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Food stamps? opinions

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WHether there are jobs out there or not depends on your location. Yes, some areas of the country are having very high unemployment rates and there are no jobs. On the other hand, I have seen a lot of help wanted signs up here in my area.


With regards to a previous poster who asked if I had gotten a no skills job. Not for over 28 years since a) I am not no skilled b) I haven't worked for pay for the last 17 years. But my oldest did get a no skill job in FLorida during the recession (stock boy at a department store outlet). My dd is currently babysitting for 10 an hour. SHe is going to do this three times this week and will make $125 this week. I don't really consider what she is doing a no-skill job since she does have both CPR/FIrst aid Training and Babysitting training plus she is taking care of an ADHD child and she is particularly good at that since she is ADHD herself.


FInally, I strongly encourage the OP to do sewing. THere are so many of us out there that will pay for hand sewn items. THis she could do at home with her children.

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I don't think I have seen anyone here tell the OP not to apply for FS. What I have seen is people suggest ways for the OP to come up with ways to get out of the poverty that her family is in. In the original post she stated that her husband has health problems and is already working 40 hours a week but can't do anymore, not even take care of the children if she got a job (which is understandable if he has health problems). She stated that even with his 40 hours they are below the poverty level. She said she has no skills to put towards a job.


I think everyone here was very supportive and came up with good suggestions on how to turn skills she has into something paying or to go back to school. I don't think anyone thinks that will happen next week. I think they are all trying to help her look to the future and how she can change where they are in a few years. I think it's been a good conversation and everyone has been polite.


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With regards to children, I completely understand situations like the OPs where due to the economy or to health or to some other circumstances beyond the person's control, help is needed.


But to Mammaducks, currently only 53% of households actually pay taxes. I seriously doubt that the OP family does and most families with income under 50K don't. WE are a family that does and I like seeing the money well spent. DOes that mean I think all aid should be cut off? No. But I think that the wise thing for people in financial straights is to not add mouths to feed. Is there a law against this? No. But it is common sense and in my opinion. the right thing to do. The OP says they are done with kids and I think that is a wise decision considering her husband's poor health.


I can't even think of what religion requires you to have children you can't afford. Even strict Catholics who don't use artificial birth control, don't say you have to have kids.

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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but if you can sew well enough to do alterations, dance studios often have real need of someone who can alter costumes to fit their kids, or even sew them from scratch. So do parents who have their kids participate in dance competitions, cheer competitions, pageants, and talent shows, where you want a unique costume that stands out, so it's common to take an "off the rack" one and add to it or change it in some way.


I have a friend who makes about $500 month doing costumes like this, often really simple things like sewing a half dozen silk flowers on to each of a dozen tutus-each flower requiring maybe 4-5 good hand stitches-and each parent paying $20 to avoid having to do the "alteration" themselves. Pageant costumes are annoying, but pay well, too. She mostly works at night or during "rest time", although if there's a big job, it'll take longer. But usually she can find someone who can take her DD for the day so she can finish up.

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But to Mammaducks, currently only 53% of households actually pay taxes. I seriously doubt that the OP family does and most families with income under 50K don't. WE are a family that does and I like seeing the money well spent.


Well good for you. Really. It must be nice to make enough money to have time to spend making crass judgments about how much others pay in taxes. WE are a family that prefers to see our tax money used for helping those less fortunate as opposed to, say, fighting pointless wars or sending politicians to tropical islands. Just sayin'.

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With regards to children, I completely understand situations like the OPs where due to the economy or to health or to some other circumstances beyond the person's control, help is needed.


But to Mammaducks, currently only 53% of households actually pay taxes. I seriously doubt that the OP family does and most families with income under 50K don't. WE are a family that does and I like seeing the money well spent. DOes that mean I think all aid should be cut off? No. But I think that the wise thing for people in financial straights is to not add mouths to feed. Is there a law against this? No. But it is common sense and in my opinion. the right thing to do. The OP says they are done with kids and I think that is a wise decision considering her husband's poor health.


I can't even think of what religion requires you to have children you can't afford. Even strict Catholics who don't use artificial birth control, don't say you have to have kids.



And of those 53% (if that is an accurate figure) there are still those that are barely making ends meet AND paying taxes. We don't know. More than likely, she and her husband paid taxes in the past, even if they don't now. If they own their home, then they pay taxes as well.


I can think of several kinds of churches that, though they may not require you to have children, to require that you avoid certain forms of birth control and sterilization. Heaven help those families should they get pregnant and come under the judgment and criticism of others, as though they were TRYING to get pregnant. This is why I say it's no one's business. You NEVER fully know the other person's situation.

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But to Mammaducks, currently only 53% of households actually pay taxes. I seriously doubt that the OP family does and most families with income under 50K don't.


If you go back and look at where that statistic comes from, that's households that pay federal income tax. Those households are still paying federal and state taxes on every gallon of gas they pump, state taxes on everything they buy (if state has a sales tax). Often, they'll be paying a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the higher tax brackets.


I hate statistics being misused.

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We homeschool our 3 of the 5 of our children other 2 are not school age. Putting them in PS is not an option in my opinion. My dh works and I stay home. Due to his health it is all he can do just to work 40hours week. I have my hands quite full with everything else. He can only handle work I do EVERYTHING else. So working outside of the home is out of the question.

His income still puts us below poverty level. We already recieve WIC and assistance with heating, but I have been seriuosly considering applying for food stamps. But I have mixed emotions about it. I really do not want a social worker question me on how we raise our children.(part of the reason I homeschool) Also, I can't spend tons of time up at Dept social services either. Anyone have experience with this? Thanks


They won't even ask. If you have children under 18 you are exempt from working to be home for them. Other adults have to work 20hrs/wk or more. BTDT, and it just isn't something that comes up. You can also request a phone interview when you mail your application back. I assure you, it won't be a problem!

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Originally Posted by s0nicfreak viewpost.gif

Sometimes they have to tell the cashier, because the cashier has to press something. Also, you can see the card.

Food stamps isn't the only thing that is on an EBT card. Other gov't payments go on there as well...not just welfare. I've used an EBT card without having food stamps. And I've used one with having food stamps.

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Just want to set some things straight. As you can see in my sign we lost a ds 1 yr before having twins and longed for more children after that. So, we got pregnant right away. We NEVER imagined God would give us twins(it does not run in family)Anyway, my dh at the time was working 8-10 hrs OT each week. And he was able to bring home some work for me to do at home(I earned aprox $6000 last yr doing this) Then we went through very difficult pregnancy,c-section, then twins in NICU for almost 2weeks(draining saving that's w/ins) Oh and did I mention my oldest getting in serious trouble which cost us $1000s in legal fees. Fast forward to now, my dh is blessed to have a job, and has only gotten .25 pay raise in last 2 yrs. And there is no work to bring home!


So there has been alot of things that have happened that we NEVER could have planned ahead for. We are very thankful we have not lost our home and that dh husband has a job. Many people in our area have been laid off and the pay around here sucks!


You poor dear. I'm sorry that you feel you need to explain your circumstances to us, but you don't. Life is hard and I'm sure you're doing all you can. Help is out there for a reason, and those being harsh will probably never see a situation where FS are justified, in their eyes. I for one will not pass moral judgment on someone because they need a helping hand. Yes, there are some that ride the system and that is the unfortunate reality in any entitlement. Barring evidence of that, it seems the benefit is out there for precisely this reason.




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Dear Original Poster,


I hope you know that all of this conversation isn't about you; it's about people's strongly held beliefs, past experiences, and current frustrations. I hope you have felt the kindness heart-given through all of those who sought to reassure you, to defend you, and to offer advice because they want better for you.


What I heard from your humble postings was a woman who is stretched to her thinnest, scared for her children, worried for her husband, and sad it has come to this. Please, oh please, be gentle with yourself. Have a great big, old cry before you yank at those bootstraps one more time. Gather your children close, tell you husband how proud you are of him. Know you are not alone, you are not alone, you are not alone.

Edited by bookfiend
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I would say to sign up for the food stamps then. Sounds like you are managing the resources you have very well and need a boost right now.


Another option is to seek help from your church if you have one. Many churches have food banks/help available to those that need it.

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To the OP, :grouphug:. Do what you need to do, mama. You've had the courage to take responsibility for your children's education and to live out of step with most of society by welcoming children as gifts from God. You can muster the courage to figure out the money situation.


As for practical solutions, can you look into putting in a small garden this year? It's hard work but totally doable with LOs. It's even easier if you (and an older child) wear your toddlers (maybe you already know how; if not, check here). You can start with tomatoes and herbs. Both are relatively easy, and toms are expensive at the grocery, so you'd save $$ there. Just a thought.


THere are so many of us out there that will pay for hand sewn items. THis she could do at home with her children.


This made me chuckle. I love to sew and to knit, but I have a really tough time doing either when tiny humans are roaming about.

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Dear Original Poster,


I hope you know that all of this conversation isn't about you; it's about people's strongly held beliefs, past experiences, and current frustrations. I hope you have felt the kindness heart-given through all of those who sought to reassure you, to defend you, and to offer advice because they want better for you.


What I heard from your humble postings was a woman who is stretched to her thinnest, scared for her children, worried for her husband, and sad it has come to this. Please, oh please, be gentle with yourself. Have a great big, old cry before you yank at those bootstraps one more time. Gather your children close, tell you husband how proud you are of him. Know you are not alone, you are not alone, you are not alone.


:iagree: And sending :grouphug:'s your way, 3and3.

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Dear Original Poster,


I hope you know that all of this conversation isn't about you; it's about people's strongly held beliefs, past experiences, and current frustrations. I hope you have felt the kindness heart-given through all of those who sought to reassure you, to defend you, and to offer advice because they want better for you.


What I heard from your humble postings was a woman who is stretched to her thinnest, scared for her children, worried for her husband, and sad it has come to this. Please, oh please, be gentle with yourself. Have a great big, old cry before you yank at those bootstraps one more time. Gather your children close, tell you husband how proud you are of him. Know you are not alone, you are not alone, you are not alone.


Well said!!!

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Well good for you. Really. It must be nice to make enough money to have time to spend making crass judgments about how much others pay in taxes. WE are a family that prefers to see our tax money used for helping those less fortunate as opposed to, say, fighting pointless wars or sending politicians to tropical islands. Just sayin'.


Originally Posted by bookfiend viewpost.gif

Dear Original Poster,


I hope you know that all of this conversation isn't about you; it's about people's strongly held beliefs, past experiences, and current frustrations. I hope you have felt the kindness heart-given through all of those who sought to reassure you, to defend you, and to offer advice because they want better for you.


What I heard from your humble postings was a woman who is stretched to her thinnest, scared for her children, worried for her husband, and sad it has come to this. Please, oh please, be gentle with yourself. Have a great big, old cry before you yank at those bootstraps one more time. Gather your children close, tell you husband how proud you are of him. Know you are not alone, you are not alone, you are not alone.





Amen, and Amen.

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You are right Dana, I should have specified federal taxes. My problem with the system is not particular to the OP.


To Mammaducks, if we are paying either rent or living in a house we pay for with a mortgage or own, we are paying real estate taxes. Only people living with someone for free or in government housing don't pay taxes on real estate. AS a renter, part of my rent goes to pay the real estate taxes. SO I assume that most people are paying that tax and they are paying sales taxes. Those are equally distributed - buy more, pay more, own or rent more, pay more. The federal taxes are the ones that aren't equal in any sense and are become less and less equal.


Furthermore, I am well aware that those who do pay taxes may not be well off. But they won't be eligible for food stamps either.

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THere are so many of us out there that will pay for hand sewn items. THis she could do at home with her children.

This made me chuckle. I love to sew and to knit, but I have a really tough time doing either when tiny humans are roaming about.

Not only that, but in my area people are willing to pay for supplies but not my time. That dishcloth took me an hour to make and the going price is $3.75. :glare:
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Furthermore, I am well aware that those who do pay taxes may not be well off. But they won't be eligible for food stamps either.

You would be very surprised who qualifies for food stamps that most would presume would not.


I'm done debating with you, because quite honestly, I'm sick of your "I'm better than others" attitude.

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To continue the tax discussion:


1.8% of the federal expenditures in 2009 were for food stamps. Of that amount, 90% went to actual households (the rest to administration.) So, 1.6% of the budget was distributed to families to buy food. Actual amount: $56 billion


I won't go on and compare it to how much went to other things - I guess that doesn't make a difference.

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You could be doing some work instead of posting here, or while posting here...


Good freaking maude. She has made 99 posts in 16 months. It doesn't appear to be a case of spending 6 hours a day online instead of furthering the work that she does for her family.


Compassion might be helpful here.



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What was your agency's rate of helping families achieve self-sufficiency (ie. get above poverty level) and stay there?


I am curious how it all works out in the end. I know how much I need to get us above the poverty level and then our financial situation will be slightly worse (net) than it is now except we'll be able to say that we aren't on any gov't programs. (And that is worth a lot, don't get me wrong!)



Wanted to answer this earlier but am finally able to. To answer your question, the numbers were skewed to say the least. I was so frustrated in this line of work because I just couldn't agree with the gov't definition of "achieving self-sufficiency." The goal was for clients to "get a job, ANY job" and successes were counted when people would find a job and stay off of welfare for 3 months. That's it! Hardly a measurement for success, IMO, especially since those same families would reapply for assistance shortly thereafter (because they were not able to keep the job) only to become NEW cases. I remember President Clinton talk about the successes of welfare reform. It sickened me, really, because the numbers made him look good, as if his platform and admn significantly reduced the welfare rolls when really, it was number fudging at its best. Same was true when Bush was in office but I was comforted by what seemed to be a stronger push for education and training.


I don't know how it all works in the end for every family on welfare but I can say the successes I saw came when education or vo-tech training and employment skills training were offered while receiving assistance. Sadly, there is not enough money in state/federal budgets to provide this for everyone on assistance. Equally sad is that not everyone offered the opportunites would follow through in maintaining their employment. For instance, we had a lot of clients who would receive training and education, find a job, get off assistance, do well for a while, then lose their job because of a variety of reasons either in or out of their control.


What I do know is that there is no shame in applying for welfare as long as it is temporary. There's a significant loss of freedom, pride, and self esteem in applying so let it be your last resort if at all possible. My advice to the OP is to look for ways to continue cutting out ALL unnecessary expenses, stick to a strict budget, and look into grant funded or state education and training programs.

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What I do know is that there is no shame in applying for welfare as long as it is temporary. There's a significant loss of freedom, pride, and self esteem in applying so let it be your last resort if at all possible. My advice to the OP is to look for ways to continue cutting out ALL unnecessary expenses, stick to a strict budget, and look into grant funded or state education and training programs.

This sums it up nicely.


I believe you when you say it was frustrating. You have to roll your eyes at the politicians, on both sides, a lot.

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I am with Rough Collie - this woman has TWO YEAR OLD TWINS! Do you know what it's like to have two year old twins? It's draining. You try to keep up with them all day, keeping them safe and alive. Then on top of that, she already has a job homeschooling 3 older children. And everyone is suggesting that she work and/or go to school on top of that!


Take the food stamps. Apply today. Don't worry about planning to change your situation - time will change it. In 4 years, your 9 year old will be old enough to babysit if Dad is home, and your twins won't be flushing toothbrushes down the toilet (oh, wait, that was my twins...), and THEN you can work or go to school or whatever you decide.


Good luck!

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I am with Rough Collie - this woman has TWO YEAR OLD TWINS! Do you know what it's like to have two year old twins? It's draining. You try to keep up with them all day, keeping them safe and alive. Then on top of that, she already has a job homeschooling 3 older children. And everyone is suggesting that she work and/or go to school on top of that!


Take the food stamps. Apply today. Don't worry about planning to change your situation - time will change it. In 4 years, your 9 year old will be old enough to babysit if Dad is home, and your twins won't be flushing toothbrushes down the toilet (oh, wait, that was my twins...), and THEN you can work or go to school or whatever you decide.


Good luck!


EXACTLY! I know that time will change my circumstances as well. Right now, there is nothing we can do to speed up that process.

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Mari, I can imagine it was very frustrating for you (and others in your position.) The "welfare" budget wasn't reduced, just shifted. Women who formerly would have been on welfare are now working low-wage jobs and getting way more in child care subsidy than the welfare they would have recieved in the past. It's a political game, not a real solution.

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I am with Rough Collie - this woman has TWO YEAR OLD TWINS! Do you know what it's like to have two year old twins? It's draining. You try to keep up with them all day, keeping them safe and alive. Then on top of that, she already has a job homeschooling 3 older children. And everyone is suggesting that she work and/or go to school on top of that!


Take the food stamps. Apply today. Don't worry about planning to change your situation - time will change it. In 4 years, your 9 year old will be old enough to babysit if Dad is home, and your twins won't be flushing toothbrushes down the toilet (oh, wait, that was my twins...), and THEN you can work or go to school or whatever you decide.


Good luck!


See, this is the problem, though. Time itself will not change a situation but specific actions on the OP's part will. Many, MANY people have 2 yr old twins plus other children yet they do make it. Maybe not as well as others, but they do make it. She and her husband ABSOLUTELY needs to worry about their future because when that time comes, she may not have enough money to "go to work, school, or whatever she decides." She has to be proactive NOW before her situation gets worse. Applying for FS can be a blessing temporarily but it's not designed for a long term fix of four years. Plus, the amount they get monthly is not always that much for what you are sacrificing.

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WE are a family that prefers to see our tax money used for helping those less fortunate as opposed to, say, fighting pointless wars or sending politicians to tropical islands. Just sayin'.


As are we. I doubt many would argue with you on this, including transientchris. No one wants to see waste anywhere. Again, NOT directed at the OP, but fraud and waste do occur in social programs (fomer social worker here.) It would be obtuse to say otherwise. Yes, we spend waaaaaay too much on the military (wars) and pet congressional projects and other nonsense, but $56 billion for welfare (a figure from another post) is nothing to sneeze at either, wouldn't you agree?

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I can think of several kinds of churches that, though they may not require you to have children, to require that you avoid certain forms of birth control and sterilization.


Then they should support the families in their congregations who are having a hard time because of this particular "requirement."

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$56 billion for welfare (a figure from another post) is nothing to sneeze at either, wouldn't you agree?


It seems like a big number because it's way out of proportion to amounts of money most of us are used to dealing with, but if the federal budget were a dollar, I would not have my knickers in a twist about 1.6 cents going to help low income people buy food.



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Yeah, what she said.

Well, yeah. Community members supporting each other (church, neighborhood, etc...) just makes so much more sense than "charity" dispensed by a huge, amorphous, bureaucratic blob (aka: the federal government.)


Totally off topic, but I wanted to ask: How's that opera project coming along? :)


(And now, back to our regularly scheduled argument, er, debate, er, discussion.)

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Well, yeah. Community members supporting each other (church, neighborhood, etc...) just makes so much more sense than "charity" dispensed by a huge, amorphous, bureaucratic blob (aka: the federal government.)


Totally off topic, but I wanted to ask: How's that opera project coming along? :)


(And now, back to our regularly scheduled argument, er, debate, er, discussion.)



Sounds great but since it's not happening as much as is necessary, I still don't mind FS tax dollars being used to feed hungry families on a TEMPORARY basis. And I don't mind giving a hand UP through our tax dollars (as opposed to a hand out) either as can be achieved in education and training programs so that they don't have to keep relying on assistance, no matter where it comes from. The system CAN work as long as the waste, fraud and abuse is not tolerated.


The OP was concerned about an intrusion in her family's freedom to homeschool should she apply for FS. Some say it's possible this might happen, while others say it won't. IMHO, it doesn't matter because either way, homeschooling or not, she and her husband still need to put food on the table. That takes priority over homeschooling, period.


However, I must say that I don't think anyone on this board wants others to go hungry but we need to be compassionate with our thoughts toward anyone in this situation because as a previous poster summed up, "There but for the grace of God go I."

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I did not say nor imply that I was better than anyone. I am a Christian and one of the verses that I always remember is "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". I count myself as a sinner. That does not negate that I think as Mari does that it is the wisest decision for the OP to do something about her situation along with getting FS. That is not a permanent solution and other bad things can and do happen.


AS some others have stated, I am against waste of all types. I am obviously not against fighting the terrorists but I don't consider that a waste. I do think there are wasteful programs in defense, often insisted on by congressman who have certain defense plants in their districts. BUt I do not agree with extravagant junkets and I don't know how you got from my statements that I don't think OP should apply for FS> I said only that it isn't a permanent solution and I agree with that. I don't think aid should be a permanent situation except in rather rare circumstances like disabled people who can't work at all and other special cases. For normal people, I think that the plan that was enacted by President Clinton was a good one- maximum five year assistance.

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Well, yeah. Community members supporting each other (church, neighborhood, etc...) just makes so much more sense than "charity" dispensed by a huge, amorphous, bureaucratic blob (aka: the federal government.)


Oh, that's clever.:001_huh:


Totally off topic, but I wanted to ask: How's that opera project coming along? :)


I'm working on it.

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I did not say nor imply that I was better than anyone. I am a Christian and one of the verses that I always remember is "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". I count myself as a sinner. That does not negate that I think as Mari does that it is the wisest decision for the OP to do something about her situation along with getting FS. That is not a permanent solution and other bad things can and do happen.



I get what you're saying here. Really, I do. But I can't count the number of times I've seen a religious person say something insulting or mean or snobby, and then try to downplay it with, "Hey, I'm a Christian, I'm a sinner too." As if that somehow makes it okay. It's akin to the people who say things like, "He's a flaming moron with the IQ of my toaster, God bless him," and comes across as completely disingenuous.

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It seems like a big number because it's way out of proportion to amounts of money most of us are used to dealing with, but if the federal budget were a dollar, I would not have my knickers in a twist about 1.6 cents going to help low income people buy food.




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Food stamps isn't the only thing that is on an EBT card. Other gov't payments go on there as well...not just welfare. I've used an EBT card without having food stamps. And I've used one with having food stamps.

The cashier has to ask if it is foodstamps to push the appropriate thing.


I love to sew and to knit, but I have a really tough time doing either when tiny humans are roaming about.
Bah, I mange to make diapers with 4 kids roaming...


That dishcloth took me an hour to make and the going price is $3.75.
Well that's $3.75 you didn't have before, and that would be a week and a half of bread for my family...


Good freaking maude. She has made 99 posts in 16 months. It doesn't appear to be a case of spending 6 hours a day online instead of furthering the work that she does for her family.


Compassion might be helpful here.



I really didn't mean it that way. My point was, if she can post here, she can make money online.

Edited by s0nicfreak
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The cashier has to ask if it is foodstamps to push the appropriate thing.


Bah, I mange to make diapers with 4 kids roaming...


Well that's $3.75 you didn't have before, and that would be a week and a half of bread for my family...


They don't, actually. We're getting food stamps until dh finds a permanent job- his current, low-paying, part-time one is done in a couple weeks- and everywhere I've shopped, you can do it all from the little card swiper, without telling the cashier a thing. The only way you'd know a person uses food stamps is if you're standing so close you're nearly sharing underwear.


The age of the children and level of attentiveness of the mother makes a huge difference as to how much you can get done.


Also, even if you made bread from scratch, you guys must make some tiny sandwiches.

Edited by Mergath
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They don't, actually. We're getting food stamps until dh finds a permanent job- his current, low-paying, part-time one is done in a couple weeks- and everywhere I've shopped, you can do it all from the little card swiper, without telling the cashier a thing. The only way you'd know a person uses food stamps is if you're standing so close you're nearly sharing underwear.

Perhaps different stores are different. I have seen people needing to tell.


this woman has TWO YEAR OLD TWINS! Do you know what it's like to have two year old twins?

Well I have 3 year old irish twins, so I kind of had that last year...

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Perhaps different stores are different. I have seen people needing to tell.



Well I have 3 year old irish twins, so I kind of had that last year...



You don't approve of her getting food stamps. We get it. Thanks.

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The cashier has to ask if it is foodstamps to push the appropriate thing.


Bah, I mange to make diapers with 4 kids roaming...


Well that's $3.75 you didn't have before, and that would be a week and a half of bread for my family...



I really didn't mean it that way. My point was, if she can post here, she can make money online.



$3.75 for a week of bread?? I live in a definite rural area, and with 5 people here (you have 6 right?) NO way possible to have bread for a week spending that amount, not buying it, not making it.


I dont' buy the *ease* of making money online either, sorry.


You never know what situation life might throw your way. For that reason and many others, this type of mindset is never a good one to have.



To the OP, I think you should apply. You or your spouse have paid in to the government in the various forms of taxes, you should use an available program when you need it. I would also look into whatever other programs are there to help you right now.

Keep working on ways to change and improve your situation during that time.

Come lean on us if you need a shoulder.



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For normal people, I think that the plan that was enacted by President Clinton was a good one- maximum five year assistance.


That doesn't apply to food stamps, Medicaid, child care subsidy, or any number of other programs. It only applies to cash assistance (used to be AFDC but is now TANF.) The only time restriction on food stamps is able-bodied adults with no dependents cannot receive more than 3 months food stamps every 3 years.

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$3.75 for a week of bread?? I live in a definite rural area, and with 5 people here (you have 6 right?) NO way possible to have bread for a week spending that amount, not buying it, not making it.


At Aldis, It's $0.99 for a loaf of wheat, and less for white. 4 loaves lasts us 2 weeks.

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