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Best chapstick?

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We need a good chapstick recommendation. My youngest get's dry chapped/cracked lips at the drop of a hat. She also get's dry in two spots on the skin surrounding her lips, so we usually put chapstick on that. My favorite chapstick is a Paula's Choice lip balm with spf 15. It's wonderful stuff, lip gold for my lips, but it's 8.95 for a small chapstick tube. DH was going to order it until he found out the price:D.


Does anyone have a favorite that works really well? I found a few recommendation's for an Avon product, and it's really cheap...but I'm leary because it's sooo cheap.


Thank you,



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Guest Cindie2dds

Burt's Bees Pomegranate. It has a very slight color and very moisturizing. I don't mind my girls using it too since it's all natural.


ETA: Be careful because Burt's Bees has one that is almost menthol, which my girls can't stand. They complain it stings. I like it and it doesn't sting me. They know to only use the one with the red cap (Pomegranate) since I have both in my house.

Edited by Cindie2dds
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Guest Cindie2dds
That's funny. I have to hide my Burt's Bees menthol because the kids will eat it. :rolleyes:


:smilielol5: That's me! I feel like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

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We use the Alba brand and it comes in two different scents. Peaches and Cream is one of them and the other is Coconut Cream. It is pricey but worth it for me because I am allergic to alot of the chapsticks.


Burt's bees promoganate is another one we like.


Kiss my Face brand also sells chapsticks that we like.


We buy these at Kroger. Walmart do not sell the Alba or the Kiss My Face brands. These two brands run about $250 to $3.99 a pop.



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I've found Burt's Bees (or others w/out petrolatum) are better for my lips than regular chapsticks.


Still, ime (as someone with a chapstick addiction from age 9 to 24 - I had a tube on me at *all* times; I had to reapply every few hours, or my lips were on fire), even petrolatum-free chapstick products just make things worse. They block too much moisture, and just exacerbate the problem. Ever since I detoxed from lip balm (I'm only slightly exaggerating here - it was 3 days of sheer, lips-constantly-hurting h3ll, followed by a week or so of decreasing discomfort till they got used to not being constantly coated), my lips have been much healthier and happier. I use a touch of olive oil if I *really* need it, but otherwise my lips are product-free, and the better for it. Being dependent on chapstick is no fun.

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We use the Alba brand and it comes in two different scents. Peaches and Cream is one of them and the other is Coconut Cream. It is pricey but worth it for me because I am allergic to alot of the chapsticks.


This is my go-to balm, too. Coconut Cream is heavenly. They also make a Pineapple Quench and a Passionfruit Nectar.


Does anyone else think Burt's Bees pomegranate smells like citronella?

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Burt's Bees pomegranate is my favorite. My dd likes Burt's Bees mint.


I'm similar to your dd in that I used to always have chapped lips. It was difficult for me to find something to use on them that wouldn't become addictive or cause a reaction that made the chapping, drying, and peeling worse. Burt's Bees has worked very well for me.

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If you want a splurge (Christmas stocking?) Philosophy makes flavored lip shine that is very moisturizing. I use it daily in the desert (10% humidity recently), and haven't had one chapping problem. Bubble gum smells just like Bubble Yum from the 70's! But it is NOT cheap. This wouldn't be an every day therapy in our home...just a special fun thing.

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The Neutrogena SPF 15 is good.

Regular Nivea (blue) is also very good. The Nivea with SPF (yellow tube) is a bit too thick & doesn't apply nicely, except in the heat of the summer. (not so helpful on ski slopes).

Regular Blistex is also good though I don't like the sweetness of it.


Too many of the 'natural' lip balms have ingredients which dry out skin - peppermint, menthol, camphor etc.


Cosmetics Cop has a good article on chapped lips:



I find that THE most important thing is to apply chapstick in the evening before sleeping. It will really help to heal them.

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I prefer not to use lip balm at all, but the girls both get horrible chapped lips in winter otherwise. We swear by Weleda Everon Lip Balm... It's a bit cheaper than what you've been using ($4.50-$5), and requires few reapplications.

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I'm a Carmex addict and almost always have a tube somewhere on my person. I don't mind the regular stuff, but my kids prefer the flavored Carmex, so we usually have a tube or two of that around. For really bad chapped lips, I put a thick coating of Carmex on them at bedtime, and usually by the time they wake up I can see big improvement.



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I like Burts Bees mint. This year I bought Burts Bees pomegranate and didn't like it as much. It has a bit of perfume and reminds me of lipstick and it's just not as softening. Still, I've been using it every day and no chapped lips yet. If I had a real chapped lips problems I would start with Blistex until I got it under control.

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Coconut oil. It's especially good for the skin surrounding the lips, too. A normal-sized jar of organic, virgin coconut oil will cost you the same as your current $9 balm and will last through several years. Completely natural. Taste is good enough that if you accidentally ingest it, you won't spit it out; but isn't good enough that your child will continually lick at it and exacerbate the dry lips. If it doesn't work out on the lips, you can still cook with it, use it as a hair conditioner, or skin lotion. No real risk to buying and trying it.


Second choice, Badger's Balm. It has all natural ingredients (beeswax, olive oils, essential oils) and comes in a handy dandy tin. I buy mine at Cracker Barrel restaurant, but it's sold elsewhere. Goes on smooth, not greasy. Looks and works like petroleum jelly, minus the petroleum ;)


I work in a very drying, dehydrating environment. Most lips balms will work for a short while, but end up becoming a product I NEED to keep using to keep my lips hydrated. The coconut oil and Badger's Balm don't work that way - I apply as needed until the dryness issue subsides. I may get dry throughout a winter season, but it isn't a "have to apply x-brand lip balm five times a day for the entire winter season" kind of thing.

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Coconut oil. It's especially good for the skin surrounding the lips, too. A normal-sized jar of organic, virgin coconut oil will cost you the same as your current $9 balm and will last through several years. Completely natural. Taste is good enough that if you accidentally ingest it, you won't spit it out; but isn't good enough that your child will continually lick at it and exacerbate the dry lips. If it doesn't work out on the lips, you can still cook with it, use it as a hair conditioner, or skin lotion. No real risk to buying and trying it.


Second choice, Badger's Balm. It has all natural ingredients (beeswax, olive oils, essential oils) and comes in a handy dandy tin. I buy mine at Cracker Barrel restaurant, but it's sold elsewhere. Goes on smooth, not greasy. Looks and works like petroleum jelly, minus the petroleum ;)


I work in a very drying, dehydrating environment. Most lips balms will work for a short while, but end up becoming a product I NEED to keep using to keep my lips hydrated. The coconut oil and Badger's Balm don't work that way - I apply as needed until the dryness issue subsides. I may get dry throughout a winter season, but it isn't a "have to apply x-brand lip balm five times a day for the entire winter season" kind of thing.


Wow, thanks for this info. Does the Badger's balm have a scent to it? This would be used by my 6 yr old and she doesn't like smells. I'll try my coconut oil on her, but she probably won't like the smell :)

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Wow, thanks for this info. Does the Badger's balm have a scent to it? This would be used by my 6 yr old and she doesn't like smells. I'll try my coconut oil on her, but she probably won't like the smell :)


The balm does NOT have a smell. My daughter prefers it for that reason :)


The coconut has a slight smell, and I've noticed that the aroma differs from brand to brand. The last jar I bought came from the grocery section and it's pretty mild. I actually like the smell so I was a bit disappointed lol. If you'd like the brand name, PM me. I'll look at it next time I get up.

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Another vote for Carmex here.


I have a reaction to almost anything you can put on your lips except carmex. Everything else from Burt's Bees, to organic stuff, to chapstick starts to burn my lips and I get hive-like blotches all around my lips. Once the burning stops and the blotches fade I get blisters all around my lips. I look like I have leprosy & my lips are about to fall off. Not at all attractive. I can wear some lipstick over the Carmex, but not on bare lips. Weird, huh?


Anyhoo, we are a carmex family here. Good thing it is so cheap.


Amber in SJ

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