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2 year old has strange illness.....any ideas?

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I posted last week about my 2 year old DD having a stomach bug on Monday. Well, it has just turned weird now. Here's what happened.


Early Monday morning, like 3 AM, she vomited once. Didn't vomit again till 11 AM. Then didn't vomit again till about 3 PM, then around 4:30, and then about every 20 - 40 minutes for about 2 hours. She laid around all day, of course.


Tuesday - laid around all day, vomited one time around 8 PM. But did't vomit at all during the day.


Wednesday - gets some energy back. Up and playing some today. No vomiting at all.


Thursday - laid around all day again. Took her to doc due to lack of energy. Doc says she's probably on the upswing and that she's small so it may take more time to get energy back. Thursday night she vomitied four times between the hours of 7:30 to 9 PM.


Friday - energy back....up and playing. Vomitied around 10 PM, when she was already in bed asleep. Scared me to death, she was gurgling and couldnt seem to get it out of her throat since she was asleep. I yanked her up and cleared her throat. Threw up one more time.


Saturday - up and playing. Vomited around 12 PM, when she was in bed asleep. I was in bed too (she sleeps with us) so I heard her this time.


Sunday.....today....I'm so confused! What is wrong with my baby and why is she only vomiting at night? And it is not only when she's in bed....because on Tues and Thurs she was not in bed. Anyone dealt with this or have any ideas? If she vomits again tonight, I'm taking her back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm a worrier and this has me a little freaked.

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I know my ds had something like that happen when he was a toddler. I remember he threw up in the middle of the night, then all day the next day seemed okay and complained that I wanted to give him only bland foods! Was fine for two days, then threw up in the middle of the night again. I think he threw up three different nights, but never during the day. It was weird. The doctor said it was a virus. In our case, ds never seemed droopy during the day.


I hope your sweetie feels better soon, and that the doctor is helpful.



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That is way too much vomiting for me, and it's spread over too many days. Usually, a stomach bug causes violent reactions (vomiting) for a spell (1-3 days) and then you just feel crummy. Something else is going on. I'm no doctor, but I would insist on tests of some kind.


Would she take oil of oregano? It's strong, but would heal her quite quickly. I give it to my own children.

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When dd was 4 she had about 5 days of vomiting periodically, not eating, not running a temp, general lethargy. I actually ended up with in the pediatric ER with her twice (weekend, of course) because she was so out of it. They chalked it up to possible food poisoning the first time and then a "virus". I finally took her to our family doc, who took one look at her, CALLED the ER and told them she was sending me back there and "were they going to treat her, or did she have to admit her herself?" (I loved our old doc!)


It ended up being something I had not even considered....a UTI. She got IV fluids at the hospital and antibiotics and was on the mend within 48 hours.


:grouphug: Hope you find answers soon!

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I had something similar happen about 10 years ago with dd. She appeared to have a stomach bug that she just couldn't shake. Turns out, she did have some sort of virus to begin with but the reoccurring vomiting through her whole system for a loop and her electrolytes became really unbalanced. So even after the virus was technically gone, she continued to vomit b/c of the imbalance. Once she was diagnosed (took three different doctors), it wasn't hard at all to correct the imbalance and she was a new kiddo right away.

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I posted last week about my 2 year old DD having a stomach bug on Monday. Well, it has just turned weird now. Here's what happened.


Early Monday morning, like 3 AM, she vomited once. Didn't vomit again till 11 AM. Then didn't vomit again till about 3 PM, then around 4:30, and then about every 20 - 40 minutes for about 2 hours. She laid around all day, of course.


Tuesday - laid around all day, vomited one time around 8 PM. But did't vomit at all during the day.


Wednesday - gets some energy back. Up and playing some today. No vomiting at all.


Thursday - laid around all day again. Took her to doc due to lack of energy. Doc says she's probably on the upswing and that she's small so it may take more time to get energy back. Thursday night she vomitied four times between the hours of 7:30 to 9 PM.


Friday - energy back....up and playing. Vomitied around 10 PM, when she was already in bed asleep. Scared me to death, she was gurgling and couldnt seem to get it out of her throat since she was asleep. I yanked her up and cleared her throat. Threw up one more time.


Saturday - up and playing. Vomited around 12 PM, when she was in bed asleep. I was in bed too (she sleeps with us) so I heard her this time.


Sunday.....today....I'm so confused! What is wrong with my baby and why is she only vomiting at night? And it is not only when she's in bed....because on Tues and Thurs she was not in bed. Anyone dealt with this or have any ideas? If she vomits again tonight, I'm taking her back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm a worrier and this has me a little freaked.


I would take her to the emergency room now IMHO as an RN!!!!! The prolonged time of vomiting and the especially the vomiting in her sleep is alarming to say the least.

Edited by priscilla
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I would take her to the emergency room now IMHO as an RN!!!!! The prolonged time of vomiting and the especially the vomiting in her sleep is alarming to say the least.


Also, a nurse and I would also take her to the ED. Too much vomiting for a small child. Her electrolytes could be very out of whack. Get it checked out. Good luck!

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I'm not a nurse, but a mother of three. Stomach flu should really only take a few days to get over. Take her to the Dr. and have it checked out! I always figure it is better to be sent home with an "ok" than to keep holding out for something to go away.

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Both of my little ones have done this, the ped ran loads of tests and all came back negative. He said it was very common for little ones to have a hard time shaking a stomach bug and it is much easier for them to throw up at night, because you are horizontal and it doesn't have as far to come up (sorry!).


Seriously, my 5 y.o. threw up for a month (I kid you not!) off and on when he was 2 and it was just a series of stomach bugs. My younger did the same for 2 weeks when he was 2. This year, they have passed the germs back and forth, but it has been going on 3 full weeks and now they are finally better.


Vomiting, especially at night, can go on for weeks and be completely normal. It is much more common than realized (unfortunately). You can definitely take her to the pediatrician if you want to check electrolytes, but they may not be able to do anything.


:grouphug: I'm sorry! I have so been there and it is so hard on Mommy to see their little ones sick!

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Should I really take her to the ER if she is up and acting totally fine during the daytime? She is running around, playing, eating, drinking, etc. I've been giving her pedialyte to hopefully counteract any electrolytes that she's losing. Other than the night time vomiting, she acts absolutely fine. Even after she vomits at night, she's her normal smiley self.


If her electrolytes were out of whack, wouldnt she be listless and tired?

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Should I really take her to the ER if she is up and acting totally fine during the daytime? She is running around, playing, eating, drinking, etc. I've been giving her pedialyte to hopefully counteract any electrolytes that she's losing. Other than the night time vomiting, she acts absolutely fine. Even after she vomits at night, she's her normal smiley self.


If her electrolytes were out of whack, wouldnt she be listless and tired?


Personally, I wouldn't. I think it would be a misuse of the ER (and darn expensive, to boot.) If she's still doing it on Monday though I would make an appt. with her regular Dr.

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Should I really take her to the ER if she is up and acting totally fine during the daytime? She is running around, playing, eating, drinking, etc. I've been giving her pedialyte to hopefully counteract any electrolytes that she's losing. Other than the night time vomiting, she acts absolutely fine. Even after she vomits at night, she's her normal smiley self.


If her electrolytes were out of whack, wouldnt she be listless and tired?


Could she have a blockage in her intestine or a kink or something? If she's vomiting at night? (I don't know and have no experience with such extended vomitting, but I'd certainly be calling the doctor or using a walk-in weekend clinic at the least.)


Good luck!

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Call the pediatrician on call. They may either meet you in thier office or meet you at the ER.


Once again, as an pediatric RN I feel like there is some underlying problem. In the absence of fever I lean toward an electrolyte imbalance. This can be serious in a child.

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Maybe mucus draining into her stomach when she is laying flat?


My first thought too. I have a son that will do this due to allergies. He is such a heavy sleeper he will puke in his sleep, then roll over and go right back to sleep. ick.


I often get nauseated at night when my allergies are acting up. Baby girl cannot lay down at all when she has any cold. She spews everywhere after just an hour in the bed from drainage and then wakes up to go play. We sleep in the reclyner with her during those times.


Personally, I wouldn't. I think it would be a misuse of the ER (and darn expensive, to boot.) If she's still doing it on Monday though I would make an appt. with her regular Dr.


Me too. Obviously this is not an emergency, so why go to the emergency room?:confused: However, I would trot her into the dr if concerned on monday and explain that I'm concerned and my mommy alarms are blaring like flaming sirens.:)

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Should I really take her to the ER if she is up and acting totally fine during the daytime? She is running around, playing, eating, drinking, etc. I've been giving her pedialyte to hopefully counteract any electrolytes that she's losing. Other than the night time vomiting, she acts absolutely fine. Even after she vomits at night, she's her normal smiley self.


If her electrolytes were out of whack, wouldnt she be listless and tired?


It is good that she is playing and such, but I would at the very least talk to a doctor via phone today since vomiting in your sleep is dangerous. I gathered from what you wrote that she vomited when she was asleep and that you woke her up gurgling. I really think you need a doctor's advice. I would ask about withholding food/liquids for several hours prior to bed to at least prevent the vomiting in her sleep which again from I know is dangerous. But again you need a doctor's advice on this, not mine. I would also position her on her side with pillows when she sleeps to help prevent aspiration which is the breathing in of vomit or other things which again can be very dangerous or lethal.


I would still be inclined to take her to the ER, but again at the very least call your doctor for advice especially about all of the episodes of vomiting and the vomiting during her sleep and be specific.



Also, if she seems out of sorts, inattentive to you, not her usual self, listless, or like a rag doll, then take her immediately to an ER IMHO.

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It is good that she is playing and such, but I would at the very least talk to a doctor via phone today since vomiting in your sleep is dangerous.


curious what you think talking to the dr via phone will do? I have to say not once in 15 years of calling various drs have they ever said anything other than the SOP of "If you are concerned, go to the ER otherwise I will see them Monday."


I'm not being snarky, I'm honestly curious to know what the point is? :confused: I've never heard a dr say to wait bc frankly they want to cover their bum and can't go wrong advising to go to the ER. (which I can understand their sentiment completely, btw.)



I gathered from what you wrote that she vomited when she was asleep and that you woke her up gurgling. I really think you need a doctor's advice. I would ask about withholding food/liquids for several hours prior to bed to at least prevent the vomiting in her sleep which again from I know is dangerous. But again you need a doctor's advice on this, not mine. I would also position her on her side with pillows when she sleeps to help prevent aspiration which is the breathing in of vomit or other things which again can be very dangerous or lethal.


I would still be inclined to take her to the ER, but again at the very least call your doctor for advice especially about all of the episodes of vomiting and the vomiting during her sleep and be specific.



Also, if she seems out of sorts, inattentive to you, not her usual self, listless, or like a rag doll, then take her immediately to an ER IMHO.


:iagree:All of this I entirely agree with. :iagree:

In fact, I'd sleep in the recliner with her propped up on my chest. Any chance you have a glucose monitor handy to prick her finger with? I'd take her to the dr in the morning.

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Should I really take her to the ER if she is up and acting totally fine during the daytime? She is running around, playing, eating, drinking, etc. I've been giving her pedialyte to hopefully counteract any electrolytes that she's losing. Other than the night time vomiting, she acts absolutely fine. Even after she vomits at night, she's her normal smiley self.


If her electrolytes were out of whack, wouldnt she be listless and tired?


Do you have an urgent care in your area that is covered by your insurance? I would look into that.

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curious what you think talking to the dr via phone will do? I have to say not once in 15 years of calling various drs have they ever said anything other than the SOP of "If you are concerned, go to the ER otherwise I will see them Monday."


I'm not being snarky, I'm honestly curious to know what the point is? :confused: I've never heard a dr say to wait bc frankly they want to cover their bum and can't go wrong advising to go to the ER. (which I can understand their sentiment completely, btw.)






:iagree:All of this I entirely agree with. :iagree:

In fact, I'd sleep in the recliner with her propped up on my chest. Any chance you have a glucose monitor handy to prick her finger with? I'd take her to the dr in the morning.


Perhaps my experience is different from your;) I have called a doctor many a time who has given me assistance and/or prescriptions on the phone. OTOH I am sure some doctors will say go to the ER as well.


I only strongly think she needs at the very least a doctor's advice since what she described was alarming to me based on my 22 years experience as an RN who worked 7 years in critical care and multiple acute care units as well as taught other health care professionals pediatric advanced life support and adult advanced life support and critical care courses.


Again I think she needs a doctor's opinion, not mine.

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What does your mommy gut say?


If she is acting fine, I would not take her to the ER. If she were listless or lethargic, or refusing to drink, then I think it would be a different story. I would take her in on Monday morning and ask to have her electrolytes tested, CBC, etc. I might have her sleep propped up or with the bed elevated.


If your mommy gut is blaring, then I might take her in. But my guess is that the ER would just send you home and say it's a virus.


It's odd to have the vomitting spread out like that, especially if she is acting fine and eating okay during the day, if it's a virus. If she vomitted at night but still was laying around and not wanting to eat, then I'd think differently. Is she congested at all? Mucous? Does she go back to sleep pretty regularly after she throws up?


But, I'm not an RN. It doesn't sound alarming to me, if she's drinking and acting okay, but if the other hive members in the medical profession think differently, I'd listen to them. Call the dr and tell him what folks here have said and describe what's going on. See what he/ she says.

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Perhaps my experience is different from your;) I have called a doctor many a time who has given me assistance and/or prescriptions on the phone. OTOH I am sure some doctors will say go to the ER as well.


I only strongly think she needs at the very least a doctor's advice since what she described was alarming to me based on my 22 years experience as an RN who worked 7 years in critical care and multiple acute care units as well as taught other health care professionals pediatric advanced life support and adult advanced life support and critical care courses.


Again I think she needs a doctor's opinion, not mine.


Hey not trying to to argue or offend - just share perspective.

In the end, we're coming from different paths to the same destination she should take her dd in for an evaluation.:)

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I know this will sound crazy, but I saw this medical mystery show and a young girl was having vomiting at night issue. She was actually having seizures.

My other off the wall thought is abdominal migraines.


Those shows show the rarest medical stuff for the drama!


Christy, it's highly unlikely that's the problem. :grouphug:

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Hey not trying to to argue or offend - just share perspective.

In the end, we're coming from different paths to the same destination she should take her dd in for an evaluation.:)


Sorry to come off as argumentative, really not trying to. My nurse gut is only very alarmed as to what she described based on my experience which is why I think she needs a doctor's advice:blushing:

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I posted last week about my 2 year old DD


Sunday.....today....I'm so confused! What is wrong with my baby and why is she only vomiting at night? And it is not only when she's in bed....because on Tues and Thurs she was not in bed. Anyone dealt with this or have any ideas? If she vomits again tonight, I'm taking her back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm a worrier and this has me a little freaked.


My dd continued to have problems after a stomach virus several years ago. Our pediatrician prescribed Prevacid SoluTabs for her because she thought her stomach had probably started producing too much acid, maybe triggered by the virus. Since your dd is having more trouble at night maybe she's having some acid reflux which could trigger vomiting.


I hope she's feeling better soon. :grouphug:

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Actually, abdominal migraines are very common in children. They can be cyclical and are not that scary of an issue.


I wasn't trying to scare you with the seizure thing, but as a parent of a child with seizures, it is a rare possibility.


Good luck and I hope with all of my heart it is a virus!

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I would give her some carob powder for the possibility of either food poisoning or a virus. It will kill either. The correct dosage is 1 T. in applesauce, but I have never gotten anyone to take that much and it still seems to help. I mix it with applesauce and put on a tortilla or I make "hot chocolate" with it mixed in soy milk. I have had the vomiting due to electrolyte imbalance and mucus drainage. It was constant. I couldn't eat or drink anything.:confused:


I know you are worried about your baby.:grouphug:

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Reflux can happen after a tummy bug--maybe she's got some extra acid, as a PP said, and it's irritating her esophagus at night when she reclines.

I'd take her in tomorrow.


This would also be my first guess. Don't let her eat too much at any one time but especially before lying down. Have her sleep propped up a bit. And as long as she acts normally today I wouldn't take her to the ER. If she throws up tonight, call the dr in the morning.

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I think it's just a flu bug. My DD2 had the exact thing all week last week. She vomited about 4 times the first night. Then she only threw up in the night a few nights. She'd by fine for two days/nights in a row, then throw up in the night again. I was SHOCKED... thinking she was better, not being prepared for it, vomit all over the bed. Happy one day, clingy the next :001_huh:. It was bizarre but she's better now. I don't think you need to worry.

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Since this is a virus that is going around (ds12 has it right now, dd8 had it two weeks ago) and others have said the same, there is a certain amount of safety in figuring that it is a virus. Of course if the child is listless etc. you want to seek immediate care. But a generally happy child would go on my "watch" list. I would use a wedge pillow at night if you have her so that her head is slightly elevated.


Actually, I'm glad that I can always come here to the boards to find out if certain viral symptoms are making their rounds. Otherwise we go to the Dr. only to be told, "Yes, that's what's going around. . ."!

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I'm a nurse too, and I don't think I would take her to the ER for the symptoms you describe. Is she having any diarrhea??


I agree with Chris; sounds like reflux. Perhaps her GI tract is irritated from the earlier vomiting, and when she lies down, she has reflux and then throws up. I would definitely give your pediatrician a call in the am and get her in there to evaluate.


Let us know how she is!!

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Thanks for all of the replies!! Wow, there's a lot to think about!


She's sleeping right now.....which is a little strange for her. She hasn't really been herself today. Kind of mellow. But not listless or lethargic or anything. I'm trying to decide whether or not to take her to the ER. I may wait until she wakes up to see how she feels.


As for the vomiting while laying down....she doesnt vomit if she happens to nap during the daytime. Like right now she has not vomited and she's sleeping. And she was not lying down on Thursday evening when she vomited either.


I have not been sleeping well at night because I've been sleeping with her in my arms so that I will know if she throws up. So far, she has not done it in the middle of the night.


Ugh, kids really know how to scare ya, huh?

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Also, I really do think this stems from a stomach bug. Last Saturday evening we saw my parents and sisters. On Sunday night (well, early Monday morning) both my DD and my 16 year old sister woke throwing up. And both were sick all day long on Monday. My sister was fine by Wednesday. My little one is not.


I don't think it could be a coicidence that they were together on Saturday night and both got sick early Monday morning.


It just really has me worried. And it is hard to rely on my gut as far as going to the ER because I'm such a worrier.


As someone mentioned, our doc-on-call usually tells us that if we feel they need to be in the ER, then we need to take them.


There' an urgent care down the street, but our doctor tells us not to go there because there's been a lot of bad stories come out of there.


I will definitely be taking her to the doctor tomorrow, but I'm trying to decide if I should do anything in the meantime.

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My older two were sick the flu when DD2 started hers too. Hers just lasted so much longer!! Out of the blue she'd cry about her tummy, then had diarrhea. Poor thing. I'm glad she's so much better now. It was a good week of sickness though. Just make sure your little one is getting lots of fluids. Even if it gets thrown back up again. I was glad my DD2 kept asking to nurse... at least she was getting something good, even though she had no appetite for food.

You're right, kids can really scare you sometimes. It's no fun when they're sick. Don't you just wish you could take if for them?

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My oldest DD had a flu bug that acted the way you describe. She also had very severe stomach cramps and we ended up in ER twice and at the Dr's office twice, eventually they admitted her. Doctor's thought there was something going on at home because her symptoms were severe at night, but she was fine during the day. They were treating us as if we were abusers........eventually she went home and the symptoms cleared up. ON a return visit to check her progress her Dr. apologized and said it reallly was a virus that was severe at night and he had it himself. He felt terrible for the thoughts he had towards us. :glare:

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