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could someone share their 6th grade plans?


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My oldest is in 6th grade this year.


We do the following with my 9yo in the mornings:

TruthQuest American History III

Christian Kids Explore Physics

Galloping the Globe

Oklahoma History

Human Body study (the older two are using The Body Book and the younger two are using My Body)


Then for her own work she does:

CLE Math 500

CLE LA 600

CLE Reading 600

Wordly Wise 7


She (and my 9yo) has a required reading chapter book list. I keep it on my iPod so when we're at the library and they are ready for a new book they can look and choose one.

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My twins are in 6th this year.


LA: MCT Town Level (we just started this year, so we backed up), Editor in Chief, may or may not get to Jamestown Best Short Stories later this year


Math: Singapore Math 6a/b w/ CWP, Math Detective, Use It Don't Lose it 6th grade, did LOF Dec/Percents last summer, will do LOF Pre-Alg/Bio next summer


History: Finishing up US History, starting on Ancients w/ K12 Human Odyssey any time now... will supplement with The World in Ancient Times


Science: CPO Life Science, The Way Life Works


Spanish: Spanish the Easy Way


German: Sat. School


Logic: Grid Perplexors, Venn Perplexors


Geog: Map Skills with US History


Art: Outside class


Extras: dd1 Violin, Orchestra, Ballet; dd2 Piano, Skating; both: Chorus

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I'll also have a 6th grader next year.


So far, this is what we are planning:


Heart of Dakota's Creation to Christ with the Extension Books:



MathUSee Epsilon with Life of Fred Fractions as a supplement

Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek 3

Drawn Into the Heart of Reading

Rod & Staff English 5 & Spelling 6

Write With the Best, Vol. 1

English from the Roots Up, set 2

Rosetta Stone Spanish w/ a tutor (this is the only thing we aren't settled on. He doesn't really want to do it so he may begin Latin instead. He does want to study Latin.)

If not Rosetta Stone, then something for Latin - I haven't decided what. Leaning toward Latin for Children.

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(This is what we're doing this year. It's been our best year ever! But that's due to a variety of factors, not just the books and materials we've chosen...)


Math - Algebra: Structure and Method, book 1 (daily), continued participation in Math Olympiad (1 hour per week)


History - History Odyssey level 2 Middle Ages (three days per week), Famous Men of the Middle Ages (plus workbook from MP - 1 day per week)


Literature - Lightning Lit 7, + books from the WTM 6 reading list -- I'll include our reading list below that includes reading from HO, LL, and WTM. Also reading Building Poems as an intro to more in-depth poetry study next year. (Reading daily, occasionally replaced by worksheets or writing assignments 2-3 days per week)


(Writing is incorporated into our history and literature assignments... We cover grammar in the context of writing and classical language study.)


Latin - Latin Prep 3 and Lingua Latina (Latin "lesson" two days per week, homework three days per week)


Greek - Elementary Greek 1, 2, and 3 (possible because of the amount of Latin ds already had - lesson two days per week, homework two to three days per week)


Logic - Critical Thinking Book 1, various games and logic puzzles from other sources (twice a week)


Bible - Christian Studies 1 from MP (1 day per week)


Science - So You Really Want to Learn Science 1 (Galore Park), and experiments from the Thames and Kosmos Core Science kit (reading and written work 1-2 days per week, lab one day per week)


Memory - various poems, history sentences from Classical Conversations, Living Memory... (formally two days per week, additional review)


Geography - Mapping the World with Art (1 day per week)


Art - Meet the Masters (1 day per week -- not terribly impressed with this one)


Extras - ballet 3x per week, Boy Scouts, church choir, soccer in the fall


Reading list:

Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children (excerpts), Harold Bloom, 0684868741

The Door in the Wall, Marguerite de Angeli, 0440227798

Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain, 0670869856

The Trumpeter of Krakow, Eric P. Kelly, 0689715714

Beowulf: a new telling, Robert Nye, 0440905605

The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow, Allen French, 1604595221

King Arthur and His Knights, Malory/ Elizabeth L. Merchant, (Calvert)

The Sword in the Stone, T.H. White, 0399225021

The Adventures of Robin Hood, Roger Lancelyn Green, 0140367004

If All the Swords of England, Barbara Willard, 1883937493

Adam of the Road, Elizabeth Gray, 0142406597

Crispin: Cross of Lead, Avi, 0786816589

Catherine Called Birdy, Karen Cushman, 0064405842

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Master Cornhill , Eloise Jarvis McGraw, 1887840001

The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer / McCaughrean , 0140380531

One Thousand and One Nights, Geraldine McCaughrean, 0192750135

The Story of My Life, Helen Keller, 1416500324

The White Stag, Kate Seredy, 0140312587

Tales From Japan, Helen and William McAlpine, 0192751751

The Samurai's Tale, Erik Haugaard, 0618615121

A Single Shard, Linda Sue Park, 0440418518

All Creatures Great and Small, James Herriot, 0312330855

Secret of the Andes, Ann Nolan Clark, 0140309268

Around the World in 100 Years, Jean Fritz, 0698116380

The Playmaker, J. B. Cheaney, 0440417104

King of Shadows, Susan Cooper, 068984445X

Dante's Divine Comedy as Told for Young People (excerpts), Joseph Tusiani, 1881901297

The Second Mrs. Giaconda, E. L. Konigsburg, 0689821212

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This is my plan for my 6th Grader next school year.


Math: BCM Lials/or Prealgebra Dolciani

Singapore CWP 6

Language Arts:

> Grammar - Rod and staff 6

> Spelling - Spelling Workout G

> Writing - IEW

> Reading - CLE Reader

> Poetry: Figuratively Speaking

History: Biblioplan (1850 - 2000)

Science: Zoo 2 (Apologia)

Physics ( Physics Lab in the Home)

Latin: Latina Christiana II

Bible: I use this: http://www.padfield.com/downloads/classbooks.html



Geography: A Child's Geography of the World

Typing: Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor

Art: Drawing with Children


* Readers/ Read aloud (choices from:)

> Sonlight



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This if for ds:


IEW Ancient History writing lessons

AG - Season 1

Literature - various to go with history plus other middle school novels, with various study guides: Glencoe, etc.

Spelling Plus

Horizons Math 6, supplemented with Challenge Math

The World in Ancient Times

CPO Focus on Earth Science

Artistic Pursuit, 4-6

Private piano, homeschool band for sax

City sports leagues or homeschool sports class

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My current 6th grader:


Math - Singapore 6, about to start Life of Fred Fractions


Latin - Cambridge though co-op, Latin Prep 1 at home


Greek - Elementary Greek I, through co-op


Writing - Classical Writing, moving haphazardly and nonchalantly through Homer B. He is also spending a great deal of time on creative writing, his own project.


History - TOG Year 3/4, Upper Grammar Level


Literature - my own devising


He's not a fast reader. So far for lit. this year he's read Tom Sawyer and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He also read Antigone in his co-op.


He did Lego League in the fall, will do Soccer in the spring; Scouts and a D&D group year-round.

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My dd will be Grade 6 next year. We are doing Core 6 Sonlight (World History, Pt. I) right now with Sonlight LA 5. Next 'year/grade' we'll do Sonlight Core 5 (Eastern Hemisphere - culture) with Sonlight LA 6. Plus either Saxon Math or Teaching Textbooks 6. Drama through a homeschool drama theatre, art at the local scrapbook or craft store :^), science (starting this year, after we study the human body) will be centered around horses and local wildlife. (She thinks she wants to be a veterinarian. I want to help her make an INFORMED decision.) Sequential Spelling. Italic Handwriting.


Just our plan. Hope it helps you a bit. Please feel free to PM me with any questions! :^)

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My ds is in 6th.


Latin- LfC B

Math - Dolciani pre-algebra with LOF pre-algebra

English - R&S 6, CW Homer OB(dividing into 2 years)

History - FMoMA with The Story of the Middle Ages

Religion - Proverbs study (Hope to get to a Psalms study, and Daniel too.)

Science - 1st semester Science Matters, 2nd semester biology/anatomy pulled together with various resources

Logic - Art of Argument (will do first half of book this year)

Philosophy - Philosophy for kids (will start this when done with AoA for the year)

Art - Art Talk text with my son studies pulled together

Music - who am I kidding? It's planned but we seldom get to it

Lit - LCC recs

Geography - 2nd year of world history

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I'm very undecided on most things, but will go ahead and share anyway because I'd love to see more 6th grade responses. (Isn't it funny there are so many more responses on the 7th grade thread?)


Math - CLE and Singapore


History/Literature - possibly AO year 7 lite or HO Middle Ages, Level 2 with something added in for Church History (Christian History Made Easy?) Rethinking - Seriously considering Diana Waring's Romans, Reformers, and Revolutionaries!


Writing - Just in the context of history, other subjects (we always seem to skimp or let it slide entirely after a few weeks) or .... I'd like to take a closer look at PWME and I'm still drawn to CW, sigh....


Grammar, etc: CLE LA?, SWO?, (I suppose using CW might effect this choice, sigh again.)


Latin - Latin Prep ? Latin Alive?

Spanish - Learnables? (I have some parts of Learnables)


Logic - ?


Bible - Bible Study Fellowship


Science - Possibly Apologia's Astronomy (already have it) and Tiner's Planet Earth (love Tiner!), but would need something more for experiments or to beef it up for 6th grade?


Memory - Scripture, IEW's Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization,


Geography - Most likely covered within History


Art - AO Artist Study, maybe Artistic Pursuits?

Music - AO Composer Study


Extras - Chess, and ???


We have been in Classical Conversations the last 3 years, but might not participate next year, so we will likely find a different co-op and not sure yet what we would take there (science? Spanish? Music? PE? etc.)


My biggest quandry is history/literature and writing. I want the fantastic books of AO, the integrated assignments (summaries, maps, timeline, etc.) and ease of use of HO, and a Christian Worldview. And, I have no idea what I want in a writing curriculum. :D It's nice to have a lot of time left to think it all over! Looking forward to other responses!!! :bigear:

Edited by Another Lynn
typo and re-thinking....
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I'm still undecided about a few things, but this is the general plan for ds next year:


Math - Complete Saxon 7/6 and move on to 8/7

Latin - Second Form

Grammar - R&S 6/7

Composition - Lost Tools of Writing

Foreign Language - Rosetta Stone Spanish 2; Sign Language

Logic - TBD.

Christian Studies - Memoria Press

History - The World in Ancient Times

Literature - TBD.

Science - How...Works and Tiner Books.

Music - Violin


He will also be doing Artistic Pursuits and IEW Poetry memorization with his younger brothers.

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Next year, my 6th grader will do. . .


MCT Voyage Level (Grammar, Writing, Vocab & Poetry)

SL Core 7 (History & Reading)

IEW Middle Ages Lessons

SYRWTL Spanish (2nd half book 1, first half book 2)

Thinkwell Intermediate Algebra

Critical Thinking I

Guitar study (private lessons)


I am still in a quandary about science. Considering some combination of Plato, TOPS books, taglong with big sister's Environmental Science if I choose sth that is appropriate for him as well. . . whoknowswhat. . . Long list to consider. . . I will be browsing this thread for more ideas!!

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My 6th grader is using:


Saxon Algebra 1/2

Voyages in English 6 (grammar only)

Writer's Apprentice

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Life Science

First Form Latin

Vocab from Classical Roots

SOTW w/the littles, independent research to bump it up

winging literature

Miscellaneous drawing books and artist study

Piano and composer study

Mavis Beacon typing

Notetaking and Outlining

Miscellaneous logic books


I think that's everything.


If I could go back, I'd have used MCT for writing and grammar. I'm looking forward to trying Lightning Lit, and we're going to order History Odyssey for next year.

I'm still not happy with science, but I don't know what I'm going to replace it with.

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My 6th grader is currently doing:

Math: Saxon 7/6

History: Abeka

English: ACE word building, Easy Grammar

Writing: Jump In, and creative writing

Science: Abeka

Progeny Press and Glencoe Free Lit guides.


As you can see, our school is not as extensive, at this age we do the basics


She is a competitive gymnist and practices 12 hours per week

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my original plans for my youngest for 6th grade this year:

SL Core 4 for history, readers, readalouds

Prentice Hall Science Explorer

Winston Grammar

Singapore Primary Mathematics 5B/6A

finish Daily Math Practice 5, start Daily Math Practice 6

Sequential Spelling 2 using http://www.spellingcity.com for testing

http://www.spellingconnectionsonline.com/game3.php for proofreading, grades 3-5

was going to continue trying IEW for her


what we actually ended up doing:

SL Core 4 for history, readers, readalouds

Prentice Hall Science Explorer

dropped Winston Grammar because she still wasn't getting adjectives and adverbs

trying First Language Lessons level 3 now (I know it's low, but I found it cheap)

dropped Singapore when she kept sobbing through math because of fractions, decimals, percents

now do one day each of Key to Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Algebra and also one day of Lial's BCM

dropped Daily Math Practice when I switched to new math regime

still using spellingcity for spelling tests, but am actually using the wordlists from Spelling Power level E

abandoned all hope of using IEW with this dd - just doesn't work for her

had my dd do creative writing instead and she's been writing fanfiction for Warriors since Christmas

did proofreading every day instead of 3x/week as planned, so finished 3rd-6th grade levels at spellingconnectionsonline

now proofreading my dd's fanfiction each day for school at my dd's request (lots of problems with commas)


I do very little changing of my dd's stories aside from helping her correct spelling and fix mechanical errors. Occasionally I find sentences where she left out a word. Once I read it out loud to her, she knows exactly what the sentence needs and puts it in. She just typed faster than she was thinking when she was composing the story.

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My DD will begin 6th grade at the start of Feb ( we follow Jan- Dec year).


Plans for her are:


* Math - MUS Pre Algebra ( and fun word problems using books from Australia)


* English - LLATL - Tan


* Science - God's Design ( finishing Human Body- beginning Pants, and finishing Earth - beginning Weather)


* History - SOTW 2


* Geography - doing our own thing here...lol ( games, quizzes, reading etc)


* Art - again own curriculum


* Spelling- spelling books from Australia.


* Music - keyboard and guitar

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abbeyej -


If you don't mind, what does your daily schedule look like? What does it mean when you say lessons two days and homework two days? And your reading list - do you have an requirements for the books from the WTM list? Do you assign time each day for reading?



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This is my plan (so far) for my 6th grader next year:


Bible/Memory - Bible verses, history dates, poetry

Language Arts - Grammar Town (Grammar, Vocabulary, Poetry)

Writing - IEW Middle Ages

Math - Saxon Algebra 1/2 and LoF fractions, decimals/percents

History/Geography - Middle Ages/Early Ren. using resources I put together myself

Literature - Literary Reflections from William and Mary

Science - Physical Science (not sure what I'm using yet)

Latin - Latin Grammar

Logic - Critical Thinking 1

Art - God and the History of Art, drawing instruction with The Drawing Textbook

Music - Composer Study and private classical guitar lessons


I really can't decide what to use for science. If anyone has used a physical science program they love, please let me know.

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My plan for 6th grade next year goes something like this:


Math: MUS Zeta

Science: BJU 6th grade

History: Sonlight Core 6

Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography

LA: Sonlight LA? - if I don't like this I'll use more of Jump-In which we've loved!

Spelling: Spelling Workout F

Grammar: Easy Grammar 6

Logic: Orbiting Logic, Fallacy Detective

Spanish: Rosetta Stone

Music: Homeschool Orchestra instrument & music theory classes

Competitive Gymnastics (level 7 - 16 hrs/wk)


We'll probably throw art in there too, but I don't have a plan yet.

Edited by Momto2Ns
eta geography
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Tentative plans:


Literature: SL, Glencoe guides, approved free library choices, and AO (in addition, possibly Figuratively Speaking)

Spelling: Megawords

Vocabulary: VFCR (she loves this) may add MCT CE

Latin: LFC

Spanish: SYRWTL

Writing: Wordsmith, CW (core book only-tentative), WTM writing and reports

Grammar: Abeka

History is still up in the air, it depends on how long it takes us to complete SL 3+4, additional Core 4 and 9 books, and the US Hakim books. I think we will continue this plan through as much of next year as we need!

Geography: CM style with blank maps, SL

Science: RS4K Physics (10 weeks) and Carbon Chemistry(short as well) , TOPS, possibly starting Awakening Wonder (Prentice Hall)

(We are also supposed to start The Story of Science and use a Thames and Kosmos science kit, so we may still be using those next year.)

Bible: our own

Art: Artistic Pursuits(all), Meet the Masters (only some of it)

Music: if and when we have time, I may try to delegate this to her Dad. Viola lessons with me, our own piano

PE: Tennis, swimming in the summer, yoga/pilates blend with me


(left out math, which is TT Pre-Algebra and LOF)


I missed Logic, hmm, it all seems like too much. I'd like to do Critical Thinking but something has to give. We'll see how it goes. I should add that we do critical thinking through Bible study and other discussions, I am not sure if it’s necessary at this point to have a separate subject. I haven’t yet found a middle school logic course that I would use. I guess we could do more Mind Benders or other logic puzzles.

Edited by lovemykids
continuously adding info!
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My current plans for my 6th grader next year are:


MATH: Singapore 6A and 6B

SPELLING / VOCAB: finish SWO H and start VfCR A


WRITING: CW Homer B and Poetry B

LITERATURE: assigned reading with discussion using Teaching the Classics

LOGIC: Critical Thinking Book 1 and 2


HISTORY: Middle Ages using The Story of the Middle Ages and The Story of the Renaissance and Reformation as spines.

SCIENCE: not decided yet

GEOGRAPHY: focus on Europe and Asia

ART: ??


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For my current 6th grader:


Religion: MP Christian Studies 1, Catechism at home and Church


LA: CW Aesop B, R&S 5, LCC Reading, SWO and Wordly Wise


Literature: Trying to follow LCC, but also want a more literary analysis approach.


Math: Saxon 7/6 (almost done) LoF Decimals, Challenge Math


History: Guerber, SOTW, Kingfisher and tons on his own.


Science: RS4K soon. Now just reading science-related books. This week it is on Science in Ancient Greece.


Latin: just finished LCII, now either FF or Henlel


Greek: Just starting Elem. Greek 1


Logic: Mind Benders, Analogies


Geog: He's geography fiend and does this on his own.


Art: ??? He does some at CC and we've done a bit of an artist study, but this is lacking.


Some skills study: Outlining, note taking, etc.


We do CC once/week.

Extras: football, wrestling, fencing, baseball.

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You can see what we're using in my signature, but to break it down by subject...


Math: Life of Fred Fractions/Decimals and Percents - We will go through topics not covered in BJU Math 6 when done


History: TOG Year 4 (we've used Redesign and Classic this year)


Grammar: R&S 5


Writing: IEW


Literature: TOG (last semester); CLE Reading 6 (this semester)


Latin: Getting Started with Latin


Science: Apologia Elementary Flying Creatures


Health: A Beka Health 6 (just reading the book)

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Our plans for next year ...


Math - This is in flux since she'll be done with LOF pre-algebra but I don't know if we'll start LOF Algebra yet


Grammar - Analytical Grammar season 1

Writing - Classical Writing Homer B and Beginning Poetry B

Latin - Finish First Form Latin 1, start First Form 2 (continue Cambridge)

Modern Studies - AO Year 5/VP cards

Classical Studies - LCC

Science - AO Year 5 with experiment kits

Literature - LCC

Geography - AO Geography studies

AO - Shakespeare studies

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Current plan for next year--


Bible--AWANA, Christian Heros Then and Now books


History--Ancient, using Usborn Encyclopedia of the Ancient World as spine


Literature and Reading--Books related to our history study


Language Arts--

--MCT for grammar, vocab, and writing

--Spelling Power


Math and Logic--Foester Algebra, Perplexor books


Science--CPO earth science


Foreign Language--BetterChinese.com material


Piano--Alfred's books

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My ds is in 6th this year. Here is what he does:


Tapestry of Grace History Core/In Depth, Literature, Read Aloud, Fine Arts/Activities, Geography, and Church History (5x week)


Apologia...Zoology III (5x week)


Saxon Algebra 1/2 (5x week)


English from the Roots Up (2-3x week)


Winston Grammar (3x week)


Writing Aids (3-4x week)


Logic (Red Herring, etc.) (3x week)


He also plays in a (home school/ps hybrid) concert band.

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my plan for 6th next year:



Math: TT6

grammar: winston grammar and then into word works

spelling/vocab: megawords series

handwriting: penwrite 6

copywork : queens

bible: devotion & bible study

reading: misc book list

logic: perplexors a

writing: wordsmith apprentice into wordsmith


im on the fence with science, geography and history still


her pe is dance team at church, music is choir.

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History: WTM suggestions for Middle Ages with some WP activity books

Grammar: Shurley Level 7

Science: Apologia General Science

Math: Jacobs Geometry

Latin: Latin Alive

Spanish: Rosetta Stone

Writing: Writing Strands 6

Word Study: Vocabulary from the Roots Up

Literature: WTM suggestions

Logic: Critical Thinking Book 2; Red Herrings

Memory: Living Memory

Music: Hands on Sculpting

Typing: Typing Tutor

Extras: Bell choir, children's theater, tae kwon do, children's choir

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abbeyej -

If you don't mind, what does your daily schedule look like? What does it mean when you say lessons two days and homework two days? And your reading list - do you have an requirements for the books from the WTM list? Do you assign time each day for reading?!



Part of the difference for us this year is that we're schooling two days a week with another family that has a similar educational philosophy and kids of roughly compatible ages/abilities. So on Tuesday and Thursday we meet up and our schedule looks like this:

Memory (everbody - ~20 min)

Latin (I teach the 6th graders and assign homework; my friend has the younger girls for a fun lit study - ~45 min or so)

Logic (friend teaches the 6th graders; I do Latin with the younger ones - ~45 min)

Greek (I teach 6th and assign homework; friend supervises "study hall" and educational games for the young ones, ~30min)

Lunch (all!)

Science lab or Art (history/appreciation + project) for all (the younger ones mostly just observe the science experiments ~1 hour)


Sometimes other things get thrown in there. And the 6th graders also have to do some algebra and reading on those days.


The 6th graders have matching planners for the year, and they do their other work on Monday/Wednesday/Friday (and frequently share their excitement or horror over their work with each other on Tuesday/Thursday). Those are the days they do their History Odyssey and Lightning Lit assignments, work on algebra, one day a week is Famous Men of the Middle Ages, another is Christian Studies... They do their Latin and greek homework, work on their reading assignments, and whatever else they have assigned...


So that's sort of how the schedule works this year.


As to what we do with the WTM reading list... We discuss, but I haven't added any more writing about those books beyond the writing in HO and LL. I did go ahead and read through the year's reading list (HO/LL/WTM) back in the summer, and I'm really, really, REALLY glad that I did. It's challenging for me to get through those things in the school year (not to mention that if I hadn't read them ahead, we'd be scuffling over who "needed" the books!), and having read them ahead of time left me better prepared for the year and for discussions of the books. My goal this coming year is to read ahead and take better notes along the way as well...

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