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A stranger paid for our lunch today!

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Because of the holiday, my DH got off work early this afternoon. The kids and I met him at Olive Garden for a late lunch. We sat at a big long table (there are 9 of us), with some booths sort of across from us. About halfway through our meal, a family with 3 teenage boys who had been sitting in one of the booths got up to leave. The dad came over to our table. I thought he'd say something about the kids because that happens pretty frequently, LOL, and they really are well-behaved in restaurants, as a rule. He did compliment us on a lovely family, and he also thanked DH for his service (Dh was still in uniform). Then as he was walking away, he put down a stack of bills and told us it was to pay for our meal--it was $60!! We were so astounded! It was a real encouragement and blessing for us. We felt like the holiday season really got off on the right foot for us! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Random act of kindness!!! I love that! Who deserves it more?


We've had that happen to us when we were at a restaurant once. There was a lady who apparently decided to pay for our meal when she went to pay for hers! My youngest--aged 4 at the time--said, "Awwww...we should have ordered dessert!"


LOL!!! It meant a lot to us!

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Because of the holiday, my DH got off work early this afternoon. The kids and I met him at Olive Garden for a late lunch. We sat at a big long table (there are 9 of us), with some booths sort of across from us. About halfway through our meal, a family with 3 teenage boys who had been sitting in one of the booths got up to leave. The dad came over to our table. I thought he'd say something about the kids because that happens pretty frequently, LOL, and they really are well-behaved in restaurants, as a rule. He did compliment us on a lovely family, and he also thanked DH for his service (Dh was still in uniform). Then as he was walking away, he put down a stack of bills and told us it was to pay for our meal--it was $60!! We were so astounded! It was a real encouragement and blessing for us. We felt like the holiday season really got off on the right foot for us! Happy Thanksgiving!


It is so good to hear stories like this! I wish the media could focus more on the good that people do, rather than the bad. I'm so glad to hear that there are kind people out there!

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That is wonderful!! I had someone do something like that for me once when I was a waitress in a restaurant. I was about 6 mos pregnant and broke as could be. I was working my tail off and the guy kept needing his drink refilled. As I would refill it, he would tell me "thank you" and remark about what a great job I was doing. At the end of the meal, he left me a $10 tip...which made me really happy. However, when I lifted his plate there was a $100 bill under there. I grabbed it and ran after him thinking he had mistakenly left it, but I couldn't catch him. I went back in and one of the other servers caught me. She said, "that man that just left told me to tell you to look under his plate - his wife was about your age when she was pregnant with their son...busting her hump in a restaurant." I will never forget his act of kindness that day. Fact was, I needed that money so badly at that time!


Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless you!

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