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s/o wedding dresses - cost???

If my wedding dress were to be bought today, it could cost  

  1. 1. If my wedding dress were to be bought today, it could cost

    • $0 (free) - 500
    • $501 - 1000
    • $1001 - $2000
    • $2001+

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I'm getting really nostalgic reading all of these wedding dress threads.


I'm really curious, but not nosy. I don't want to know WHO paid how much for their dress, but I am genuinely curious how much your dress cost. I know that when you purchased will make a difference, but for the sake of this thread, how about putting it into today's terms.


Did the cost of the dress have anything to do with whether or not you had it preserved?

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I am not ashamed to say that I went to an amazing boutique and selected a one of a kind, hand made dress that was and is amazing and beautiful! I got it on clearance for $100.00!!!! It fit wonderfully, but was made for someone taller, so I did pay about $300.00 for alterations, which were worth it... so, cost for dress of my dreams: $400

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I just posted in the other thread and my dress cost $100. It was on sale at David's Bridal for cheap and it fit perfectly. Originally I wanted a super puffy Cinderella dress but I'm glad I went with the dress I did. It was perfect for my figure.

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The dress I was going to get would have been about 4,000 or more back then to buy it, but I was going to rent it for around $300.


But then we decided to just get married and not wait for the wedding (had to do with health insurance and taxes) so we threw together a wedding in 2 weeks. I found a dress at Sears for around $60.

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Mine cost about 300.00 and came from JCP Outlet, which had a huge bridal section then. That was 17 years ago. The dress is hanging in plastic in my hall closet. I finally told dh this year that I was getting rid of it, it takes up too much space and I will never need it again. I had asked him about getting rid of it several years ago and I think he was more attached to it than I was.

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I purchased my wedding dress at a tag sale 18 years ago. I am including the cost of the headpiece and veil (which I had altered from the original -oh-so- attractive-pocohontas style that was so popular in the '80s)and the shoes. So, when all was said and done I spent $550. Altering that headpiece cost me more then the dress.


I did have my wedding dress preserved on the off chance that I would one day have a daughter who would want to wear the dress. Much to my dh's horror I dyed my wedding shoes to match the bridesmaid dress I wore to a friends wedding. I don't think he ever recovered. I asked him what I was supposed to do with these white shoes that I would never wear again. He really had no answer-just kept mumbling "but they are your wedding shoes."

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I paid less than $100 for my dress. It wasn't right for me, but I was 18 and getting married at the JoP while home on leave at Christmas-time. We didn't plan for anything but the marriage license and the date, and I decided at the last minute I had to have a wedding dress instead of the casual dress I was originally going to wear. I found it on a clearance rack at a formal shop at the mall. I paid $97.

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I think I'm seeing a trend :glare:. Makes me wish DH and I had taken my parents up on their offer to not have a huge wedding and reception, and give us the cash for a down payment on a home...


Oh well, great memories! Perhaps we can convince the girls when the time comes......


I do like the idea of re-purposing the beautiful silk from my dress into a dress for the girls, though.

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we had an hawaiian themed wedding. We requested that everyone wear Hawaiian or beach clothes. My dress was tea length off-white with rose dusty rose colored flowers on it. Dh wore khaki shorts and an hawaiian shirt. We had our reception in a LARGE condo (rented just for the 1 day) with the ocean crashing under the deck. My dress maybe cost 100 at the most and I still wear it sometimes. Also dh's cousin made our wedding cake (it was her gift to us).


Dh hates to dress up and he had always said that he was going to wear shorts to his wedding so I said ok and that is where the hawaiian/beach theme came from.

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I think I'm seeing a trend :glare:. Makes me wish DH and I had taken my parents up on their offer to not have a huge wedding and reception, and give us the cash for a down payment on a home...


Oh well, great memories! Perhaps we can convince the girls when the time comes......


I do like the idea of re-purposing the beautiful silk from my dress into a dress for the girls, though.


Yeah, I hear you there. Our wedding was expensive, but spectacular and so SO much fun. Friends and family still talk about it, and the place we had it was pricy but had family meaning, and did a fabulous job. 20/20 hindsight!


I forgot to mention I did decide to preserve my dress professionally. It was very simple and clean, so could easily be reused/repurposed. I'm glad I did, since I had two girls, and at least right now, they both LOVE the idea of wearing my wedding dress when they get married! If they don't, I'll gladly give it to charity at that point.

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I had an informal wedding. I was forced into a dress. If my dh had come up with his brilliant "surprise wedding" idea in time, we could have gotten married in shorts. Unfortunately, he came up with that idea just one day before we would have had to do it (during our graduation party) and Texas had a 3-day waiting period then. So we got stuck with an actual wedding rather than just having a JP surprise everybody by showing up at the party that all the relatives were already at.


Like I said, I was forced into a dress, but I got it off the rack at Hit or Miss, so it wasn't anything incredibly fancy and it only cost $20.

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My dress was about $900 in 1998 so I voted $1000-$2000 if I had to repurchase it today. We have meant through the years to have it cleaned and preserved but the cost of it has never been a priority. It is up in my daughter's closet right now.


That was really one of the most expensive parts of our wedding. My mother bought it for me but dh and I paid for a lot of the rest ourselves. His parents paid for the rehearsal dinner and the caterer at the reception (a friend of theirs). My Mom also paid for a caterer for a brunch the day after the wedding for all of our out of town family (there was a lot). We made choices to keep the prices of things low so we could include more people. We made it a weekend of activities particularly for all those who traveled and I will never forget a minute of it.

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I rented my dress. That was awesome. No responsibility on me to preserve it, and I spent "just" a few hundred dollars between the rental and the alterations.


Phew, glad I wasn't the only one who rented! We got married in Korea; renting the dress is typical there. My roomie's mom had a (rich?) friend, who "helped" get DH and me high-end wedding clothes (plus hair, makeup and bouquet) for $500!!! Uh, yeah, she had to be rich. That was a HUGE blessing!


Well, and $500 stretched farther in Korea...


But still! (so grateful)


What was funny, though, was the lady from the wedding shop following me around like a puppy after the ceremony (we had had a receiving line and a small dessert reception), eyeing my dress with a hungry eye. I had been to a few traditional Korean weddings and typically, the bride and groom change into han-boks after the ceremony, for the reception. Not me! I was going to wear this dress for the reception :D


The poor lady was nice, non-confrontational, and very relieved when I finally changed out of it.


Oh, and my sister (my maid of honor) stepped all over the train during the ceremony, trying to keep the thang straight and out of the way. We got married in a tiny room/sanctuary! There were shoe prints all over the dress! Oops!



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