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Are any of you dealing with unemployment and still continuing to homeschool?

Sherri in MI

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Dh has been out of work for a year, his severance ended end of Dec 2008. He has not worked at all for over a year. Except for a few hours for a friend last month and a little this week. I worked for the Census Bureau in the Spring for 8 weeks and in Aug for about six weeks.


I don't know how much longer we can last . Dh had an interview for a ministry job today - but you have to raise all your own support. How is that possible in this economy? Unemployment is 10+% nationwide. Here in Michigan it is 15%!


We also lost our church when he lost his job and had only been in the state for 22 months! We moved here from CA in Jan 2007. Our Moms are in Oregon and Pennsylvania. Neither one has many resources.


God has gotten us through and our needs have been provided for, but we've been behind in the bills and our credit is now trashed. My Mom helped us out one month. While I was working ds stayed with dh and became a little monster child (he's 10) that I hardly recognized! Dh loves him, but does not enforce boundaries and overindulges him with food and movies. Plus dh does not enforce or teach the homeschool. So I am nervous about working (assuming I could get a job & if I did that it would support us) unless ds was in school, which is the last thing I want.


Don't want to cry or complain too much! Just wonder if others are facing the same thing and wondering how you are coping. I'm trying hard not to give into fear. Dh is not encouraging. He tends to be defeatist and fearful anyway and I am usually encouraging him. I guess I'm worried because it's the end of the month, the money I made from the Census is gone and we don't have enough to cover even the rent for December.


I feel almost irresponsible continuing to homeschool under these circumstances (again, not that I could probably find a job), yet it's what my dh and I both want and I feel strongly called to it and that it's best for my son right now. (The circumstances under which dh lost his job and we lost our church were very hurtful to all of us & I am trying to minimize changes in his life, esp. since we just moved in 2007, which was a difficult time for all of us.)


I am trusting God and he has taken care of us. We have plenty of food and clothes etc. But I do feel discouraged and concerned about the future today.

It is making it difficult to focus on homeschool, which I normally enjoy. And all three of us are having sleep difficulties. Not sure if it's the circumstances or something else for ds. For dh it's the circumstances and then his tossing and turning keeps waking me up! I usually sleep fine except when he is angry about something and takes it out on me.


In this economy, I'm sure I'm not the only one. So I'm just wondering how the rest of you are doing.

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I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for your family. I know it is tough to keep our faith strong in times like these. Even though dh is still employed we have taken a cut in more than half of our regular income and we feel the crunch. The only thing I can say is pray, pray, pray! You may have to make adjustments that you dont want to but hopefully it wont be forever. What about working in the evening so you could still HS? You can also find jobs as merchandisers and work your own schedule. Hope things get better for you.

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I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for your family. I know it is tough to keep our faith strong in times like these. Even though dh is still employed we have taken a cut in more than half of our regular income and we feel the crunch. The only thing I can say is pray, pray, pray! You may have to make adjustments that you dont want to but hopefully it wont be forever. What about working in the evening so you could still HS? You can also find jobs as merchandisers and work your own schedule. Hope things get better for you.


Thank you for your kind words and prayer. I do pray - daily! And I have upped our Bible time for me as much as ds! But it's still hard many days to keep my spirits up, especially since ds and I are home alone all day. We do have a homeschool group and co-op, but it's only every other week with occasional activities.


I guess you know what it's like with a 50% pay reduction! Yikes! Some days I do enjoy the challenge of making do w/ less, but that is wearing thin after a year, especially as needs are arising!




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First of all, a BIG :grouphug: and a prayer for you and your family. And NO, you are not alone. We moved to CO in 2007 because of a job offer that was just too good to turn down. Looking back, I wish dh would have turned down the job offer. While he was working, he was stressed out due to the ethical problems he was facing with his new employer. He just didn't fit ' cause he refused to "unethical" work practices. The company let him go on August 1st. We are without any income since then. Because of the constant worries, hs has not been as enjoyable as it used to be. My son is right-brained, suffers from ADHD, Morbus Still and asthma. Until now, I had no problems to deal with his constant ups and downs, temper tantrums, etc. Now, I have a hard time dealing with all of this. I find myself to be short tempered a lot, something I never had experienced in the past. Because there is no hope dh will find a job in his field, he decided to go back to school. He will be done in May - but he can't physically work during the day. I know, I should be working - but both of us, just like you and your dh, feel that hs is the best we can offer our son. We have used our retirement savings to pay for the house, but don't know how long we can do this. I know God will take care of us - but I worry. I have gained quite a bit of weight (some people loose weight, I gain it:tongue_smilie:) because I worry all night. This whole situation has taken its toll on ds as well. His whole behavior is at times like a "ticking" bomb waiting to explode. I try to find a job that fits our circumstances - but (despite college degree) was not capable of finding one. I guess, age plays a factor as well (I am mid 40's). Unfortunately, we don't have any familiby members who can help. So, hopefully with God's help we will pull through this.


I feel for you and my prayers are with you and your family.




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Many families I know are in the same predicament we are. Many are receiving state assistance for food and medical care. We trade notices on freebies available online. Freecycle.org is a website where you can sign up locally to receive emails about items people are giving away. We're all selling as much of our used curriculum as we can. Paperbackswap.com is highly recommended by a friend of mine, an avid reader. I have not used it yet, but she says sometimes you can get homeschool books and parent books.


If you are without health insurance and can buy your own, you can get a group rate by joining your state's Farm Bureau. You don't have to be a farmer.


We can't afford to give ds (age 10) his allowance, but I just started letting him recycle our bottles and cans and he gets to keep the deposit refund, for a little spending money.


Both of our Moms have helped out. My Mom completely funded our son's Christmas last year. Ours too, actually! She flew us out. Dh's Mom is going to buy us a small freezer (we live in a small apt.) so I can stock up when meat and produce is on sale!


This is all I can think of for now.

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First of all, a BIG :grouphug: and a prayer for you and your family. And NO, you are not alone. We moved to CO in 2007 because of a job offer that was just too good to turn down. Looking back, I wish dh would have turned down the job offer. While he was working, he was stressed out due to the ethical problems he was facing with his new employer. He just didn't fit ' cause he refused to "unethical" work practices. The company let him go on August 1st. We are without any income since then. Because of the constant worries, hs has not been as enjoyable as it used to be. My son is right-brained, suffers from ADHD, Morbus Still and asthma. Until now, I had no problems to deal with his constant ups and downs, temper tantrums, etc. Now, I have a hard time dealing with all of this. I find myself to be short tempered a lot, something I never had experienced in the past. Because there is no hope dh will find a job in his field, he decided to go back to school. He will be done in May - but he can't physically work during the day. I know, I should be working - but both of us, just like you and your dh, feel that hs is the best we can offer our son. We have used our retirement savings to pay for the house, but don't know how long we can do this. I know God will take care of us - but I worry. I have gained quite a bit of weight (some people loose weight, I gain it:tongue_smilie:) because I worry all night. This whole situation has taken its toll on ds as well. His whole behavior is at times like a "ticking" bomb waiting to explode. I try to find a job that fits our circumstances - but (despite college degree) was not capable of finding one. I guess, age plays a factor as well (I am mid 40's). Unfortunately, we don't have any familiby members who can help. So, hopefully with God's help we will pull through this.


I feel for you and my prayers are with you and your family.





Wow! You are in similar circumstances as we are - relocated, then lost job! You have my deepest sympathies. I understand about the mood difficulties. No matter how strong your faith, it still takes its toll. All 3 of us have gained weight - indulging all those carb cravings so soothe one's spirits! It was easier for me during the summer when we could go to the beach and just get out of the house! Also, working for the first time lifted my spirits and made me feel less helpless. But the second time was so hard - I had a hard time keeping my head together.


I do make a point now of any social opportunities I have individually to help keep my spirits up. I'm part of a book club that meets once a month and we have read all the Jane Austen novels in the last year and we are now reading other classics. It's given me a sense of accomplishment and it's nice to get out once a month and do something fun. When I don't feel like it, I make myself go.


i try to drag dh out on weekends, but it's getting harder and harder.


Exercising helps keep ones spirits up too. It's harder to do when your life feels topsy turvy, but that's when we need it more. I do struggle with doing it myself.


Encouraging Christian books help, though they are hard to find. It wasn't until we were going through this difficulty that I realized how admonishing most Christians books are. Even if written in an upbeat style, many of them are: do this to be a better Christian! do that to please the Lord! get rid of that sin! where's your faith!? Very few are actually encouraging to those who are struggling. At least that what I find. I'll let you know if I find one particularly encouraging.


Thanks for your sweet reply. I will pray for you and your family. The Lord will continue to sustain us.


God bless,


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Yes! We are in trouble too.


I want to get a job, but what do I do for childcare? We don't have day care subsities where I live and Head Start is not accepting more children until September. The cheaper preschools here are horrid and I can't afford them anyway. I could get a job and leave the children with my husband but he doesn't want to be a stay-at-home Dad. He wouldn't do a good job. The way you described your husband fits mine to a T. I am stuck. I can't afford to stay home, nor can I afford to work. Maybe in September I could get the children in public school and get a full time job, but... :crying:


We love homeschooling so much. My children have had a happy, wholesome childhood, so far, and have gotten a great education. I can't relate to posts about wishing the kids were in school, or wondering if public school would be better for the children.

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We've been hit very hard.. lost everything. I even had to sell my wedding ring last October. We've been living VERY frugally. My homeschool order was done in bits (and late at that) and I save change toward a "homeschool fund" for books,etc. I really need to go back to work but I don't know how right now. Our schools are just not a good place to be in my county and my son has needs they cannot meet.

We've been in this place of being totally broke for 19 months now. Work for my dh has been sporadic. I did go back to work for a few months last year but we quickly realized I needed to find something at night if I were to go back to work. Jobs are not abundant here. It's rough.

Thank good ness for the internet and the insight I have gained on this board. I have found some great freebies online for homeschooling. I use a LOT of printables. WE've learned to live very cheap.


Hugs and prayers you and everyone suffering in this economy.

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We've been hit very hard.. lost everything. I even had to sell my wedding ring last October. We've been living VERY frugally. My homeschool order was done in bits (and late at that) and I save change toward a "homeschool fund" for books,etc. I really need to go back to work but I don't know how right now. Our schools are just not a good place to be in my county and my son has needs they cannot meet.

We've been in this place of being totally broke for 19 months now. Work for my dh has been sporadic. I did go back to work for a few months last year but we quickly realized I needed to find something at night if I were to go back to work. Jobs are not abundant here. It's rough.

Thank good ness for the internet and the insight I have gained on this board. I have found some great freebies online for homeschooling. I use a LOT of printables. WE've learned to live very cheap.


Hugs and prayers you and everyone suffering in this economy.


:grouphug: to you Kathy.

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thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. Please, let me know when you have found a good Christian book that does not make me feel inferior.


To all of you other ladies who have posted. Big :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to each and everyone. I feel for you and if you don't mind I'll keep you in my prayers.



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Oh ((((Sherri)))) My heart goes out to you. What difficult, gut-wrenching times for you. I haven't gone through exactly the same--my dh has been disabled since 2000 and we had a lot of lean years, and more doctor's visits than we care to recall! God has brought us through, and continues to. Paul said he learned the secret of being content whether well-fed or hungry. I've not had to be hungry, and I count that a huge blessing.


Anyway, my heart goes out to you and I just wanted to say that I stopped to pray for you when I read your message. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, even in Michigan. But I know in the thick of desperation, how hopeless a situation can feel. May God give you the strength and courage to live day by day. I don't know if your husband can get counselling or meds for depression or both--might be helpful for him. It's really hard on a guy to lose his job. My heart just goes out to your family. Merry

Edited by MerryAtHope
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We are in the same boat. My dh'sjob was eliminated in July with only 2 1 month of severance. I have MS and haven't worked for three years anyway because i can't maintain my health and try to work. THis summer when he was laid off, i was in the middle of a relapse, waiting to see if our insurance would approve the last option drug for me ($30K for five doses). Horrifically--in the deepest of desperation, feeling the need to care for me and there being NO jobs in his field int his economy, my husband made the most serious, deadly suicide attempt someone can make. Aftter hours and hours we found him by the grace of God. He survived. But was hospitalized for a long time, and my children--you can only imagine the trauma, and I wasn't able to walk or drive or anything myself.


We can't shift gears so radically on my children to plop them into public school. My illness doesn't bode well for doing any work outside the home without repeatedly falling into relapse. We are hanging on--school is hard. Do not have a single idea what is next. It is so hard to keep homeschooling on track-and i am not good at flexibility or feeling like it is okay if we don't get everything done. My three sons are struggling through this grief differently.


I flinch when a curriculum thing isn't working and I really need something else--the money ad then I hardly have the brain energy to re-think or get creative enough to work around it with three different ages right now. How does one do this and support a spouse through severe and deadly depression. don't know...


Fortunately--after months of getting sicker and sicker, my insurance approved the drug for a while and it is working. Thank God.


But i feel your pain--and it is such a quiet one--though unemployment is high, here it feels like you have to pretend you are employed.


:grouphug: to all of you experiencing these hard places--and valuing the homeschooling work you do. so many people would assume it is simple to chuck that and get a job. Prayers and hugs to all in this boat. i suppose it is a bigger one than we think.

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My husband has been out of work since January. (1 month after I found out I was pregnant with our newest little guy.) He's getting Unemployment at 50% of what he was bringing home. If it weren't for food stamps and medicaid I don't know where we'd be! I had already purchased most of our homeschool materials, so I had no worries there. I will still use Tax Return to buy the materials for next year, but I'm only going to buy what is absolutely necessary... no frills, no extras.


Oh and the transmission is going out on our van... only vehicle... Walmart is 6 miles away and I HATE driving it that far!


We're just taking it one day at a time...

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My dh is not unemployed, but he was for 4 months at the beginning of the year. Then my uncle offered him a job here in FL (we were in NC.) He moved ahead of us and worked for my uncle for 6 months - for $8 an hour. When we moved, we had to leave my 16yo behind (he didn't want to move, so he stayed there with his Dad.)


So, when my mom needed help in her restaurant, my dh went to work for her. It looks like he'll be washing dishes to start (and for more than $8 an hour, but we don't know how much - probably $9.) He isn't working 40 hours yet because the restaurant didn't open as soon as we'd hoped, so his pay will be low until that happens.


We lost everything in NC - our business, our house, and quite a bit of our stuff. We moved closer to town before the house actually foreclosed and someone (probably the neighbors) came and took everything of value on our property that they could find. We didn't have homeowner's insurance then, so no reimbursement for the theft (they even dumped clothes out of rubbermaids in the sheds and took the rubbermaids.:glare:)


Our credit is ruined, but that is the least of my worries - we still owe $300K for our failed business. We can't afford to go bankrupt and even if we could, it isn't what we want (and quite a bit of the debts we owe are not bankruptable anyway.) What's worse for me is that we lost our good name and some friends, as well as having to lay off our 2 employees.


We live in a 30 year old trailer (which really isn't bad at all.) I tried to find a job at one point, but wasn't able to (and I don't know how I would work and still do all I have to do!) It wouldn't matter now anyway, because my dh's schedule will be odd - something like 10am-9pm or 11pm-10pm, 5 days a week. We even contemplated putting the dc in school and daycare and me working full-time, but the $513 a week for daycare would eat up too much of whatever I could make!


Sometimes it just seems like there is no way out and we get kind of desperate feeling, but what can we do? All the options we have looked at seem just the same - we'll end up still broke no matter what we do.


I do understand how everyone feels!

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We are almost out of the woods now, but my husband was pretty much unemployed from January-beginning of October. He had been running a software startup and it was going fine until everything tanked; then all our clients disappeared and we couldn't get new ones. We didn't get unemployment money, so we had no income.


Over the summer, I looked into options so that we could keep homeschooling even though I couldn't afford books, and we ended up doing something I never thought we would do--we joined a charter school that gives us money for materials. It has turned out to be a huge blessing, and the school has very few requirements, so I still get to do just what I want to do.


My husband did get a job, so now we are working on getting out of this hole we are in. It happened just in time; we came very close to losing the house.

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My husband was unemployed from the end of January until the end of September. That followed 7 months of employment, which in turn followed another 6 months of unemployment.


I took a part-time job with very flexible hours. Other than that, I sold a lot of books, and we have some very, very generous friends and relatives. But we lost all our savings, and are very, very deep in debt. Now that he's employed again, I'm keeping the part-time job to help us make ends meet with the debt. That puts quite a strain on the homeschooling, but we are managing. It is still working well enough that I do not think we need to consider public school.


If dh had continued to be unemployed and if I had found full-time work, he would have homeschooled the kids. Inn fact, I'm fairly certain that we would have found some way to keep homeschooling, no matter what. It helps that my kids are older (youngest is 7, oldest is nearly 14), and my family is extremely supportive.


I am considering getting my teaching certification, so that I will have it if I ever *have* to work full-time. However, it will take money and time to get the certification, and I haven't figured out how to work that out. :) If I start taking classes I'll have to give up my job .... etc. etc.

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My husband's been out of work for 15 months. He had his own civil engineering business, but that's gone bust. He's sent out hundreds of applications all over the country (and world) but he's only had four interviews. It's so frustrating!

His problem is that his experience is in land development and who's doing that right now? No one.

So he's gone back to school to get a masters in Computer Science. Now, how are we going to support 6 homeschooled kids for the next three years so that he can go to school? I don't know.

We've go our expenses pared down to the minimum, but we just need one tiny, low paying job--but he can't get anything!


Who wants to hire a licensed Civil Engineer to work for minimun wage? No one, apparently. We just need someone to give us a break.


We've lived out our savings, sold a vehicle and are ready to cash in the retirement. I've been selling curriculum to buy what I need for this year and selling things on craig's list.


I suggested me going to work, but that's so low on his list of choices, as to be barley visible, even now. He just hates the idea of staying home with the kids full time. I know it would send him into an even worse depression.

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Dh has been out of work for a year, his severance ended end of Dec 2008. He has not worked at all for over a year.



This may be a stupid question, but has he filed for unemployment? You can also get assistance from food stamps, etc. to help you through this rough patch.

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We are going through a really bad patch right now. My dh runs his own company and has not drawn a salary in months. We have been robbing Peter to pay Paul. It has us both very stressed out. I have been looking for part time work and have been considering going back to school to become a certified medical biller.


I pray every day for guidance and keep hoping that things will turn around. We talk about selling the house but who is going to buy it in this economy. Friends of mine have had their house on the market for almost a year already and only got one low ball offer. Our 6 month emergency fund is gone and I keep hoping/praying for a miracle.


I hate always having to say no to my kids. Nothing extra is in the budget.

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This may be a stupid question, but has he filed for unemployment? You can also get assistance from food stamps, etc. to help you through this rough patch.


Not a stupid question at all - he doesn't get unemployment. He was in ministry and churches do not pay into the unemployment system. We do get food stamps and Medicaid, for now, at least.

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A big hug to each of you! (My smilies aren't working on the library's computer here - I don't have internet access at home! Thank God for the library!). I was trying not to cry. Everyone seems to be all over the country too, so it's not just here in Michigan.


When I worked for the Census Bureau in the spring, they told me they had the most highly qualified workforce they've had in a while! I have been home with my son for 10 years, was an administrative assistant/office manager for 17 years before that, have only 2 years of college and I was training people with Master's Degrees! Former teachers, engineers, etc. My boss' manager is working for the CB temporarily - he was the VP of an engineering company for decades. The company was bought, then tanked!


I've just never seen anything like it and quite frankly, though I'm usually an optimist I am scared. It's the emotional strain that's worse than anything else right now. The uncertainty. Wondering who I'm going to wake up with in the morning. :-)We have plenty of food, for which I'm grateful and our basic needs are met. I don't feel deprived so much as frightened about what happens next. And wondering if dh is really trying, etc. It's hard not being able to discuss options with him. He gets very negative and then I get upset that he's being negative. He always says there are no options. He was like that before the job loss - it's just worse now. And he's angry to even have to consider a job not in his field.


He is applying for a ministry position with a para-church ministry, but then he has to raise support and neither of us is crazy about that.


I am grateful for the assistance we have been receiving. Both our Moms have helped out and a friend of my dh's gave him a van. It's a gas guzzler, but it's a vehicle. We had no retirement or savings or house. But I realize even if you have a house right now, it's hard to sell it.


I was talking on the phone to my sister today and she seriously does not believe that no one is hiring. She insists that my dh could get a job at BK or someplace, but even those places aren't hiring!


I understand those of you who mentioned how you can't afford to work because of childcare.


Despite all my emotions, I know God loves us and will take care of us. It's actually my dh's and Mom's and sister's emotions I'm having a harder time wtih. And knowing what decisions to make. As if we have any options right now to decide about! :)


My sympathy and prayers are with you all.


God bless,


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Oh ((((Sherri)))) My heart goes out to you. What difficult, gut-wrenching times for you. I haven't gone through exactly the same--my dh has been disabled since 2000 and we had a lot of lean years, and more doctor's visits than we care to recall! God has brought us through, and continues to. Paul said he learned the secret of being content whether well-fed or hungry. I've not had to be hungry, and I count that a huge blessing.


Anyway, my heart goes out to you and I just wanted to say that I stopped to pray for you when I read your message. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, even in Michigan. But I know in the thick of desperation, how hopeless a situation can feel. May God give you the strength and courage to live day by day. I don't know if your husband can get counselling or meds for depression or both--might be helpful for him. It's really hard on a guy to lose his job. My heart just goes out to your family. Merry


Merry, as always you are encouraging! Even your name makes me smile! I remember you from the PK board at Sonlight (I think) years ago, when we were still in CA.


That has to be a challenge to have a disability.


Like you, I have not gone hungry, and that is a blessing!


I have tried to encourage my dh to go to counseling and he has agreed, but he has a lot of prejudices against it. He has a very specific (dare I say narrow) definition of what biblical counseling is and it's hard for him who has counseled others to be on the needing end. I'm convinced it would help him and not be nearly as painful as he fears! Kind of like going to the doctor!


Thank you for your kinds words and prayers. Prayed for you too!




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Sherri, it is frustrating when people insist if you would just try harder you could find a job! This is usually said by people who already have jobs and haven't had to look for one in years.:glare: Bad credit can keep you from working for lots of places - all the corporate-type places do background checks (and bad credit shows up there.)


Someone I know here in FL went to apply for a job at Subway at the appointed time and found 90 people ahead of him in line. He got the job, but can you imagine that many people showing up on the first day to apply for a minimum wage job? (He did get the job, BTW, with terrible hours - but it is a job!)


I have heard so many stories of engineers being unemployed, or having hours cut, or what have you. My father is a plumbing inspector in NC and he said that their planning department (who gets the plans about 6 weeks ahead of the permitting process) is doing NOTHING. His opinion is that in the construction industry will be hit even harder when the commercial construction busts too!:001_huh:


It will be years before many people get over it, even after they find jobs. Some people who did find jobs are working for half of what they used to, interest rates on debts were raised to crazy levels, etc.


I guess for those who weren't affected it seems like a lot of media hype.

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First a bit of background: Life has been difficult for our family for the past decade when my dh was first displaced from a high tech company. After a nine month job search with little to no income, he went to another high tech company where there seemed to be great promise. He progressed there for two years - making more money than ever in his entire career, but then the massive layoffs came. This time he was out of work for an entire year. We lost everything that time, our home, our truck, my business, our retirement and investments -- everything. It was so bad that we ended up living in the basement of my sister's house on the other side of the state.


Six years ago we came back closer to the location we had lived in before. After dh searched and searched for the right fit for a career change, he finally ended up at a decent place. Our income was reduced by nearly half, but it has been steady and we have finally found some stability again. We've bought another house and are rebuilding some retirement funds. Unfortunately, the current economy has hit the co. hard where dh works, and for the past two winters they have laid everyone off. Last year they said six weeks and it ended up being three months. This year they say three months, and we find that hard to believe. Dh is only scheduled to work 8 hrs. per week, but he does get unemployment too. He is also earnestly seeking another job.


As I stated on another thread, we have learned that through times of stress it is important to keep routine going for the sake of the children. It eases a lot of the burden for them if Mom and Dad keep things going as normally as possible. Sure, things are different. Sure, we have fewer choices when money is tight. Sure, Dad is home a lot and the the dynamics of the family are shifted for a time. Even so, there are things that we as parents can do to keep a routine going and help our children through it.


In the early years I was not officially hs'ing our dd, but I was at home with her most of the time. We kept things going on schedule as much as possible every single day, and she weathered through the storm very well. We did have "off" days of course, but when I did some soul-searching I usually found that those days happened when I was being self-centered. Not easy to face or admit, but true never the less.


Now that we are facing another slim winter, I will do as I did last year -- I will keep plugging away with our hs lessons, and I will maintain our routine and schedule. The difficulties that we are faced right with now don't change the fact that my highest calling in life is to raise my child and provide her with a Christ-centered education at home.


Because of what we've lived through already, I know that we will get through this. I have learned to be content as I wear the same old clothes, go without vacations, and shop at thrift stores. I have learned over the years how to live frugally and within my means. We rarely go out to eat, go to movies, etc. and I have become very talented in things like getting three family meals out of one chicken.


My family has never been without food, shelter, water and warmth -- even through the toughest of times. I know from experience that adversity is the opportunity for growth. In fact, as I look back over the years I realize that the times of greatest growth in faith for my dh and I have been when we faced financial hardship. It wasn't a fun time mind you, but a meaningful time as we realized that we were totally dependent on God to get us through. To be honest, I would not trade those times for anything!


I know that life is really tough out there for a lot of people and my heart goes out to each and every one. I just want to encourage all of us to focus on the things that matter the most rather than on fear of what might happen. Focus on spiritual things, on love and on people. Those are the things that last forever. When we do this, we open the door to growth and opportunity that we would never have otherwise experienced.




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I'm praying for all of us. My family did loose our house. This happened after I put my daughter in public school and went to work at Wal-mart at night. (Another classic case of desperate underemployment, but I was thankful to have it at the time... God used my time there to really shape me.)


My daughter was in PS for half of the school year... I regret it, but now my husband is even more on board with HSing. He was half-hearted before.


I still say that the Lord is faithful. We're on the other side... We can see His hand even in the storm... We're living with my aunt who really needed the company... She's been alone for over 30 years and in and out of hospitals.


She has no children of her own. Before all of this was going on, we had offered for her to come live with us, she refused. Family members said she should get roommates-- she said, "no way"...


God worked it out in such a way that she could not refuse company this time.


So now we have a 3 generation extended family. We've become stronger. We homeschool. It's pretty good.


Pressing into my relationship with God has really helped--- One book in particular? Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. I actually did the workbook by myself instead of with a group. It has been very helpful in helping me put everything in perspective...

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I still say that the Lord is faithful. We're on the other side... We can see His hand even in the storm... We're living with my aunt who really needed the company... She's been alone for over 30 years and in and out of hospitals.


She has no children of her own. Before all of this was going on, we had offered for her to come live with us, she refused. Family members said she should get roommates-- she said, "no way"...


God worked it out in such a way that she could not refuse company this time.


So now we have a 3 generation extended family. We've become stronger. We homeschool. It's pretty good.


Pressing into my relationship with God has really helped--- One book in particular? Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. I actually did the workbook by myself instead of with a group. It has been very helpful in helping me put everything in perspective...

I'm so blessed to read this! During our time of moving around, dealing with our situation, my dear mother moved in with us. We are also a 3-generation family and we homeschool. It is so great to have Grandma with us, and you know, this is the way it should be. It often reminds me of how households were in the early days of our country.


And also, I have to tell you that during the earlier years of the journey I described in my earlier post, I was led to the exact same book by Henry Blackaby. That book literally changed my life! Like you, it helped me put things into the right perspective.




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I'm praying for all of us. My family did loose our house. This happened after I put my daughter in public school and went to work at Wal-mart at night. (Another classic case of desperate underemployment, but I was thankful to have it at the time... God used my time there to really shape me.)


My daughter was in PS for half of the school year... I regret it, but now my husband is even more on board with HSing. He was half-hearted before.


I still say that the Lord is faithful. We're on the other side... We can see His hand even in the storm... We're living with my aunt who really needed the company... She's been alone for over 30 years and in and out of hospitals.


She has no children of her own. Before all of this was going on, we had offered for her to come live with us, she refused. Family members said she should get roommates-- she said, "no way"...


God worked it out in such a way that she could not refuse company this time.


So now we have a 3 generation extended family. We've become stronger. We homeschool. It's pretty good.


Pressing into my relationship with God has really helped--- One book in particular? Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. I actually did the workbook by myself instead of with a group. It has been very helpful in helping me put everything in perspective...


Thank you for your post - I needed to hear some uplifting words from someone coming out on the other side!

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We are there too, though things are a bit better right now. Dh lost his job in the fall of '08. Since then, he's done some work on his own. There has been nothing consistent and it doesn't pay nearly as well as when he was working for someone else.


He lost his job because of a dispute with his boss. His boss was stealing from the company, asking for kickbacks from the employees for work sent their way, and dealing drugs out of the company! Dh finally had had it and blew the whistle on him. Well, it came down to dh's word against his boss. Although someone else finally stepped forward to confirm dh's report, it was in the court system for awhile. The company didn't say they were letting him go over this, but then why? I think they didn't want to have anyone working there who had been involved with it.


Since then, dh has been self employed and looked for regular full time work. I think I buried my head in the sand for awhile hoping it would all work out. Big mistake. In September, we couldn't pay the mortgage, bills or even barely buy food. My parents loaned us money and we have managed to scrape by since then. Things feel okay right now, but dh knows January the work will die off again till spring for him.


I thought for awhile the only responsible choice was for me to get a job--part time?? nights?? I was ready to do so and dh could watch dc while I worked, though that is less than ideal.(Similiar problems to OP). Well, dh has been too busy to watch the dc and I have put work on hold. I guess I am hoping/praying that things will pick up.



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I have not read the other posts. But just wanted to say we have been through layoffs and unemployment twice in the last few years, and managed to get through it. I hope things work out for you soon.


Dh is now employed, but we had to take a 2nd mtg out on our house and invest in our own business this time. We shall see if the business takes off. So far we are not turning a profit, but we do at least get a small salary, so we get by. The first time he was laid off, he got a job for a year, and then they laid him off. We were almost to the one year point and were so excited that we had finally paid off all of the bills and were going to get vacation time. The 2nd time, there were no jobs to be had. We now make less than we did 10 yrs ago (when we didn't have kids!) but we get by. God provides.


I pray that God will open a window for you soon too!

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Monday, when hubby went off on his truck run (he's an OTR truck driver), he called me to tell me he had been fired because his company was in trouble with the IRS for back taxes and being shut down. It was on the news, so then I got calls from his worried mom and my grandmother. But he is such a smart and positive thinking guy, he had immediately driven accross town to the trucking company he used to work for and he goes in for his orientation this coming Monday! Whew! My only complaint is he will be gone longer. He sees our dc only a little more than most divorced fathers now as it is, he will only be home 1-2 days/week now.

But the good news is it pays better, we'll have insurance (for once!) and is a Christian company.


I know that it is tough for men to look for work outside what they are used to or trained for, but trucking is the rare industry that is not suffering as much as some others with this economy. Some will let you work part-time (home a few days/week.) Then there are some suggestions for Mom to find an odd job that some may not have thought of, like driving a school bus (ironic, I know-but it may allow you to keep hs.) or delivering the local paper.


From my own personal experience comes another suggestion-AmeriCorps.

I did two one-year stints. You can do 3 as long as there is a one-year gap between 2nd and 3rd. You get a stipend (which is surprisingly generous), it is usually part-time, then you get an educational award at the end of your term. I think I earned $13,000 for about 30 hours/week. The non-profit I worked for threw in another $5,000. The ed award is $4,000 for each year, I think. It can be used to pay off student loans, too. Check into it online or through your local college.


Meanwhile, I pray for him to find a job that will keep him home more. Most ladies don't realize how lucky they are to just have their dh home every night. Luckily (or not so, sometimes), we live with my mom. This is no help for babysitting, as she is busy and hates kids :tongue_smilie:but at least I don't feel like I am on the hill alone like in the Shining!


Good luck, hang tight.:grouphug:



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Lakota, my dh could drive OTR - he has a CDL.


How long did he have to drive until he was home 1-2 days a week? My dh tried it when he first got his CDL 10 years ago, but after being gone 5 weeks before he was allowed to come home (and then he was dropped in Omaha and we live in NC - they were going to get him a bus ticket home.) We decided that it wasn't what we wanted and he found a job driving locally.


We have been told by others that you have to run 2 years with the national companies before you can join smaller companies that allow you to be home on weekends. Something to do with experience and insurance?

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This may be a stupid question, but has he filed for unemployment? You can also get assistance from food stamps, etc. to help you through this rough patch.


The food stamps were a lifesaver for us. We did file for unemployment, and while that was helpful of course, it didn't cover the rent.


For those who mentioned child care - it's rough. If my oldest were any younger, I wouldn't even be able to do my part-time job. I don't make enough to pay for any child care.

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Monday, when hubby went off on his truck run (he's an OTR truck driver), he called me to tell me he had been fired because his company was in trouble with the IRS for back taxes and being shut down. It was on the news, so then I got calls from his worried mom and my grandmother. But he is such a smart and positive thinking guy, he had immediately driven accross town to the trucking company he used to work for and he goes in for his orientation this coming Monday! Whew! My only complaint is he will be gone longer. He sees our dc only a little more than most divorced fathers now as it is, he will only be home 1-2 days/week now.

But the good news is it pays better, we'll have insurance (for once!) and is a Christian company.


I know that it is tough for men to look for work outside what they are used to or trained for, but trucking is the rare industry that is not suffering as much as some others with this economy. Some will let you work part-time (home a few days/week.) Then there are some suggestions for Mom to find an odd job that some may not have thought of, like driving a school bus (ironic, I know-but it may allow you to keep hs.) or delivering the local paper.




Another thing in common - how interesting! My dh got his CDL five years ago and drives commercially too. After so many ups and downs in high tech and the fact that he had just turned 50 he felt he needed to turn to an industry that seemed to have more opportunities for change. Per my previous post on this thread, he's looking for work again due to seasonal layoffs for the second year in a row. We are praying for a job that can support us and give us benefits without having away from home all the time. We do not have medical or dental insurance, and unemployment combined with 8 hrs. of work each week at his present job is not enough to cover all the bases. But like I said earlier, we are trusting in the Lord to get us through it once again.




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Lakota, my dh could drive OTR - he has a CDL.


How long did he have to drive until he was home 1-2 days a week? My dh tried it when he first got his CDL 10 years ago, but after being gone 5 weeks before he was allowed to come home .


We have been told by others that you have to run 2 years with the national companies before you can join smaller companies that allow you to be home on weekends. Something to do with experience and insurance?


We did not have that experience. My husband had been driving for 6 years with a company (the one he's going back to now) before we got married. So far as I know, he had no CDL driving experience prior to that job beyond stuff like cement truck, grader, etc. He was home every weekend.


This place he just got fired from was a broker type trucking company. They would get contacted to haul a load for a company (like DelMonte-they mostly did produce) then they would call the drivers who weren't already on a run and send them out. Sometimes they would have another run waiting for them when they came back in. But it allowed him to be flexible if needed, like to take a few days or a week off. They would call and he and would beg off, and they just called another driver. I don't think it was unique to him, but just how the company worked.


So I think it must be dependent on company policy and/or state regs.


Maybe he just needs to shop around? We live in MO.


Another idea for everyone is farmers markets. If you even only have a back yard (if growing produce) you could do this, and depending on how close you live, make a fair amount of income-in season (though some indoor markets go year-round). Some accept crafts like soap, candles, crochet, etc. Vendor fees vary greatly, as do rules. Check out your local market (if it's still open) and ask any vendor who to talk to. Many are kid friendly and I have just brought mine along. Most are on weekends or afternoons, meaning hs fits in.


Regarding AmeriCorps, a person in ministry would find a good fit in alot of non-profits, especially faith-based. So it is a good option for your dh, sherri. I worked for a teen mom mentoring program and then as a youth community service coordinator. My sis worked with Habitat for Humanities, and an afterschool tutoring program. If he is a good planner and presenter, he can work with AmeriCorps and a non-profit to come up with a unique position/program. Especially so if he has/gets grant-writing skills. I think in alot of cases, they expect the org to add funds via a grant.



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I definitely feel your pain. We've been dealing with unemployment the the past three years. My husband had worked for a television station for quite some time until he had gotten laid off. He had worked there every since he had graduation , so therefore he was an employee that would cost more to keep. After that he went to work for his cousin that has a landscaping business. He had worked there for quite some time and he and his cousin had an argument shortly after my 4th daughter was born. We were stuck in Pittsburgh with her as she was born with multiple health problems. He couldn't leave me and so therefore his cousin got mad and fired him. About 6 months after that they made up and he worked with him. It wasn't until this year that he had to lay my husband off for the very fact that less people are hiring landscapers.

Our county is labled now as the poorest in Pennsylvania. There hasn't been any snow right now for winter work ( amazing since we live in the snow belt). So the only income we have right now is my youngest's SSI. Which I feel terrible using it for bills. To me it should be used for just her period. We have food stamps and thankfully medical assistance ( no one could afford her :>)


We were previously renting but had to move into Housing (which I hate by the way but we make due) and live in a very small three bedroom apartment. We just don't have room for much of anything. My 3yr old sleeps in our room and my other three sleep in the other two rooms which are really tiny.


In the same breath we have food, medical, and a roof over our head.

I also had to resort to cyberschooling because I wasn't able to get the rest of our books for school this year.


It hasn't been as easy as to go out and find a job. My husband has put applications out to even restaurants, grocery stores, and stores and we have yet to get a call. I think the demand has been so great because the adds will tell you NOT to call that they will call you and so far we have not gotten any calls at all. :<(

The job interviews that my hubby has managed to get they tell him they think he is overqualified and that he would be bored with the job. My husband gets mad and says " how do they know? " I just need a job."


I am working at home to get my teaching degree , which I'm sure at some point I will have to utilize it in some way. Not homeschooling is NOT an option. We live in a terrible school district. Homeschooling works so well for our family and to ruin it would be insane. There are just no jobs where we live. I see tons of houses going up for sale and its sad. Those who do manage to stay are just as economically deprived as we are and teem pregnancy is extremely high here( not a message I want a school to send to my daughters.)


It sure is hard. I have kept the faith that God will provide in one way or another and he Has. It always hasn't been the way I want it to but He has. We pretty much have ourselves. On occasion my dh mom will help. But she can't help much if at all because his father has COPD and she is the only one working and supporting.

Even if I could put my dds in school it would put my youngest in danger as she is unable to get the H1N1 vaccine due to extreme egg allergy. With all of her medical problems H1N1 could kill her. So I can't even put her in preschool or daycare.


My husband plans on continuing to look. We wish we could move but we can't afford to do that either.


My prayers are with everyone and I pray that there will be a silver lining in a cloud eventually for all Americans.

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lakotajam - does your dh have his own truck? I haven't ever seen the broker-type jobs except for those who have their own truck.


At the time (10 years ago) he applied TONS of places, but without that 2 years experience OTR, only the big companies would take him.


No, the company provided all the trucks. They are "reefers" (refridgerated trucks.) The company was a small brokerage trucking company here in SE MO. I do not know if they have those where you live. The other company is Genesis trucking, where he's going back to work for. Again, it is not one of the big national co.s, but maybe that is about all they have where you live? Checked the yellow pages, I presume? Check under brokerage trucking, perhaps.



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Merry, as always you are encouraging! Even your name makes me smile! I remember you from the PK board at Sonlight (I think) years ago, when we were still in CA.


That has to be a challenge to have a disability.


Like you, I have not gone hungry, and that is a blessing!


I have tried to encourage my dh to go to counseling and he has agreed, but he has a lot of prejudices against it. He has a very specific (dare I say narrow) definition of what biblical counseling is and it's hard for him who has counseled others to be on the needing end. I'm convinced it would help him and not be nearly as painful as he fears! Kind of like going to the doctor!


Thank you for your kinds words and prayers. Prayed for you too!





Yes, that was me! My kids are so big now (your's must be too then!) (7th & 5th & my son shaved for the first time yesterday, LOL! I'm so not ready for that...)


Merry :-)

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  • 3 months later...

hard times here, too. very hard times. my husband is self-employed and his business tanked. we lived off of our savings for about a year. my husband is a very positive person and was very supportive of my staying home with the kids. realistically, we were just sinking.


in october, i enrolled both kids in our local pubic schools. they were actually excited about it and are doing amazingly well. a wonderful job basically fell into my lap. i was offered the opportunity to privately teach 2 middle school boys. their parents are very affluent and i am paid a VERY good wage. i work with the boys for 5 hours a day and my income is keeping our family afloat.


it was an incredibly difficult decision to put the kids in school. but i continually try to find the blessings. both children are doing wonderfully; it has been a huge esteem boost for my 3d grader. the boys that i teach are completely thriving after having horrible experiences in school. my employer is so thrilled that she wants me to continue working with them next year and is totally agreeable to bringing my own children along. i'm very excited about the prospect!


i can certainly sympathize with everyone these are difficult times for many families. i sure hope things improve soon. i try to be optimistic but i have to work at it.

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We own a small business and times are tough. Our clients are struggling and therefore so are we. For at least a year, we have only been able to pay ourselves about 1/2 a paycheck. Fortunately, we have my husbands retirement from the military (which used to be for savings and 'extras'--vacations, meals out, new clothes, etc) to make up the gap.


However, we also help support my inlaws (pay for their cell phones and buy their groceries) and I don't know how much longer we can do that. My mother-in-law has hinted around at the fact that they may lose their house and need to move in with us. That would be very challenging to say the least since there are 5 of us in a 3 BR 1500 sq ft house as it is... and obviously we homeschool... and run a business out of the house as well. Additionally, my DSS's mother committed suicide in January so we are dealing with that emotionally, spatially, and financially.


The inlaws moved up here from CA after selling their condo. They were without jobs and lived with (and off) us for 8 months. They bought a house twice the size of ours based solely on the size of the down payment they could make. My MIL found a job at a daycare (not great pay) and my father-in-law went another year without even really looking for a job. They blew through most of their savings and that is what inspired him to take the job a friend of ours had offered nearly 2 years earlier. Anyway.... Sorry for the vent. The point is they might not have been in this situation, and therefore we wouldn't be in this situation, had he swallowed his pride and taken the job 2 years earlier AND if they had bought a smaller house/condo. Oh well, by gones.


But all of this together means a lot of stress, financial and otherwise. Hugs to all.

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Just some ideas for savings/bringing in some income.


First - what about in home child care? I don't know if this is a possibility for anyone but it might allow you to keep homeschooling. Another idea is medical transcription or medical coding. There are classes at most community colleges in one semester you could be done taking classes at night. I realize this might not be an option for everyone - but just an idea. At any rate A LOT of medical transcriptionists work from home as do a lot of medical coders. You could work at night at home after the kids are in bed and hs during the day.

My DH lost his job in 2004 - after a year of searching he went back to school. However, we are in a pretty unique situation. I am a nurse and was able to go to work full time - three days a week. I still do the hsing. However, I do have a thought for the moms reluctant to let the dh take over - my dh had the SAME issues at fist. However, he learned to work with the kids and now is regretting going back to work full time because he really cherishes the time he has with the kids. He went through a HORRIBLE depression that he was able to come through. It was very hard for him to think he wasn't supporting his family. At any rate, he did the hsing for a while, it gave him a sense of purpose. I wrote out the schedule and told him exactly what had to be done. He did it. At first it was a huge chore but he got through it. It was an opportunity for him to grow and to bond with his kids. When he was working he worked 60-80 hour weeks sometimes. That didn't leave a lot of time with the family. His entire outlook has changed and family has again become his focus.


Also - I have a couple of $$$ saving ideas - I don't know if any of you have gone through the SHARE program or Angel food ministries but they provide a box of food (enough food for a family of 4 for 1 week) and they accept food stamps for around $30/box. The quality is pretty good. We've used both programs before and found it to be a great help. Here are links to their websites:

Share is - http://www.sharecolorado.com/ They are in several states.

If Share is not in your state try Angel Food - their website is





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My husband lost his job last March. We were blessed with some money in savings, a generous severance package, a well built 401k and some retirement money we can cash out if needed.

For us though, it's been a real blessing. He was so miserable at that job. He never quiet fit in amidst all the catty women.

Last year was a rough year with three deaths in the family that would have made his work schedule difficult.

We joked that if we were ever going to get pregnant it would be while DH was out of work. In December after nine years of trying we found out we were expecting a baby.

His being home was a blessing there too. This has been a hard pregnancy with at least three Drs visits every two weeks on one every week. Plus, the illness that went along with it. I don't know what I would have done had he not been here to fill in the gaps.

Our tax refund promises to take us until after the baby is born. And we still have some money in the 401k we have not touched! All of her bills except the hospital bills have been paid.

God has truly blessed us through this time. He has shown us what is really important. We have bonded as a family and become so much closer.

We wish all the time that DH did not ever have to go back to work. :)

Homeschooling has been sporadic this year for a number of reasons. But homeschooling is not all about education to us. It's about putting God first and coming closer together as a family. That has most definatly happened this year.

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Yes! We are in trouble too.


I want to get a job, but what do I do for childcare? We don't have day care subsities where I live and Head Start is not accepting more children until September. The cheaper preschools here are horrid and I can't afford them anyway. I could get a job and leave the children with my husband but he doesn't want to be a stay-at-home Dad. He wouldn't do a good job. The way you described your husband fits mine to a T. I am stuck. I can't afford to stay home, nor can I afford to work. Maybe in September I could get the children in public school and get a full time job, but... :crying:


We love homeschooling so much. My children have had a happy, wholesome childhood, so far, and have gotten a great education. I can't relate to posts about wishing the kids were in school, or wondering if public school would be better for the children.


Same here. I want to get a job but can't afford to. We do have daycare subsidy in our state but since I'm married half of my paycheck would go to daycare. I know because I did it before many, many years ago. If I were a single mom I wouldn't have to pay very much at all for a copayment but because I'm married and no matter how much I'm making I'm considered at the top of the totem pole. So not worth it.


We are facing to have to put our girls in school this year because we just are drowning now to pay our bills. It doesn't help that my health isn't very good right now either because of my thyroid.

It breaks my heart but I'm praying that something will change and that this will only be for a season.

I've never questioned whether school would be better because I know it really won't. But we don't have the help of family, my family lives far away from us and my mother in law works a lot so I just don't have that family support either.


This year we barely stayed upon the water and that's with recieving medical and food stamps (had to refuse cash because at the time I would have to look for a job and I couldn't because I am home teaching my children).


One thing is for certain, life brings us different seasons and we just have to wade it out until the tide clears.

This will be my children's first experience with brick and mortar school and I'm not looking forward to Sept for us .:crying:

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or out of job house I guess.


Dh will be almost a year without a job except for some occassional work for his dad.


Severance, retirement cashed in, and tax refund, saw us through to now.

now it's unemployment and food stamps.


So far we're doing okay mostly bc we've always lived pretty debt free except for house and utilities and cell phones. I shudder to think where we'd be if we had credit cards and car payments and so much more.


There's just nothing. He reinvested in himself with some of that severance and is taking electrician classes and working towards a college degree. It's obvious that when people aren't hiring, they don't need an internet curriculum developer and training facilitator. So he is trying to completely reinvent himself for a new career path.


In the mean time, ouch. Things are tight and likely to stay very tight for at least the next few years even if he does get a job, any job, soon.


It is not an option for me to get a paying job. I wouldn't get anything he wouldn't apply for and these kids are a full time job to home school and care for.


I have found great benefit to my state of mind in helping others. I don't have any money, but I do have time and knowledge that can be helpful to others. We are gardening some. I've culled my bookcases for donations to those in greater need than me and to resell or trade for items I need (admitedly very little in that regard).


Just yesterday a mom called to tell me they were being evicted from their rental home bc they can't afford the monthly payment anymore. Her sister is going to let them use an old RV to live in, but they'll have to pay the campground fees and hook ups. She was very despondent, until I noted that lots of people pay a lot of money to get the chance to live like that for a few weeks! She's been boxing stuff for storage or to sell/give away, and she's starting to feel excited and even a bit freed of all that stuff she was attached to.


I'm just praying for everyone that we find peace and adventure and growth in these hard times. Personaly, I could use a break from character building, but obviously God thinks otherwise. I think the uncertainty is the hardest thing for me. I'm a planner and a fixer, so all this being encouraging while feeling useless and waiting is not easy for me in the least.


Anyhow.. sorry to ramble.. praying for everyone herestruggling to get by for whatever reason.:grouphug:

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