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I don't like Jillian and I am pretty peeved at you shred-pushers!

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I've decided to take this month that the kids are gone and work on developing some habits I hope "stick" when they return.:lol::001_huh:


In any case, I had purchased the 30 Day shred back when we had multiple threads on it. And it stayed in shrink wrap until yesterday. I hurt yesterday.


I hurt more today.


She may not modify jumping jacks and she probably does have 400 pounds folks doing them but I still called her several not-nice names.


My husband (while on his own ample bottom on the computer) was laughing at me. I called him names, too.

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Lol....I totally understand. I just purchased P90 (the beginners version, not P90X) and boy was I in for a rude awakening. I used to be in fabulous shape. I was in the military and ran miles everyday...no problem. Fast forward to now....I've had 6 kids and put on about 60 pounds and I'm a hot mess. That workout kicked my heiny. It's been about 4 weeks and its getting easier for everyday. Keep up the good work....even if it does involve calling others not nice names. :) It will pay off.

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:lol: I'm sorry to laugh but your post cracked me up!! I have the 30-Day Shred myself, I bought it after borrowing it from a friend and decided that I liked it. Weeeell, I still haven't opened my own copy yet.;) I keep telling myself I need to lose a bit more weight so I don't die trying to do the workouts. :D

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I don't like Jillian, either, but I rotate between 4 of her videos. :)

I say I have a love-hate relationship with her. I hate her workouts (because they are tough), but I love how I feel after I am done (and I am finally seeing some results). I tell her to shut up all the time and my family thinks it is so funny. I tell them if they are going to laugh they can get off their bums and workout with me. That usually makes them scatter. :)

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I remember when it was hot on the thrreads here, I got it and started it too. I hurt like a son-of-a-#%** for 3 straight days. I finally began to feel better by day 4 (after much walking funny from the painful calf muscles) only to develop tendonitis in my foot by day 6. I had to quit all activity for 3 days (try that with 3 kids and a trucker husband!:glare::tongue_smilie:)

Then I had to start all over from walking/yoga, to Leslie Sansone, then back to shred. It took me about 2 months. I wanted to be in better shape when I restarted.


Started back at ground zero. It was easier the second time, having learned not to start without being in decent shape FIRST. Is that not stupid considering her comments about the 400 pound people?! It's a workout video designed to get you in shape, but you can't start without first being at least not a couch potato. Ironic, to say the least. And you have to do more stretching and/or hold them longer than she does. Learned that too.


Having learned from my mistakes, I am now on level 2. I am sweating like a human! Yargh! That woman has you doing squat thrusts. How long has it been? Since junior high! And those girls are like maybe 25 and probably childless. I, too, could just kick their smarmy butts some days!! So my squat thrusts and plank jacks (see what you have to look forward to?) are slow and pitiful looking, but I'm getting stronger and leaner everyday I gotta admit. Since February, when I started following [albeit loosely at times] Eat to Live diet and Shred/Leslie/walk-jogs in the park, I have lost 20 pounds! My muscle mass and water has gone up and fat mass gone down. So I guess a little old-fashioned hard work and greens eatin' does work! Shucks, there's no such thing as the diet fairy afterall...;)



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I called her a lot of not nice names too. I was only able to shred for about 10 days and it MURDERED my knees. I have heard a lot of people talk about how bad that workout is for your knees.


Yes, I stopped doing all of the lunges and deep squats. And, yes, I was properly formed when doing them.

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I've decided to take this month that the kids are gone and work on developing some habits I hope "stick" when they return.:lol::001_huh:


In any case, I had purchased the 30 Day shred back when we had multiple threads on it. And it stayed in shrink wrap until yesterday. I hurt yesterday.


I hurt more today.


She may not modify jumping jacks and she probably does have 400 pounds folks doing them but I still called her several not-nice names.


My husband (while on his own ample bottom on the computer) was laughing at me. I called him names, too.



What is this 30 day shred thing?

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I've decided to take this month that the kids are gone and work on developing some habits I hope "stick" when they return.:lol::001_huh:


In any case, I had purchased the 30 Day shred back when we had multiple threads on it. And it stayed in shrink wrap until yesterday. I hurt yesterday.


I hurt more today.


She may not modify jumping jacks and she probably does have 400 pounds folks doing them but I still called her several not-nice names.


My husband (while on his own ample bottom on the computer) was laughing at me. I called him names, too.


I'm convinced that she is the devil.:lol: But, I have to say, there are results!

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I've decided to take this month that the kids are gone and work on developing some habits I hope "stick" when they return.:lol::001_huh:


In any case, I had purchased the 30 Day shred back when we had multiple threads on it. And it stayed in shrink wrap until yesterday. I hurt yesterday.


I hurt more today.


She may not modify jumping jacks and she probably does have 400 pounds folks doing them but I still called her several not-nice names.


My husband (while on his own ample bottom on the computer) was laughing at me. I called him names, too.


One evening my dh asked me how the shred was going and i said "oh, i really like it...i like jillian, blah, blah" and my son piped up, "but mommy, you said you hate her!" "when did i say that son?" "this morning when you were exercising." :001_huh: i had to let it be known that i won't be held responsible for what i say while working out!

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You know how I'm loving? Tracy Anderson. I like Jillian but I prefer something more Pilates-like.

She's pretty popular right now because she is Gwenyth Paltrow's trainer and was on Oprah with her. I don't like bulky muscles. My gf is my height (elf height) and she's a Triathlete. She looks kinda funny to me, all muscular. I like lean, long muscules and that's tiny Tracy Anderson's "thing." She's only 5 foot so she gets it. Her post-partum workout is great. I'm 4 YEARS pp but I've been doing it because it's such a good ab routine (though I feel like I am cracking ribs everytime I sneeze the next day). Her mat workout is great too. I hate cardio. I know I need it but I hate it. Her cardio is VERY dance-y. Not sure I like it but I don't like cardio anyway. ;)

If you're not feeling Jillian love and you like Pilates and dance, try Tracy Anderson.

Pikes, planks, ugh....

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I've decided to take this month that the kids are gone and work on developing some habits I hope "stick" when they return.:lol::001_huh:


In any case, I had purchased the 30 Day shred back when we had multiple threads on it. And it stayed in shrink wrap until yesterday. I hurt yesterday.


I hurt more today.


She may not modify jumping jacks and she probably does have 400 pounds folks doing them but I still called her several not-nice names.


My husband (while on his own ample bottom on the computer) was laughing at me. I called him names, too.


:iagree: My dd said, "Mom, she looks mean." I replied, "She's not mean, she is EVIL." I said it in my wicked witch of the west voice so now that is what my dd says whenever she sees her on the video or TV. Hope we never run into her in person:D

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I don't like her either. And, she's boring on top of it. :lol:


I switched to "Brazil Butt Lift" from the same folks who brought you P90X. I LOVE it. It's fun, the time passes quickly....and it really works.


So, buh bye, Jillian!! No more shredding for me.


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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I too have purchased the 30 day shred. My husband and I did it together for a little while (5 whole days). he continued, I didn't. he will say to me, "Do you want to do the 30 day workout with me. To which I emphatically, say "No!" So, I thought I was going to die....I am sure after time, that feeling goes away as does the soreness, but once you stop, it defintely is hard to want to restart and go through it all over again.......:)


Isn't s** considered a good workout? ;)

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You know how I'm loving? Tracy Anderson. I like Jillian but I prefer something more Pilates-like.

She's pretty popular right now because she is Gwenyth Paltrow's trainer and was on Oprah with her. I don't like bulky muscles. My gf is my height (elf height) and she's a Triathlete. She looks kinda funny to me, all muscular. I like lean, long muscules and that's tiny Tracy Anderson's "thing." She's only 5 foot so she gets it. Her post-partum workout is great. I'm 4 YEARS pp but I've been doing it because it's such a good ab routine (though I feel like I am cracking ribs everytime I sneeze the next day). Her mat workout is great too. I hate cardio. I know I need it but I hate it. Her cardio is VERY dance-y. Not sure I like it but I don't like cardio anyway. ;)

If you're not feeling Jillian love and you like Pilates and dance, try Tracy Anderson.

Pikes, planks, ugh....



Sounds good to me, I prefer dance-style cardio! Where can I buy her videos? Are there any ones in particular that you'd recommend?

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You know, I bought T-Tapp when it was all the rage here a while back, and I really, really hate it. The only thing that makes exercise worth it is music, and there is none. Plus Teresa is annoying. So, I will NOT be purchasing the 30-day shred, just so you know. :D


I will check out Tracy Anderson, though. The girls and I are starting to jog a bit, but I know we are not going to want to do it through the summer and we need something to do inside where we won't melt.

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I usually have choice words for her too. In addition to the 30DS and No More Trouble Zones, dh got me an incline trainer with her i-fit programs. They rigged it in such a way that I'm always cursing her. She'll say something like "Let's take it down a notch, I'm slowing your speed to 2.7 miles per hour. Here's your break so use it wisely." The next second I'm reaching for my water bottle when I hear "I don't think I'm doing my job right until you're cursing my name. Let's take the incline up to 30%." So yes it slows down, but then the ramp goes up to the roof, not to mention my heart rate! Gets me every time.

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After a week off for being sick, and then unmotivated, I did the No More Trouble ZOnes this morning. Okay, I think everything hurts! I spent 2 months straight doing Blast Fat Boost Metabolism and I lost 25 pounds. I've been on a hiatus for about 8 weeks. I've kind of worked out but not 5 days a week.


It is so worth it though. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and look wonderingly at the size 12 tag on my skirt. I can't believe that I actually got here. The only problem is that I want to stop here and I have another 10 pounds or so to go. It's really hard to get motivated for those last ten pounds. Oh well, I don't really need to feel good when I go up the stairs, do I- I would put a question mark there but somehow I`ve triggered the french keys on my netbook.:001_unsure: gotta love newbie users.:lol:

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30DS *is* hard on the knees, so I modify the lunges so that I'm doing them stationary (just dropping up and down, not bringing my feet back to center. I find this way to actually be much more effective for me).


Her No More Trouble Zones is *awesome*. I may have to try the Blast Fat Boost Metabolism one.


I actually *really* like her workouts because they're actually HARD, and she pushes me past the point I would normally push myself to (I'm bad at challenging myself). I've been working out for several years though, and I think most fitness videos are geared more towards the "Okay, I'm sick of being a couch potato!" crowd.

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Jillian IS evil. Eeeeevvvvviiiiiilllllll. I did the 30 DS for about 2 weeks before our cruise and saw great results, but it was hard. I may or may not have called her several choice names. Dh, who is military and works out every day, did level 2 one day and said it was hard.

I planned on getting back on it when we got back, but I came down with a gastrointestinal virus (great for weight loss, BTW) and haven't gotten myself motivated since. I need to get back into it. I have No More Trouble Zones, but I haven't tried it yet. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow.


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Yes, and the ab workout on 30-day shred is almost like "la de da -- wake me up when it's over" where as the Trouble Zones is like "am I ever going to get to a point where I don't feel like my abs are ripping apart?"


And, her triceps workout is killer! I love it.


Oh, and those plank raise things where you are in plank position and then you lift one arm off with a weight: I love that. When I started, I couldn't even do it. Then, I was able to increase my weight. I was able to increase my weight on most of them which tells me it's working.


30DS *is* hard on the knees, so I modify the lunges so that I'm doing them stationary (just dropping up and down, not bringing my feet back to center. I find this way to actually be much more effective for me).


Her No More Trouble Zones is *awesome*. I may have to try the Blast Fat Boost Metabolism one.


I actually *really* like her workouts because they're actually HARD, and she pushes me past the point I would normally push myself to (I'm bad at challenging myself). I've been working out for several years though, and I think most fitness videos are geared more towards the "Okay, I'm sick of being a couch potato!" crowd.

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Yes, and the ab workout on 30-day shred is almost like "la de da -- wake me up when it's over" where as the Trouble Zones is like "am I ever going to get to a point where I don't feel like my abs are ripping apart?"


And, her triceps workout is killer! I love it.


Oh, and those plank raise things where you are in plank position and then you lift one arm off with a weight: I love that. When I started, I couldn't even do it. Then, I was able to increase my weight. I was able to increase my weight on most of them which tells me it's working.

YES! All those plank raises for the abs! And the superman pose. LOVE that one. I have the small of my back, er, back. :lol:

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I've decided to take this month that the kids are gone and work on developing some habits I hope "stick" when they return.:lol::001_huh:


In any case, I had purchased the 30 Day shred back when we had multiple threads on it. And it stayed in shrink wrap until yesterday. I hurt yesterday.


I hurt more today.


She may not modify jumping jacks and she probably does have 400 pounds folks doing them but I still called her several not-nice names.


My husband (while on his own ample bottom on the computer) was laughing at me. I called him names, too.


I don't like Jillian, either, but I rotate between 4 of her videos. :)

I say I have a love-hate relationship with her. I hate her workouts (because they are tough), but I love how I feel after I am done (and I am finally seeing some results). I tell her to shut up all the time and my family thinks it is so funny. I tell them if they are going to laugh they can get off their bums and workout with me. That usually makes them scatter. :)



I love/hate her. I call her names. I tell her shut up. I do those jumping jacks chanting I hate you/. My 12 year old is now working through it with me. I've never went past level 1 LOL! He just laughs and thinks it's a breeze. I call him names:lol: (in my head LOL) We are debating moving to level 2 in a couple of days.

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Sounds good to me, I prefer dance-style cardio! Where can I buy her videos? Are there any ones in particular that you'd recommend?


They are also on Amazon. I like the Mat Method and I've been doing the post-partum one, 4years post-partum LOL

And I like Exhale COre Fusion ... I actually dvr'd a few from fittv on cable but they sell the dvds.

I hate cardio, can you tell?

Edited by cjbeach
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I *really* like her. Don't know why exactly...probably because I need someone to kick my butt. I'm not having the same soreness issues, in fact, I have been surprised at the lack of soreness...I have some of course, but not so bad. I attributed it to an effective warmup. My whole body structure feels stronger after I do her workouts. My back feels better, knees better...maybe this kind of old school workout just suits me??


Anyway, I have to agree about the Trouble Zones workouts...tried the Quick one the other day...love it.

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I *really* like her. Don't know why exactly...probably because I need someone to kick my butt. I'm not having the same soreness issues, in fact, I have been surprised at the lack of soreness...I have some of course, but not so bad. I attributed it to an effective warmup. My whole body structure feels stronger after I do her workouts. My back feels better, knees better...maybe this kind of old school workout just suits me??


Anyway, I have to agree about the Trouble Zones workouts...tried the Quick one the other day...love it.


I don't think I like you too much, either. ;)


Your name and this thread have me :lol:.


Today was day 3. Ouch. However, I am able to do more jumping jacks and pushups.

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Guest janainaz

I have to put her on mute. I can handle Bob and I feel encouraged to keep going, but somehow she makes it feel that you do 800 times more repetitions. And she's not my buddy. :001_huh:

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I loved Shred until I hurt my back in Level 3. The massage therapist said to stop "whatever you have been doing and don't do it again" :)


So, I've found Physique 57. I've been doing this about 3 months now. They have 3 dvds: 30 min total body, 30 min abs and upper body (my favorite), and 1 hour total body workout. I really like the 1 hour, but I don't have usually have that much time.


I liked the concept of Shred. I liked the speed of it. By the time I was bored or near exhaustion, it was over. I did not like level 3. I should never have attempted level 3.


And really, should a nearly 50 year old woman, who is prone to sciatica and other back problems, do any workout with Shred (or Ripper for that matter) in the main title?

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I too have purchased the 30 day shred. My husband and I did it together for a little while (5 whole days). he continued, I didn't. he will say to me, "Do you want to do the 30 day workout with me. To which I emphatically, say "No!" So, I thought I was going to die....I am sure after time, that feeling goes away as does the soreness, but once you stop, it defintely is hard to want to restart and go through it all over again.......:)


Isn't s** considered a good workout? ;)


:lol::lol::lol: It is if you do it right! Seriously, though, I may have to check this out. I do karate and full contact kickboxing and cardio kickboxing at a local dojo, so I'm always sore anyway. :D

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