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My dd's psychi told us that caffeine can have a "good" effect for her add/adhd/odd. Caffeine wires most people up, but for her the dr said it's been proven to have a reverse effect. Giving caffeine to kids with add will actually help them "FOCUS".


Have you heard this?


How effective has it been if you've given your dc caffeine?


I'm toying with the idea now of letting her drink an ounce of coffee in the morning or probably hot chocolate (homemade with less sugar). What do you think?


Thanks. Sheryl <><

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My dd focuses better after having a can of Mountain Dew. I used to have her drink it about 30 minutes before her Tae Kwon Do class. She stopped drinking the Mountain Dew after several months because it started making her stomach hurt during class and that threw her focus off even further.


We tried medication, but all it did was make her sick. At the time, she was just 11yo and we were trying the long-acting variety. I have thought about revisiting medication with the short-acting variety, but she doesn't want to go there. At 16yo, I really can't force the issue. If she doesn't want to try the medication, she won't. She remembers how sick the long-acting type made her and doesn't want to risk it with the short-acting type.

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OK, that confirms it. I did hear right.


I gave my dd a "sip" of my coffee the other day and of course she doesn't care for it. But, I'm thinking hot chocolate going into late fall, winter, but chocolate milk, etc. And then the post before Strider (sorry, don't remember name) mentions Mountain Dew. Right...I forgot "blond" drinks have caffeine too. Strider, thanks for lmk about those 3 men. We're starting tomorrow with chocolate milk at breakfast...homemade. Cheaper and not so sugary.


Any ideas for caffeine sources? Thanks. Sheryl <><

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Oh yes! My DD15 has ADD and has used small amounts of caffeine for years to self-medicate when she needs to concentrate. A half a can of coke or Mt. Dew will do it. She also eats something with it to keep from irritating her stomach. She takes a travel mug of hot cocoa with her to school each morning now that the weather is cold.

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Ritalin and many other ADHD meds are simply stimulants. Caffeine is also a stimulant. Caffeine works the same way that the prescription meds do, BUT it is not given in controlled doses at regular intervals and so is less effective. It does still has side effects. Realize caffeine is a drug. In this case you are choosing to use it as an over the counter substitute for a prescription drug. If a soda during school hours is enough to help focus - great! There is really no advantage to choosing caffeine instead of a prescription drug though. You are choosing to medicate either way.


edited to add: most hot chocolate would have a negligible amount of caffeine and would not achieve your desired effect.

Edited by Momto2Ns
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Ritalin and many other ADHD meds are simply stimulants. Caffeine is also a stimulant. Caffeine works the same way that the prescription meds do, BUT it is not given in controlled doses at regular intervals and so is less effective. It does still has side effects. Realize caffeine is a drug. In this case you are choosing to use it as an over the counter substitute for a prescription drug. If a soda during school hours is enough to help focus - great! There is really no advantage to choosing caffeine instead of a prescription drug though. You are choosing to medicate either way.


edited to add: most hot chocolate would have a negligible amount of caffeine and would not achieve your desired effect.



OK, Momto2Ns, I'm confused. Caffeine is a "drug"? I didn't know this. Why don't I know this?

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Chocolate has very little caffeine in it. I would worry more about the crash from a few soft drinks every day. My child is medicated for adhd. We were very hesitant to use the medicine, but now we are thrilled with the results. Even though he is fairly young, he can tell a positive difference, too.

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OK, Momto2Ns, I'm confused. Caffeine is a "drug"? I didn't know this. Why don't I know this?


Ummm, not sure. :001_smile: Caffeine is a stimulant. It is naturally occurring in things like coffee and cocoa beans. It is added to soda and other beverages because people like the stimulant effect and to make them (the beverages) addictive.

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Lots of meds are just natural things put in pill form. Years ago they used to use lithium as a salt substitue for those that needed to be a low sodium diet-----well, lithium is the gold standard med for mood issues.


My sister's doctor told her to try 1 can of Mountain Dew about 1/2 hour before school work for her son. I think she said it is helping.


Just look at how popular coffee shops are---how many adults do you hear sa that they can't focus until they have had 1, 2, 3, or more cups of coffee---the caffeine is helping them concentrate.


Personally, if you can find a med the child can tolerate and does well on, I would rather go with that. It is a stable dose, given when needed, etc. Giving pop or suped up hot chocolate, etc. adds in a lot of calories to the diet along with sugars, etc.

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I use coffee as my ADHD drug. My neurologist took away my ADHD drugs when he diagnosed my seizures. Although some epileptics can handle them, he didn't let his patients have them.


As it is, if I have two of those big mugs of coffee, I'm over my seizure threshold. If I have one and a half, I'm fine.


I'm a scattered brat with no coffee.


I give coffee to kid when he gets too scattered as well.




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Yes, I worry about the sugar in the homemade caffeine jolt and that's why I don't add it or I added 1/2 t. to my dd's homemade hot choc today.


O...yes, my dd is on a med for add and another med for adhd. She did well, but now her body is processing it differently and I'm looking for something to supplement instead of increase in dose....which we may have to do anyway. Very informative info. I never thought about meds coming from natural sources. I always focus on the synthetic aspect.


Asta...OK, now I'm concerned for my dd. She was diagnosed with epilepsy first and started meds. THEN behavioral issues surfaced for which she is also taking meds...read reply to O. I'll glean from these replies and present to her neuro in Jan.


Thanks everyone! Sheryl <><

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Asta...OK, now I'm concerned for my dd. She was diagnosed with epilepsy first and started meds. THEN behavioral issues surfaced for which she is also taking meds...read reply to O. I'll glean from these replies and present to her neuro in Jan.


Thanks everyone! Sheryl <><


It's a very push-pull situation with seizures and mood. Mood changes can signal seizure onset, and a seizure can significantly alter mood. Most of the meds that are utilized to prevent seizures are also used as mood stabilizers but can also (conversely, disturbingly, exasperatingly) disrupt mood.


I've tried explaining this to people all sorts of ways, but basically, the brain is no different than the average person: it gets stuck in its ways. Even if that "way" is, unfortunately, seizing. When an antiepileptic drug (AED) is introduced in an effort to stop the seizure, the drug is trying to "change the ways of the brain" LOL. The brain usually tries to resist and "pushes back" a bit. That is where the mood disruption comes from.


Just think of how you never really win a fight with a pubescent teenager and it makes sense... :ack2:


This push-pull, tinker a bit here, add a bit there, take away a little once we see what happens, etc. stuff is why it is so important that kids see pediatric neurologists and adults see adult neurologists. And why, if the neurologist is one of the clueless ones that refuses to acknowledge the mood and behavioral accompaniments to seizures (yes, there are some dinosaurs out there), that you also have an understanding psychiatrist on board to help out as well.






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My dd's psychi told us that caffeine can have a "good" effect for her add/adhd/odd. Caffeine wires most people up, but for her the dr said it's been proven to have a reverse effect. Giving caffeine to kids with add will actually help them "FOCUS".


Have you heard this?


How effective has it been if you've given your dc caffeine?


I'm toying with the idea now of letting her drink an ounce of coffee in the morning or probably hot chocolate (homemade with less sugar). What do you think?


Thanks. Sheryl <><


Yes...it works well for me and my son too.



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Yes Asta, I got it. You really do explain things well. Her neurolg basically "strongly" encouraged us to take dd to a psychiatist. So in addition to the epil meds from neuro she's taking 2 beh meds for add/adhd/odd.


Talk to you later. You're a gem, Asta. Thanks. Sheryl <><



It's a very push-pull situation with seizures and mood. Mood changes can signal seizure onset, and a seizure can significantly alter mood. Most of the meds that are utilized to prevent seizures are also used as mood stabilizers but can also (conversely, disturbingly, exasperatingly) disrupt mood.


I've tried explaining this to people all sorts of ways, but basically, the brain is no different than the average person: it gets stuck in its ways. Even if that "way" is, unfortunately, seizing. When an antiepileptic drug (AED) is introduced in an effort to stop the seizure, the drug is trying to "change the ways of the brain" LOL. The brain usually tries to resist and "pushes back" a bit. That is where the mood disruption comes from.


Just think of how you never really win a fight with a pubescent teenager and it makes sense... :ack2:


This push-pull, tinker a bit here, add a bit there, take away a little once we see what happens, etc. stuff is why it is so important that kids see pediatric neurologists and adults see adult neurologists. And why, if the neurologist is one of the clueless ones that refuses to acknowledge the mood and behavioral accompaniments to seizures (yes, there are some dinosaurs out there), that you also have an understanding psychiatrist on board to help out as well.






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I think you have to be sure that your daughter is getting enough caffeine to work. An ounce probably wouldn't do the trick.


RIght......That's what I'm finding out even today after reading the posts. I'll have to find creative ways for caffeine. Thanks. SHeryl <><

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They use coffee with a bit of sugar and milk, around 6 to 8 oz coffee, but the amount would depend on the size and metabolism of the child, this was a 1st grade boy with a high metabolism.


Yes, caffeine is still a drug, but w/ less side effects than most ADHD medicine, I would think.


I would recommend coffee over soft drinks health wise, if you do choose a soft drink, try to get one with sugar instead of corn syrup.

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They use coffee with a bit of sugar and milk, around 6 to 8 oz coffee, but the amount would depend on the size and metabolism of the child, this was a 1st grade boy with a high metabolism.


Yes, caffeine is still a drug, but w/ less side effects than most ADHD medicine, I would think.


I would recommend coffee over soft drinks health wise, if you do choose a soft drink, try to get one with sugar instead of corn syrup.


Thanks Elizabeth, I do want to use coffee instead of choc. I'll probably start with 4 oz. and adjust as necessary. It will take some creativity of using "flavored" cream to help the "bitter" coffee go down. After speaking with my dh about this, we'll try a week and evaluate at that time.


After using hot chocolate this morning....white milk with melted "dark" choc candy bar....she had a great day. Good behavior, focused, attentive, better processing and memory, initiative for non-homeschool and homeschool hours. WOW!!!!

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Caffeine definately works for my dd (and probably me, too). We drink about 2 or sometimes 3 large glasses on unsweet tea for breakfast. Dd has been doing this for about 2 years now. She really notices the difference. On days when she tells me she feels horrible and can't concentrate I ask her if she drank iced tea that day and usually she didn't. Tea is also good for you with the antioxidant properties.

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Caffeine definately works for my dd (and probably me, too). We drink about 2 or sometimes 3 large glasses on unsweet tea for breakfast. Dd has been doing this for about 2 years now. She really notices the difference. On days when she tells me she feels horrible and can't concentrate I ask her if she drank iced tea that day and usually she didn't. Tea is also good for you with the antioxidant properties.



Thanks Paz. She drank about 4 oz. of coffee this morning. I flavored it with a good amount of vanilla/caramel liquid creamer to make the "blond" coffee taste not so bitter, but she still didn't like it. I just don't know how to get around the bitter taste...maybe stevia? I refuse to use artificial sweeterners...we use sugar here. But, stevia is a plant that is many times sweeter than sugar. I wonder if that would work going back to hot choc, choc milk, try coffee again, or tea. There isn't anything else is there with a good amt of caffeine and NOT loaded with sugar?


Thanks. Sheryl <><

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Thanks Paz. She drank about 4 oz. of coffee this morning. I flavored it with a good amount of vanilla/caramel liquid creamer to make the "blond" coffee taste not so bitter, but she still didn't like it. I just don't know how to get around the bitter taste...maybe stevia? I refuse to use artificial sweeterners...we use sugar here. But, stevia is a plant that is many times sweeter than sugar. I wonder if that would work going back to hot choc, choc milk, try coffee again, or tea. There isn't anything else is there with a good amt of caffeine and NOT loaded with sugar?


Thanks. Sheryl <><


Green tea actually has quite a bit of caffeine in it.


Google a tea vs coffee vs chocolate caffeine chart and something should come up.




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Just curious, but what about caffeine tablets? would those be safe?


I'm just wondering....


I do know that before dd Focalin kicks in that a small square of dark chocolate helps calm her down.


For my older, I have found a cup of hot green tea helps.



WONDERFUL suggestions. I think Asta or someone too suggested the green tea, but didn't think/know about the tablets. I'll check it out.


THANKS. Sheryl <><

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Thanks Renai!


Let me ask y'all a question....all of you who have used caffeine yourselves and/or dc or friends/neighbors with add/adhd


How many mg. of caffeine should I give my dd then? She's 10+ years, and 63 lbs.


I'm just wondering how much? Enought to work but not an overdose so to speak.




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How about a mocha? If you add milk and sugar and chocolate to the coffee, that might make it palatable.


You could also try oat milk, I have food allergies and actually now like oat milk in my coffee better than regular milk, it is very smooth.


Even better, froth the milk up with a frother, you can get a little one at IKEA cheap.


Agave or honey also both taste good in coffee.

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How about a mocha? If you add milk and sugar and chocolate to the coffee, that might make it palatable.


You could also try oat milk, I have food allergies and actually now like oat milk in my coffee better than regular milk, it is very smooth.


Even better, froth the milk up with a frother, you can get a little one at IKEA cheap.


Agave or honey also both taste good in coffee.



Ellizabeth....that's funny because I was thinking of combining the hot choc and coffee together that I gave to her on 2 seperate occassions this past week. Our cat's name is Mocha so she may accept this!


Question: How do you make oat milk? I actually buy oat groates and grind into flour in my grinder. I'm assuming you need a mega good blender like a vita mix and blend the oat groates with water to make oat milk? Is that right. PLMK I'm interested. I also need a used, cheap vita mix!! :D


Sheryl <><

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Ellizabeth....that's funny because I was thinking of combining the hot choc and coffee together that I gave to her on 2 seperate occassions this past week. Our cat's name is Mocha so she may accept this!


Question: How do you make oat milk? I actually buy oat groates and grind into flour in my grinder. I'm assuming you need a mega good blender like a vita mix and blend the oat groates with water to make oat milk? Is that right. PLMK I'm interested. I also need a used, cheap vita mix!! :D


Sheryl <><


I don't make it, I buy it from the health food store. You could try to make it...I tried once, it turned out horrible, but I don't have a good blender.


It stays good on the shelf for a year or more, and at least a month after you open it, so it's worth it to me to buy it even though it's around $2 or $3 for a 32 oz box. I like the pacific brand.

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I don't make it, I buy it from the health food store. You could try to make it...I tried once, it turned out horrible, but I don't have a good blender.


It stays good on the shelf for a year or more, and at least a month after you open it, so it's worth it to me to buy it even though it's around $2 or $3 for a 32 oz box. I like the pacific brand.



WOW Elizabeth, that is so good. THere are sooooo many products and that along with a couple other thousand slipped passed me. :D


I'll definately check it out. Do you think it would work for me to take my ground oat flour, then transfer to a blender and add water or milk and wha la...??? I might try it....this is exactly why I've been looking for a cheap, used vita mix blender.


Thanks again. Sheryl <><

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I'll definately check it out. Do you think it would work for me to take my ground oat flour, then transfer to a blender and add water or milk and wha la...??? I might try it....this is exactly why I've been looking for a cheap, used vita mix blender.


Thanks again. Sheryl <><


The box mix and the online recipes all had the oats mixed with water--but, most of the people using oat milk are allergic to cow milk or avoid dairy for other reasons.

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How about a mocha? If you add milk and sugar and chocolate to the coffee, that might make it palatable.

:iagree: this was how I introduced DS to coffee. Aside from the caffine, he's a astronomy geek & I wanted him to be able to drink a hot drink when he went to star parties at friends' houses, without having to always remember to take his own.

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  • 6 months later...
Okay, so half a can of Coke or Mtn. Dew is 31 mg. caffeine, and it helps a teen, but one ounce of coffee (12.5 mg.) wouldn't help a young child? So... 2 ounces maybe?


You could try 2, I think 3 or 4 is more likely. I had a friend in our last loacation, her son got 1/2 of a styrofoam cup, he was a first grade boy, little on the short side and skinny.

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Thanks Elizabeth. Well, I tried giving Emily about half a cup and she ended up with headaches. :( I think we might try chocolate. (I am on raw cacao myself.)



I'm baaaack after spending time, sometimes unnecessarily, on the general board with that "other" thread...:lol:


It's funny this thread has resurfaced...the one thing I might add is that each person's body chemistry and how they metabolize something can vary greatly. For instance, one of my dd's meds ALWAYS comes in at the bare minimum (blood level check).....most fall in a higher range. One might assume she's not getting enough, but her neurologist says she's getting what "she needs", eventhough it's on the lower side numerically, b/c her body is metabolizing it more efficiently.


HTH. I'd start off little....chart it. Add more coffee after a week and chart that....

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