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MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR prayer request

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I could NOT sleep last night! I am a whirlwind of emotions right now. You ladies and gents are AWESOME...thank you so much for your prayers. I hope to be able to tell this precious baby girl about how so many people from across the globe were praying for her before we even met her.


Yes, I will get a little time off (about a month).


We plan to get a live-in ahma (nanny/maid). Most of the homes here have an "ahma's" room which is essentially a small bedroom/bathroom off the kitchen because almost everyone here has an ahma. It is unbelievably cheap too.


Hague treaty...yes the mother signs away her rights. In fact, that is part of what we are waiting on. The mother to do the proper paperwork, the courts to verify it, etc.


Now I know what waiting on pins and needles really means.

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I am so very happy for you and hope it all works out. It is amazing to think that this trip around the world may have been more about God laying this child in your arms than your job.


Huge Prayers for the baby, you, your family and the birth family.

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Oh, Heather, I'm so excited for you! Praying that all the paper-work is finished quickly and that you have your little Christmas miracle angel in your arms as soon as possible!


That would be a nice name as well : Angel Noelle

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