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u/s today...really need prayer

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I hope this is OK to post here. After a week of initially great beta levels that indicated multiples yet then began to slow down (still went up "appropriately" yet not at the astonishing rate it had been) I had my u/s this afternoon: 2 sacs measuring 4w6d and 4w4d (I'm 5w1d). I don't know what to think and honestly I don't hold out a lot of hope given what my betas are doing. I've been crying my eyes out thinking that 2 more babies might be gone from us...I am so sick of LOSS!!! I don't know if I should hope for a miracle or accept the inevitable. My next u/s isn't until next Thursday which seems so far away. My dear sweet dc are so excited to have another baby on the way and keep saying they want twins (they know I've conceived/lost twins a few times). My heart just aches for them and for me.


I'm sorry, I know this isn't a PG forum yet there aren't many places where I can post this given my family size and not get some negativity.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope this is OK to post here. After a week of initially great beta levels that indicated multiples yet then began to slow down (still went up "appropriately" yet not at the astonishing rate it had been) I had my u/s this afternoon: 2 sacs measuring 4w6d and 4w4d (I'm 5w1d). I don't know what to think and honestly I don't hold out a lot of hope given what my betas are doing. I've been crying my eyes out thinking that 2 more babies might be gone from us...I am so sick of LOSS!!! I don't know if I should hope for a miracle or accept the inevitable. My next u/s isn't until next Thursday which seems so far away. My dear sweet dc are so excited to have another baby on the way and keep saying they want twins (they know I've conceived/lost twins a few times). My heart just aches for them and for me.


I'm sorry, I know this isn't a PG forum yet there aren't many places where I can post this given my family size and not get some negativity.



:grouphug:LuvnMySvn. You and your sweet babies have been in my thoughts. Was today the day of the ultrasound? How did everything go? :grouphug: This is a very hard thing to have to go through. The worrying is terrible.

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Hang in there. I had the exact same thing happen to me with my last pregnancy. My betas went down, and the ultra sound results showed an empty sack. I was devastated. My midwife called it a "blighted ovum." She said it would reabsorb. A couple of weeks later I went back for another ultrasound to see if the blighted ovum had reabsorbed. The "blighted ovum" had a strong heartbeat and he's almost 11 now.


Your family size is irrelevant. All babies are precious, and the loss of one is tragic.


Don't despair. Science and technology are our friends, but they are not infallible by any stretch. I won't tell you not to worry -- from personal experience I know that is not possible.



Edited by tdeveson
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Praying! Please don't despair yet - I know personally that hcg numbers can do crazy things even in a healthy pg, and babies measuring a few days small is NOT uncommon - despite what many u/s techs will tell you! Just ask around on message boards. ;) We knew the dates of conception for our first two children w/in a day or so, and their early ultrasounds said #1 was one week smaller than expected, and #2 was TWO weeks smaller than she should have been (they said I must have conceived her the day *after* my positive home pregnancy test :lol:). They are 12 and 10 now! But we have also lost several, so I understand your concern and sadness.


Hoping and praying for peace of mind during your wait, and many :grouphug:.

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Praying! Please don't despair yet - I know personally that hcg numbers can do crazy things even in a healthy pg, and babies measuring a few days small is NOT uncommon - despite what many u/s techs will tell you! Just ask around on message boards. ;) We knew the dates of conception for our first two children w/in a day or so, and their early ultrasounds said #1 was one week smaller than expected, and #2 was TWO weeks smaller than she should have been (they said I must have conceived her the day *after* my positive home pregnancy test :lol:). They are 12 and 10 now! But we have also lost several, so I understand your concern and sadness.


Hoping and praying for peace of mind during your wait, and many :grouphug:.

Praying for you also. They could be small simply because they are multiples. Hope all goes well.

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I'm sorry, I know this isn't a PG forum yet there aren't many places where I can post this given my family size and not get some negativity.


:grouphug: Post away. As far as I am concerned you can always post. I will be praying for you. I wish I had some great words of wisdom for you, but I don't. Only hugs and prayers.


From one who also has eight precious ones waiting in heaven.


Please feel free to pm me if you need to.


ETA: I was told that my now 3 1/2 dd was a miscarriage b/c my hgc wasn't doubling the way it is supposed to.

Edited by newlifemom
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I had another u/s at 6w4d and still had two sacs. One measured 7w0d and had a baby w/heartbeat of 143. Other sac is still 4 days behind yet grew 10 days' worth in 10 days. Fetal pole was visualized but no heartbeat as it was only measuring 6w0d. I don't know what to think regarding the second sac...if it had not grown appropriately or didn't have a fetal pole I would know it was gone yet that wasn't the case. The worst thing, ladies, was seeing the baby w/the heartbeat yet being unable to focus on it as all my attention was on the second sac. I sent every mama-vibe I could to that second baby willing it to grow, for a heartbeat to be there.


I don't go back for another u/s until the 28th. As much as I wanted to know before Xmas I also want to make sure enough time passes so that the next scan gives definitive results. Thank you all for your kind thoughts as this has been a very difficult time for me. My sweet dc keep saying how they hope I have twins this time and it just breaks my heart.

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I had another u/s at 6w4d and still had two sacs. One measured 7w0d and had a baby w/heartbeat of 143. Other sac is still 4 days behind yet grew 10 days' worth in 10 days. Fetal pole was visualized but no heartbeat as it was only measuring 6w0d. I don't know what to think regarding the second sac...if it had not grown appropriately or didn't have a fetal pole I would know it was gone yet that wasn't the case. The worst thing, ladies, was seeing the baby w/the heartbeat yet being unable to focus on it as all my attention was on the second sac. I sent every mama-vibe I could to that second baby willing it to grow, for a heartbeat to be there.


I don't go back for another u/s until the 28th. As much as I wanted to know before Xmas I also want to make sure enough time passes so that the next scan gives definitive results. Thank you all for your kind thoughts as this has been a very difficult time for me. My sweet dc keep saying how they hope I have twins this time and it just breaks my heart.


:grouphug: Thank you for the update. :) I'm glad to hear that you received some positive news, even though there is still some uncertainty. Take care of yourself, and enjoy this Christmas with the kiddos while trying not to worry to much. That must be very hard for you. Keep strong!

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I had another u/s at 6w4d and still had two sacs. One measured 7w0d and had a baby w/heartbeat of 143. Other sac is still 4 days behind yet grew 10 days' worth in 10 days. Fetal pole was visualized but no heartbeat as it was only measuring 6w0d. I don't know what to think regarding the second sac...if it had not grown appropriately or didn't have a fetal pole I would know it was gone yet that wasn't the case. The worst thing, ladies, was seeing the baby w/the heartbeat yet being unable to focus on it as all my attention was on the second sac. I sent every mama-vibe I could to that second baby willing it to grow, for a heartbeat to be there.


I don't go back for another u/s until the 28th. As much as I wanted to know before Xmas I also want to make sure enough time passes so that the next scan gives definitive results. Thank you all for your kind thoughts as this has been a very difficult time for me. My sweet dc keep saying how they hope I have twins this time and it just breaks my heart.

That is wonderful news! Have a Merry Christmas :grouphug:

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I had another u/s at 6w4d and still had two sacs. One measured 7w0d and had a baby w/heartbeat of 143. Other sac is still 4 days behind yet grew 10 days' worth in 10 days. Fetal pole was visualized but no heartbeat as it was only measuring 6w0d. I don't know what to think regarding the second sac...if it had not grown appropriately or didn't have a fetal pole I would know it was gone yet that wasn't the case. The worst thing, ladies, was seeing the baby w/the heartbeat yet being unable to focus on it as all my attention was on the second sac. I sent every mama-vibe I could to that second baby willing it to grow, for a heartbeat to be there.


I don't go back for another u/s until the 28th. As much as I wanted to know before Xmas I also want to make sure enough time passes so that the next scan gives definitive results. Thank you all for your kind thoughts as this has been a very difficult time for me. My sweet dc keep saying how they hope I have twins this time and it just breaks my heart.



You know, twins are not necessarily conceived at the same time. It is possible to ovulate and conceive twins days or weeks apart. Praying that everything goes well and grows well.

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Hugs to you mama.


I had two twin pregnancies that resulted in singleton births; one was lost very early on and the other midway in the second trimester. I understand the fear, and the bittersweet feeling of rejoicing for a healthy pregnancy while simultaneously grieving one that is lost (and worrying over it before knowing the result).


Sending you prayers, good vibes, and lots of :grouphug:. May God give you strength and comfort.

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