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Finally, after a CO Milkshake, Aidan was born rather quickly on Wednesday. 9lbs 1oz, 22in, and 16in shoulders! (linebacker!)


Most pics are on a cousin's camera, which I won't have access to till later. But here are a few from my camera.


All bundled up...



What a big boy! I can smell him from here :001_smile:



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Congratulations! He is so sweet! It's hard to imagine a linebacker when he looks so tiny, LOL!


I have serious baby envy. And I'm in the middle of washing car seat covers and stroller covers so my hands smell like Dreft currently. Doh! Could I be lactating all of a sudden? :eek:


Enjoy little Aiden! :hurray:

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Finally, after a CO Milkshake, Aidan was born rather quickly on Wednesday. 9lbs 1oz, 22in, and 16in shoulders! (linebacker!)


Congratulations, and welcome to the world, sweet little Aidan! Kiss that baby for me! I *love* those little cheeks!!


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