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Are you a top or bottom gal/guy

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Dh was looking over my shoulder and noticed this thread. He was shocked and, of course, had to know what it was about. How disappointing for him to see it's only about toilet paper;)


It drives me batty when people do not load the toilet paper correctly--TOP. Unfortunately, no one else in my family gives a darn. I'm lucky if they even replace an empty roll. There is no training them.

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Alright, this is a little silly, but I am someone, and so is my DH, that has to have it coming from the bottom! We figure it is because we are left handed...that's probably nothing to with it! If I am at my mother's house and have to change the roll, it goes over the top...her house and it drives her crazy the other way!


Now that i've admitted this terrible secret...please don't hold it against me!;)

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Alright, this is a little silly, but I am someone, and so is my DH, that has to have it coming from the bottom! We figure it is because we are left handed...that's probably nothing to with it! If I am at my mother's house and have to change the roll, it goes over the top...her house and it drives her crazy the other way!


Now that i've admitted this terrible secret...please don't hold it against me!;)


Nope, the lefty theory does not work. I am a lefty and so is my sister and my mother. We all put it over the top.


Why do you like it under? I can't see the advantage? Really, I can't....

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Why do you like it under? I can't see the advantage? Really, I can't....



When it is over the top the cat sees it and unrolls the whole darn thing!:D Then, the toddler helps! When it is in the back, the cat doesn't notice it, and well, the toddler just needs to be shut out of the bathroom anyway!;)

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Top, as in on top of the shelf above the toilet so the baby can't get to it. Shutting her out is not an option, because the bathroom is a passage to the rest of the house.


Now, if I could just get those darn kids to put the toilet lid down when they're done, maybe I wouldn't have to wash the baby's hands five billion times a day. :glare:

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Growing up, it always had to be on the bottom - my mom insists that it is easier to tear that way.


But dh grew up with it on the top.


When we took our premarital class at church that's one of the things they joked about, so we actually spent the first few years of our marriage intentionally putting it on the opposite way, just to remind each other that we love each other.


But with my small bladder and my amazing ability to go to the bathroom in the middle of my night without opening my eyes let alone waking, I hated having to figure out which way it was coming out. So now we do it his way. Over the top. And I can stay asleep. LOL

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So long as it is in reach, I can't seem to wrap my mind around caring which way it comes off. toiletpaper.gif



Because I can't seem to wrap my mind around NOT caring.


Top. It has to be on top!!!




Being "anal" seems like an appropriate expression here, does it not?








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Etiquette states that the top is the correct way, however, when you've got little ones who like to play, the bottom is better because when they roll it, it just flips back rather than rolling all the way out.



Toilet paper MUST go over the top, or you lose the end behind the roll. Plus it allows you to fold the end into a little point when guests are coming.


I hate it when it's on the bottom...you lose it behind the roll...

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