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Have you been on Paperback Swap for a while?

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If yes, have you noticed people getting more demanding?


I had a very unpleasant transaction earlier this year that really upset me. Yesterday I thought of a book I wanted so I logged on last night to request it. Just before going to bed, I saw that I had a request for a book. Since I like to make sure I actually have the book before responding, I didn't reply. This morning I went to church and just got on the computer when I got home. I saw that I had a PM at PBS. It's from the person who requested the book, saying this:


please respond to this request, if you don't have the book, then cancel order so that I may find someone else to fill it. Thank you



I got the request at 10:23 PM last night and the PM at 11:27 AM this morning. 13 hours?!?! Am I supposed to sit around on the Internet in case a perfect stranger requests one of my books? Or am I being oversensitive? Now I just feel like telling this person to cancel the order and find someone else.

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How rude. I had someone complain that a book I sent them had yellow pages- it was an OLD book, WTH do they expect? I responded to them with something like, "This is paperbackswap, NOT Barnes & Noble, if you want a book in perfect condition, please just buy it next time."


I don't send books to people any more. I had a couple that claimed they weren't received, thank goodness I print the postage at home so I had proof that I had paid to mail it so I didn't lose any credits. I just buy credits now when we want to order from PBS.

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How rude. I had someone complain that a book I sent them had yellow pages- it was an OLD book, WTH do they expect? I responded to them with something like, "This is paperbackswap, NOT Barnes & Noble, if you want a book in perfect condition, please just buy it next time."


I don't send books to people any more. I had a couple that claimed they weren't received, thank goodness I print the postage at home so I had proof that I had paid to mail it so I didn't lose any credits. I just buy credits now when we want to order from PBS.


I wouldn't be a happy camper if I got a book with yellow pages. Just because a book is old doesn't = yellow pages.

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I haven't noticed, but that was so rude. There is a system in place, it works when you let it. I recently requested a specific ISBN of a popular title. When the book arrived, not only was it water damaged it was the wrong ISBN. I had no problem getting my credit back, thankfully.


I have had very few problems on paperbackswap and the benefits out weigh the issues for me.


I would probably send a PM back to the person outlining the time line for accepting requests and then not accept it for another day. But I'm not feeling very nice today. :glare:

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I have had some issues. Once a person never said they received it and by the time they did it was too late to receive a credit from them. Another time I sent the book they requested but they said they wanted a HARDback......but there was no way for me to have known that.


So, I was out 2 books, the credits, and the shipping.


I have stopped using PBS for the most part. The books I want are not available EVER and the books I have listed have done ok, but some issues (above).



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I wouldn't be a happy camper if I got a book with yellow pages. Just because a book is old doesn't = yellow pages.


*I* received the book from PBS myself, there is nothing listed under 'good condition' that prohibits books with yellow pages. I'd suggest to you that you purchase books if yellow pages would get your undies in a bunch. ;)

PBS does not equal Pristine Book Swap.

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I don't send books to people any more. I had a couple that claimed they weren't received, thank goodness I print the postage at home so I had proof that I had paid to mail it so I didn't lose any credits. I just buy credits now when we want to order from PBS.


I never even thought of that! If they say they never received it, they get their credit back? I never understood the advantage of printing the postage before.


Seriously? While it is NICE to be able to get responses quickly, I don't expect them.

I'd be tempted to tell them it is not available too... I only like to play with others who play well with others.


I just looked it up - the person has FIVE DAYS to respond to a request! I never expect answers quickly at all. If a book is on its way, I consider that it will take a month. If it comes quickly, I'm pleasantly surprised. I always say thank you to the person who sent it. I mean, you're not ordering from Amazon! A real person with a real life is sending it, a real life that does not revolve around the people who requested a book!


I have had very few problems on paperbackswap and the benefits out weigh the issues for me.


. :glare:


I always thought so too, but I'm working to eliminate stressors from my life. If I continue to have things like this happen, I am going to have to quit PBS.

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I never even thought of that! If they say they never received it, they get their credit back? I never understood the advantage of printing the postage before.

Yes, if they say they never received the book then their credit is returned and I keep mine when I print postage at home.

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Yes, if they say they never received the book then their credit is returned and I keep mine when I print postage at home.


I'm so naive I never even considered that somebody might get the book and then claim they never received it. Guess I'll have to start printing postage now. Or maybe I'll just quit the whole thing. Except I have 4 credits!

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I would probably send a PM back to the person outlining the time line for accepting requests and then not accept it for another day. But I'm not feeling very nice today. :glare:


:lol: I thought the same exact thing!


I've not had any problems outside of not getting a book or two in the appropriate condition (water damage, pages almost falling out of the spine), but I just let those slide. I also buy credits because I can't deal with mailing and don't want to deal with those kinds of people anyway. I had enough of that when I was buying and selling diapers.

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I've been using PBS here and there for a few years and have not had any bad experiences. In fact, I've found the quality of the books I've received to be excellent and the people I've sent to/received from have all been pleasant. It sounds like I've been very lucky!

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I still use my credits, I just buy them instead of trading for them. I've only had one water damaged book that I received, and one that didn't me my 'conditions' (no strong odors- smoke, perfume, etc.)- I did let them know that I wasn't happy about receiving those books but I didn't file any formal complaint.

I just got a set of Jack Sparrow books (I think a set of 4 volumes in a box) that counted as ONE book- that was awesome. Anyway, I just don't like dealing with uptight people (which has caused me to quit using Free-cycle and E-bay also) so I just don't mail books any more. It's still a great 'price', and buying credits isn't that much more (sometimes less, I've sent some large books in the past) than paying postage- especially for the ones I had to mail from the P.O. (I count my time as a cost too). This keeps me happy for the most part.

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I still use my credits, I just buy them instead of trading for them. I've only had one water damaged book that I received, and one that didn't me my 'conditions' (no strong odors- smoke, perfume, etc.)- I did let them know that I wasn't happy about receiving those books but I didn't file any formal complaint.

I just got a set of Jack Sparrow books (I think a set of 4 volumes in a box) that counted as ONE book- that was awesome. Anyway, I just don't like dealing with uptight people (which has caused me to quit using Free-cycle and E-bay also) so I just don't mail books any more. It's still a great 'price', and buying credits isn't that much more (sometimes less, I've sent some large books in the past) than paying postage- especially for the ones I had to mail from the P.O. (I count my time as a cost too). This keeps me happy for the most part.


So do you just turn down every request, or do you have nothing on your bookshelf? I looked before during the unpleasant experience but didn't see a way to just be able to order while putting mailing things out on hold.

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I've been using PBS here and there for a few years and have not had any bad experiences. In fact, I've found the quality of the books I've received to be excellent and the people I've sent to/received from have all been pleasant. It sounds like I've been very lucky!

I've had great experiences too and have done tons of transactions. But I just last week received a small paperback that I wish I hadn't requested. It was very yellowed, that was okay, but the minute I opened it I could see how dried out the spine was and that it would be just about impossible for me to really read, use and absorb this book without it completely coming apart (we are using it for a book group). As soon as I tried to crack it open it began to come apart at the spine. I went out and bought myself the same book new at B&N. :glare: But I didn't complain because technically it was in fine condition, just old enough so that it will fall apart too easily. I think that responsibility is on me because it's the one I requested.


Caveat emptor I guess.

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I always thought so too, but I'm working to eliminate stressors from my life. If I continue to have things like this happen, I am going to have to quit PBS.


If you want to take a break from PBS you can go on "Vacation" mode. You can sign back up whenever you want.

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If yes, have you noticed people getting more demanding?


I had a very unpleasant transaction earlier this year that really upset me. Yesterday I thought of a book I wanted so I logged on last night to request it. Just before going to bed, I saw that I had a request for a book. Since I like to make sure I actually have the book before responding, I didn't reply. This morning I went to church and just got on the computer when I got home. I saw that I had a PM at PBS. It's from the person who requested the book, saying this:




I got the request at 10:23 PM last night and the PM at 11:27 AM this morning. 13 hours?!?! Am I supposed to sit around on the Internet in case a perfect stranger requests one of my books? Or am I being oversensitive? Now I just feel like telling this person to cancel the order and find someone else.


I'd be royally pissed if someone PM'ed me about a book request that soon. However, I believe if they cancel it, your book will go right back to the top of the FIFO list and they will just end up requesting it from you again.


I've been happy overall with PBS. I've had a few problems here and there but mostly only good swaps. I was able to get a lot of our school reading books for next year from there so that saved me a lot of time and money.


Also, there is a way to put your bookshelf on hold, but not your wishlist. Go to your bookshelf, do NOT click the vacation hold - that puts EVERYTHING on hold. Just check all the boxes on your bookshelf books and then check the box on the upper right that says HOLD. That will hold your bookshelf books until you unhold them.


And the posting rules say that yellowing pages are acceptable (unless the person has requestor conditions about that). A lot of older books do have yellow pages and I expect most people would be aware of that when requesting an old book.

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I've received some questionable quality books but not all my books are perfect either. I buy alot of secondhand books and then pass them on (not falling apart or written in or anything... just handled and read). For the most part I've been very happy with the whole experience.


Another question... I just rejoined and reposted (and received) a bunch of books, but the initial excitement is over. I have a fairly long wish list. Have you long timers found that if you just leave it be, the books trickle in? I can't really remember how it worked from the last time. I get impatient, you see. ;)

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I have a fairly long wish list. Have you long timers found that if you just leave it be, the books trickle in? I can't really remember how it worked from the last time. I get impatient, you see. ;)

Yes, I get surprise emails notifying me that my 'wish has been granted'. But if there is a book that I REALLY want and want it ASAP I just buy it or check it out from the library.

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Another question... I just rejoined and reposted (and received) a bunch of books, but the initial excitement is over. I have a fairly long wish list. Have you long timers found that if you just leave it be, the books trickle in? I can't really remember how it worked from the last time. I get impatient, you see. ;)


Yes, I've been on PBS for three years. I have some obscure titles that have been on my wish list for two years. But I've also been fortunate to find some great deals including the ever elusive 1960s Dolciani Geometry.


Of course, I never have credits, I spend them as soon as I get them. :lol:

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*I* received the book from PBS myself, there is nothing listed under 'good condition' that prohibits books with yellow pages. I'd suggest to you that you purchase books if yellow pages would get your undies in a bunch. ;)

PBS does not equal Pristine Book Swap.


I could think of lots of things that would get me undies in a bunch but paperback swap is not one of them. :D


From the looks of the books I receive I thought it stood for Pristine Book Swap.


I have purchased at most 1-2 books at Barnes & Noble for my kids over the past 3 years.


I have traded close to 175 books on paperback swap and currently have 25 credits.


It works for me. :001_smile:

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These are just things I notice.


1. A person says she shipped the book on such and such a date. It arrives late, and the postmark was two weeks after indicated. So, is the person very interested in making sure credit is given but not interested in shipping my book in a timely manner?


I even emailed the people to make sure the items were shipped so that I didn't worry or so that the people knew I wasn't just avoiding marking them received. Even then, the people assured me the book was shipped.


2. Taking the maxiumum number of days to respond to a request. Again, I understand the person may be gone or something, but this happens quite often. I think the person the OP mentioned was strange, BTW.


I have emailed a person who has taken a couple of days to respond, but I make sure I am not rude about it. I truly just want the person to say they cannot mail it so that I can move onto the next person.


3. Taking days to mark my item received. Again, this happens quite often. I guess all of these people could be out of town, but if I'm in town, I try to mark mine received as soon as I can so the person gets a credit.


4. I finally get an item on my wishlist -- which means the book was posted -- and then the person says it's not in stock and cannot mail it. Didn't the person just post it? Did they decide to sell it somewhere else?


5. I wish people would remember that this is a swap for books. If a person expects a book in pristine condition, the person should go buy it new from Amazon.


6. Finally, why is it that not a single one of my books has ever gotten lost in the mail (I have shipped 325) yet 6 out of 452 were lost on their way to me. No, six is not a big number, but still it makes me wonder.

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I've only had one problem and have been a member for several years. I ordered a book for mothers and daughters that included some questions for discussion at the end of the chapter. I was surprised when I flipped through the book and found that some of the questions at the end of the chapters had been answered in writing on the pages. I mentioned in the notes when I marked the book received that it would have been nice to have been told up front that the book had already been written in. The swapper was rather snippy in her reply and said I should have listed "no writing" in my conditions. In fact, the PBS "swappability" guidelines specifically state that books can't be written or highlighted in within the text. (There's an exception for textbook/workbooks—which this item was not—but even then the sender is supposed to send a PM to the receiver to describe the condition and get confirmation before sending the book.) I just referred her to the guidelines and dropped it.

Edited by WordGirl
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No, it's not too late. The person needs to go to her transaction archive. She can sort it by books lost in the mail and find it easily. From there, she can mark it received.


You can find it in your transaction archive as well to get her PM so you can settle this.


I have had some issues. Once a person never said they received it and by the time they did it was too late to receive a credit from them. Another time I sent the book they requested but they said they wanted a HARDback......but there was no way for me to have known that.


So, I was out 2 books, the credits, and the shipping.


I have stopped using PBS for the most part. The books I want are not available EVER and the books I have listed have done ok, but some issues (above).



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These are just things I notice.


1. A person says she shipped the book on such and such a date. It arrives late, and the postmark was two weeks after indicated. So, is the person very interested in making sure credit is given but not interested in shipping my book in a timely manner?


I even emailed the people to make sure the items were shipped so that I didn't worry or so that the people knew I wasn't just avoiding marking them received. Even then, the people assured me the book was shipped.


2. Taking the maxiumum number of days to respond to a request. Again, I understand the person may be gone or something, but this happens quite often. I think the person the OP mentioned was strange, BTW.


I have emailed a person who has taken a couple of days to respond, but I make sure I am not rude about it. I truly just want the person to say they cannot mail it so that I can move onto the next person.


3. Taking days to mark my item received. Again, this happens quite often. I guess all of these people could be out of town, but if I'm in town, I try to mark mine received as soon as I can so the person gets a credit.


4. I finally get an item on my wishlist -- which means the book was posted -- and then the person says it's not in stock and cannot mail it. Didn't the person just post it? Did they decide to sell it somewhere else?


5. I wish people would remember that this is a swap for books. If a person expects a book in pristine condition, the person should go buy it new from Amazon.


6. Finally, why is it that not a single one of my books has ever gotten lost in the mail (I have shipped 325) yet 6 out of 452 were lost on their way to me. No, six is not a big number, but still it makes me wonder.

I have wondered about all of those things as well. The wishlist- oops not available one REALLY bugs me.

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I just started PBS a few months ago... so far I have received 2 books completely highlighted and written in. different swappers, both were nice and refunded my credit- but acted like it was no big deal ???


and twice I have mailed out 2 books at one time to one swapper both times they didn't arrived. So I was out 2 credits each time?


Seems strange to me that I have bought and sold on ebay and BST boards for years and never lost a book or package but in 2 months 2 of my packages were lost ????

Edited by Emilylou
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Perhaps PBS should have a system where you classify yourself as a Type A personality or a Type B personality. Then, Type A's can only order from each other.


A person has 5 days to respond to a request. A book can take a month to arrive before it is considered lost. PBS automatically emails reminders, so you don't have to. Those are the conditions under which I operate. Yes, I have received books that were marked mailed much later, but still within a month. But the thing is - I don't care! I don't check postmarks. I don't monitor how long it takes people to answer my requests. If I needed something quickly, I would order it from Amazon.


It's not like this lady needs the book to finish her dissertation for crying out loud! It's a Harlequin romance! It's not even like it's part of a series. And it's Sunday - I couldn't mail today and neither could anyone else.


My dh just got home from work a little while ago, and I talked with him about it. We decided that I would enter into the system that I could not mail the book. I did that and it asked me for a reason. I wrote, "I cannot mail this book to this person." Then I went and deleted everything from my bookshelf. Case closed.

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I still use & enjoy PBS for the most part despite a few glitches. Things are pretty easy-going w/ me for the most part, unless it's a textbook or something else that very well could have been written in. Then I switch from type 'B' to 'A', but I try to be polite about it in confirming my conditions w/ the other member. Why bother having them spend the postage if it's not something I can use?


I'm one who opts to take as long as PBS allows to mail something out. I usually mail things the next day the post office is open but take that option as a CYA in case of sickness or whatever. I also live in a mail zone that takes longer than most but I've only had 1 person ever PM me and ask if the book was really on the way.


:shrug: I guess I'm an easygoing type A. It's a risk I'm willing to take.

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I only put items on my shelf when I know I'm going to be on the computer frequently in the next few days. And I only put books up that already have members waiting for them. That way I can ship out a half dozen books all at once, and I don't have to worry about missing a request if I don't check my email for a while.

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As long as I am not out of town, I check my email several times a day, so responding to requests has never been a problem for me. I realize not everyone checks email daily, though.


I'm also always eager to get credits so I can purchase more books, so I usually respond to requests quickly.

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I only put items on my shelf when I know I'm going to be on the computer frequently in the next few days. And I only put books up that already have members waiting for them. That way I can ship out a half dozen books all at once, and I don't have to worry about missing a request if I don't check my email for a while.


Now that's a good idea. How do you see if a book has members wishing? Is that info. available while you're posting them?

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I've never had anybody be rude to me. OP, that person was being ridiculous. It wouldn't make me quit PBS, though.


These are my personal experiences.


- Wishlist books show up after years of waiting. That's a nice surprise.


- In 4+ years, 3 books have been lost. 2 on their way to me. 1 that I sent. Ah, well. That's the way it goes.


- I did receive a book with pre-paid postage that was so poorly wrapped (very little tape) that it barely reached me. The wrapper was literally holding together with just a few strips of paper. I notified the sender, but never heard back from them. I guess they didn't care. That was my worst experience.


- I've gotten some books in amazingly good shape. I got a couple of books that I didn't like the appearance of, but they did fit PBS's requirements. I wouldn't send it out, so I just donated it. No big deal. Out of the hundreds of books I've swapped, a couple of bad ones doesn't concern me.


- I love, love, love PBS. It's so much fun, and I've found some great books that I couldn't find anywhere else.

Edited by Rhonda in TX
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Perhaps PBS should have a system where you classify yourself as a Type A personality or a Type B personality. Then, Type A's can only order from each other.


:lol: What's funny to me is that I'm a Type A personality generally but I'm very unconcerned with the condition of Paperbackswap books I receive as long as they're intact! Now if you mistreat a book I that is now mine (leaving it open face down, leaving food/drink near it, dropping or shoving it wherever), watch out!:D


I am pleasantly surprised when requests are accepted immediately, books arrive quickly, and they are in like-new condition. This has been true of most of the 103 books I've received so it could be easy to think of this as the norm, but I try to maintain my surprised pleasure when they are great so that I am not disappointed when they are just ok.

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Since these are just credits we're talking about, what would the benefit be to not marking a book as received? Does that mean they get to keep their credit? Is there no recourse against people that continually say books are "lost" in the mail?


I just joined today and immediately had two wishlist requests. I've packaged them and they're ready to go, but now I'm wondering if I should have printed postage at home.



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Since these are just credits we're talking about, what would the benefit be to not marking a book as received? Does that mean they get to keep their credit? Is there no recourse against people that continually say books are "lost" in the mail?


I just joined today and immediately had two wishlist requests. I've packaged them and they're ready to go, but now I'm wondering if I should have printed postage at home.



Well, their credit is returned to them if they don't receive their book, so yes a 'crook' could make false claims so they could receive more books. But I'm sure the system keeps up with how many times a person doesn't mark their books as received.

I don't know if they have a plan in place to deal with that or not, but I'd think they've seen 'everything' by now.

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This was good for me to read. Overall I think I'm a good PBS citizen, since most of my books (if bought new) are in great shape (I'm pretty easy on books).


That said, I'm one of those late replyers. I can get better about it now that I know it bugs people. Here's my problem -- I'm out of town a fair amount, and at times my work means I'm putting in long hours. I guess this is my OCD, but I feel I need to check my basket at home before I promise to mail the book. (Yes, I realize it wouldn't walk away on its own.) So I usually delay hitting the "yes I can mail it" button until I'm home and have pulled the book out and am about to print the wrapper.

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I've never had anybody be rude to me. OP, that person was being ridiculous. It wouldn't make me quit PBS, though.



It wasn't just that. I had a very unpleasant transaction earlier this year that upset me a lot. I had a really hard time shaking that off, and this ridiculous PM brought up all those feelings again. I find now that I need to protect myself, and I'm very grateful to secularmom for giving me the idea of deleting everything from my bookshelf. At this point I'd rather donate them all to the thrift store than deal with something that was supposed to be fun but isn't.

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It wasn't just that. I had a very unpleasant transaction earlier this year that upset me a lot. I had a really hard time shaking that off, and this ridiculous PM brought up all those feelings again. I find now that I need to protect myself, and I'm very grateful to secularmom for giving me the idea of deleting everything from my bookshelf. At this point I'd rather donate them all to the thrift store than deal with something that was supposed to be fun but isn't.

I'm so glad I was able to help, and ITU feeling that way. Some things just aren't worth the effort we have to put into them, and when something like this is causing bad feelings it is rarely worth it. I donated all of my books too, I just wanted to be DONE with them.

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Perhaps PBS should have a system where you classify yourself as a Type A personality or a Type B personality. Then, Type A's can only order from each other.


That would be funny if it wasn't so true!!


I have been on paperbackswap for three years and have had some problems. I have 700 books on my bookshelf and have swapped 400+ books.


I have gotten damaged books - they look like they were jammed in the conveyor or other problem.


Some books have been lost (both ways).


I do feel some people falsely claim missing books. Just a sense - no proof.


The quality is generally good to excellent, bearing in mind 30 year old books do get yellow.


Many books have incorrect ISBN's - a hardback will have a paperback ISBN (a real hardback, not a library-bound paperback).


Generally, if a requestor is extremely picky (not just the usual - no smoke, no writing, etc.), I generally don't accept the request. I let them find another type A.


One of the biggest problems I run into is database errors. Every month, or so, I send a box of books to a vets home. Typically best sellers (pbs has hundreds of them) , but a variety. When I delete them from my bookshelf. they sometimes reappear. It's like a slice of time has vanished. What is probably happening is that the database has crashed and reloaded. With all the transactions since the last backup omitted. This happens a lot - probably a dozen times.


Last week, I printed off and mailed two books and the transaction totally disappeared. No record whatsoever.


The help people get no training in the tech aspects. Just the book side.



Mike O'Dorney

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I have had some issues. Once a person never said they received it and by the time they did it was too late to receive a credit from them. Another time I sent the book they requested but they said they wanted a HARDback......but there was no way for me to have known that.


So, I was out 2 books, the credits, and the shipping.


I have stopped using PBS for the most part. The books I want are not available EVER and the books I have listed have done ok, but some issues (above).




That is too bad. I had a book get lost and delivered to the wrong address. By the time it found its way to me time had expired. I simply PM'd the sender to let them know, and then transferred the credit over to them. Easy peasy, and the right thing to do. After all, it was not their fault.



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I always print the postage at home so as soon as the post office runs the tracking number I get credit. Prior to doing that I had a few people say they never received the book so it's worth the few cents it costs to do that.


I have had two books I received damaged...one had the cover cut off and the rules of PBS specifically say not to list books without covers and the other had a chapter fall out when I opened it...fell out of the binding. I got my credit back for each.


I do tend to be a little late replying sometimes because I am not always on the computer and sometimes I need to check to make sure I still have the book if it's one I listed a long time ago.

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