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s/o Who here just really, really loves meat?

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I wouldn't say that I love meat beyond everything else especially if you exclude fish and seafood from that. But we eat meat for dinner (including fish and seafood) six nights a week normally. The last night we may eat vegiie or cheese pizza, ziti, potato and bean soup, etc. We don't eat meat substitution meals at all. The taste of well-cooked (not how much cooked but how delicious) meat is not something I am giving up forever. I actually don't see any reason to either.

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Meat lovers and eaters here. We eat venison, beef, chicken, pork, fish... well, wait a minute, it's easier to say the only meat I don't care to eat - squirrel - too small to make it worthwhile! I personally don't like sushi or oysters/clams. Hubby and the boys do.


I'd love to try all sorts of meat - like on a safari or something - or in China. I would not eat anything endangered or rare for environmental reasons. Anything else is fair game.


That said, we are respectful of our health and add plenty of veggies to it. I'm one that firmly believes humans are omnivores and our best diet consists of meat and veggies.


My family members are all Type O, however, my mom is Type A and she eats more meat than we do as I make a few of our meals meatless.


We're not at all perfect health-wise. I have no qualms about the occasional trip for fast food at Chick Fil A or Taco Bell - very occasionally McDonald's or Hardees. I don't think anything will kill you in decent moderation.


I have no issues with factory farmed meat, but will only buy free range eggs. We have our own chickens, so I don't buy eggs often and I suppose I "feel" more for their cooped up sisters. Spending the extra there doesn't bug me.


My boys participate in slaughter and processing and have since they were very young. It certainly hasn't hurt them at all. It's given them good skills for life. We did have to be careful what they told other kids in Sunday School and ps.

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We have at least 3-4 servings of meat a week, and we love good meat, though we're more of a fish people (all kinds of fish in all kinds of combinations... we're Mediterranean people after all).

We don't eat pork at home though, probably the only food taboo we follow more or less; we don't eat meat by-products and processed meat products are absolutely forbidden (in and outside of home).


Still, I can't picture us as vegetarians, and I'm full of understanding for people who love meat. :)

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Yes. My family and I include meat as an important part of our daily diet. I, personally follow a low carb lifestyle, so meat is an important part of that, although I do eat other forms of protein like eggs and peanut butter.


To me, the grains, rice , beans , potatoes and such are what contributed to me being overweight and less healthy.

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I'm seeing a lot of meatless posts around here lately, which is totally cool, but can I get a shout out from my fellow meat eaters?




(theretohere totally made me post this because she's thoroughly pregnant and I am not allowed to tell her no)


I LOVE IT! Beef is my friend. There is nothing like a really good steak or burger. I have to say that I can tell when I have not had enough meat in my diet, red meat in particular. But, we do eat more chicken.


I must admit, though, that I can't really think about what my meat was before it arrived at the butcher. The thought almost moves me to vegetarianism.

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We love steaks on grill, pork steaks on grill, chicken kabobs on grill.

Hubby and boys love prime rib!

WE all adore ribs, venison, bacon.

Don't have to have it every meal but we do get our share of protein.

I would love to have access to better meat without the cost of buying it at the supermarket though. We buy from a local grocery our beef. NEVER from Wal-Mart.

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We are trying to incorporate more veggie dishes, and just generally cut down on the meat content for enviro reasons (OK, and financial reasons!) but yes, we wouldn't live without meat.


My current position in our home is incorporate more fruit and veggies and reduce the carbs (pasta, rice, bread and potatoes). At least, the carbs are a real concern for myself and my husband. We aren't getting any younger or more active. The kids on the other hand, have the availability and opportunity to burn more. I do well on the low carb eating patterns.


We buy locally raised, hormone and antibiotic free beef. We actually get a great price on it, usually less than the toxin laden beef sold in the grocery stores.

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For those that really love meat: Do you eat meat because of the taste, or do you think/believe that it is healthy?
I eat chicken b/c it's cheap. I eat pork b/c I love it. I eat beef b/c I love it. I eat fish b/c its healthy. I do think veggies are the healthiest of foods, but I find I am satisfied and do feel stronger (as in muscle stronger) when I eat a little bit of meat in my diet.


Both. I think an expansive, omnivorous diet can be delicious, healthy, and ethical, all at the same time.

Me too. Balance. We eat meat every day, generally once a day. There are two days we eat meat twice, but also one evening of vegetarian dinner.


Anything less is for panty wipes.


Bacon is meat candy. Dh doesn't count it as a meal if there's no meat.
:smilielol5:Dh goes as far as one vegetarian meal a week, otherwise, he becomes bellicose.
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We are meat eaters too! We eat mostly chicken, beef, fish and some pork. We also have meatless days on a regular basis where we eat legumes, eggs, nuts or cheese. Our philosophy is that we should eat a variety of foods from all the food groups and that it is not necessarily beneficial to all people to give up meat.




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One time a friend was visiting us and she made dinner - a hearty vegetable soup, French bread, and a salad.


When we had finished eating, DH asked, "Where is the main course"? He was referring to the meat.


In our family, we have 2 big meat eaters: DH and DS3. To them, the meat and the dessert are the main reasons for eating.


DS1 will eat it, but doesn't love it, and DD and I will eat it, but in normal serving sizes (3 oz. cooked wt.).

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Is it true that Type O blood people crave meat more than people who have other blood types? I've read that statement in several places, and it holds true in our family. My son and I are NOT Type O, and we eat a moderate amount of meat. My husband and daughter are Type O, and they do crave it.


I am also Type O, the only one in the house and the only serious meat craver.

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There are few things on earth that please me more than fried chi:iagree::iagree::iagree:cken or a blackened, MR, burger with blue cheese crumbles....really.




Some days those things are better than chocolate.


Have you ever taken melted blue cheese and saute some mushrooms and put with ribeye...oh my, I'm drooling as I type!!!!

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Bacon is meat candy. We love meat... and normally have it with two meals a day :lol: breakfast and dinner, if not breakfast, then we make up for it at lunch. I couldn't imagine only eating meat a few days a week. Dh doesn't count it as a meal if there's no meat.


:iagree: I love bacon. I personally can eat a whole pound at a single sitting and no I have never figured out how many calories that would be. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm totally a Mighty Meateater. I'd eat cow every day if I thought it was good for me.


Bacon is oralgasm by pig, and I have a huge amount of Bambi in the freezer.


When I can get a deep freezer I'm taking the kids to the pasture raised beef farm to meet their cows. I think it's totally healthy and good too meet the animals you'll eat.


I have cousins who are vegan and when they got married the whole dinner was vegan. No cake, baklava (which I LOVE, btw) but the best part about the who thing? Was how when it was all over, all of the guests ended up at McFattys down the street and had another 'reception'.

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I recently overheard my son happily explaining PETA's acronym as People Eating Tasty Animals, so I think we must qualify as meat lovers.

:iagree:I've been saying that for years, lol!


Mmmm...meat. We have meatless meals, but that's about budget, not enjoyment.

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