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So, what other webpages do you have open right now???

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Right now I have:


This one

A Rocketry site for my ds

Disney vacation site (planning our vacation for next year)

The Disney Store (Hey - there's a sale and dd LOVE princesses!)

Grosse POinte Public Library


Amazon (not sure why it's twice!!!)


I also have open my kids' baseball schedules in Excel. (God help us!! Three boys playing on four different teams!!! Ack!)


And, a Silent Auction file in Excel. I'm running a Slient Auction for a non-profit next week!


So, what about you!?

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Confession. I am a total anal goober. I can't stand to have several things opened at once. I also close everything and log out even if I am coming right back in half an hour. SIGH, my poor dh for having to put up with the likes of me. I do occasionally open 2 at a time to look something up quickly, but not often. Yeah, I'm a weirdo!

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Confession. I am a total anal goober. I can't stand to have several things opened at once. I also close everything and log out even if I am coming right back in half an hour. SIGH, my poor dh for having to put up with the likes of me. I do occasionally open 2 at a time to look something up quickly, but not often. Yeah, I'm a weirdo!


Oh - and here I thought we had so much in common. I'm SOOOO disappointed!!


I will also confess, however, that I do close out everything but MY websites when I get on (usually!!).


I'm still waiting for that site of Jenn's to open! Okay - it just opened. I think I'm addicted. My high score is 360. Pathetic, I know!!!

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Oh - and here I thought we had so much in common. I'm SOOOO disappointed!!


I will also confess, however, that I do close out everything but MY websites when I get on (usually!!).


I'm still waiting for that site of Jenn's to open! Okay - it just opened. I think I'm addicted. My high score is 360. Pathetic, I know!!!


Well, I am trying to loosen up a bit with that. I am very anal about some things and very loosey goosey about others. Sorry, I'll try to do better!

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I usually have 3 pages open: Google homepage, Gmail inbox, and TWTM Forum. I open up a 4th page to search, but I generally shut it down when I'm done.


Wow! That's me too! Oh, and occasionally I'll have pages open from links in these forums that others have recommended. Then I'll look over at the tabs and browse through them and have no clue what I'm looking at! I guess I should follow through on the links sooner than later...

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Well, I am trying to loosen up a bit with that. I am very anal about some things and very loosey goosey about others. Sorry, I'll try to do better!


Please, do try!!! LOL


I usually have 3 pages open: Google homepage, Gmail inbox, and TWTM Forum. I open up a 4th page to search, but I generally shut it down when I'm done.


Come on woman!!! Open up more pages!!! (Or, am I the weird one?)


LOL, glad it finally loaded, for some reason I have to keep clicking the screen to load that one, even though I don't see any prompts to click yet again. :D You'll get better!


Yeah!! I'm up to 1050 now. My kids can't wait to play tomorrow!

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  • My gmail account
  • An article about raw milk
  • a Yahoo shopping cart because I'm ordering Ken's salad dressing to send to my mom in FL because she can't get it there.
  • A smiley site that I like
  • A Google search on MS
  • Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale
  • A private message board that I belong to
  • a game of Spider Solitaire
  • My tv tuner
  • An Excel spreadsheet


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Ebay, two medieval timeline sites, my local newspaper.


you know I have to nod my head in understanding about your having something open twice - when I close out my computer (usually at the end of the day but not always), I have several sites (including WTM) open multiple times. Talk about having short term memory loss!! :)

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Joanne Jacobs,HE&OS, O'Donnel, Mental Multivitamin, D-Ed Reckoning, Kitchentablemath, Email, TWTM, PWCSMath, BPS Research Digest


Email and my Library Online are on my quick access toolbar....


Sometimes, I have TWO browsers open. One for my school stuff and one for News...(I have 8 tabs of news that I open all at once!).




Really, I wonder why I can't sit through a 2 hour movie. Self-inflicted ADD...




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Joanne Jacobs' date='HE&OS, O'Donnel, Mental Multivitamin, D-Ed Reckoning, Kitchentablemath, Email, TWTM, PWCSMath, BPS Research Digest


Email and my Library Online are on my quick access toolbar....


Sometimes, I have TWO browsers open. One for my school stuff and one for News...(I have 8 tabs of news that I open all at once!).




Really, I wonder why I can't sit through a 2 hour movie. Self-inflicted ADD...





ROTFL!!! Man, I do love that willy-nilly smiley. He makes me giggle every time.


I confess that I have only CBS.com open, because I was watching full episodes of CSI: Miami while I was cleaning the kitchen :001_rolleyes: I fell asleep with the toddler at 9:00 p.m. last night and got up at 4:30 a.m. I've been puttering around the kitchen ever since!

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Primelocation.com A UK property site

Rightmove.co.uk Another UK property site

commutefrom.com/ This is the most awesome site that shows where to live on London's commuter routes and how long the commute will be from one station to another. On each station it shows the average house price and links to property and information about the area.


Google Earth. To have a birds-eye view of the areas that I am looking at.


We'll be moving to England in the next few months. It's absolutely amazing how much information is available online! I have been able to draw up a complete budget (including rates and taxes, utility costs, car prices and running costs, costs of kid's activities, etc), find busroutes and more. We may put the children in school for a while and for every government school in the UK there is an Ofsted report about the school. Although we are very sad to be moving from our homeland, it is for the best. And having all the information available online makes the benefits of moving to a first-world country apparent.

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I belong to Open Web Pages Anonymous.


Right now, I have open: this page, my Gmail page, my Google reader (no need to have multiple blogs up, the reader shows me the new posts from all of them - right now it has new posts from Barefoot Meandering, Classic Adventures, Running River Latin School and Ragamuffin Rosie), um ... the Def Leppard forum, the comments page for my blog, a Lingua Latina resource page, Pageflakes, an Onion spoof on the upcoming election, a page about the progymnasmata, the weather, another Lingua Latina resource page, and a page about the Sutton Hoo burial.


I usually have more than that open. I think I just can't bear to close a page, once I've found it useful. Sure, I could bookmark it, but I never remember to look at my bookmarks.

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Wow, Hannah. Big changes! I hope you find the UK a much safer and more peaceful place to live. God's peace during the changes in your lives...






We'll be moving to England in the next few months. It's absolutely amazing how much information is available online! I have been able to draw up a complete budget (including rates and taxes, utility costs, car prices and running costs, costs of kid's activities, etc), find busroutes and more. We may put the children in school for a while and for every government school in the UK there is an Ofsted report about the school. Although we are very sad to be moving from our homeland, it is for the best. And having all the information available online makes the benefits of moving to a first-world country apparent.

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