Darla always annoyed me.


In Angel hated the whole Connor angle and stopped watching because of it. We have been re-watching the series and have arrived at the Connor parts and honestly, we haven't watched any for about a month because it bugs me so much - I will get past it so I can finish the series.

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LOL My apologies, Kidshappen and Ravin! Don't get me wrong, his voice is great. It was just SO bizarre to see Spike singing. I think it made my brain seize up in a does.not.compute sorta way.:lol:


Um, yeah. This.

I just watched this episode for the first time. Marsters is so good, but bizarre is exactly the word for singing Spike.

The whole episode is rather ....... surreal? Is that the word I'm looking for?

Fun stuff!

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