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is UP worth buying if you haven't seen it?

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Loved Monsters v. Aliens and just bought it for my son's birthday. (Saw it first, then bought it.)


I saw Up at the theatre and didn't like it. I would not buy it. It's excessively melancholy and the villain and his dogs are pretty intensly threatening. The themes were too melancholy for children, IMO, i.e., a couple who never realized their dreams because life kept happening.

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Oh, I'd buy UP in a heartbeat. Yes, the first part (a wordless, mini-film in itself that shows unrealized dreams and the heartbreak of losing a spouse) can be seen as depressing, but the deep love between the man and his wife is lovely, and the ending is great--he realizes that they DID have a wonderful life, even tho their dreams didn't turn out exactly as planned--that life as lived is just as wonderful as life dreamed, if it's filled with love. The dogs are funny ( a little scary, as most "fairy tales" are), the boy is determined, caring, and dear, and respects the old man, even when the old man is cranky and impatient.

I loved it.

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Oh, I'd buy UP in a heartbeat. Yes, the first part (a wordless, mini-film in itself that shows unrealized dreams and the heartbreak of losing a spouse) can be seen as depressing, but the deep love between the man and his wife is lovely, and the ending is great--he realizes that they DID have a wonderful life, even tho their dreams didn't turn out exactly as planned--that life as lived is just as wonderful as life dreamed, if it's filled with love. The dogs are funny ( a little scary, as most "fairy tales" are), the boy is determined, caring, and dear, and respects the old man, even when the old man is cranky and impatient.

I loved it.


:iagree: We bought it.

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Oh, I'd buy UP in a heartbeat. Yes, the first part (a wordless, mini-film in itself that shows unrealized dreams and the heartbreak of losing a spouse) can be seen as depressing, but the deep love between the man and his wife is lovely, and the ending is great--he realizes that they DID have a wonderful life, even tho their dreams didn't turn out exactly as planned--that life as lived is just as wonderful as life dreamed, if it's filled with love. The dogs are funny ( a little scary, as most "fairy tales" are), the boy is determined, caring, and dear, and respects the old man, even when the old man is cranky and impatient.

I loved it.


:iagree: I really loved this movie. FWIW, my kids strongly preferred it to Monsters vs. Aliens.

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Our boys - 7, 6, and 4 - love UP. They really like the dogs -they think the dogs are funny rather than scary. The opening scenes don't upset them at all. In fact, they just talk about how much Ellie and Carl loved each other.


We haven't seen Monsters vs. Aliens.

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I loved UP. My 13 and 11 yo also got it, but it went way over my 7 yo's head. I thought the messages about family dynamics, helping others, and 'people vs. things' were great. I do wish we could back to plain old fantasy, though, without every kids' movie, like modern kids' lit, having to deal with an "issue" (in this case, divorce/bad fathers.)


I thought M v. A was just okay.

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I did not want to see UP, but was finally convinced that I should. I loved it! The kids love it, too, as does DH. DH did not see it in the theater and has watched it twice with the kids since we bought it. :) There are several edge of your seat scenes that might bother some smaller children. My children do not like scary movies at all and had no problems with the movie.


We saw Monsters and Aliens at the dollar movie. We have no plans to buy it or even watch it again. It was okay, but not great.

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Oh, I'd buy UP in a heartbeat. Yes, the first part (a wordless, mini-film in itself that shows unrealized dreams and the heartbreak of losing a spouse) can be seen as depressing, but the deep love between the man and his wife is lovely, and the ending is great--he realizes that they DID have a wonderful life, even tho their dreams didn't turn out exactly as planned--that life as lived is just as wonderful as life dreamed, if it's filled with love. The dogs are funny ( a little scary, as most "fairy tales" are), the boy is determined, caring, and dear, and respects the old man, even when the old man is cranky and impatient.

I loved it.



I loved Up and will definitely be buying it! I'm not generally a fan of animated movies, but it was such a sweet story. As an added bonus it had less of the words that I object to (name calling....."stupid", "dumb", etc) than any other movie I've seen in ages. I think we heard one instance of "dumb" and that was it. My boys have been acting out scenes from the movie ever since we watched it. My husband and I keep quoting Dug, one of the dogs in the movie, because he was so darned cute!


Monsters vs. Aliens was cute, but nothing spectacular. The boys watched it twice but haven't done the usual pretend play that occurs after they watch a movie they really like.

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We loved UP, but I think it's better for older children. I took my 6 yo to see it in the theater and didn't know it would be 3D he was completely freaked out by the huge bird and the thunderstorm. But I loved the movie how it was made, and that it was true life lessons. Probably the better parts though, need to be explained to younger children.


I plan to get it for the kids when they are older.

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I loved Up and will definitely be buying it! I'm not generally a fan of animated movies, but it was such a sweet story. As an added bonus it had less of the words that I object to (name calling....."stupid", "dumb", etc) than any other movie I've seen in ages. I think we heard one instance of "dumb" and that was it. My boys have been acting out scenes from the movie ever since we watched it. My husband and I keep quoting Dug, one of the dogs in the movie, because he was so darned cute!


Monsters vs. Aliens was cute, but nothing spectacular. The boys watched it twice but haven't done the usual pretend play that occurs after they watch a movie they really like.

Yep. All my kiddos really enjoyed Up (4yo-15yo) and wanted to watch it again. Lots of movie quotes going on, etc. Monsters vs Aliens, not so much. They liked Aliens in the Attic better.

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I did not want to see UP, but was finally convinced that I should. I loved it! The kids love it, too, as does DH. DH did not see it in the theater and has watched it twice with the kids since we bought it. :) There are several edge of your seat scenes that might bother some smaller children. My children do not like scary movies at all and had no problems with the movie.


We saw Monsters and Aliens at the dollar movie. We have no plans to buy it or even watch it again. It was okay, but not great.



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I loved UP. My 13 and 11 yo also got it, but it went way over my 7 yo's head. I thought the messages about family dynamics, helping others, and 'people vs. things' were great. I do wish we could back to plain old fantasy, though, without every kids' movie, like modern kids' lit, having to deal with an "issue" (in this case, divorce/bad fathers.)




I loved it, but some of it went over my kids' heads and I had to explain.



I thought M v. A was just okay.


My DS has seen this and he said it was okay, but he's not really interested in owning it.


Have you purchased Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs? That one has been a HUGE hit here.


This one, we will be buying. We have the first two, so we need to complete the collection. We love those movies.



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