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Okay, since I dissed Dolly Parton last week, I think I will just go for broke.


I don't like Mariah Carey. I think her vocal range is amazing but her song lyrics are usually lacking in depth and I don't care for the the sl*tty way she dresses and portrays herself during performances. I think the way she markets herself distracts me from her absolutely stunning vocal range.


I think its a pity, really. I would love to enjoy her music. I could listen to her voice all day, if I could pick the songs.



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But the story with his bro is just so touching, how can one not feel empathy toward him.


What story have I missed?? I really like David Cook.


He was in the audience for the first time last night, that's why DC was tearing up at the end of his performance.


The story, as I've heard it, is that his brother is the musician in the family but was too ill to try out for AI, so DC said he'd go "on his behalf". I guess DC didn't think he'd go this far. Anyway, if you look closely on his white guitar, he's etched his bro's initials. It's all very sad and touching.

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Okay, since I dissed Dolly Parton last week, I think I will just go for broke.


I don't like Mariah Carey. I think her vocal range is amazing but her song lyrics are usually lacking in depth and I don't care for the the sl*tty way she dresses and portrays herself during performances. I think the way she markets herself distracts me from her absolutely stunning vocal range.


I think its a pity, really. I would love to enjoy her music. I could listen to her voice all day, if I could pick the songs.




because I know it will be sl*tty. That's her style. Yuck.

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I couldn't help but wondering how the guys were concentrating when her cleavage was so obvious.:tongue_smilie:


I personally think Brooke will go just because she is rather blah lately. I like her though, just not sure why she is stepping up the performance. However, after last week who knows.:confused:

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I couldn't help but wondering how the guys were concentrating when her cleavage was so obvious.:tongue_smilie:


I personally think Brooke will go just because she is rather blah lately. I like her though, just not sure why she is stepping up the performance. However, after last week who knows.:confused:


Oh but wait. She was dressed conservatively last night. Google Mariah Carey images to see some of her wardrobe selections. And have you ever seen one of her videos? I have not seen many but I know that at least one or two are shot with her rolling around in bed. Hmmmm....nothing says professionalism like rolling around in bed.


It makes me kind of sad. I think she limits herself with her performance antics.

Have you ever listened to her vocal range? It.is.simply.amazing.

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I found David Cook's performance on youtube. I don't think I've ever heard that song before. I'm not sure I got it either, Oak Knoll Mom. I definately didn't get the one from last week. I'm not sure about the story about DC. He has a band and you can hear some of their music on youtube. I guess I'm just showing my age, because I love the DC songs that I've actually heard before but this new stuff is making me feel old. :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, since I dissed Dolly Parton last week, I think I will just go for broke.


I don't like Mariah Carey. I think her vocal range is amazing but her song lyrics are usually lacking in depth and I don't care for the the sl*tty way she dresses and portrays herself during performances. I think the way she markets herself distracts me from her absolutely stunning vocal range.


I think its a pity, really. I would love to enjoy her music. I could listen to her voice all day, if I could pick the songs.




:iagree: Thank you for saying this! I have always felt this way about her too.

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I think the singers should have to sing Dolly and Mariah so that the viewers can get a good feel for their range. Being a star is about so much more than having a good voice."



FWIW, I think Carly will be next.




Well, Dolly should sing Mariah, and Mariah should sing Dolly. And then Tony Bennet should come back and sing something by them, too. ;)


I would love to see Jennifer Lopez sing any of those... :tongue_smilie:


...and about Carly- could very well be...

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I think it will be Syesha tonight. Bottom 3 might be Syesha/Brooke/Carly or maybe Kristy.

I think Kristy is about the only one of the girls who is actually getting better! Now, I still don't like her, but the last few weeks she has really stepped it up! Of course, I still can't get "8 days a week" out of my mind!


I thought Carly looked better last night too. Those high waisted pants were really awful!

This season is amazing! I sure do hope they keep all the guys left until the end!


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I think it will be Syesha tonight. Bottom 3 might be Syesha/Brooke/Carly or maybe Kristy.

I think Kristy is about the only one of the girls who is actually getting better! Now, I still don't like her, but the last few weeks she has really stepped it up! Of course, I still can't get "8 days a week" out of my mind!



Coming late to the party...


Yes, Syesha or Carly are gone tonight. Hopefully Paula will be sober. Hopefully Maria will be fully-clothed for ds 12's sake (her outfit last night was terrible!!).


I've taken a liking to David Cook -- ever since his beautiful voice during Shout To The Lord.

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and the 3rd from the top could be just about anyone at this point.




Unlike most of you, I do like Carly and I think she will go far after this show. She has the talent, passion and desire to work hard and make it. She will really benefit from all this exposure. Even so, the guys are really the best this season, and I'm a die hard David Cook fan. David A.'s voice is wonderful, but his personality just doesn't shine with star quality. He should have waited about a decade to grow up first before trying out -- don't you think? He's still too much of a little kid.


Can't wait for tonight!




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I found David Cook's performance on youtube. I don't think I've ever heard that song before. I'm not sure I got it either, Oak Knoll Mom.



I changed my mind! I listened to it on youtube about a dozen times and I'm hooked. Paula was really gushing, wasn't she? I mean, especially.


Rock on, David!

Dawg, I'm almost not embarressed about my old DC Avatar anymore.

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Did anybody notice that David Archuleta semed a little tired last night? I love his voice and think he's amazingly talented. More, I think he's a wonderful young man; so sincere, caring, thoughful and intelligent. But I think this contest is too much for these younger teens. Just too much pressure.


I thought it was sweet of David Cook to go and sit down with him. It seems that the contestants couldn't hear what Ryan was saying, and David A. seemed unable to hear even after the group that was safe heard.


Next week, Andrew Lloyd Webber will be coaching. That should be a good show. I'm looking forward to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, what do y'all think tonight, dawgs?


Thinking Jason had sung two songs? It's like she had made notes from dress rehearsal and was using those. Weird. Just weird.


I loved David Cook, as usual. Syesha really does need to head to Broadway after this. Jason was as cute as ever, but I only liked his first song. Brooke was good and wholesome, but I think her days are numbered. David A. was good (duh).


Anybody else think the top two will be the pair of Davids?

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Thinking Jason had sung two songs? It's like she had made notes from dress rehearsal and was using those. Weird. Just weird.


I loved David Cook, as usual. Syesha really does need to head to Broadway after this. Jason was as cute as ever, but I only liked his first song. Brooke was good and wholesome, but I think her days are numbered. David A. was good (duh).


Anybody else think the top two will be the pair of Davids?


I don't know man, he just doesn't do it for me.


OK, the dude can sing, but there's jus no star quality. I find myself totally zoning out when he performs. Yawn.

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Dudettes...honestly, it should be Brooke or Jason. But Brooke is so cute, and those dreads are the bomb. :lurk5:


As to who wins. I think David Cook or Syesha. I love her, and I could so see her becoming an actress who sings. I can so see David Cook having a fantastic career with groupies etc., and then getting bloated from too much booze. Then making a comeback. :)

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Dudettes...honestly, it should be Brooke or Jason. But Brooke is so cute, and those dreads are the bomb. :lurk5:


:DI love the dreads! I said to my husband tonight that I am going to do the dread thing. He gave me the hairy eyeball and said that I would look silly. When I acted offended he raised his hands in Simon fashion and said, "It's just an opinion." complete with British accent.:lol:

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:DI love the dreads! I said to my husband tonight that I am going to do the dread thing. He gave me the hairy eyeball and said that I would look silly. When I acted offended he raised his hands in Simon fashion and said, "It's just an opinion." complete with British accent.:lol:



Whenever I get a mommy tone, my 14 year old says, "I dunno, that sounded a little pitchy to me".

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Well, what do y'all think tonight, dawgs?


I liked David Cook - i think it'll come down to the two David's and ge will win. I think maybe Jason will be going home. Jason or Syesha. I think Brooke may have more fans and that will keep her in.


I also decided that I'd like to take my dd to see the tour when it comes our way. Has anyone seen a past Idol tour? I think it would be fun - and I hope not be a mistake for this usually pop culture avoiding family!

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Whenever I get a mommy tone, my 14 year old says, "I dunno, that sounded a little pitchy to me".


OK, that really made me LOL!


My new favorite is, "I ain't mad atcha, dawg, but if you don't finish your spelling (math, grammar...) I will be."

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And I so agree with this quote about David A. He has a voice but he is not a star!


I don't know man, he just doesn't do it for me.


OK, the dude can sing, but there's jus no star quality. I find myself totally zoning out when he performs. Yawn.


My dd loves Brooke, she voted for her tonight. Hit redial for about 30 minutes!

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Probably Brooke. Maybe Jason. But, I hope it's Syesha! She sings better than the other two, but she bores me. I think she'll be great on Broadway though!




:iagree: Yes, you hit it on the nose!! I am a big David Cook fan. He's the bomb!




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do you think the whole Paula thing will be blown up in the media? I'm looking for it on the news today--Do you think she's seemed more out of it than usual this year?


I love Jason, but he has made crappy choices. I can just hear him singing Forever in Blue Jeans tonight--the song really fits him. I can't see him as an American Idol. I see David C as the same kind of rocker as Daughtry--it was good for his career that he didn't become the Idol bc he has so much more flexibility. But I do think David C is amazing, a great vocalist, and a really talented "artist." He should win.


Brooke needs to get a grip--she can sing, she can sort of play her instruments (I'm sure she'd better than she shows on tv), but she's "fragile," forgetting words, starting off pitch, just unprofessional. That I could see coming in time. Like her voice.


Syesha is going to make a million dollars on Broadway. That's the direction every comment from the judges is leading. They obviously try to comment in ways that guide the viewers to make a decision the producers can live with--and I think they really are on target most of the time.


David A is a sweet young man, and I think he'll go the Josh Grobin way--big touring potential in the future, but perhaps not a lot of radio play--I have liked the way he has chosen songs that are appropriate for his age, instead of trying to sing a lot of "my hard life sucks" and "love screwed me" kind of songs.


There it is.

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I haven't read 'news' yet, I'm still here. :bigear: But I figured 'they' would be all over Paula today. I assumed because the two Davids were in a row she started reading the notes on the second, getting confused on live TV. I knew it was nothing, but I also knew it would be something.


And why I am discussing American Idol, I will never know. This is my first year with it. I didn't even realize it had been on for so many years. :001_huh:

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Paula probably had one too many last night, LOL! She pretty much made herself look like a total fool, LOL! I told my kids she must have jarred something while dancing to the songs, LOL! I think Jason will go...for sure. David A. is definitely my favorite!

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He was the ONLY one who sang like a 'star' (professional) last night.


About Paula,

The media tends to leave her alone because she is 'old news' and her actions are due to a medical condition. She has a terrible chronic pain condition and when she does too much (activity) her meds that she takes just to survive the pain tend to make her appear drunk/loopy.


Her condition goes back to her cheerleader days if I remember correctly.

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Well, what do y'all think tonight, dawgs?


I didn't see it last night, but I hope Syesha goes home. Her behavior really irritates me and her voice just doesn't do it for me. After that, I don't know. I like Cook the best, then Castro and Brooke, and the David A. He's just so darn cute I want to squish him like a puppy, and he can sing, even though he's not really my style.


So there's my molten-hot-lava-bomb anaylsis, dawgs.

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He always sounds the same.....and sings the same type of songs.

That's funny! I always think David A. sounds the same. I think David C. does so much with the songs to make them interesting. I wonder if it is the music genre, that he tends to perform, that you do not like. It is not my favorite either, but I enjoy every one of his performances.


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David A. He's just so darn cute I want to squish him like a puppy, and he can sing, even though he's not really my style.


So there's my molten-hot-lava-bomb anaylsis, dawgs.


Yes, but do you want to squish him and squeeze his head off and dangle him from your rearview mirror?

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He always sounds the same.....and sings the same type of songs.


I actually disagree with this. I like him better than Daughtry because he actually has a better voice when he is not singing grungy. I loved his Music of the Night for this reason.

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I think Jason is going. He just can't seem to get the songs right and I just think his fan base may be going down some.


But I have to ask, where did Syesha get all that hair? Even though she isn't my favorite, she looked beautiful last night.


I also saw last night that there is a site promoting voting for the worst to make the rating for AI go down. Seems "The Shock Jock" is promoting this heavily to get AI off the air.

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