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worst gift ever?

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What was the worst gift you ever got? Mine was a valentines gift. It was the valentines day the week before my wedding. My fiance gave me a free t-shirt the stripper had given him the night before at his bachelor party. And that was it.


I should add that I hate strip clubs and was NOT happy he went to one. And that my "bachelorette" night consisted of sitting home watching Dirty Dancing by myself, because all my friends lived out of town and I was pregnant so I couldn't drink anyway...and well, no one organized me anything. Oh, and we were supposed to move in together, into a new apartment, on valentines day, but he was too hung over to help move.


Yes, I married him anyway. No I'm not still married to him.

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The Christmas I would have been holding a beautiful 6 week old while watching my other dc enjoy opening gifts, but had a horrible miscarriage instead, a family member gave my 5yod a baby doll, complete with realistic crying sounds.


She "had" to give it because she had also bought one for a cousin and had to "keep things even."

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Wow, I don't think I can top that.


Our first Christmas after getting married, Hubby bought me a throw pillow for the couch and a Southern Comfort magazine. He thought the magazine would remind me of home (I'm from AL). :glare:

Edited by Daisy
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My wonderful great grandma gave me a glass blown rooster for my sweet sixteenth. No, I didn't collect roosters nor glass blown decor.


ETA: how could I forget the awesome pair of socks mil gave me for my 30th. Yup, one pair of socks. And seriously called to see how I liked them.

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I think weddings bring the weirdest gifts out of the woodwork. A very elderly relative of my husband's send a random collection of kitchen items, including two dirty dishtowels. Um, ew? They literally had old food crusted on them. I threw them away and sent a thank you note. :p

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The Christmas right before we were married (in April) my then-fiance gave me a back support brace belt -- the kind with suspenders...like the guys who lift heavy boxes at a warehouse wear.


ETA: we're still happily married 14 1/2 years later, and I could have used it a couple of days ago, because I was moving big moving boxes full of dusty old law books to the basement, and now my back is KILLING me.

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I was a very jealous 12 year old middle child... Apparently, I would count Christmas presents and get upset when my brothers got more than me.


That Christmas, my mother was going to give me a pack of 12 socks (we often had practical gifts). So she individually wrapped each pair in various exciting packages (with a brick added, with a bell, with a tennis ball that rolled back and forth when you shook it) so that on Christmas morning I saw a bunch of interesting packages all addressed to me... only to find individually wrapped plain white athletic socks.

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hmmm... this thread has happened before...

copy and pasted my response, post#58, from there to here:


On our wedding night, a "special gift" was delivered by the hotel staff. It was a romantic looking (and smelling) letter to my dh from his ex, saying something like "think of me, love always, blah blah." There was also a gift: a Swarovski (sp?) crystal statue of two bunnies.


Although my dh and I waited to have "relations" till that night, his ex wanted me to know that she and my new husband were "like rabbits" once upon a time. :001_huh: He told me that was their "inside" joke, that they were like wild bunnies. It still makes me sad.


Btw, he told me that in embarassment, regret, and honesty, he didn't tell me that to hurt me. He knew I'd figure it out rather quickly. I just couldn't believe someone would do that on someone's wedding night.


Sometimes, it's not the thought that counts...

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hmmm... this thread has happened before...

copy and pasted my response, post#58, from there to here:


On our wedding night, a "special gift" was delivered by the hotel staff. It was a romantic looking (and smelling) letter to my dh from his ex, saying something like "think of me, love always, blah blah." There was also a gift: a Swarovski (sp?) crystal statue of two bunnies.


Although my dh and I waited to have "relations" till that night, his ex wanted me to know that she and my new husband were "like rabbits" once upon a time. :001_huh: He told me that was their "inside" joke, that they were like wild bunnies. It still makes me sad.


Btw, he told me that in embarassment, regret, and honesty, he didn't tell me that to hurt me. He knew I'd figure it out rather quickly. I just couldn't believe someone would do that on someone's wedding night.


Sometimes, it's not the thought that counts...


Well, I hope you sent her a Thank you note....for getting out of your new husbands life!


Seriously...that is the worst thing I can imagine....maybe I will do that to my XH if he marries homewrecker...hee hee.

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The Christmas right before we were married (in April) my then-fiance gave me a back support brace belt -- the kind with suspenders...like the guys who lift heavy boxes at a warehouse wear.


ETA: we're still happily married 14 1/2 years later...


That really begs the question, "Why?" :confused: I'm guessing since you've been married this long you've asked by now :lol:

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Well, I hope you sent her a Thank you note....for getting out of your new husbands life!


Seriously...that is the worst thing I can imagine....maybe I will do that to my XH if he marries homewrecker...hee hee.


:lol: Well Scarlett, if ever I heard of a justifying purpose to my ordeal, it would be to sock it to your homewrecker! You go girl! :lol:

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A set of new tires for my car for Christmas. :001_huh:


A 1lb bag of coffee hastily wrapped, for Christmas, "because you need something to open too." Never mind I'd bought the coffee grocery shopping.


Those are two of the three gifts he's ever given me for Christmas in 17 years of marriage.

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Last Christmas Mum sent over two face washers. They were pretty, with Christmas themed machine embroidery, or so she said :001_huh:


I immediately jumped online to message my sister with "HAHAHAHA Mum loves me more than you!" For her birthday a few months before, Mum had sent her one face washer. :lol: She wasn't sure they had face washers in Kenya. :lol::lol:


Anyhow, my sister and I were still laughing a week later.




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Plastic Santa placemats from my MIL. Just Santa's flat face with his hands thrown up next to him like he was surprised when the truck ran over him. Dh called them my road-kill Santa mats. We stopped doing the extended family gift exchange that year.



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On our wedding night, a "special gift" was delivered by the hotel staff. It was a romantic looking (and smelling) letter to my dh from his ex, saying something like "think of me, love always, blah blah." There was also a gift: a Swarovski (sp?) crystal statue of two bunnies.


Although my dh and I waited to have "relations" till that night, his ex wanted me to know that she and my new husband were "like rabbits" once upon a time. :001_huh: He told me that was their "inside" joke, that they were like wild bunnies. It still makes me sad.




Oh my. :grouphug: While I can only imagine how bad that made you feel, should I tell you how bad it makes her look?

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Oh, wait...are you saying I shouldn't do that to my XH if he remarries? :001_huh:


No, in the case of your xh and the homewrecker, they deserve it. I was assuming that was not the case with Karyn and her dh!

Edited by GretaLynne
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Hee hee....the trouble is....I just don't care enough to do something like that now.


Seriously, that was very cruel and calculating and well--cruel!


It was downright malicious of her, IMHO. And the fact that you don't care enough to do something like that to your ex is probably a very positive statement on how far you've come. :thumbup1:

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It was downright malicious of her, IMHO. And the fact that you don't care enough to do something like that to your ex is probably a very positive statement on how far you've come. :thumbup1:


Thank you...and did you hear? I met someone....sorry for the t/j. I feel like singing it to the world.

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MIL gave me Flannel sheets from Kohl's.


Not bad,you say. Right?


Okay, so she MIL handing out presents. Beloved Son's Wife (SIL) gets a package from MIL and they are stunning Pottery Barn Flannel Sheets. Gorgeous over $120.00 flannel sheets with a lovely snowflake pattern.


MIL then hands me my present and say, "SIL asked for sheets and I wanted to make sure I kept everything even between you two." My heart dropped....Me? Pottery Barn Flannel Sheets...dreamy....:drool:


Oh no! I open the package and they are Cheap Arse Kohl's Flannel Sheets with ZOO ANIMALS with the clearance sticker still on them. :cursing:


I opened them and almost cried, but I gently looked at MIL and said, "That's so nice of you to keep things even, so these must have been for someone else because these are not from Pottery Barn."


FIL about died of shock :lol:. DH was so proud :D.


She replaced them a few days later and never pulled that so directly again. Now, she just gives BIL and SIL (and now their kids) their gifts before we get there :tongue_smilie:.

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Mine was a valentines gift. It was the valentines day the week before my wedding. My fiance gave me a free t-shirt the stripper had given him the night before at his bachelor party. And that was it.



Ouch. My husband, who is generally a very good gift-giver, really hurt me by getting me absolutely nothing for my first Mother's Day. He did nothing to acknowledge the day at all. But you have made me realize that some gifts are actually worse than no gift.


I'm sorry.

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I think weddings bring the weirdest gifts out of the woodwork. A very elderly relative of my husband's send a random collection of kitchen items, including two dirty dishtowels. Um, ew? They literally had old food crusted on them. I threw them away and sent a thank you note. :p


OMGosh! A relative on dh's side sent us used steak knives! But used kitchen towels with food still on them. Ewwwwwwww.


The Christmas right before we were married (in April) my then-fiance gave me a back support brace belt -- the kind with suspenders...like the guys who lift heavy boxes at a warehouse wear.


Well now I think I feel a little better about what dh got me the Christmas before we got married... It was an ugly teapot of two cats dancing. He picked it, he told me, because it was on sale. It was on sale, he told me, because it was damaged. And I went ahead and married him. :banghead: ;)

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My mother in law gave me a hideous giant silver plated jewelry box. But that is not why it was so horrid. The year before HER mother in law had given her the same jewelry box and she had gone on and on about what an awful ugly thing it was and a piece of junk. I know it wasn't a re-gift either because I saw hers in a drawer in her house. Somehow in a years time she forgot about the same one she got and bought me one? Huh?

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Ouch. My husband, who is generally a very good gift-giver, really hurt me by getting me absolutely nothing for my first Mother's Day. He did nothing to acknowledge the day at all. But you have made me realize that some gifts are actually worse than no gift.


I'm sorry.

The same thing happened my first Mother's Day. My Dh (who is really a romatic sweet person normally) never even thought to get me anything. Not only was I a new mom but I had given birth to twins. I really felt I deserved SOMETHING. My mom had gotten me a gift and when he saw me get something it was like a lightbulb went on and his face totally fell. Later he went out and picked roses and brought them to me but I was already really hurt. I think he was even more hurt and disappointed in himself though.

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hmmm... this thread has happened before...

copy and pasted my response, post#58, from there to here:


On our wedding night, a "special gift" was delivered by the hotel staff. It was a romantic looking (and smelling) letter to my dh from his ex, saying something like "think of me, love always, blah blah." There was also a gift: a Swarovski (sp?) crystal statue of two bunnies.


Although my dh and I waited to have "relations" till that night, his ex wanted me to know that she and my new husband were "like rabbits" once upon a time. :001_huh: He told me that was their "inside" joke, that they were like wild bunnies. It still makes me sad.


Btw, he told me that in embarassment, regret, and honesty, he didn't tell me that to hurt me. He knew I'd figure it out rather quickly. I just couldn't believe someone would do that on someone's wedding night.


Sometimes, it's not the thought that counts...


I can't even believe it! How terrible!! That woman had no class at all!

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MIL gave me Flannel sheets from Kohl's.


Not bad,you say. Right?


Okay, so she MIL handing out presents. Beloved Son's Wife (SIL) gets a package from MIL and they are stunning Pottery Barn Flannel Sheets. Gorgeous over $120.00 flannel sheets with a lovely snowflake pattern.


MIL then hands me my present and say, "SIL asked for sheets and I wanted to make sure I kept everything even between you two." My heart dropped....Me? Pottery Barn Flannel Sheets...dreamy....:drool:


Oh no! I open the package and they are Cheap Arse Kohl's Flannel Sheets with ZOO ANIMALS with the clearance sticker still on them. :cursing:


I opened them and almost cried, but I gently looked at MIL and said, "That's so nice of you to keep things even, so these must have been for someone else because these are not from Pottery Barn."


FIL about died of shock :lol:. DH was so proud :D.


She replaced them a few days later and never pulled that so directly again. Now, she just gives BIL and SIL (and now their kids) their gifts before we get there :tongue_smilie:.


How awful! What is her problem?! What did she say after you said that?

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The same thing happened my first Mother's Day. My Dh (who is really a romatic sweet person normally) never even thought to get me anything. Not only was I a new mom but I had given birth to twins. I really felt I deserved SOMETHING. My mom had gotten me a gift and when he saw me get something it was like a lightbulb went on and his face totally fell. Later he went out and picked roses and brought them to me but I was already really hurt. I think he was even more hurt and disappointed in himself though.



Awww, it's okay! At least he realized his mistake and felt bad.

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You know those "lovey" toys that look like a stuffed animal and a small blanket all in one? Cute, plush, soft little things?


Well, I got something similar for my last baby. Except that instead of a cute stuffed animal, it had a rubber doll's head.


Just the head, wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket.


DH got it from one of his patients and brought it home. When I pulled it out of the bag, I think I actually jumped, then I laughed until I cried. DH and I have fun leaving it for each other in random places (it's even creepier when it's draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge).

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You know those "lovey" toys that look like a stuffed animal and a small blanket all in one? Cute, plush, soft little things?


Well, I got something similar for my last baby. Except that instead of a cute stuffed animal, it had a rubber doll's head.


Just the head, wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket.


DH got it from one of his patients and brought it home. When I pulled it out of the bag, I think I actually jumped, then I laughed until I cried. DH and I have fun leaving it for each other in random places (it's even creepier when it's draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge).



omg I may just have a nightmare about that thing tonight! :lol:

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You know those "lovey" toys that look like a stuffed animal and a small blanket all in one? Cute, plush, soft little things?


Well, I got something similar for my last baby. Except that instead of a cute stuffed animal, it had a rubber doll's head.


Just the head, wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket.


DH got it from one of his patients and brought it home. When I pulled it out of the bag, I think I actually jumped, then I laughed until I cried. DH and I have fun leaving it for each other in random places (it's even creepier when it's draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge).


Wow, it's creepy! I had to look right before bed! I hope it doesn't show up in my dreams, lol.

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Before we married, dh made me a big paper flower out of paper towels and rubbed stick deodorant on it so that it would smell nice :001_huh:. It was the strangest experience. I don't know what provoked him to do this. He said that he thought I would like it. Very odd. Gosh, I love that strange man!

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You know those "lovey" toys that look like a stuffed animal and a small blanket all in one? Cute, plush, soft little things?


Well, I got something similar for my last baby. Except that instead of a cute stuffed animal, it had a rubber doll's head.


Just the head, wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket.


DH got it from one of his patients and brought it home. When I pulled it out of the bag, I think I actually jumped, then I laughed until I cried. DH and I have fun leaving it for each other in random places (it's even creepier when it's draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge).


That is SO creepy! Thanks. It made my son jump. :D Love the mental image of it in the fridge. :lol:

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Before we married, dh made me a big paper flower out of paper towels and rubbed stick deodorant on it so that it would smell nice :001_huh:. It was the strangest experience. I don't know what provoked him to do this. He said that he thought I would like it. Very odd. Gosh, I love that strange man!


This had 3 out of 5 family members in tears. :smilielol5: I could barely read it out loud for laughing.

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Too small clothes. My MIL buys everyone clothes she KNOWS won't fit. When you open it she's says, "It probably won't fit, but I got it for $1.00." and then laughs. (She's quite insane.) My DH has taken to opening his size M shirt at her house and then intentionally leaving it there. She never bothers to get it back to him.

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