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What Is Happening In Your House Right Now?

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My dh is trying to finish up with work in his office....I think he made the mistake of answering a call after hours.


Sarah is behind me on their computer playing some game.


Miranda and Kelsie are in their room trying to beat each other senseless with various weaponry. (They are playing Smash Bros. on the Game Cube)


And here I sit.:chillpill:

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Hubby is hot and sweaty after scraping and painting at the old hourse, and passed out on his bed, snoring. Kiddo is eating blueberries and strawberries as slowly as possible, because school will begin when he is done, while reading a book. I am nursing some seltzer, reading the forums, and generally recovering from a busy day at work. Need to get up and gather the trash to put out, move the wash to the drier, and finish emptying the DW. I need to clean the whiteboard and get out the books, as well.

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ds 14 is doing handwriting. Complaining that he would rather ride his bike than do his CLAA Grammar.


dd is eating a rice cake over the piano keys (:confused:) and starting to practice piano.


I think I have west nile virus (camped last Fr. - Sun.)...headache, dizzy, sore throat.


Husband is at 2nd job.


Pretty peaceful.

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Right this minute, we just finished dinner. My kids are watching The Simpsons, I am here (duh) and dh is downstairs polishing newly received reel parts. In a few minutes (if my kids know what's good for them :tongue_smilie:),they'll wash the prep dishes for dinner, wipe the counters off, and I'll fold more laundry and sweep the kitchen floor (and double check that all the kitchen duties are done), light some candles to illuminate the kitchen and dining room...and the dc and I will probably listen to the end of Pendragon #10.

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I love hearing what everyone is up to!




hubby is collecting trash throughout the house. K(7) is in the tub delaying bedtime, trying to get the face paint off. L(10) WAS doing piano ans then WAS doing a math lesson, but is now in helping K in the tub. Since they are not killing each other or bickering, I am leaving the situation alone...



I am in the bed on the laptop pondering that there are only 2 days left of my summer job. :w00t::hurray::willy_nilly:


robin in NJ

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Dh, a friend, and our two boys are wargaming. I believe the scenario is some kind of military fantasy thing (as opposed to an honest-to-goodness historical battle). Lots of little metal men, dice-rolling, and strategizing.


My daughters are listening to CDs.


The cats are snoozing.


And I decided to go online for a little while before taking out the trash. :D

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blessedly very little. Oldest dd 19 is at work till 9pm. Middle dd 17 is with a friend & good-male-friend (wink) at youth group, husband is doing accounting work at church (he is the treasurer), younger ds 13 is surfing the wii channels and supposed to be figuring out where I should take him tonight....he might want to go shopping with his allowance money....and we'll be having a "soda chat" about organizing his school year/responsability/how to best get work done. He's in 8th grade this year, and needs help in this area (spd...nuff said). Thats it. My house is a slowly improving wreck since we just got back from vacation a few days ago.

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It's late and the house is almost quiet. Dd10 and dh are asleep, dd15 is upstairs getting ready for bed, ds17 is on his laptop searching for good dance music (he's going to "dj" for the marching band while at band camp this weekend). I am trying to ignore the brownies I made for a meeting dh had here tonight....


And there's a incredibly loud confused cicada right outside my kitchen window. Dude, you're supposed to be in the trees!

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Dd is standing behind me on the chair eating Afghani garlic bread. Ds is wandering around with his dangling, shiny thing (a bead necklace) and eating Afghani garlic bread.


Before that, he was sleeping outside in his pram and dd was doing a lacing game. I might set her up with some more afternoon "school" while I go clean the kitchen and put washing on. I'll probably put Winnie the Pooh on for the boy so we can do our jobs without him hanging off us or stealing our stuff.


In a minute or two ;)



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Five of the children are in the bedroom listening to Farmer Boy on cd. 2yo is coloring, 5yo is making a pony bead necklace, 7 yo is setting up the wooden castle and Playmobil knights, 10yo is reading Happy Hollisters and offering building advice to the 7yo, 12 you is crocheting and reading.


15dd is in here with me. She's trying to decide on a cheesecake recipe for Saturday when we have company coming. I've offered my opinions on the cheesecake, read the board, emailed dh, and now I'm off for a shower.




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We are all hanging out in our study.


5yo daughter is making a complex design out of pattern blocks.


18mo son is standing on a chair, taking things out of a cabinet, and repeatedly asking for Pocky. Who said he was too young to pick anything up from our Japan study? ;)

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DD-age 5-is decorating an empty tissue box to hold her school supplies in her new desk-even though she has a ton of containers already holding various craft supplies that I'd envisioned her taking to her desk when she wanted to write/draw something.


She's thrilled with her "scool supplys"

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