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what day are you on with school?


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I'm just thankful I don't have to bother counting days since our authorities don't need to be told this information. I'd get really confused about what to count or not, as in if your child is sick but not that sick, and you don't do any written work, but you read lots of educational books, is it a 'school' day or not?



This is us too. But to try... We do 4 day weeks at home, co-op on Fridays, which is a school day, but not my school day of what I want to accomplish at home. So to make it easy I go by math lessons. DD7 is on lesson 65 in math. DD5 is only on 53, but that is because I have had to begin splitting her lessons up over 2 days as the progression began moving a little too quickly for her. So she will not complete her math book at the end of the traditional school year. Technically if I had to count days, we would be way past 65, counting co-op days and field trips, etc. We go way over the 180 required.

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We did some "light" school during the summer, then took most of September off & some of October due to a new baby. We do 4 days/week. Since starting back up, we've done 44 days.


If I counted by Math days, we'd be on 53/56 (depending on the child). (This works out to 28-31 weeks of math left @ 4/week.) If I counted by WWE, we'd only be on Week 14. As for the rest of it, I have 19 weeks of grammar left (@ 3/week), 25 weeks of SOTW left, and 34 weeks of Chemistry.


We will not be "done" by Memorial Day in 2010. But that's ok with me. :)

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Well, it depends on what ya mean... I was student teaching all semester, so dd was home either with my mil or my husband (eg., substitute teachers). If we count how many days science and geography were done, we're like on day....4 :D. She did math and reading almost every day, but I have no idea how many days. Thankfully, in this state we only keep a calendar, not days, and we school through the summer.

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We just finished week 15, so that was 75 days. We took a week off at Thanksgiving. Monday begins day 76 for us. We take three weeks off at Christmas, so we really don't finish up our first semester (week 18) until we get back in January. Even with that, we don't take off a day here and a day there, so we'll still finish about the same time as you.

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I'm not sure how I would count days since we do at least something everyday, even if it's only reading and piano practice. We are on about week 18, we started the first week of Aug and have taken about a 1 1/2 weeks off, so based on a 5-day week that would be 90 days. Why do I have to make things so complicated! :lol:

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Why don't some of you count field trips?


We don't have to count officially, but when we did 18 days of field trips and 22 days of actual schoolwork in our first quarter, I decided maybe I needed to focus on the number of days of schoolwork we were getting done if we were to get through our curriculum. I only try to do 160, though, which leaves 20 for field trips, if we were trying to do the typical 180.

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We started Jul 28th. We're currently three days gone in week 13 on a six-day week schedule, so... Day 72 is done. Many of those "days" were done over the course of 2 or 3 days, plus DD is in an enrichment program, so if we were tracking for attendance reporting purposes there would be more days, but we don't have to, so we don't.


Our first semester is scheduled to be 18 wks. So at the rate we're going, we'll finish before Estrella War, which is in Feb. I hope. Then for spring we'll be starting some new activities, and that semester I'll probably make shorter (and not a six-day week since we just don't get six-day weeks done around here).

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