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Do you take a lot of books out of your library each week? We take about 40 or more!!

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I worry that the library hates me! I learned recently that they might.... ;-[


I have 3 kids of book/reading age - 2 of them are elementary aged, so reading more. We have an inter-library system, so I order certain books to do with our weekly history topic (in 2 different time periods) online (often ones recommended in the SOTW activity guide). I order plenty, maybe 8-10 at a time - a few for each kiddo. This is because it is for 2 kids (SOTW Vol1 and SOTW Vol3), and b/c I never know what will come in and when (they often come from other libraries in the system, though some are from our library and just hard to find withIN the library). FWIW, I DO get plenty of OTHER books besides those 8-10 on my own, with my own compliled lists, with my own efforts (and my kids'). We have a rolling book box to carry all the books, and it is always full!


So, I have been wondering if the library ladies hate to see me coming! Or if they think I'm being irresponsible in my ordering? I am the one that puts them to work hunting some of the those books down, as well as checking out my big weekly order which always crashes their computer (don't ask me why!). I have an aquaintance at my church who works at my library in a different area, but who knows the ladies downstairs at the checkout area, and she has eluded to the fact that they don't like that I take so many and order so many! She said she spoke in my defense, saying how great it was that we homeschooled, and this is what these systems were meant for - people who really wanted/needed the library system like us homeschoolers, etc., etc. (That''s as far as my conversation went with her...) Anyway, I feel bad for being the thorn in their side.


So, do you take out this many books? Am I crazy? We really do read through a good percentage of them! Many/most are picture books, or short books. About 10 or so would be for my preschooler, so not very academic. Another 15 or so DS9 and 15 for DD6. They need history literature, history readings, and "fun" reading. Here's why I take so many: I don't always know if the ones I have on order will be appropriate for my kids' (some turn out to be higher level reading than I expected, or some turn out too long, or not right on subject, etc.) Sometimes they come in right away, and other times they take weeks, so I never know what will be in and when. I have to order extra in case we pass by that topic and any given book doesn't come it.


I really am rambling! Sorry - it's late. Just curious if any of you have these issues with your library. Or if you'd think I'm nuts too.


Thanks! - Stacey in MA

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We don't do quite so many, but we take out a lot. And yes, I think they're starting to not like me so much. I usually return with a ton of books (accumulated over several library trips, that no one wants to give up yet), have fines to pay, and have a ton of books from the hold shelf for them to dig up.


It turns out that we have one of most lenient libraries in the system in terms of holds and ILL (no fees, seven days to pick up, no limit). Honestly, I worry that they're going to change the system because of me!


I try to be ultra friendly and chatty when I'm at the counter, and I usually apologize for the load and explain that we're homeschoolers and that both girls LOVE to read. Kill them with kindness, I say! :lol:

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It doesn't seem like too much to me. We don't have a television and the kids read a lot. They often run out of books to read before we make our bimonthly library visit.


I don't use the inter-library system. We have it but I haven't felt the need to use it yet. I don't think the librarians know me (and my crew) from Adam, but I am always oblivious to those things.:001_huh: I probably wouldn't worry too much about it. If you need their help to get books for the kids' school that aren't available at their branch, there isn't much you can do at this point but be friendly and sweet in spite of them. ;)

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I usually pick up about 20-30 books on hold every other week, plus the dc choose books for themselves from whatever happens to be available on the shelves that day.


In our library system, we have self-checkout and we pick up our own books from the hold shelves (unless they are ILL or DVDs) so we really don't have much personal interaction with the staff.

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and no, your library doesn't hate you for that! That is what the library is there for. They should LOVE it when they see you coming! Btwn history related books, science books, children's books, novels, books for me, books to go w/ FIAR or MFWK, my dd2's "Dora" books and DVD's, etc...(6 kids) it all adds up...quick! We probably have about 75 out right now...just took back about 20 on Saturday. We keep them in 2 shallow bins (like dish pans) and the dc are required to put them back when finished as not to lose them. BUT, we still have some go MIA and have to pay fees or if a certain librarian is working, she'll renew it for us 2x so we have extra time to find it. :)


Anyway, my dh flips out about the #, but I just tell him...this is the life of hsing. I remember his face one day when he accompanied us to the library and the librarian printed off the entire list of books we had checked out. It was like 3 feet long and his poor little eyes were bugging out of his head in shock. :D Oh, we DO read MOST of the books except perhaps ALL the history or science...they just go in the book basket for reading time "Just in case" there is interest, KWIM?

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I work at the public library part time. I actually encourage homeschool families to check out as many books as they can (10 per person). It does make a lot of work for me when they return the next week. But honestly it is well worth it when one of them comes and shares what they learned this week from a book they had checked out.


The director of my library is thrilled with the increase in circulation since I assumed the children's librarian possition. I only recently found out there is a grant we recieve that increases with increased circulation.

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or used to. We are down to about 80 right now but I have easily been as high as 200 at a time. Our librarians like us (as far as I know! but their attitude says they do) and I will occasionally bring them some kimbap, which they love.


Like Sandra in NC, I believe that families like us are great for the library, because it does help their neighbors and allows for more revenue. In fact, our library is now getting a new location in a few years because it is popular enough to warrant it. Our library even hosts a homeschool session once a month :)


I LOVE our library :)

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Seriously, if you sense a negative attitude, talk with them. Ask them if it causes problems for them for you to take out so many books, or use the ILL or whatever it might be. It really shouldn't matter - you pay for the library, but they may see it as adding to their workload. Simply calling them on it might change their attitudes.

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we never have fewer than 40 books out at time, usually more. Our library has no limit on the number of books we can have out at one time. And, as homeschoolers, we can have our cards flagged as "educator" which cancels out any overdue fines!


LauraD in MN

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I just counted my account - 42 books with 4 holds. :001_smile:


I know we give the library a lot of work so I try to keep myself organize. Every Saturday, before we go to the library, I print out a copy of my account online, make sure we have all our books and highlight the books we have returned (sometimes they check in a book and it doesn't come off the account). I know they appreciated the fact that I am tracking the books coming in and going out and not just grabbing books for the sake of grabbing books.


Also, I always return a book as soon as I have finished with it and try to keep my overdue fines to a minimum.



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Between self and kids - we have well over 100 out now - sometimes the total is waaaay higher. My oldest dd has discovered "veggie teen vampires in love" books, my son with autism has every movie picture books and "monster" book he can find, while I have plenty of books for myself and for school. We are the three big "users" of the family.


Reading - an addition of which I do not hope to be cured. ;)

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I bring my librarians cookies sometimes, because every book I put on hold, (which I do *ALL THE TIME*) they have to write my name on the hold. Personally, it seems so silly to me that they system doesn't do it for them. (It prints it on the paper, but it is small, so they write it also. Seems like they could tweak the system a bit, but....whatever.)


I figure they are writing my name more than I do!! :-) They assure me that they don't mind and that they are happy people are checking out good books. I absolutely love our library!!!

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Stacey, I've felt that way before too, but I look at it this way: That's their job. They should be happy people are using the library. Every time we walk in the library, hardly anyone is getting or looking at books. They're all on the computers using the free internet.

I put things on hold constantly. We do weekly library trips and I always have several holds. I don't check out as much as you do though because we have a very large library at our home too, but I used to check out about 30 per trip when the kids were younger and they'd pick several pictures books each on top of what I wanted to get.

Don't feel like the librarians dislike you, the more the books circulate, I think the more money they get to buy more. Does anyone know if that's right?

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You know I have never even thought about them not liking me?? We check out lots and lots of books at a time. I am always doing the inter library loan just because it is so easy to sit down at my computer and order the books we need for the next 2 weeks. We have a great library system, no fines, books are checked out for 3 weeks and you can renew them online, they keep the holds on the shelf for 7 days, you can have a maximum of 200 books checked out at one time. We love our library, but humm now you have me thinking if maybe they don't like to see me coming??:)

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Right now we have around 60 out. We've had over 100 out at times, depending on what we're doing. We have a limit of 100/card, and we more than 1 card. With little guys, and even though the older 2 are reading chapter books, they still all love picture books. And with 5 kids, even if I limit them all to 10 books, that's 50 books, not counting me (add to that the fact I can't turn down their sweet little faces when they hold up a book that's over what I told them they could get and say "Please? Can I just get one more?").


If the librarians are grumpy about having to check out books, I think they're in the wrong line of work.

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I use 4 cards (one for each member of our family). I can put 20 holds on each card (and if I'm doing research I often max out on holds - for normal use I usually have maxed out at least 2 cards). I have my "own" shelf at the holds area. I have had the librarians call me twice to come and clear off my shelf because they couldn't fit anything more on it! I'm part of the librarian orientation - I've actually had the librarians bring new workers to meet me. (I had one say in a hushed whisper - "I thought you were a myth!:lol:) I bring a rolling suitcase to the library (not a tiny one but one of the medium size ones you see at the airport). It comes in loaded with books to return, goes out loaded with books for our house. My librarians like me. I know most of them by name. They don't see my use of the library as an imposition at all. I don't know what I would do if they did - after-all this is their job, isn't it?!

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I imagine there are grumpy librarians out there, but for most libraries, their circulation is the major factor in its funding from the state. They may not enjoy the process of checking you out but I bet they like having a job.


My guess is we have between 10-40 books as a family out at any given time. My dh is a librarian, therefore he goes to the library on a daily basis, we have books coming in and out all the time.

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I have 118 items checked out right now. I request so many books that there is a section of the hold shelf just for me with my name on it! The librarians like the fact that we check out so many books because it keeps their circulation numbers up. One time they mentioned that they met their daily quota just with the books we checked out.


Susan in TX

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I'm part of the librarian orientation - I've actually had the librarians bring new workers to meet me. (I had one say in a hushed whisper - "I thought you were a myth!:lol:) ?!


Oh, that is too funny!


Any librarian who has worked at our library more than a few weeks knows me by sight. They know to go to the "holds" shelf before they even pull up my account. We always have over 100 books checked out. We can only have 99 per card, so sometimes I have to give them two cards to check out. Mostly the librarians seem friendly. I keep their circulation numbers up, which helps them get funding. Plus, they could probably build a wing onto the place with all the money I have paid in fines over the years!:eek:

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Ummmmm. YES! I have an insane number of library books in my home. And we use 3 different libraries that are all in different systems. I feel like I'm drowning in library books. The library calls my house at least 3-4 times a week to let me know that my HOLD/REQUEST books are in. So far I've only encountered helpful and kind librarians. I think we'll bring them something next time we go in to thank them for all of their help - what a great idea!

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We live in Quebec so our library system doesn't have as much for English books so we buy a membership to the Ottawa library system and they are wonderful! We can sign out unlimited amounts of books (we have over 100 here right now), I can reserve things and renew online, etc. - the librarians know my husband by sight (he picks up the books). They tease him because they keep one shelf just for our books.

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Sorry I didn't see this sooner - I couldn't find my post for a while - it was like it had disappeared! But here it is!


OK, well, glad to know I'm not alone. You have all made me feel better. I will try and put it out of my mind. The way we have evolved into using our library has really enriched our learning. I would say we likely revolve around it in a way! I wouldn't want to mess that up.....


The one librarian is a bit grumpy anyway - not much of a people person. I have always made an effort to chit chat and be friendly, even when she is not.


Thanks for making me feel normal! ;-p (OK, I know I'm not NORMAL! But as close to it as I need to be - hee hee!)


:-) Stacey in MA

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Sounds reasonable to me.

We go to the library every week. I have two pre-schoolers, and I check out 20-30 books every week. I always have something on hold, and most of the time, when I pick up my holds, there is one or two missing and the librarians have to hunt them down. Both of my kids also tend to leave a mess of books all over the tables when we leave. (It took a while to explain to them why to *not* reshelve.)


Oh, and only about a third to a half of the books we check out actually get read. Some books I put on hold because I want to preview them, and after flipping through the pages, I know it's not for me. Other books, I just don't get around to reading.


I let DD4 check out as many books as she wants, which is usually 2-5 unless she can find Disney princess books (in which case, she checks out *every* Disney princess book she can find). I let DD2 check out two board books. These books are almost never read (except the Disney princess books) once we get home.


It helps that our holds are done by computer. (All they have to do is match the pre-printed slip with the physical book and put it on a shelf. The computer automatically emails me.) It also helps that we self-check out everything. (Actually, DD4 checks out all the books while I try to prevent DD2 from running away.)


We have been blessed with a very friendly children's librarian. She is always cheerful and willing to interrupt what she is doing to help with a book suggestion.



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You do not have to justify using the library for the purpose for which it was built, stocked and intended. If the librarians do not wish to check out books or deal with books, then they should 1) retire, or 2) get a job somewhere else (but I'm inclined to believe they'd complain about something there, too). Your tax dollars help to pay for those books and patron limits are set the same for all. You have every right to check out as many books at a time as you're allowed by those rules.


I have four in my family. We each have a card. I carry all the cards and have to sometimes use all of them in order to check out all the books I need at one time. Yes, there are some within my library system who complain. When they're not complaining about handling books they're complaining about something else. There are others who seem to be very welcoming and happy that they have the customers to insure that they have JOBS. A library is a service that relies on customers in order to exist. No customers equal no jobs.


I used to worry as you do. Then I began to notice that tons of others request books, too. And not just homeschoolers. I've seen tons of older people coming in and picking up stacks and stacks of books, CD's, etc. Why on earth would it be okay for one group to reserve large numbers of books, but not another? That's ridiculous.


Now our library has the reserve shelves out where the patrons can pick the books up themselves and all can see just how full those shelves are at all times. Everyone reserves books. We are all busy. If the library does not want to provide such a service, then they need to discontinue it. But they have no right to provide it then complain when it's used as intended.

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Sorry I didn't see this sooner - I couldn't find my post for a while - it was like it had disappeared! But here it is!


OK, well, glad to know I'm not alone. You have all made me feel better. I will try and put it out of my mind. The way we have evolved into using our library has really enriched our learning. I would say we likely revolve around it in a way! I wouldn't want to mess that up.....


The one librarian is a bit grumpy anyway - not much of a people person. I have always made an effort to chit chat and be friendly, even when she is not.


Thanks for making me feel normal! ;-p (OK, I know I'm not NORMAL! But as close to it as I need to be - hee hee!)


:-) Stacey in MA


Take her a small gift or have your kids make her a card. Sometimes you have to woo them a little! :001_smile:

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Guest Shanna

We are blessed with a library system that does not have late fees!!! I have the past paid $100's in late fees. I about fell over when we moved and they told me there were no late fees. Plus we can keep books pretty much as long as we want as long as no one has a request for them.


We currently have over 50 out.

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Our limit is 50 books per card, and in the past we regularly had that 50 in our possession. Sometimes I would have one of the kids use their card because mine was at its max.


I was told that the librarians like it when people check out books because they want their circulation numbers to be high. If I understand correctly, the higher the circulation numbers, the more money they might get. That is one of the reasons for programs like summer reading.


As far as making the librarians go get 50 books for me, I wouldn't do it. I sometimes put a book or two on hold, but I would feel guilty about asking that they retrieve my entire list. And I do know that getting library books with little ones along can be taxing; I once had three little ones. Now they are all ten and up. :) I've always loved going to the library, but I can actually enjoy it now, if you know what I mean.


Just my 2 coppers.



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Just a note: some of us have tons of books on the hold shelf because our library is part of a system. Most of my books are not on the shelf at my library. When I reserve books online I can choose from books from any library in the county (it is a county-wide library system minus a few cities that don't participate). So I'm not asking the librarians to get books off the shelf that I could get myself!

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All 5 of us have a card, with a max. of 20 checkouts. We have had 100 out at one time. I try to rarely ask the librarians to hold items for me that are at my library because I feel that is more my job to get my own books, but we do often have holds from other libraries. I also try to be as organized as possible when checking out to make things easier for them.


I actually talk to the employees a lot there, letting them know of resources I love and recommending movies to some of the ones checking me out. One of the young men actually researched the Horatio Hornblower movies to see if they were based on a real character for me, so that I could check out a book on this person. He had mentioned how several people had liked the video series, and I affirmed that my son loved them. The next time I came in, he told me he had researched the film. How sweet!


Most of them ask me if I homeschool, and such. Once I let them know that an item was on their shelf but was not cataloged. I was told I really needed to be a librarian! LOL They proceeded to catalog it then and there.


I love my library and the employees!

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My local library dislikes me. But the feeling is generally mutual.:glare:


They have ridiculous hours, I can't renew online, they won't renew more than once (even if there are no holds), and they still use that antiquated date stamper! You can imagine the look on their faces when I march up to the counter with 50 books that they need to date stamp...




I miss my old library.




btw, the children's section has a lovely attendant/librarian/volunteer person. She almost redeems the whole library.

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Just a note: some of us have tons of books on the hold shelf because our library is part of a system. Most of my books are not on the shelf at my library. When I reserve books online I can choose from books from any library in the county (it is a county-wide library system minus a few cities that don't participate). So I'm not asking the librarians to get books off the shelf that I could get myself!

:iagree: We can borrow books through "Prospector" which allows us to borrow books from nearby counties. It's been awesome b/c we're not just subjec to the books in our area.

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Guest Lorna

That seems like a good (should be normal) healthy amount to check out a week, especially considering that you have four children and that they are younger.

We have found librarians notoriously difficult. Several times in England they would claim that we still had books out when we had returned them. We would have to search several different libraries but we always tracked them down in the end - on their shelves.

Once I went to check out a book and they said that it was on someone else's card. They looked at their account and said that they had a hefty overdue fine. I had to persuade them that they should waive the poor person's fine and point out that they must have returned the book otherwise how else would I have found it on their shelves.

We got lots of comments such as 'Are you going to read all that?' and 'My, you are going to be busy'. They seem to disapprove of reading.

The children once did the summer reading challenge. They had no idea what to do with their cards when they actually brought them in having read the books. The children were the only ones to complete the challenge.

Here in Denmark, there is no upper limit on the books one can take out. You needn't see a librarian because there is a machine to check out and return the books. It is so much easier.

We have only two children but we check out about thirty books a week (some of those are French picture books; most are fiction for the children; one or two are read alouds for school; a few are comic books).

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You needn't see a librarian because there is a machine to check out and return the books. It is so much easier.








And urgh, that our librarians are still date stamping. I understand that even your system is imperfect, but I will never understand why the library is so antiquated here in Hawaii. And simply mention, um, perhaps, a slightly "different" way it is done somewhere else and you will see the hair on their necks stand up as they give you a :glare:, or as we call it in the islands, "da kine' stink eye". They are not in the business of helping or improving.


Oh well. I'm glad so many of you love your libraries and librarians. That is the way it should be.



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Most of the time we have closer to 100. We found out that is the limit. They told us that doesn't come up very often though (someone reaching the limit). As soon as we can pay off my daughter's past due bill, we will probably check out even more than that. :D


I too wonder if they dread us coming sometimes.

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