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Do tell--Do 'ya "get the creeps" when you're home alone at night?

Do you get creeped out when you're home alone at night?  

  1. 1. Do you get creeped out when you're home alone at night?

    • Yep, I'm a coward, just like you, Julie!
    • Nope! I haven't thought about that since I was, like, 10 years old!
    • {The always present} Other!

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My DH only goes out of town on business like twice a year. And it is only for about 4 nights each time. My daddy lives right around the corner and comes over and stays with big-ol'-chicken-me for those 4 nights. We have a guest room and he just camps out in there.


So yes.....I'm a bit of a chicken. If I were here alone with the kids, I would hear EVERY. SINGLE. NOISE. and probably never get to sleep.


I just won the award for biggest coward, didn't I? :001_huh:

Edited by ChristusG
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I make a kid sleep with me too, to keep me safe.


I make both kids sleep with me. And if I had 5 or 7 or 12, I'd find a way to fit 'em all in. :)


I'd write more, but the wind is blowing and a branch is knocking against the window, or at least I hope it's a branch, and the computer is a long way from the bedrooms where everyone else is asleep, so I'd better run...


I keep my cell phone in my hand, ready to summon help :001_rolleyes:.


Oh, me too! But because I'm, well, me, I then spend the night wondering whether it is only hours talking on the cell phone which might be giving people brain tumours, or if 8hrs spent clutching a cell phone under my pillow might do it too....

Edited by nd293
Added the cell phone thing...
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I had not lived alone before I left my ex-husband. I was 23 with two babies and alone for the first time. It wasn't creepy. It was terrifying. (It was a little scary in the daytime too.)


It was especially horrible before I got XH to send my dog out to me. Having a protective, loud dog in the house helped a lot.


After we got cats, I no longer feared every little noise this old house makes. "It's just the cats," I'd tell myself.


After approximately 1600 nights alone in this house, experience has taught me to feel pretty confident. I take the dog out at night by myself. The kids know the escape plans and are old enough to execute the plans independently.


That said, last night I was scared. For some reason the YA novel I'm previewing for our 12yo, Another Faust, freaked me out. I slept with the light on. It happens about once a month. I'm kind of sensitive to horror elements in literature. That's a whole different type of fear, though.

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I had not lived alone before I left my ex-husband. I was 23 with two babies and alone for the first time. It wasn't creepy. It was terrifying. (It was a little scary in the daytime too.)


It was especially horrible before I got XH to send my dog out to me. Having a protective, loud dog in the house helped a lot.


After we got cats, I no longer feared every little noise this old house makes. "It's just the cats," I'd tell myself.


After approximately 1600 nights alone in this house, experience has taught me to feel pretty confident. I take the dog out at night by myself. The kids know the escape plans and are old enough to execute the plans independently.


That said, last night I was scared. For some reason the YA novel I'm previewing for our 12yo, Another Faust, freaked me out. I slept with the light on. It happens about once a month. I'm kind of sensitive to horror elements in literature. That's a whole different type of fear, though.

Oh, I agree with that last. I cannot watch horror movies because I become very unsettled, almost terror-stricken for the remainder of the night (and sometimes several nights, depending on the movie). Logically, rationally, I know there is nothing to fear, but but that knowledge does not keep my heart from pounding unreasonably. It has been probably five years since I let dh talk me into watching a horror flick.

I also cannot read certain things without having something else pleasant to read before sleeping. The curse of an overactive imagination.

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My dh has travelled too much for that to bother me anymore, but there are a few things that help me should my mind start going there. I always have the tv or stereo on for some background noise - can't stand a quiet house. I even set the sleep timer on the tv in my bedroom when I go to bed. I also have a way to defend myself so I don't feel helpless. And I always blame strange noises on the cats.

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Some of you need a couple of dogs. Dogs only hear the important creepy noises. :001_smile:


Our current dog believes that leaves, squirrels, and deer (of which we have plenty) are all extremely dangerous. She also doesn't like random headlights driving down our dark road when she thinks the drivers should be in bed. :)

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No, not in this house. I think every house has a vibe and this house that we live in has always given me a happy, safe feeling. There have been houses where I didn't feel that way. I don't know if it is the architecture of a house or location, but when choosing a house, I think it is important to go with your gut feelings about how the WHOLE space makes you feel.


When I was younger, the stairways of my old house would creep me out and I would run by them to get to my bedroom.

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I love the sound of a train, even at 4 am. One goes through a town about 15 miles from here, and if everything is just right I can hear it.


Spend the night at Motel 6 in Williams AZ (better yet--two nights) and see how you feel about trains. :sleep: :blink:

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I don't get scared at all when dh is gone during the nights. If I hear a noise in the attic, I usually start thinking irritated thoughts about impertinent squirrels who are going to be sooo dead if they are up there chewing the wiring. We have an inside and an outside dog, so between the two of them, the alert is sounded if there's anything out of the ordinary. I usually stay up waaay too late, watching "chick flicks" that aren't appropriate for dd, and which dh would consider torture if I made him watch. I never watch scary movies under any circumstances. My imagination can always make them about a thousand times worse and so I have learned not to fill my mind with such.


We live way out in the country and I love to be outside alone at night. The sky is so beautiful and things are so quiet and still. Unfortunately I am rarely alone. Even if all the people are gone, if I try to take a night walk, the kittens come along and then cry begging to be given a ride the rest of the way. The dog wants to come along only to get frequently distracted and zoom off chasing deer and rabbit trails. The horses want to follow in case I am heading to some secret stash of horse treats, and if they are going the sheep want to come too because they are terribly nosey. My night walks look more like a parade at a petting zoo rather than any kind of private activity.


Regarding feeling safe, I don't want to reopen old controversies, but having plenty of loaded guns at my disposal and a sure knowledge of how to use them makes me feel safer also. Although I must admit that even when armed to the teeth, hearing the yapping and howling of a passing pack of coyotes sure does stand the hair up on the back of my neck--an instinctive reaction, I think:D. The last time I caught marauders in the hen house, I got so mad I didn't use my gun, choosing to use my Mommy voice instead (gave those stray dogs the scolding of their lives) and the predators never came back! Never underestimate the impact of a ticked off mommy!

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We have a household of 10: my mom, husband, 7 kids, and myself. On the rare occasion I am home alone, it's scary. I get scared if I'm the only one home with the kids at night, too. We live in the middle of nowhere and I don't remember getting scared when we had neighbors close.

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