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Do songs get "stuck" in your head? What's your favorite right now?

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I hate it when songs I don't even like get stuck in my head! and that seems to be the only ones that do.


This week I have had "I Feel the Earth Move" because somebody sang it on AI. I never heard the song before, I didn't even like it! ARGH!

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I hate it when songs I don't even *know* get stuck in my head.


I've had "The eastern border of the United States" going over and over and over in my head for days. We only bought the wretched cd recently so that's the only part of the song I know!





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I tend to get the last listened-to song stuck in my head (or the last one the boys decided to sing out loud!). Right now it's a Dave Matthew's Band song (Jimi Thing). Last night it was Crowded House (Weather with You). For a while (a long while), it was any one of the songs off of They Might Be Giant's Here Comes Science cd. ;) I don't mind it when it's a good song and/or I know all the lyrics. But, when it's something annoying, or only a small part is stuck, it drives me batty. :)

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Guest Katia

Ugh. Yes, I do and they drive me crazy. The current song is Blow Gabriel from the musical Anything Goes.....and Food, Glorious Food from the musical Oliver! Sure wish there was only one song in my head; it's quite a distraction having two floating around in there as they get mixed up!

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In German this is called an Ohrwurm or an ear worm. I love that term.


That's good!! And really true too! :) It does to always seem to be the songs you'd rather not get stuck in your head. I once had that song T.V. Dinners from Z.Z. Top stuck in my head for a whole day. I thought it was going to drive me absolutely insane!! To this day I can't stand that song!! :glare:

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I've been waking up with "I Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum stuck in my head:


I'm not sure why AT ALL as I have not been listening to country and this is a pretty new song. And it's not really my type of song.


Otherwise, I do a lot of "Pants on the Ground." Not with the original words; but while subbing, I find all sorts of reasons such as "Rear in the Chair, Rear in the Chair, You ain't cool if your rear ain't in the chair!" Corny, huh?

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Pretty much anything Irish, particularly reels.


My kids are in Irish Dance, and we're booked solid doing shows -- have done 3 so far this weekend, 3 more tomorrow, another on St. Patrick's Day. I was in the grocery last night and they were playing Irish music on the sound system; I was thinking, "Oh please, people, just get OVER it already."

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Well, my 14 yo dd just "discovered" an old favorite song of mine, and now it's getting a lot of playtime on both of our iPods, so everyone in the house has been walking around humming and/or singing it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hzrDeceEKc Wonderwall by Oasis...

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I'm embarrassed to say my latest ear worm is My Hump by The Black Eyed Peas. It is such a ridiculous song but it is catchy.


Thankfully, someone in this thread mentioned Defying Gravity and now that is the tune. I love that song.

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Right now my head is playing an Irish folk song, no words. I don't know the name, but it's in the Secret of Roan Inish movie and it's one of the tunes often played at the Irish dance lessons my daughter takes.


I always have something playing in my head, and it varies a lot. Sometimes I would like quiet, but that doesn't seem to be an option.

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