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Baby is here!!

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Aww, thanks everyone for the well-wishes. It means a lot to have a bunch of warm cyber-pals.


Lisa in Jax - girls are recommended to wear the hijaab from when they get their periods, but as Islam in theory has no compulsion in religion then the hijab is a voluntary act of submission to the Laws of God. This doesn't mean that cultural influences and chauvinism doesn't enforce rules on their women, but it is not what Islam teaches. All this said, then some girls wear their headcover earlier than when they get their periods, some much, much older and some the day after!!!!


Denise -about the rooster, then our rooster never went anywhere when free-ranging except right around the house. If we had forgotten it then it would roost on the siding of the porch (we'd find it there sitting when we got home late in the night!!). It never ever ventured away from the periphery of our house!!!!! Perhaps weird, I don't know?


And a couple of people asked about the meaning of the name Jumanah. It is an Arabic name that means Silver Pearl. It is a very unusual Arab name and we both stumbled upon it jsut a few weeks ago in our quest for a lesser known name with a great meaning plus easy pronounciation!!!!

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Just wanted to share our wonderful news. Baby Jumanah was born Wednesday morning weighing in at 8 lbs. 1 oz. 20 inches long. Despite having the cord twice around her neck and a true knot in her cord, then she came out kicking and screaming and ready to establish her spot as Baby Number 8!!


Here are (hopefully) a couple of pictures of her on Flick:


Jumanah and

Jumanah and the rest of the bunch!






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Jumanah is beautiful!!! She looks so much older than a day! :)


You have a beautiful family!!! :)


Well, she *was* cooking a few days extra!!!! She is actually a character and the loudest screamer of any of my kids who were mostly very mellow babies!!! So, Go #8!!

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She is beautiful! Wow -she just looks huge to me LOL - makes me realize how tiny my twins were. Congratulations - enjoy your little one!


Emmy, My two twins were less than 7 lbs and looked so small and fragile to me!! This was is 1/2 lbs less than any of my other singletons. Her lungs are stronger, though, haha!!


Thanks again, everyone, for making this occasion feel so cyber-special. It's not always easy telling people you are expecting #8 (voluntarily!!!), haha.

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