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sad olympic news already

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I don't think there will be a dry eye in the house when Georgia comes in tonight in the parade of nations during the opening ceremonies.




But the torch run is going well - only a few disruptions due to protesters. The torch was just carried in a native war canoe across False Creek. It was in a dragon boat earlier.... SUCH a cool torch relay!

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What makes me angry is the lugers have been telling them all along that the track is too dangerous. a DOZEN people have crashed since the athletes started to come in this week. Some of them have also had to be airlifted out but didn't die. The organizers say they were going for a "challenging" track. But how on earth can they not tell the difference between challenging and deadly? If you want to make a track that people might crash on - for goodness's sake, at least make the area around it as safe as possible! And now, what last-minute options do they have? To cancel the sport altogether because they know it's not safe? Or to go ahead and do ti anyways, even though they know it's not safe? So much of this could have been averted if they'd just acted responsibly!

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What makes me angry is the lugers have been telling them all along that the track is too dangerous. a DOZEN people have crashed since the athletes started to come in this week. Some of them have also had to be airlifted out but didn't die. The organizers say they were going for a "challenging" track. But how on earth can they not tell the difference between challenging and deadly? If you want to make a track that people might crash on - for goodness's sake, at least make the area around it as safe as possible! And now, what last-minute options do they have? To cancel the sport altogether because they know it's not safe? Or to go ahead and do ti anyways, even though they know it's not safe? So much of this could have been averted if they'd just acted responsibly!




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I can't believe there are (most likely) 2 parents somewhere that sent their 21 yo son to the Olympics and now the video of his death is playing on the news.


It is just too sad.


My dh just called me to tell me about it and he was upset that there were evidently a row of poles, totally unprotected. I suppose before the games start there will be a net or some kind of (soft?) barrier - I hope.

I think I'll skip watching the video. I can imagine it well enough.

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Yeah, I turned on to watch the Opening Ceremonies, NOT that video. Thankfully my kids were not in the room.


Some things just don't need to be shown to the world.


Yep, same here. Except my two older dc at home were in the room. Thankfully they are not squeamish or prone to nightmares. And HOW could they not have had any padding or safety precautions there?????

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I'm SO disgusted with NBC right now. I didn't want to see it.

I am glad that I'm not alone.


I am absolutely appalled. It was horribly disrespectful to his family and teammates.


Thank goodness for DVR.


If that were my son I would be raising hell that it was shown. I would not want anyone, especially the whole the world, watching the accident that took his life. :crying:

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Yea. We must have turned on the tv right after the warning. Our first image was the accident as he came down. Nice. His poor family.:001_huh:


I don't know that there was a warning. I didn't hear one - I was in the kitchen and walked back into the room just as they showed the accident

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they gave the warning during the evening news; I still don't think they should have shown it. And then we tuned in at 7:30 to watch the Opening Ceremonies, per NBC's advertising; and WTH????????????? They kept showing that danged video! We had the kids on the couch and everything - we kept switching the channel, and finally turned it off when we realized the whole half hour was basically about the accident and showing the video over and over and over!!!!!! And then the ceremonies still didn't start until 9!!! I am so upset with NBC. Very poor coverage, very poor taste. I am going to email them and my local affiliate.

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they gave the warning during the evening news; I still don't think they should have shown it. And then we tuned in at 7:30 to watch the Opening Ceremonies, per NBC's advertising; and WTH????????????? They kept showing that danged video! We had the kids on the couch and everything - we kept switching the channel, and finally turned it off when we realized the whole half hour was basically about the accident and showing the video over and over and over!!!!!! And then the ceremonies still didn't start until 9!!! I am so upset with NBC. Very poor coverage, very poor taste. I am going to email them and my local affiliate.



:iagree: Very poor taste. I was really looking forward to watching the opening ceremonies, but because they kept playing this video, we changed channel.....You've Got Mail is a much better show.


And, I won't be watching the Olympic coverage at all if they don't stop showing this video, talking about it, and if they don't change or close down that track. Things like that, I don't need to see.

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I'm completely revolted by the fact it's being shown on the news. I don't know if they are showing it here as I purposely haven't looked but I know they are showing it in NZ. Showing someones death as sensationalist news is the lowest of the low.

His poor family :(


Yes, it comes close to being "death as entertainment", even if the TV people shake their heads and look sad about it. Are we Roman coliseum spectators?! I was revolted as well.

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Yes, it comes close to being "death as entertainment", even if the TV people shake their heads and look sad about it. Are we Roman coliseum spectators?! I was revolted as well.

Apparently Americans are perceived as Roman coliseum spectators, yes. Again, I am so grateful I'm not subjected to NBC's coverage. Showing the video is the epitome of bad taste ~ but to be expected. I, too, would encourage those of you watching NBC to express your sentiments directly to the powers that be. Same is true of newspapers that have inappropriate pics on their websites ~ like the Seattle Times.


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Today's luge competition is going forward as planned. It's a shame the Canadians provided other nations such limited access to the track beforehand. Ahem.



The men's downhill is cancelled. Bummer. It's ironic that the weather is actually decent today, and visibility fine. But it's just too darn warm. And while they've rescheduled for Monday, the reality is...it ain't gettin' any colder. Should be interesting.

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Apparently Americans are perceived as Roman coliseum spectators, yes. Again, I am so grateful I'm not subjected to NBC's coverage. Showing the video is the epitome of bad taste ~ but to be expected. I, too, would encourage those of you watching NBC to express your sentiments directly to the powers that be. Same is true of newspapers that have inappropriate pics on their websites ~ like the Seattle Times.


Perhaps a good place to start would be to write Ron Judd at The Seattle Times -- he's the local Olympic Guru, and is blogging live from the Games. I think he would have the ear of TPTB. I am from Seattle originally and used to always watch the CBC coverage. What a bummer that it's blocked this time.


I just wrote my local NBC affiliate.

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I am from Seattle originally and used to always watch the CBC coverage. What a bummer that it's blocked this time.

It's not on CBC this year. If it were, Seattleites, et al would have that access as usual. But CTV won the rights and it's only available up here at the border.


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It's not on CBC this year. If it were, Seattleites, et al would have that access as usual. But CTV won the rights and it's only available up here at the border.


Lucky Borderites...at least they get SOMETHING better than NBC! I think I'm going to go into convulsions at some point upon hearing Bob Costas' blather.


DH cheered "Yay Bellingham!" when one of the US athletes said that he had flown in from ? to BELLINGHAM and was driven to the Games.... DH is a WWU grad :)

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Lucky Borderites...at least they get SOMETHING better than NBC! I think I'm going to go into convulsions at some point upon hearing Bob Costas' blather.

I feel for you. Seriously. Of course, I'd MUCH prefer CBC to CTV, but then I'd have to turn on the satellite because oddly enough, we no longer get CBC here. So I'll settle for CTV.

DH cheered "Yay Bellingham!" when one of the US athletes said that he had flown in from ? to BELLINGHAM and was driven to the Games.... DH is a WWU grad :)

Cool.:) Bellingham is da bomb.


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We had all settled down to watch the opening ceremonies at 7:30 too. We kept flipping away, so the kids wouldn't have to see the video, but I flipped back to soon:mad: I can't believe they showed it. My husband finally took the kids upstairs to read to them while I watched to let them know when they actually started. Not til 9pm!!! The kids didn't even get to see the whole thing.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think they were showing the Opening Ceremony live. It's not NBC's fault that it started at 9:00 EST.


Not that I'm not bummed about having to watch NBC's coverage only. Can we start contributing to CBC's bid for the next Olympics?

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Maybe I'm wrong, but I think they were showing the Opening Ceremony live. It's not NBC's fault that it started at 9:00 EST.




No, but it's their fault that they didn't make it clear that it started at 9. I checked on my direct TV guide around 6 PM and it said "Olympic Opening Ceremony: 7:30-12" It should have been divided into two blocks: 7:30-9, Olympic Coverage" and "9-12: Opening Ceremony." I turned the TV on at 7:30 and was subjected to seeing the accident and the pictures of the EMTs trying to work on him. It was horrific.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but I think they were showing the Opening Ceremony live. It's not NBC's fault that it started at 9:00 EST

But NBC didn't show it live on the West Coast; that's the point. They chose instead to show it on tape delay for the people living in the same time zone as the event. And even at that, they spent an hour and a half blathering, apparently, before getting to the ceremony. Or so I hear.


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But NBC didn't show it live on the West Coast; that's the point. They chose instead to show it on tape delay for the people living in the same time zone as the event. And even at that, they spent an hour and a half blathering, apparently, before getting to the ceremony. Or so I hear.


Ah. I hadn't realized. How annoying.


I've decided I much prefer being several time zones behind the Olympics.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but I think they were showing the Opening Ceremony live. It's not NBC's fault that it started at 9:00 EST.



I'm in Hawaii. They didn't start the opening ceremony until 9 pm on our tv, but the ceremony was actually long over by then.


No, but it's their fault that they didn't make it clear that it started at 9. I checked on my direct TV guide around 6 PM and it said "Olympic Opening Ceremony: 7:30-12" It should have been divided into two blocks: 7:30-9, Olympic Coverage" and "9-12: Opening Ceremony." I turned the TV on at 7:30 and was subjected to seeing the accident and the pictures of the EMTs trying to work on him. It was horrific.


I agree. I couldn't believe they showed the EMTs working on him with all of the blood and everything. Just awful. I already wrote to complain.


I agree that it should have been made clear the opening ceremonies wouldn't start until 9 pm. :glare:

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I've decided I much prefer being several time zones behind the Olympics.

Why? I love being the same time zone coupled with the Canadian coverage. It was convenient to watch the Salt Lake Olympics (that's just an hour ahead of us) and this year will be really convenient, too. On the other hand, since Canadian coverage does tend to be live, it can be a real pain when the Olympics are halfway around the world. Say, in Sochi, Russia for example. (And don't even get me started on the fact that Sochi won that bid!)


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We really like the Olympics and once we watched the Eurosport coverage in Belgium for the 2004 and 2006 Olympics, we knew we were never going to be happy watching NBC coverage again. Not that we liked it before but once you had great coverage, you really see the difference. One thing I really hate about NBC coverage is the constant harping about how many medals US is expected to win and how so and so should win and how country x is basically a bunch of losers, etc. It bugs me to no end. I want to watch sports- not lame interviews, ra-rah for cute faces and bods, and grisly death. Seeing the luge accident by itself would be one thing. Having a close-up of paramedics working on his bloody face was totally, absolutely unnecessary and ghoulish. My dh remarked that the way NBC is hyping this you would think they made the track this way and positioned metal beams in such a way so this would happen and they could cash in on viewers. We, too, like others here are upset that they didn't announce when the Opening Ceremonies were and instead kept focusing on death.

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One thing I really hate about NBC coverage is the constant harping about how many medals US is expected to win and how so and so should win and how country x is basically a bunch of losers, etc. It bugs me to no end.

Totally! That annoys the heckoutta me, too. (And here I am, going to my parents for a couple of days, where I'll have to see American coverage!) I do wish the CBC was showing it, though, rather than CTV, because the latter ~ while far better than NBC ~ is more akin to American coverage. Especially since the Games are in Canada, they're definitely emphasizing how many medals "we" (they) expect to win, yada yada yada. It even irked me last night, during the Parade of Nations, that they kept talking about how many medals each country has won in the past and so on. And when a "lesser than" country came in, they'd say, "Not expected to win any medals..." Whatever!

Seeing the luge accident by itself would be one thing. Having a close-up of paramedics working on his bloody face was totally, absolutely unnecessary and ghoulish.

So they actually showed that? Unbelievable! But wait...not really. Ugh.


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I'm completely revolted by the fact it's being shown on the news. I don't know if they are showing it here as I purposely haven't looked but I know they are showing it in NZ. Showing someones death as sensationalist news is the lowest of the low.

His poor family :(


:iagree: I was shocked to see it on our local news last night. Showing a fatal accident reflects a total lack of class.

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I wanted to comment about the NBC coverage of "lesser than" nations. This really irks me. They were horrible at the summer games too. At one point, a commentator said something about the expense of sending an athlete to the games. He said he was surprised some nations "even bothered" considering they didn't stand a chance at a medal. Whatever happened to sportsmanship? THe joy of the competing? The international gathering of champions?


I understand about national pride. Of course each nation wants their athlete to win a medal. But, it is also great to see a great performance. And celebrate the victory for whoever wins. I was thinking about ladies figure skating last night. I kept hearing how the US didn't stand a chance. Our national champion was not "experienced" enough, not "consistent" enough compared to the Korean champion. Okay, I assume the US figure skating association sent the best the country had to offer. Now, lets wish her well, cheer her on and enjoy the beauty of the sport. Then applaud whoever gets on the podium for doing their best and outshining the competition.


Win gracefully. Lose with even more grace. Do your best. Have fun. Enjoy the process. What happened to that? What message does it send to high school and college athletes?


Whew!! Feel better now!

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Why? I love being the same time zone coupled with the Canadian coverage. It was convenient to watch the Salt Lake Olympics (that's just an hour ahead of us) and this year will be really convenient, too. On the other hand, since Canadian coverage does tend to be live, it can be a real pain when the Olympics are halfway around the world. Say, in Sochi, Russia for example. (And don't even get me started on the fact that Sochi won that bid!)


I haven't been in the same time zone as an Olympics since 1984, and we didn't have a TV then, so I sort of forgot that being in the same time zone is an option. :tongue_smilie:


What I meant to say is that as someone who prefers to be in bed by 10, I prefer being behind the Olympics rather than ahead of them.


But this is the first Olympics in 6 years where we'll be relying solely on American coverage. It sounds like NBC puts most of the coverage later at night by choice, even where time zones aren't an issue.

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I'm completely revolted by the fact it's being shown on the news. Showing someones death as sensationalist news is the lowest of the low.

His poor family :(


:iagree::iagree: It is obscene, opportunistic and about as heartless and crass as can be. I cannot even imagine what his poor family are going through. I can't believe that NBC would be so callus as to do something so abominable as this!!! Shame on them! Shame! Shame! Shame! I'm glad that I missed most of the opening ceremonies and did not see the video. What poor judgement and taste!



What makes me angry is the lugers have been telling them all along that the track is too dangerous. a DOZEN people have crashed since the athletes started to come in this week. Some of them have also had to be airlifted out but didn't die. The organizers say they were going for a "challenging" track. But how on earth can they not tell the difference between challenging and deadly? If you want to make a track that people might crash on - for goodness's sake, at least make the area around it as safe as possible! And now, what last-minute options do they have? To cancel the sport altogether because they know it's not safe? Or to go ahead and do ti anyways, even though they know it's not safe? So much of this could have been averted if they'd just acted responsibly!


:iagree::iagree: I just watched the lugers just now and I was shocked at how fast that track is. I was afraid to watch it! I started praying for all of the lugers for their safety. That is way too fast! :eek:


You know, if you saw the video and were appalled/horrified, call your local NBC affiliate. Let them know what you think.


The local affiliates will make sure the network hears about the calls they are receiving.



I think the idea of writing NBC's affiliates is a great one! I shall do the same. I did not see the video (thank God), but I will write them just the same expressing my opinion to them. Thank you for the suggestion.

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